Read Enchanted Ecstasy Online

Authors: Constance O'Banyon

Enchanted Ecstasy (34 page)

BOOK: Enchanted Ecstasy
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She cupped his face in her hands. "Oh, Kane, my dearest love. How can you be so blind? Why do you not see that I have loved you for a very long time? I am not quite sure, but I think I loved you from the first. I believe I fell in love with you the first time you scowled at me with those silver eyes of yours."

Kane closed his eyes as he grabbed her and crushed her in his arms. "What did you say? Did you say that you loved me?" he asked in a choked voice.

"Yes, my dearest. I told you that I loved you."

Maleaha could feel his deep laughter as he pushed her over on the bed and lay down beside her. Gathering her tightly in his arms, he bent his head and kissed her so tenderly that it brought fresh tears to her eyes. When he raised his head, his silver eyes were soft.

"I don't know what I did right to make you love me. I pray I will never lose your love," he told her.

"Kane, I see in you a man of great worth. I feel I am the lucky one."

He crushed her tightly to him again, not daring to speak until the lump left his throat. "I am the man that loving you has created. I found in you all the things I admire, but never thought to find, especially in one small girl. Teach me to look at life through your eyes, Maleaha. Help me be the kind of man you can love."

She laughed, and the sound of her laughter resounded around the room. "Please don't change, Kane. Stay the man I fell in love with."

His eyes moved over her face lovingly. ' 'I cannot deny you your slightest wish. If you want a stubborn, overbearing, robust, unyielding husband, then I will not change."

Their laughter blended, as Kane sprinkled kisses over Maleaha's upturned face. Maleaha saw the laughter leave Kane's face to be replaced by the look of desire. They stared into each other's eyes, both knowing that they wanted the same thing.

Maleaha could feel the desire building up inside her body. In the newfound love she had just discovered, she wanted to give all of herself to her husband.

Kane's hands were caressing, but he soon became impatient with the clothes that were a barrier between them. Maleaha ran her fingers down the front of his shirt caressingly as she began to unbutton it. She ran her hand over his broad chest and smiled at the fire that had leaped into his eyes, turning them to smoldering silver. She arched her neck back as he began kissing her throat.

"Love me, Kane," she whispered, "love me."

His sensuous lips traveled up her throat to take command of her mouth. Maleaha groaned as he easily removed her clothing.

"Your wish is my command, my love," he murmured against her parted lips.

Maleaha thought she would die from the ache that came from deep inside of her, as his lips playfully nibbled at her rosy-tipped breast.

Maleaha laced her fingers through his dark hair. In a haze of passion she was aware that Kane had removed his clothing.

Kane gazed at her through half-closed lashes. His hand trembled as it moved over her perfect body.

"Have I told you that I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen?" he asked in a deep, husky voice.

"I want to be beautiful for you, Kane," she answered, holding her arms out to him.

Kane's body reacted by trembling, and he lowered his tall frame down on top of her.

Maleaha's legs opened to receive him, while her hands moved over his muscled back.

Time passed, but the two lovers had no knowledge of its passing. They made love leisurely, savoring their new awareness of each other. This time their Iovemaking was different, for they both knew they were loved by the other. They murmured words of love and their love was also communicated by a gentle caress or a passionate kiss.

When at last both of their bodies had been satisfied, Maleaha lay curled up beside Kane. "I love you, Kane," she told him softly.

He favored her with a bright smile. "It's lucky for me that you do, otherwise I would be miserable at this moment, instead of the happiest man alive."

She rested her head on his shoulder and played with the soft mat of hair on his chest. "Kane, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" he asked, nibbling on the lobe of her ear.

"I am . . . carrying your baby."

He turned her over on her back, and frowned. "How long have you known this?"

"I began to suspect before I went to the Jojoba camp."

His hand moved over her stomach. "Why didn't you tell me before now?"

She looked away from him, not wanting to spoil their newfound happiness. "I . . . when I thought you loved Lucinda, I decided not to tell you."


"I thought you wanted to be free of me, and I didn't want you to think I was trying to hold on to you through the baby."

"You now know you were wrong. Maleaha, never keep anything from me again. Let us always be honest with each other."

"Are you pleased about the baby?" she asked, fearing he would not welcome another baby.

He laid his rough cheek against her stomach, then spoke so softly that she almost didn't hear him. "I love the child already. It will be one more way to tie you to me forever.''


As Maleaha lay sleeping in Kane's arms, he stared at her lovely face. He smiled, thinking about the baby she carried. He hoped it would be a boy, but it would not really matter if it turned out to be another girl. His hand rested softly on her stomach. He wished he could feel the baby. He would be glad when the child began to show. This time Maleaha would not have to give birth alone. It would be an experience they would share. He could not contain his happiness, and it made itself known by the laughter that rumbled deep in his throat. He was completely domesticated by his tiny raven-headed wife. Maleaha had given purpose to his life. He rested his face against hers, and he heard her sigh in her sleep. She had not only changed him, but with her loving nature she had changed his father as well.

Kane thought that after all the years of quarreling with Eli, perhaps now they could become friends.

