Read Emma Hillman Online

Authors: Janet

Emma Hillman (4 page)

BOOK: Emma Hillman
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“Watch where you’re going, lady!”

She blinked. No way! “Kevin?”

He stared at her then swore, “Of course! It had to be you. Let me guess, you followed me in here, didn’t you?”

She waved at her half-full cart, “No, I’ve been shopping for a good twenty minutes now. What are you doing here?”

“Guess,” he growled and she gazed down at his cart, full of bathroom products and microwavable dinners for one. Wow, he must really hate cooking.

“Doing your shopping?”

He briskly nodded before disentangling his cart from hers. “See ya.”

She looked behind her as he charged into another aisle, clearly wanting to get far, far away from her.

Well shoot. The sex hadn’t been that bad surely! And it’d been a few weeks now. Okay so she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since, but she was pretty sure it’d been nothing for him. Just another one-night stand -One-evening stand? What did you call them anyway?- in the long list that boasted all his conquests.

Biting on her lower lip, she grabbed the cart in both hands and directed her feet towards the opposite direction. He didn’t want to see her, didn’t want to acknowledge what’d happened last time; well, that was fine with her. She wouldn’t even think about him being in the same supermarket. Nuhuh.

Except it didn’t work that way. Her mind just didn’t want to cooperate and she found herself staring at the frozen peas section while images of him sucking on her breasts flickered through her head. She leaned to retrieve a bag and just the action of bending down brought back the memory of him pushing her down over her desk, widening her legs so he could thrust into her. She moaned, the sound ringing over the frozen products. Hell, girl, settle down! Before long, she’d be having an orgasm in the middle of the chicken nuggets!

“For fuck’s sake!” Kevin’s voice rang behind her, startling her so much she nearly fell head first into the cabinet.

She stood back up so quickly she got a head rush, “What’s wrong?”

“Are you trying to get yourself raped?”

She felt her eyebrows snap together, “What the hell are you on about?”

“Don’t you even realize what you were doing?”

“I was grabbing some peas because you know, some of us do know how to cook.”

His face flushed red when he got the innuendo. He exhaled but then he seemed to remember what he’d wanted to say in the first place. “Look what you’re wearing!”

She looked down at herself and shrugged, “I don’t see anything wrong with my ensemble.”

“You wouldn’t!” he hissed back.

Okay, the poor guy had lost his mind. Surely, a simple tee and skirt combination couldn’t have gotten him so mad. “I really don’t get it, Kev.”

“You never do,” he retorted, his eyes locking on hers. “You were flashing everyone!”

She gasped, “I wasn’t!”

“You were! I can tell you’re wearing those boy shorts women seem to like and they’re yellow.”

“Fuck.” Her face reddened. “I can’t…” Her voice trailed. She’d really been flashing the whole store?

“Think about it next time you want to bend over!” he announced before grabbing his cart and striding off.

She watched him leave for the second time, her mind in disarray, fervently hoping he hadn’t noticed she was wet too.

Flustered, she grabbed a bag of peas and threw it in her cart. She hurried down the aisle and checked the last item on her list. One more thing and she was out of here, and she wouldn’t come back in a long long while.

She rounded another corner and metal shrieked. She’d bumped into another cart. What a fucking perfect day! She groaned inwardly when the owner whirled around. The man was wearing a dark suit, cut tight across the thighs and shoulders. It looked almost molded to his lean frame and god did it fit him well. “Why are you wearing a suit?” she asked before she could stop herself.

“Is that all you have to say?” Kevin yelled as he felt pain lance up his right foot. The damn woman had rammed into him! Again!

“It was just a question.” She shrugged, clearly not understanding why he was so angry.

“You never stop, do you?” he asked, watching as her eyes clouded.

“What do you mean?” She fidgeted under his stare, her fingers playing with the hem of her top.

His gaze followed the lines of her body, remembering the flash of underwear he’d seen earlier. The yellow of her panties had been so incongruous it’d made him smile for a second or two. Then he’d remembered who she was and he’d grown mad. And hard. “Forget it,” he finally said, willing his body to cooperate as he disentangled his cart from hers. Again. “Stop following me!”

