Read Emma's Treasures Online

Authors: Rebecca Joyce

Emma's Treasures (2 page)

BOOK: Emma's Treasures
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Chapter One


Present Day


“Can I keep him, Mommy?” the sweet little curly-haired brunette said, staring up with wishful hope glimmering in her eyes. Emma McKenzie just looked at her six-year-old daughter holding on to the little kitten with dear life and shook her head no. She wanted so much to grant Tabitha her wish, but there was no room in the cramped little Volkswagen Beetle. Hell, there was barely enough room for the two of them. She barely had enough money to feed them, let alone a kitten. She just couldn’t afford the added expense.

Sighing, she looked around into the vast hillside. Stuck out in the middle of nowhere was where she didn’t want to be. Especially knowing damn well that not far from this vast nowhere lived three men she was determined to avoid. She had to get out of this area before she was recognized.

Emma didn’t know what she had been thinking when she took this route. Her gut from the very beginning told her it was a big mistake, but did she ever listen to her gut? No. Only one other time in her life had she gone against her gut, and that had resulted in her beautiful daughter, so she really couldn’t complain about that time, but this was different. “I should have taken the long way around.”

“What, Mommy?” Tabitha said, playing with the little white kitten.

Looking around, using her hand as a shield from the hot Montana sun, she said, “Nothing, baby, I just wish that tow truck would get here.”

“Are we gonna have to stay here at night?”

“Not if I can help it. Don’t worry, baby, the tow truck will be here soon.” Emma tried to reassure her daughter, but trying to reassure herself was another matter.

Emma McKenzie had grown up not more than ten miles from where she stood. She knew if she squinted her eyes hard enough, she could almost see her family’s land, land that she loved with every fiber in her body.

Land that no longer belonged to her.

Born and raised in Treasure Cove, she had many fond memories, and she had taken those memories with her when she left, never looking back on what she was never going to have. It wasn’t the theft her of family ranch, or the death of her father, but the heartbreaking realization that because of one fateful night, her heart had been ripped from her chest and flung into the hot prairie wind. It was a night that still haunted her dreams, a night of consequences that she would have to live with for the rest of her life.

It was a hot night, and she took off on her palomino pony for a ride. It was nothing new for her to take off in the heat of the night as she headed for Old Miller’s Pond. A favorite of hers since she had learned to swim, she raced her pony at a full gallop, knowing the cool water was waiting for her.

She arrived at the pond and hopped off her pony, tying his reins to a nearby tree, and literally ran to the water’s edge. Quickly stripping down to nothing, Emma waded into the cool waters, sighing as the heat was evaporated from her body. Enjoying the midnight swim, she never did hear them gallop up on their horses. She never heard them strip out of their clothes, and she sure as hell never heard them swimming her way. The only realization she had that she wasn’t alone was when Travis Quinn grabbed her around the waist and said, “Lookie here, little Miss Emma McKenzie likes to swim in the buff.”

“Travis, I think you swallowed too much pond water. Go away and leave me alone.”

“I can’t do that, princess. You see, Tucker and Tate are over there, and I am saving you from their advances.”

“Damn it, Travis, this isn’t funny. Let me go! What would your daddy say if he caught us?”

Laughing, Travis couldn’t help himself. “Probably congratulate me on my delicious find!” Holding Emma closer to him, he leaned closer to her ear. “So, tell me, Miss Emma, what are you doing out here?”

Shivering from his breath on her neck, Emma’s nipples were instantly taut, and beginning to ache. Her breathing increased, and even though it had to be over a hundred degrees that night, she shivered. “I thought I would commune with nature. What the hell does it look like I’m doing in hundred-degree heat?” she quipped back as she heard someone swimming toward her. She looked up to find Tucker and Tate moving quickly through the water toward them.

Oh, this can’t be happening. Since Emma had been seven years old, she had been on love with all of the Quinn boys. Even though they were five years her senior, she didn’t care. She did everything she could to be around them, from following them around like a puppy asking a million questions, to begging them to teach her to rope, ride, shoot, and fish. It wasn’t long before the town could guess with upmost certainty that where ever the Quinn brothers were at, Emma McKenzie wasn’t far behind.

