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Authors: Amy Malone

Enticed (6 page)

BOOK: Enticed
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She could only utter a pathetic whimper of need at the cessation of his embrace to her dripping, delectable love. Bringing his dick up to her throbbing, shivering mound, he plunged her as she worked her pussy and ass around, letting his rigid snake slither insider her misty marsh. They pounded, her ass jiggling with every pump against his chest even as his balls
swung back and forth, hitting hers in tandem.

He flipped her on her side aggressively as they picked up their sliding rhythm, having her sideways one leg raised. She resisted only slightly as he had her every way he desired, contorting and twisting her across the bed with expert strength and precision. As the pleasure over came her, she gave into him completely, letting him do as he wished.

Mark was on his knees now, Alana sitting on top. They bounced up and down as the squelching sounds of the mixing of their bodies played rhythm in contrast to the uneven grunting and moaning that came from them in tandem.

Alana’s writhing pussy contracted in orgasm one last time around Mark’s nine inch love rod, forcing him to spurt into her. At the last of his spurts, when she was full to the brim of him, they collapsed into the bed and into each other’s arms.
So much for ‘innocent intimacy’,
he thought, smiling.

A phone rang. Mark sighed, knowing that there was only one person who would call him this time of night. But when he reached for his phone on the night stand, he saw it wasn’t ringing.

“Alana?” Alana groaned awake begrudgingly.


“I think that’s your phone.”

Alana bent over her side of the bed, where her clothes were scattered. Reaching into a pocket, she pulled out her phone which was, sure enough, ringing. The name on the screen shook her fully awake.

“Mark, I’ve gotta take this. I’ll be back in a sec,” she said, putting on her underwear and grabbing her top as she went to the main room. She pressed the answer button as she dressed.

“Hello?” she said, hoping the man on the other end had dialed the wrong number. He hadn’t. It was her ex-husband, Jeremy.

Chapter Seven


Jeremy was the charming sort, always fun to be around. That was what Alana had liked about him when they’d first started dating. As time went on, Jeremy revealed that underneath his charming side was an insecure, emotionally abusive sociopath. That was part of the reason Alana hadn’t gone running for the hills at the first sign of a woman who was crazy enough to travel miles just to pursue a man who didn’t even want her. Currently, she was wondering what on earth would possess Jeremy to call her at midnight.

“Hey there.
How’s my favorite ex-wife doing?” he said easily and with put-on confidence.

“Great. How can I help you?” Alana said it coolly but not rudely. She didn’t want to fight. She just wanted to be off the phone with him and back in Mark’s bed.

“Ouch. A little chilly. Could I borrow you for five minutes? Just five minutes, and I’ll never bother you, again.”

Alana popped on her couch, checking the current time on the phone.

“Five minutes. Go.”

That was when she heard a knocking at the door.
What is it, now? Tammy coming back to cause more trouble, I’m sure.
She walked to the door, and peeked through the peep hole. Alana’s mouth dropped. The person on the other side of the door knocked once more. Alana opened the door, shushing a very smug Jeremy.

“Hey, doll,” He said. Jeremy had blonde short hair, and was currently wearing a brown leather jacket and sunshades at midnight.

“What are you doing here?!” Alana shouted it in a whisper, beginning to panic.

“I asked if I could borrow you for a second. You’re the one that said yes. Hey, wh
y are you here instead of your aunt’s house?”

Alana wanted to shout for him to go away and never return, but found that her curiosity was getting the best of her. It was just too creepy that he’d been able to find her. She wanted to know how he’d done it.

“Jeremy. How did you find me?” she said in an even tone, still in a lowered voice.

“What do you mean how did I find you? You’re friend Tammy gave me the address. Don’t bother being coy, she already told me all about
how you were missing me,” he said it and stepped forward. Alana shoved him back.
So, it was that bitch, Tammy.

“Ugh. I didn’t want you here Jeremy. And Tammy is
my friend,” she said it in hissed whispers, making her words quieter as they became more intense to keep herself from screaming them.

“Hey, why are you speaking so
quietly. You don’t have neighbors either way for a quarter mile,” he said. Suddenly, Alana saw comprehension light Jeremy’s face.

“You cheating, slutty, whore.”

Alana was frozen stiff by the words. No one had spoken to her like that in her entire life.

“Did what we had
mean nothing to you? It’s not even been a full year, and you’re over here guzzling cum and taking dick from another man. Who is he? HEY MAN, YOU’RE NEW GIRL’S A WHORE!” Jeremy shouted the last part into the house past Alana. Mark was roused from the other room.

