Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica) (2 page)

BOOK: Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)
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“It’s fine,” Emma breathed.

She stood and watched Bailey for another moment or two. When she’d ordered the girl to forget that they’d talked, it’d really worked - she’d forgotten all of it!

And she’d taken off her shirt without hesitation. What else could the locket
make people do?

But there was no help for it now. She had to get to a dinner date, and Ricky would be home soon.


She went to dinner with the lo
cket in her jacket pocket, ready to pop it on at the slightest inclination - she was excited to pop it on, in fact, and looked for any excuse, but there was never really a good reason.

Her date was a nice enough man, a blind date picked out by
her friend among the housewives, Lydia. He was Lydia’s cousin’s something-or-other… it didn’t matter. There was no real spark between them, and they both caught on fairly quick, so they spent most of the evening drinking wine at the restaurant and bitching about the city’s never-ending construction zones mucking up traffic, about the lack of good movies ‘these days,’ and about the general cattiness and negativity between the housewives on the street, many of whom he’d met.

All in all, it wasn’t a bad night, but Emma found herself dropped off at home still full of ennui and frustration.
It didn’t help that she was fairly drunk off wine, and aching for someone’s touch more than a little bit. The chill night air felt sharply mocking in contrast to her heated body.

“Damnit Dave!” she muttered at the empty street where her blind date had just driven off. “Why couldn’t we have had chemistry?”

She gathered herself and turned to walk up to her house, but then she stopped. Her time at the restaurant had brought a certain normalcy to her thoughts, and it was only now that she found herself alone again, on the street outside her house, that she remembered the locket and its powers…

She stood outside her own house and peered in the window
at Bailey studying. The girl had a nice enough body, and she was nineteen and in college - she was wasting her youngest years by being so studious and shy, drunk-Emma decided, and that was a shame. Secretly, she wondered if she might resent the younger girl a little for all that… she clasped the locket and stuck it in her pocket.

She entered the house calmly
, hiding her drunkenness with years of practiced poise.

“Howdy,” Bailey said, without looking up. “Ricky’s asleep upstairs.”

“Oh, good.”

“How’d the date go?”

“Oh, you know, the way any blind date goes. Just no spark.”

“That’s too bad.”

She came around and sat down in the chair opposite again. Gripping the locket in her jacket pocket and fighting the strange pull, she used the book’s alternate method to see if it worked, too.


The blonde looked over, and, when her gaze fell on Emma, her expression dropped to neutral as before, and the locket’s energy went from draining to subtly exciting. Emma smiled - so the locket didn’t necessarily need to be visible, or worn, just gripped and directed…

Emma asked her question, her thoughts wine-fuzzy. She couldn’t think of any more eloquent way to put it. “Why are you so shy?”

“Because I’m uncomfortable with sexuality.”

That was certainly a direct answer.

“Well, stop it,” Emma ordered. “It’s fine to be yourself.”

Bailey didn’t respond.

Emma shrugged, and let go of the locket.

The blonde’s face immediately softened.
“Miss Park?”

She stared back at the girl, surprised by the use of her last name.
“Um, yes?”

Can I have a beer?”

Emma laughed, and donned a big smile. “Yes, definitely!”

Bailey ran to the kitchen, and then returned with one of the cans from the fridge. “I’ve never had one,” she admitted. “I’ve been dying to try, but I was too scared.”

“Oh yeah, you’re only nineteen…” Emma thought out loud
, taking off her jacket. “Well, just don’t tell anyone about this. And beer is terrible anyway, it’s an acquired taste. Wine is where it’s at.”

Bailey took a big gulp of the beer and frowned. “Eww… people drink this?”

Emma tilted her head. “See?”

“Well, can I have some wine then?”

“That’s a fantastic idea.” She got up and brought Bailey to the kitchen, pouring the two of them a large glass. “They say you’re supposed to sniff it and sip it and all this fancy crap,” she explained. “But I just gulp it.”

The younger girl laughed, and Emma felt a surge of happiness.
It was nice to feel cool and interesting again. They hung around the kitchen drinking wine for the better part of an hour, and it seemed everything Emma said interested and engaged Bailey.

For her part, the blonde seemed to enjoy the wine, guzzling down three glasses for Emma’s two.
She even let her hair down. “It’s so good!” she said after every gulp. “I can’t believe I’ve been sitting around at parties drinking
all this time.”

“The other kids drink?” Emma asked, now seriously drunk, but still well within her practiced ability to maintain herself.

“They get fucking
” Bailey said loudly, her face flushed red with buzz and her smile alight.

Emma grabbed the girl’s shoulder to steady her. She laughed. “Bailey, since when do you swear?”

Bailey laughed drunkenly and stumbled forward a little, pressing into her. “I don’t know. I’m just in a great mood tonight. It’s really fun hanging out with you.”

“Well, you too,” she replied.
“I -”

Then, suddenly, the younger girl pulled her
head down and kissed her on the lips, hard.

Caught totally by surprise, Emma first gripped her wine glass to keep from dropping it, and then raised her arms
in shock.

Bailey backed away, her eyes wide.

Emma stared back at her. “What the hell?”

Her face burning red with wine and embarrassment, Bailey backed up against the counter and looked mortified. “I’m… I’m sorry…
I’m just
attracted to you.”

“Really?” Her heart beat hard in her chest, and she realized her mistake. She’d told Bailey to be herself without really knowing that entailed…
“Well… how long have you felt this way?”

