Read Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil) Online

Authors: Kelliea Ashley

Tags: #Witches and Guardians

Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil) (5 page)

BOOK: Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil)
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“Rissa?” He pulled back to look down at her with concern in his dark eyes. She blinked and pulled his shirt over his head in a quick motion. Something smacked hard against her chest and her eyes widened as she stared down at the amethyst amulet lying against her white blouse.

He took the shirt from her frozen hand and tossed it on the floor. Rissa reached between them, her small fingers curling around the amulet. A gasp left her as she absorbed the power pulsing within the jewel. It was a spectacular warding of magic, much older and stronger than any she’d ever felt before. Not even her father’s ruby ring contained the magic essence to rival this one.

“Don’t.” He covered her hand with his, anxiety filling his eyes as he tried to pry her fingers apart. “Rissa, let it go. I’ll take it off.”

“No!” His eyes widened as she shook her head at him. “It protects you.” She felt instantly light-headed and blinked to clear her vision. His features swam before her as she realized she was falling into a premonition. She didn’t want this! Not in front of Travis Holt. She would be unprotected, vulnerable to his attack...

“No, please!” She tried to scream, but no sound emerged as she fainted.

When her mind settled, Rissa found herself lounging in the sun. Her fingers brushed the fresh grass as she reclined on a soft calico blanket. She quickly scanned the area around her, aware that even a moment of disorientation could be fatal if an enemy were near. She was in a field surrounded by thick evergreens that blocked the sun and left the grounds beneath them barren and covered with their soft needles. The clearing where she sat was filled with soft bird song, welcoming summer and the promise of new life. Her eyes widened as she looked down at her rounded stomach. A soft fluttering below her skin told her the child within was growing strong and healthy.

She covered the hard bulge with a gentle hand as love welled up within her chest. It was a wondrous thing a mother’s love for her child; enduring, unquestionable, and filled with a binding magic she readily embraced. This was her purpose in life; a child filled with love and power. She, because Rissa sensed in her heart the babe was a girl, and would be smart and powerful. She had to be in order to survive her heritage.

Her head snapped up at the sound of a motorcycle engine rumbling through the trees. She fought to get on her feet, made unbalanced and awkward by the added weight she was carrying. Someone was coming for her. Alarm burned through her as she stumbled toward the trees away from the roaring motor.

Easy, Rissa. Travis returns to you. He is alone.
Theophyline’s bored tone echoed in her mind, easing her tension and making her stop to turn toward the black bike and rider powering through the trees.

Thank you, Theo. Where are you?

He asked me to stand guard over you until he returned. The man has become a fanatic about your safety since you started breeding. He has been downright intolerable, if you ask me. Sexy bugger, though.

Rissa started to move toward him, her heart pounding hard in her chest as he came to a stop several feet from her. She watched as he whipped the helmet off his head and looped it over one of the handle bars. Her mouth dried as she took in the changes in the man she loved.

Gone was the long, shaggy hair of the times. Now, his brown hair was cut shorter. The simple style revealed his ears and made his face look even more male, angular and hard with some lines of worry bracketing his forehead and mouth. His lips pulled up in a smile as he swung a jean-covered leg over the bike and moved to her.

“There you are, my love.” His deep voice at her ear filled her with happiness as strong arms wrapped around her. “I missed you so much.” He kissed the soft skin beneath her ear, his warm breath tickling her as the caress sent heat through her body.

“I missed you, too.” She sighed as she slid her arms around his narrow waist beneath the cotton T-shirt he wore. “Tell me, are we safe still?” She bit her lip as he hesitated. Something was wrong. She knew this man inside and out, and he was keeping something from her.

“Come sit down and rest. We will have to move soon, and you’ll need your energy for that.” He took her hand and led her back to the blanket. He helped ease her body down to the blanket and easily sat down behind her. His body bracketed hers, his long legs framing hers as he wrapped his arms around her in a protective hold. He pulled her back to rest against his solid chest as his masculine hands covered hers over their child. She felt his hold tighten as the baby moved hard beneath their hands.

“I will always keep you safe, Rissa.” His arms didn’t ease their hold around her, telling her he was worried.