“I wasn’t-“ She cut herself off as she watched him hurry away. Well, damn.

* * * *

She was on her way to the tills when she stopped short in the middle of the widest aisle. Her eyes barely took in the large display of tuna cans at her left, too intent on trying to stop her mind from reliving her moments spent with Kevin. Come on, brain, shut it! She moaned as her walls tightened around his imaginary length. This was getting out of control. She’d managed to get through these past weeks without making herself crazy but here she was doing her weekly shopping and minding her own business and he had to pop in!

“Argh!” Exasperated, she threw her hands up in the air.

Kevin saw the hand flying towards his face and veered to the left, his cart crashing into the mountain of tuna cans. He watched, disbelieving, as one toppled soon followed by another hundred or so.

“Oops.” She appeared at his side, her gaze on the flying cans. “Guess you weren’t looking where you were going.”

“It’s your fault! You nearly hit me and I was trying to avoid you!” He exploded, rounding up on her.

“What? I didn’t even know you were here.”

“You were going to hit me and I have no idea why but you’re freaking crazy!”


“Ma’am, sir, is everything okay here?” The store’s manager was striding towards them, his gaze on the mess now littering his floor.

“Everything’s fine,” she replied, aware Kevin’s hand had grabbed her forearm and wasn’t letting go.

“He just wasn’t watching where he was going. It was an accident.”

“It wasn’t my-“

“We’re very sorry for any inconvenience caused.” She beamed at the manager who couldn’t help but smile back.

“Oh, it’s all right. These things happen. Why don’t I-“

Kevin watched her flirt with the older man and saw red. She was his groupie, damn it! He barely waited until the manager had gone off to find someone to help clean up the mess and rebuild the tuna cans mountain, when he tugged her around and said, “Two minutes.”

She blinked, “Uh?”

“You have two minutes. Men’s bathroom.” He left his cart in the middle of the aisle and stalked off.

Standing there as if she’d been hit, she wondered if she’d really heard him or if her imagination had once again taken over. But no, his cart was stil here and he was gone. Men’s bathroom. Oh god. Oh god. Her thighs clenched at the thought of what was going to happen.

Two minutes, he’d said. Right, right. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then, as if everything was fine in the world, she parked her cart next to his and retrieved her purse before slowly making her way after him.

She had no idea where the bathrooms were in this place but she was confident she’d find them in time. After all, she had one hell of an incentive!

* * * *

Two minutes later, she stepped into the men’s bathroom and frowned at the pungent smell. “Kevin?”

she called out, sighing in relief when she noticed it was empty. Well, empty bar for the mad footbal player. “Hey!” She beamed as he grabbed her hands and pulled her into a stall.

“Shut up and take off your panties.”

Wow. That had been to the point! “What? No hello? No kisses?”

“Don’t push me!” he growled as he shoved her against the wall, the back of her head bumping into it hard.

She hissed in pain but he was already kneeling in front of her, his hands gliding up her bare thighs.


“Shut up, I said! Do you want everyone to know what we’re doing?”

“Oh.” That made sense, she thought. But there was no one in the bathroom and… Her thoughts trailed as his fingers drifted over her underwear and found out what she’d been hiding from her fellow shopping-goers.

“You’re wet.” His voice hitched.

“It’s your fault,” she whispered to him. “I saw you and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what happened last time and-“

“I know.” He’d had the same problem after all. Hence the erection now trying to drill a way out of his pants. Hence why he was throwing caution to the wind, taking her in a supermarket’s bathroom where everyone could step in and find them. But he didn’t care. Not right now. He needed to be inside her.

Dragging her panties down her legs, he bent and picked them up. No leaving incriminating evidence around, he thought as he pocketed them.

Then his fingers slid between her legs again and encountered her folds. She was ready, as amazing as that was. “Fuck, baby,” he whispered as he drew himself up and gazed into her hooded eyes.

“Kiss me, Kevin,” she pleaded. “Please.”

He claimed her lips just as she moved her thigh up his leg. His thumb entered her for a quick caress, a moan rising in her throat. His tongue tangled around hers, the kiss growing in intensity when he let go of her and opened up his pants.