Bailey cast her gaze down. “The whole time…”

Her suspicions confirmed, Emma struggled to push back the drunken fog from her thoughts and find a way to make Bailey feel better. Really, she just wanted to talk it through, lift her embarrassment… but that frustrated and aching part of her
a little warm… and it did feel good to be wanted… “What is it that you want exactly?”

Bailey looked up, and then around at the kitchen.
Slowly, she walked over to the kitchen door and locked it, and then she went around closing the blinds while speaking softly. “Just don’t move,” she said quietly. “Just lean back against the counter and don’t say or do anything.”


Bailey finished her securing of the kitchen and came right up, looking up at her face. “I really need this… I feel like I’m going crazy… please…”

Emma felt a dozen things at once - fear, confusion,
awkwardness, above all - but the subtle warmth growing through her body urged her to stay quiet.

Bailey’s shaking fingers plucked at her belt, undoing the clasp; then she undid the button, and pulled down her zipper.

“Wait -” Emma said, too drunk to understand exactly what was going on, but still present enough to be seriously concerned.

“Please,” Bailey continued. “I’ve never done this… but it’s all I can think about… it’s torturing me, and I have to know.”

And then she tugged down, and Emma understood completely. In shock, she let her jeans fall to her ankles, leaving her bottom half bare but for her black lace ‘date panties.’ She ran through a thousand excuses to stop everything, but the delicate fingers on her thighs felt amazing, and she was drunk and horny, and single, and…

Bailey moved down to the kitchen floor, on her knees, and slid her hands up to black lace.
She gazed up with trembling wide eyes. “Can I? You don’t have to do anything, just let me make you feel good…”

Full of apprehension, Emma decided
everything had gone too far, and she made up her mind to refuse. “Okay,” she breathed, cursing mentally. She was too horny to refuse, and too drunk to really care.

The younger girl’s face lit up, and, with some reverence, she pulled down the black lace panties.

The open air brought sweet relief to her heated crotch - but the heat was only from wine and nervousness, so far. With her panties around one ankle, she shivered a little as soft hands ran across her upper thighs and lower tummy.

Bailey stared between her legs with wonder.

It was obvious she’d never seen another woman naked up close like this… then again, neither had Emma. She wondered what the younger girl was thinking and feeling. How long had she been craving this experience? Was it all women she found attractive, or just her? She wondered if Bailey had masturbated thinking about her…

And then an index finger and a middle finger ran down either side, along each of her lower lips, and she shuddered.
Bailey brought both fingers to her own mouth, sucked on them for a second while looking up at her, and then returned them to their work.

Tensing against the sensation,
Emma reeled with the drunken realization that the girl’s fingers actually felt good… she felt the first stirrings of wetness, and she knew then that it was really going to happen - her babysitter was going to get her off…

Gently, Bailey slid a
finger inside her.

Fuck, yep, there it was…
she closed her eyes, gripped the counter’s edge behind her, and struggled internally with the good feeling from the exploring finger. She needed release, badly… but from a nineteen-year old girl? She was no stranger to making out with female friends at parties for attention, but this…

It felt too damn good.
She opened her eyes and watched Bailey totally engaged in exploring her. The girl
very cute, and she had initiated it all, so it was fine, right? A second finger joined the first, and they began a tandem rhythm inside her, rubbing with more focus. As the pleasure increased, so did Emma’s justifications.

It wasn’t long before she found herself actively wet, and the justifications stopped entirely
, in favor of growing drunken enthusiasm. She adjusted her legs to get a better angle against Bailey’s fingers, and the younger girl smiled up at her.

“Does it feel good?”

Emma just breathed and nodded, her focus on managing the good feelings.

Bailey’s expression became hesitant
, and her fingering slowed. “I really want to… can I lick you?”

A new surge of nervousness and concern rushed through Emma, but her body had long since taken over. She nodded emphatically.

An eager smile, a little lean forward, and an excited sniff later, Bailey said something about how good she smelled… and then she stuck out her tongue.

Emma tensed up as
firm moist tongue slid up against her sensitive parts. In the morning, she knew she’d regret letting a nineteen-year-old girl go down on her, but there was nothing in the world she wanted more at that moment. The blonde’s insistent tongue felt amazing, and her pumping fingers - expertly pressed against her G spot - only added to the flood of bliss. It felt good, too, having a soft chin pressed against her wetness - wholly different from a man, far more soft and eager. She was glad she’d shaved for her blind date, now…

More sure of herself, Bailey began really getting into it, and Emma found herself thrusting against the girl’s face
, her body afire with the need to get off.

It didn’t take long.

A white-host burst of relief and bliss rushed up through her, and she clenched against the fingers inside her with all her might. The orgasm, coming from both fingers and tongue at the same time, seemed to blank her thoughts for many long moments. Bailey kept to it eagerly, and Emma felt a second burst of pleasure, or maybe a spike in the first, flood her body. She lost control of her muscles momentarily; she’d have fallen over if not for her death grip on the counter’s edge, but Bailey kept right on going.

A third, weaker orgasm tensed up her insides,
and it was all she could do to stare at the happily lapping and fingering girl in shock. Struggling against the sensitivity, she touched the blonde’s head gently, and Bailey finally slowed, pulled away, and wiped her chin. She looked up in hesitation and fear. “Was it good…?”

“Oh god,” Emma replied, catching her breath. “It was incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever been eaten out like that…”

Bailey blushed, and then looked down at something.

Emma followed her gaze, noticing a large wet stain in the girl’s jeans
. It seemed that going down on her had turned the blonde on immensely.

BOOK: Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)
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