“What is it?” She turned to look at him over her shoulder. His shorter haircut suited her much better than the longer style. He was ruggedly handsome, taking her breath away as he kissed her cheek.

“I think they suspect. The Brothers want me to come in for an inquisition. They aren’t satisfied with the information I’ve been sending them.”

“Of course not. When they arrive at the locations you leak to them, my people are long gone. It was inevitable they would question you. We have to leave.” She made to move, but he held her fast.

“We can’t run forever, Rissa. The baby will be coming soon. We must stay and fight, love. If your people won’t help, then it is left to us. I won’t let them take you from me.”

“Oh, Travis. I love you so.” She tilted her head up for his kiss. A tear escaped the corner of her eye as he kissed her tenderly. The plan was already in motion within her mind. He would fall asleep tonight in her arms, but in the morning she would be long gone. Her heart would bleed, but her love, her husband would be safe. Then all she needed to do was provide a safe future for her daughter, Tamlynn.

She shook her head as the sun-filled sky began to dissolve in a waterfall of colors. She was falling fast, back into the past, back into her body with a jolt that had her teeth snapping together with a loud snap.

“Rissa...” Travis’s deep voice, filled with concern and a little panicked, pulled her back to him.

She opened her eyes wide, gasping with a dizzy sensation as she was forcefully slammed back into her body.

“You scared the hell out of me! Shit!” Travis shoved a shaking hand through his hair as he stared down at her with a mixture of relief and anger. “What the hell just happened to you?” He demanded in a harsh tone.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She kissed him hard with a desperation born out of the fear and loss she’d experienced in her magical trip to the future. She was going to lose him. Her heart hurt like a mortal wound as she pulled him back down to her. The amulet pressed between their bodies pulsed with a power that comforted her.

“Wait!” He raised his head, breaking her kiss with an unsteady breath. “What was that? You fainted and stopped breathing. I thought you were dead!” He pulled back to hold himself up on his elbows above her.

“I just...fainted.” She shrugged a delicate shoulder, biting back a cry of protest as he suddenly rolled off her to stand beside the bed. His hands went to his hips as he stared down at her with a frown.

“I’ve seen women faint. That was no fainting spell.” He huffed out a breath as he glared down at her. “What is going on?”

Rissa sat up and swung her feet over the side of the bed. Pushing her hair behind her ear, she nodded. “You deserve the truth. I have...spells.” She watched his instant rejection of her with a sinking heart. “Sometimes I collapse without warning. It can be rather...embarrassing.”

“You mean like a seizure?”

“Not entirely. I wish you wouldn’t look at me like that. I’m not a freak.” Rissa wrapped her arms around her waist. She should be able to tell him the complete truth, but it would be against her oath to endanger the future like that. One wrong move and the child she’d felt beneath her palms would never exist. Despair filled her as he just stared at her for a tense moment.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” A rough hand cupped her cheek, lifting her face for his quiet inspection as he knelt down before her.

“I am now.” A tear escape her eye, making her instantly horrified when he watched it trail down her cheek.

“Don’t cry.” He gently rubbed the tear away as he kissed her. “Rissa, it’s all right.” He rested his forehead against hers for a second before standing up. He took her hands and pulled her to her feet.

“Travis...” She moved into his arms, her body fitting his as he bent to kiss her with a gentle passion that quickly turned to desperate need. Her hands explored his hard back as his hands swept her blouse up and over her head. Her hands went to the snap on his jean shorts as he broke the ties on her skirt. The night air caressed her exposed skin, but she shivered as his hand captured her breast. A thumb rubbed her tightened nipple, pulling a gasp from her and breaking their kiss.

“I can’t get the button.” She nearly growled in frustration as the button refused to move through the hole. A deep chuckle vibrated through his chest as he moved her hands to quickly release his jeans and shove them down. “Oh, my...” She smiled as she stared down at the proof of his passionate response to her.

Rissa gently took him in her hand. Her fingers barely touched as they circled his thick manhood. She licked her lips as he groaned at her touch. He was silk over steel, soft and hard. She wondered at her body’s ability to take him. His hand covered hers, stilling her innocent caresses.