“What ya got there, Travis? Is that Miss Emma?” Tucker said, smiling.

“Yep, it sure is.”

“Well, I’ll be. It must be our lucky night, huh, Tucker?” Tate said, moving closer to Emma.

“Come on, boys, let me go,” Emma said, trying to get out of Travis’s arms. He was the oldest and the strongest of the brothers, with his roguish looks and dark-blond hair. Tucker was the cute one, with his boyish good looks, platinum blond locks, and killer smile. Tate was the tallest, with his piercing blue eyes and sandy-blond hair. He was smart, too smart for his own good, but who was she kidding, the Quinn brother’s were the finest set of triplets she had ever seen this side of the Continental Divide.

“So, Emma…Am I wrong or did you just have another birthday?” Tucker asked, touching her face gently.

“Yes, you know damn well I did. You were there!” she shouted, as they surrounded her. “Why?” she asked curiously.

“Well, if my memory is correct, and it generally is, that would make you what, twenty-one now, right?” Tate smiled, as she looked at him like he had lost his mind.

“You know what, boys, we forgot to give Emma her present,” Travis said, holding her closer to his firm body. She could feel the heat radiating off of him, as he pulled her body closer to his. It didn’t take a genius to realize that Travis was getting aroused at the close proximity of her body.

“You gave me a card for my birthday, and just what did you mean by that I owe you guys? I don’t owe you anything,” she said, still perturbed, remembering their cryptic birthday card.

Laughter surrounded her, and she had the funny feeling that maybe she should have stayed home. They were acting weird, and it was beginning to worry her. “What? Are you guys going to tell me, or are you just gonna laugh?”

“I told you she would catch that tidbit, Tucker. She is one smart little lady.” Tate laughed.

“Oh, sweetheart, if you only knew what you have put us through all these years,” Tucker said, pulling her into his embrace. Tate quickly moved in front her, sandwiching her in between two warm bodies, setting her senses reeling. Never in her life had she ever been this close to a naked man, and for some reason unknown to her, it wasn’t upsetting her as much as she thought it would.

Emma never really paid much attention to boys her age, let alone men, who would ogle her, or make lewd comments, because generally she was with the brothers, and they made sure she was treated with respect. But this was disturbing her. Never once had they ever made any unwanted advances. They had always kept their distance. She trusted the brothers—she always had—but they were acting funny, and she couldn’t figure out what they wanted.

She watched as Travis swam away and headed for the bank. Slowly, Tucker and Tate moved her toward the bank, each holding onto her as if she might flee at the first chance she got. “What are you doing? I’m not getting out of this water with you guys here.”

“What are you afraid of, baby? It’s just us,” Tate said, whispering into her ear. Instantly her nipples hardened, and she felt an unfamiliar pulse deep within her stomach. She looked at the bank and saw Travis walking butt-ass naked toward his horse. He was perfect in every way and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. His firm, tight ass glistened in the moonlight, his dark tan still apparent thanks to his snow-white ass. The moment her chest left the water, she shrieked and huddled closer to Tucker, hiding herself from them. “Please, someone get my shirt,” she begged.

“No need, princess,” Travis said as he placed a blanket on the ground and walked directly toward her, removing her from Tucker’s arms, lifting her and carrying her to the blanket.

Every thought vanished. She had seen that look in his eyes once before, when she saw him in the barn with Debbie McKay. He had been devouring her body, as she moaned and begged for more. Emma had watched through a hole in the boards as Travis consumed this woman, extricating moan after moan. Emma watched, mesmerized as he savagely took her body from behind. His grip on her hips was so severe, she was sure his fingers left bruises, but what astonished Emma the most was that Debbie loved every minute of it, actually begging for more. Since that night, Emma had looked differently at Travis and tended to shy away from him. He was not what she had thought he was. He was more, and that scared her.