Maleaha smiled in her sleep as if she had read his thoughts, and her smile melted his heart.

"Sleep darling, there will be other nights. Many other nights," he whispered.





It was Christmas Eve and snow covered the land. Kane looked out the window and smiled as he watched Jonas and Eli trudging toward the house, each carrying an armload of firewood.

He heard them stomping their feet on the front porch to get rid of the snow that clung to their boots. He turned and watched them enter the room, as a blast of icy air circulated the room from the open doorway.

"Jonas, I told you a hundred times, Cimeron has Kane's nose," Eli said as he dumped an armful of wood into the iron rack beside the fireplace. Then he raised his dark brow, daring Jonas to disagree.

Jonas piled his load of wood on the rack and then removed his gloves. "You must be half blinded with age, Eli. Anyone with half sense and one eye can see that Cimeron has Maleaha's nose."

Maleaha was sitting before the warm fire, holding Cimeron in her lap. Kane caught her eye, and they both smiled. It was very evident that she was expecting a child, from the gentle swell of her stomach.

"Eli, have you not noticed Cimeron's hands?" Maleaha asked. "Her fingers are long and well shaped. I believe they will be lovely when she is a young lady."

Eli knelt down and picked up Cimeron's hand and examined it carefully. "Yes, I can see what you mean. Her hands are very nicely shaped," Eli said.

"She has your hands, Eli. Did you never notice that?"

Eli turned Cimeron's tiny hand over and reexamined it. "Yes, I believe you are right," he said, looking pleased. "Look here, Jonas, Cimeron has my hands."

Jonas looked as if he might debate that fact, when Kane lifted his daughter in his arms and kissed her soft cheek. "Cimeron may have your hands, Eli, but her chin definitely resembles Jonas's. See how stubborn it looks. When she is displeased about something, I can see Jonas in her.''

Jonas took his granddaughter from Kane and studied her face. His green eyes sparkled as he looked at Eli. "She might have your hands and my chin, but her nose is the same as Maleaha's," he held out stubbornly.

Kane and Maleaha looked into each other's eyes, and the message they sent to each other was one of love and contentment. They were a family, and their love had reached out to Eli and made him feel part of their closeness.

Eli had sold all his holdings in Boston and had moved all his belongings to New Mexico. He and Jonas had become good friends, so Jonas had invited Eli to live with him at Deveraux Ranch. The two men sometimes argued, but it was never over anything very serious. They had a mutual liking and trust for one another.

The only real problem was that Kane and Maleaha feared the two doting grandfathers would spoil their daughter. At one point Kane had to insist that neither his father nor Jonas buy Cimeron any more toys or clothing without first consulting Maleaha.

"I'm gonna take Cimeron upstairs and put her to bed. It's long past her bedtime," Jonas said.

"Wait, and I'll go with you," Eli said, following behind them. "Cimeron likes me to tell her a story before she falls asleep."

"You aren't to tell her any tales that will cause her to have nightmares." Jonas's voice drifted back to Kane and Maleaha.

Kane reached down and pulled Maleaha up into his arms and rested his chin on the top of her head. "Did you see all the presents they brought Cimeron? They both put them under the tree, fearing we would object, I suppose. I fear between the two of them they will spoil our daughter," Kane said.

"You cannot spoil someone with love, Kane. I am living testimony of that fact," Maleaha said, looking upward at the face of her tall husband.

"Are you referring to the love your father gave you when you were growing up?" Kane asked.

' 'No I was referring to the love given to me by my husband."

Kane chuckled. "I will always want to spoil you, Mrs. Benedict."

Maleaha touched Kane's face softly. "I love you, Kane." She had to close her eyes to the love she saw shining in his soft silver eyes. She knew she would keep the imprint of Kane's look of love in her heart forever.

The sound of laughter drifted down the stairs to them as the two grandfathers prepared to rejoin them.

"The new baby will be a boy," Jonas said.

"I bet you are right. Still, another girl like Cimeron wouldn't be bad at all," Eli said.

Kane winked at Maleaha and pulled her head to rest against his shoulder.

The snow drifted slowly past the window, turning the beautiful countryside into an enchanted land. The wind blew down the mountains, swaying the pine trees and causing the icicles that hung from their branches to make a soft, tinkling sound. It was cold outside, but warm and cozy inside the big ranch house.

Lamas was leaning against the barn, listening to the sounds of laughter that came from the house. He smiled as he pulled his warm coat about his neck. Blinking his eyes, he thought he felt something soft touch his cheek. He was not an overly superstitious man, so why then did he think he could feel Maleaha's mother Cimeron's presence?

He walked toward the house, knowing he would be welcomed beside the warm fireplace. He knew he would sit down at the table with the family tonight and dine on good food. It was Christmas Eve, and he hoped Kane would remember that he had promised him a rocking chair as a Christmas present.

Once again something soft touched his cheek, and he was sure he heard Cimeron's laughter. Wherever she was, she was telling him she was happy, because her daughter, Maleaha, had found happiness.

BOOK: Enchanted Ecstasy
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