“What’s going on in here?” he asked, putting on a pair of pants as he exited the bedroom.
thought Alana.
Things are escalating fast.

“It’s nothing Mark. Go back to the bedroom.”

Mark didn’t come forward, but he didn’t move from where he was standing. He stood at the ready, looking like a lion ready to tear someone to pieces.

“Jeremy, I’m giving you one chance to leave here. I’m closing this door,
then I’m calling the cops. If you’re here when they get here, you’re getting a restraining order. And I’m going to make sure ALL your friends and family hear about it, and about what you did, tonight.”

Jeremy paused, considering.

“Already wore that pussy out, anyway,” he said turning around.

lept forward, ready to tear the door off of its hinges and pummel Jeremy into gruel. Alana stepped in his way.

“Mark, no,” she said.

Mark kissed her gently on the forehead, then easily and gently lifted her out of the way, setting her behind him.

Jeremy walked to his car in a huff, and didn’t see the man hurtling toward him like a lightning bolt. He turned around just in time to see a blur tackle him, slamming him to the pavement.

Mark felt an animal freedom in unleashing himself on the man’s face. With each overwhelming fist hammer into the man’s face, he felt a shock of bestial pleasure. The man whimpered and cried, begging him to stop. Eventually Mark did, mostly to catch his breath for a few seconds before putting this man out of his pathetic misery.

“Mark! Stop Mark!” he heard it as if from far away, but felt Alana’s soft touch
. His arm froze in midair, a split second from resuming their destruction of what was left of this man’s body and spirit.

Mark’s eyes, wide and red with rage, unclouded.
Never had he felt such a deep and immediate need to destroy. He usually considered himself a pacifist, of all things. It had been a long while since he had dealt out a whipping like this.

“Come on, Mark. Let’s go inside,” she said, guiding him off the ground. His eyes never left Jeremy.

“I never want to see you again,” he said, and left it at that.


Jeremy drank a bottle of Jack Daniels alone, weeping as he drank. He’d found a little spot on a hill near the motel parking lot, and was realizing that all things considered, he didn’t blame Alana. No, not Alana, and not even her new boyfriend. The fact of the matter was that, aside from himself, there was one other person who was responsible for him sitting on this hill right now, face looking like ground beef. Tammy. The name played in his mind over and over, even as he emptied the bottle and stumbled to the motel to check in.

Entering, he saw a gorgeous black girl at the counter, talking to the desk clerk about a new room.

“…and the toilet seems to have just stopped working. Could you get me another room key?”

“Sure thing, little lady,”
the clerk, a pudgy man with a mustache, responded. He pulled a key off the wall and handed it to her.

At first, Jeremy’s drunken mind mistook her for Alana, but something else gave him pause.
That voice, where have I heard that voice before?

“Great, here are your keys back, Tom. I’ve got my stuff right here. And thanks!”

“You’re welcome, Ms. Thompson.”

“Oh Tom.
Just call me Tammy,” she said.

Jeremy’s eyes widened in disbelief.
He smiled, inwardly celebrating his good fortune.
That bitch is mine,
he thought.

As Tammy walked by, Jeremy smiled and nodded, being sure not to say anything. Tammy avoided making eye contact, rushing out of the door without a word of acknowledgment.
You fucking cunt. Too good for me, huh? We’ll see.

May I help you sir?” the desk clerk said warily, eyeing his battered face carefully.

“Actually, I forgot my wallet in the car. Give me just a second.”

“Alright. I’ll be here.”

Jeremy exited through the glass door of the motel reception, trying to rush without looking suspicious. Talking to the desk clerk had been necessary to stop it from seeming like he was doing what he was doing. He also needed for Tammy to have a slight head start so she wouldn’
t see him following right away.

Jeremy got around the corner of the office just in time to see
Tammy’s hips swing their way up the stairs, her generous ass taunting him from within her form fitting dress.

have that ass, tonight,
he thought, smiling greedily. His mouth watered in anticipation of his delicious and unsuspecting prey. On the second floor, Tammy turned a corner, still not suspecting him. He walked down the corridor naturally and softly, only a few feet behind her, now.