He moved into position, his right hand holding her leg up. With one mighty push, he was inside her, her back arching just as the bathroom’s door opened and footsteps echoed on the white tiles.

Kevin tensed at the sound, stopping halfway inside of her. She arched against him, nearly pushing herself down so he could finish what he was doing. His fingers dug into her skin, one hand still propping her leg up and the other on her waist. He pinched her until she stopped moving and looked up at him, her eyes wide.

He shook his head then motioned with his head to the right.

She mouthed, “What?” before she heard it too. The sound of a zipper being tugged down then a sigh of relief before a spray of- Eww! Her nose scrunched up. Kevin was almost smiling at her, she saw as she looked back up. God knows why!

She dragged her hands up his chest, around his neck and pulled his head down. She bit his lower lip and slipped her tongue inside his mouth, wanting him so much she didn’t give a care for the man outside.

She just wanted him to start thrusting so the pain would go away. “Please,” she breathed into his mouth. “Fuck me.”

His fingers tightened, his cock jerked inside her but it took a moment before he was calm enough to start over. Slowly, as if they had all the time in the world, he pulled out of her then thrust back in. Inch by inch.

Her mouth opened but no sound came out, thankfully. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall, her hands hanging on to his neck.

It was killing him doing it slow. He wanted nothing more than to fuck her hard, knowing she’d take it and would even like it. Knowing it was what he needed. But no, someone had to come in just at that moment. Damn it all to hell! He swore inwardly as he felt her nails graze his neck.

He looked down at her shuttered face and parted lips. He still didn’t know who she was and what she did in life. He didn’t especially care, although if they kept this up he’d have to check her out. But she was always so willing and that was an amazing quality for what he wanted from her. No strings, just some hot sex. It would just be better if she stopped making him so mad.

But then, he didn’t really care right now because the sound of the door closing behind the anonymous man rang in his ears and he let out a growl. Pressing her further against the wall, he hiked her thigh even higher on his hip and surged out of her.

“Kevin!” She complained, feeling the loss of him far too sharply.

“Here we go, baby. This is gonna be fast.” He rammed back into her and she squealed.

“Oh god.” Her hands tightened around his neck as he sped up his movements, the partition behind her shaking so much she wondered for a wild second if they were going to fall through it. But no, it held on and so did they.

Until she felt heat rise through her, the type of heat that couldn’t be denied. A groan lodged in her throat, turning into a loud scream as it escaped from her parted lips.

Kevin’s mouth instantly fell on hers, cutting it off midway, as she came and came some more.

He felt her walls tight around him and swore. This was even faster than expected but then she’d been so wet. Fuck! He let go and spilled himself inside her, pumping into her a few more times before he could stop himself.

He bumped her forehead with his and they stayed like that for silent minutes as the rest of the world kept shopping just outside the door.

He pulled out of her and straightened his clothes then without a look at her, opened the stall and stepped out. “I’ll let you get cleaned up.”

She nodded but he’d already closed the door behind him. She heard the sound of running water and gulped. Damn, what was the etiquette for moments like these? How to act when you’ve just had sex with a near stranger in a supermarket’s bathroom? Surely she could make a bestseller out of it!

She grabbed her purse from the floor and rummaged through it for some wipes. She was pretty sure she’d stacked some in here. Amen! She pulled them out and straightened up. She winced however when she parted her thighs and felt semen glide down. Lovely!

Five minutes later, she was calling out over the stall, “Can I come out?”

“I’ll go out first and knock on the door if the way’s clear. Bye, baby.”

Bye? As in goodbye, I’m going? She blinked at the white walls surrounding her. Surely, he wouldn’t dare leave like this. Surely, he would at least talk to her. Say it was good. Even thank her for the nice fuck!

But no, she soon realized he had left all right. Stepping out of the bathroom after his quiet knock, she found herself back where she’d started. One large supermarket, dozens of other shoppers too lost in thought to pay her much attention and her cart waiting for her in the middle of it. Still full too, thank God for small blessings.

BOOK: Emma Hillman
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