Emma looked at Travis. She knew he saw the fear in her eyes, and did nothing to alleviate it. He just gently laid her down on the blanket and loomed over her, caressing her face. “Emma, I want you. I have wanted you for as long as I can remember. My brothers and I have waited till we can’t wait anymore. Let us give you a proper birthday present. Will you allow us to do that?” Travis asked as sweetly as he could, but Emma saw the heat in his eyes and knew he was holding on by a thread, getting ready to snap.

She lowered her eyes to think for a minute. She had never been with a boy, let alone a man. She knew what he was asking, what all of them were asking. They wanted her virginity. They wanted to welcome her into womanhood, and they wanted to be her first. Her whole life, she had never denied them anything, always listening to them and doing what they suggested. She trusted them. Still believing in that trust, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him and whispered, “Will it hurt?”

“Just for a second, princess, but trust me, you won’t even remember the pain,” Travis said, taking her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing her palm.

“Okay then.” She smiled, and waited on bated breath.

Instantly he took her mouth with his own.

Travis descended upon her with such a force he nearly knocked the air from her lungs. There was no way she could get out of this even if she wanted to. She had always wondered what it would be like to have Travis’s arms around her, loving her in the way he did, and she was about to find out. His mouth took hers with such a force that her mind was reeling from the sensation. Little sparks of awareness erupted within her body, heightening the kiss, and Emma couldn’t help herself as she moaned.

She moaned again when Travis pressed his hips into hers. Taking advantage of her gasp, his tongue invaded her mouth, becoming acquainted with her taste. Emma moved under him, her body moving of its own accord, sliding and rubbing against him. The friction of his soft chest hairs were painfully making her nipples ache.

Slowly kissing his way down her trim fit body, Travis left no place untouched, licking and nibbling as he moved between her legs. Her abdomen felt heavy with need, and her pussy was throbbing with want. She never knew something so sinful could feel so delicious. She was frightened by how her body was reacting, but it felt so good. Before she could stop him, Travis’s mouth latched onto her clit, and he sucked, erecting a scream from within her soul. “Oh God!”

Smiling, Travis lifted his head. “No, princess, I’m Travis,” he replied as he returned to her wet pussy. Emma felt warm lips kissing her neck, moving down toward her chest. Opening her eyes, she saw that Tate had taken position on her left. “Good lord, baby, you have the prettiest set of titties I have ever seen.” Tate then lowered his tongue and flicked her nipple, causing her to arch into his mouth, as he took possession of her breast. Tucker walked over and knelt on her right side, slowly rubbing his cock against her other nipple.

Oh God, this is really happening. This is really happening.

Emma rocked her hips into Travis’s mouth as he suckled on her clit. His tongue was laving up her juices as she felt the beginnings of something more within her. Travis then inserted a finger into her pussy, making her cry out at the sensation. He pumped his finger in and out as he sucked her clit. When his finger found a soft spot within her pussy, he began to massage it gently. The pressure within her was escalating, setting her body on fire. Emma was having a hard time controlling her body, and she began to thrash against Travis. “Hold her down. I knew our Emma was going to be a wild one,” he ordered his brothers as he returned to consuming her wet pussy. He pushed another digit into her tight sheath, slowly pumping at first then moving his hand faster. The more he pushed, the warmer she got, and the more she fought, the harder his mouth clamped around her nub, until everything in her body hit a climatic ending, sending her pussy into rippling convulsions. Emma screamed out as her very first orgasm overtook her shaking body, while Travis drank the very essence from her body.

Emma couldn’t believe that had just happened. She was totally exhausted and felt as if she could sleep for days. Never in her life had she ever felt this relaxed and at peace with everything. All she wanted to do was to curl up against the boys and sleep. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“For what, baby?” Tucker asked, kissing her cheek.

“That was the best birthday present ever.”

“Oh, princess, that wasn’t your birthday present, that was just me doing the unwrapping.” Travis laughed as he moved up between her legs. Emma felt his rock-hard cock rubbing against her clit, in between her wet pussy lips. Emma knew she couldn’t take much more. She was exhausted as it was. So she froze when she felt Travis take the head of his cock and begin to enter her, stretching her. She was a small girl, and she knew there was no way her body would accommodate him. “Travis, stop! It won’t fit!”

BOOK: Emma's Treasures
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