“Like this, Rissa.” He moved her hand on his cock, his breathing becoming faster as their hands moved back and forth on him.

“Do you like this?” She looked up into his hooded gaze. A sexy smile played on his mouth as he nodded his head.

“Not as much as I like being inside you.” He laughed softly as she looked down, her cheeks burning with her pleasure and embarrassment. His hand removed hers, placing them on his shoulders as he moved against her. The feeling of being naked with him was right and exquisite. She wondered dully how she could ever live without him.

Rissa lost her breath as he bent and swept her up in his arms. She held onto him as he placed her back on the bed and stretched out beside her. He wiped a tendril of hair off her cheek and smiled down at her.

“Travis.” She placed a hand on his cheek and felt the rough stubble on his hardened jaw. “Don’t let me think anymore tonight.”

“I can handle that.” He grinned as he kissed her hard. She melted into his kiss as he came over her. His legs pushed between hers, as he moved into the cradle of her hips. His hands moved over her body with an insistent purpose of drawing her deeper into the sensual vortex he was creating. She held on to him, trying to keep from going up in flames beneath him.

Her eyes flew open as his body suddenly slid down in the bed. His lips on her torso excited her. He licked at her lower stomach before his lips moved lower still. Rissa reached out for him, some inner alarm making her immediately want to stop him from going any further. Long fingers trailed sensually down her palms to grip her wrists as he looked up, his features serious as he angled his head toward her.

“Put your hands over your head and grab the metal bars of the headboard. Do it, Rissa.” His tone left her no room for argument as she slowly did exactly what he asked. “Don’t let go. I want to taste you.”

“What?” She gripped the cold metal desperately as he grinned and bent his head to her lower belly. His hands moved slowly down her sides to her hips as he slid lower yet. Her hips bucked off the bed at the sensation of his first soft kiss to the dark curls covering her womanhood. Strong hands held her still as he moved lower. Intense pleasure had her gasping as his lips captured and suckled her clit with a pressure and wetness that almost sent her into an orgasm. Her head pressed back into the pillow, her fingers tightening in a death grip around the metal rungs as his tongue swiped between her nether lips.

“Travis!” She gasped out his name over and over as his sweet assault continued to push her closer and closer to the ultimate surrender.

“Come for me, Rissa. Let go.” His breath against her open body pushed her over the edge as he thrust his tongue back inside her. She let go of the rungs, her fingers clenching in his hair as her hips twisted against him. He didn’t stop licking her until she was gasping for air and drained.

He came over her then, a hungry male animal intent on only one thing, conquering. His eyes locked with hers as he lifted her legs up, placing his cock at the wet entrance of her body before he plunged into her. Rissa cried out at the sweet sensations rippling through her as he set a fast rhythm of invade and retreat. Every powerful thrust pushed her closer to what she knew was the Goddess’ gift to those who knew their true mate. He was hers, this rugged warrior who was holding his weight on his elbows to keep from crushing her. He was intent on finding his own release, yet he was ever vigilant of causing her discomfort. How sweet and wrong of him. She wanted his weight, needed to feel him fully surrounding her.

Rissa lifted her legs, locking her ankles behind his back as she pulled him down to her. “I need you, Travis.” He groaned at her soft words and collapsed against her. His strong hands moved to slide under her hips, holding her in place as he continued to move within her. The new position let him penetrate her deeper, his pelvis pushing against her clit at just the right angle to send them both crying out into completion.

Rissa didn’t want to come down from the high. She didn’t want to move one muscle because the heavy weight of his body felt wonderful. She kissed a sweat dampened shoulder, and he breathed harshly into her ear as he turned his face to her neck.

“I’ll move in a moment, I promise.” His words sounded slightly slurred as his breathing began to even out.

“Don’t.” She closed her eyes with a feeling of utter contentment as she rubbed his back. “I like this.” A yawn hit her as she felt him laugh.

“You are a hellion, Miss Jennings.” He leaned up on an elbow to look down at her.

“I’m not. Not really. I’m just a woman, holding the man of her dreams.” Her smile was sweet, her eyes drooping with sated exhaustion.

BOOK: Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil)
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