Tammy’s keys jingled in one hand as she walked. She turned around suddenly.
Damn, must’ve heard me walking.
Their eyes met. Tammy sensed his intent, correctly. He didn’t bother hiding it, letting a smile cross his face once more. He reached into his pocket, turning on the recorder he used to take notes and reminders. Jeremy now understood the craftiness of the she-devil he was dealing with, and felt that there was a good chance it would play to his favor, later.

Jeremy dashed toward her, closing the distance fast. Tammy inhaled to scream, calling the forces of
the whatever human beings resided in the motel as well as the clerk. Jeremy silenced her with one, single, accusatory word. A name.

“Mark!” he shouted quickly, pointing to his fairly disfigured face.

Tammy paused to process this, realizing she knew this man.

Jerem-“ but Jeremy’s hand cut her off, as he had closed the distance while she’d been considering. Yanking her door key out of her hand as she struggled, he unlocked her door with one hand, pushing it open with his foot and shoving her inside, letting it close behind them.

“You used me, you bitch.”

Tammy paused on her motel room floor, considering the situation.

“I’ll scream,” she said, her mind working to buy time.

“No you won’t. Not if you’re dressed like that. You’ve got money. Money means rich, judgmental, shallow friends. Especially for people like you. Believe me, I know,” he said it chuckling easily. “And if you scream, I’ll make sure everyone knows what I did to you. After all, my life will be over, anyway.”

“What do you want? Do you need money?” she asked, beginning to plead. Jeremy was right, of course. She wouldn’t risk her reputation, even if it meant this man would take her. Jeremy laughed at her plea, having to stop for breath. Tammy’s mind raced even as her heart beat fast.

“Nope. I’ve got enough of that, for sure. Even after the divorce. No, what I’m looking for is a good time with a certain conniving cunt,” he said it, staring at her wildly.

please,” she said, still on the floor, too weak with fear to stand.

“Please? You should’ve thought about ‘please’ when you called my ass out here to become a candidate for plastic surgery.”

“I don’t want this…”

“Yes you do. You’ve had your phone behind your back since we got inside. You could’ve dialed someone by now. Why haven’t you?”

Tammy froze. It was true. She’d been inching it to her side, just within view. She even had the dial pad pulled up, but hadn’t pressed a button. She tried to tell herself that it was for the same reason she didn’t scream, but that didn’t make any sense. If she called 911, he would be forced to leave so that he could be gone before the authorities arrived. She wouldn’t even have to explain what had happened, explaining it as a mistake, after.

Tammy felt her loins moisten, even as her mouth watered.
Is my body betraying me? No…I can’t let it. I was supposed to wait until I got Mark.

As if reading her thoughts, Jeremy walked up to her, bending over to look her straight in the face.

“You’re not getting Mark. He’s with his new bitch now. And trust me, that pussy is too good to come back from.”

Tammy felt lost.

“I’ll tell you what. If you say you don’t want me to fill all your holes with my cum in the next three seconds, I’ll leave without another word,” he said it without breaking eye contact.

This is my chance,
Tammy thought. But though she moved her lips slowly, no words came out.

“One,” Jeremy counted, bending down one of the three fingers he’d been holding up.

God, what am I doing? Why can’t I say it?

“Two.” Another finger curled down.

That was when Tammy realized. She’d rather be with someone crazy than all alone with only herself in a cheap motel in the middle of nowhere, staying up and staring at the ceiling while her ex-husband fucked another woman only a few miles away.

“Three,” he said, the last finger curling down.

Oh my God, my pussy is going to get punished tonight,
she thought, a little worried. She hadn’t had any sex recently, and wasn’t sure how much she could take. Tammy knew she would find out tonight, a fact that thrilled and frightened her.

“That’s right, bitch. Your pussy is
dying for it
. Luckily, my cock delivers after hours,” he said it and kissed her roughly, tugging her up to her knees.

gonna suck my dick right, tonight,” Jeremy said, whipping his cock out unceremoniously.

Tammy trudged on her knees up to his cock, coming close to it timidly.
Jeremy, grabbed a tuft of her hair, stuffing his cock inside between her juicy, lips into her warm, wet mouth.

She resisted at first, her head pulling back on his insistent hand. But he finally won her over, stuffing her down onto him and working her head into a back and forth rhythm. He sighed.

“See now…doesn’t that…mmm…taste….much better…ugh….than a lie in that sexy mouth?”

Tammy hummed her assent, working her tongue in desperate earnest. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was for cock this dominating until it passed her lips. Now, a whole new world opened, even as she realized her legs and possibly even ass cheeks would.

BOOK: Enticed
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