Read Emerald Eyes Online

Authors: Julia Talbot

Emerald Eyes (6 page)

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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No one was on guard. No, these boys were playing torture the pretty kitty. Said pretty kitty hung there in chains, limp as a wet dishrag, and red rage filled Reuben’s field of vision.

A man in a blood-spattered dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, was pacing, ranting about emeralds and spells and power. Yves didn’t respond, at least not until the guy stepped up to hit Reuben’s jaguar and then one hand slipped free; Yves grabbed the bastard’s balls and squeezed hard enough that a squeal filled the room.

Good man.

He and Deke rushed the guards, and they all wore Yves’ blood, so he refused to do anything gently.

Yves refused to let go of the guy he had in hand, dangling by one arm as the dude bent.

Kasey took out one guard with a single throat punch, that freakish vampire strength amazing. Deke struggled to take two guys out and Reuben shot his target, wanting to get to Yves.

A huge noise shook the building, the scream deafening. Everyone stopped a second, everyone but Yves. Yves threw his head back and screamed right back.

The guy in Yves’ grip shouted and started to fight to get away, but Yves never let up on the bastard.

A huge black cat burst into the room, screaming again. Yves called to it and it leapt, landing on the dude in the shirt and just... Jesus. Hamburger meat.

Yves struggled to get free of the cuff, pulling hard.

“Stop. Yves, I got you. Just hold still.” Reuben bolted to Yves’ side. “Shh.”

Yves’ eyes were huge, wild. Absolutely crazed in their glowing greenness. Or something poetic.

He managed to pry the cuff open without a key because Yves had done some damage to it.

Yves fell to the ground and shifted, joining Luc in the bloodbath after shoving Reuben out of the way.


“I thought Jonny was locking him down?” Deke said.

Kasey held up his hands. “That’s what he said, anyway. We need to get the hell out of here and soon. That security system probably doesn’t go to the cops, but it hooks in somewhere.”

“Yeah, and I don’t want to explain this to the cops.” Deke looked around frowned. “Where the fuck are the kitties?”

“They were--” Not eating the guy who had bled out. “Who was this guy?”

“Silvia.” Deke’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “He blew up Luc.”

“Shit.” Reuben blinked over. “Deke. That’s the guy who has whatever the fuck Yves is looking for.”

“Well, that’s where the kits will be. Trying to steal shit. Kasey, where’s the vault? You looked at the blueprints.”

Kasey was already streaking out the door, his long coattails flying.

He shared a glance with Deke, then they were running, trying to keep up. Not much on talking, that Kasey. That was his and Deke’s problem, maybe. They were wolves. They communicated.

Thankfully, Deke seemed to be able to track Kasey by scent. Took them maybe four minutes to skid into an opened vault room, Yves tearing through files, Luc nosing through boxes.

“Come on, boys. The cops are coming.” Reuben went to Yves, shook his ruff. “Seriously.”

Yves bared kitty teeth at him, those green eyes glowing.

“His information is all collected on a couple of terabyte drives,” Kasey said. “I have them. Can we go now, please?”

Luc yowled, coming up with these weird-assed pieces of parchment that matched the ones Reuben had seen, all carefully sealed in pouches.

“Yves. Look. They’re here. Let’s go.” Reuben grabbed them, waved them in front of Yves’ nose.

Those eyes fastened on the papers and Yves bit Luc on the shoulder, pushing him toward the door. Score.

Rock on. Movement. Steady downward, outside fucking movement. They needed to get to Kasey’s vehicle and get the hell out of Dodge. That was one thing he and Deke were good at. Herding prey.

They kept the cats moving and, by the time they got downstairs, Kasey was waiting in the car, the engine idling.

“Back to the safe house?” Reuben asked.

Kasey glanced at him in the rearview. “No.”

“No? I need to stop at the bus station, then. Pick up our things.”

“Already taken care of.” Kasey looked satisfied as all fuck.

“So fucking efficient.”

Deke snorted. “You have no idea.”

Reuben glanced at the two big cats, curled up together and sleeping like babies. Probably good that they didn’t have to stop.

“You can’t tell them apart,” Kasey said.

“I can,” Deke spoke with him, their voices echoing.

Kasey snorted. “You both have an advantage.”

He sniffed. “Are you suggesting we cheat?”

“No, I’m saying I would rather have heightened hearing and sight than have to smell every little thing like you two do.”

Deke rolled his eyes. “He’s just jealous.”

“I bet he likes it when you sniff him.” Relief had made him a little giddy. He hoped Yves healed like a werewolf did when in animal form.

Reuben dared to reach out and Luc growled low, but Reuben didn’t back down. Yves was his.

He stared at Luc until those whiskers twitched and Luc laid his head on Yves’ back. Then Reuben stroked those fuzzy ears.

Yves pushed carefully into his touch, panting with his pain.

“Shh.” He could feel it now, through his hand, how much Yves ached. He could hear Yves screaming like he knew this man never would when he’d been tortured. “Easy. I have you.”

Those green eyes stared at him, looked deep into him. Yves saw him.

“That’s right. I have you.”

Yves’ moan echoed inside him. Poor baby. Easing into the pile with Luc and Yves, he shared his warmth, his care. His strength.

Deke looked back at him. “Huh.”

He didn’t ask. He would later, but for now he would rest.

Reuben had a feeling that one way or the other, the shit was about to hit the fan.

Chapter Four

Jonny waited in his private rooms at the Bloodrose, the club he owned, and the safest place in the city for his Luc’s all too curious kitty brother.

He had a room prepared after Kasey texted to tell him Yves was injured. Jared was an extremely efficient club manager, after all.

Then he texted Kasey back informing him he expected to see Kasey, Deke, and Luc in his rooms as soon as Yves and his bodyguard were settled.

Someone -- someones -- were going to get a rather intense talking to.

He tapped his fingers on the table next to his favorite leather chair, his fangs dropping with his impatience. Jonny hated to be kept waiting.

“Hey, Boss.” Deke came in, disheveled and bruised. “Yves and Reuben are licking their wounds.”

“And our erstwhile lovers?” The beating Deke had taken did not soften his mood.

“Kasey seemed good. Mr. Kitty ate someone.”

“Did he, now? What I mean is, where are they?” He spaced each word, his accent deepening until he sounded as if he’d never left home.

“Heading here. Should be...”

Luc and Kasey walked in.

“...right here.”

“Ah. So good of you both to join us.” He looked at his panther, still in his cat form. “Human, if you please, Luc.”

Luc blinked at him and he glared, pinning his cat with a look.

“Now, Luc.”

Luc yawned, whiskers pushing out to the sides, sharp teeth showing. Then a slow change happened, Luc lengthening and losing his fur.

Kasey glared at Deke. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“Hey, I was just backup.”

“What was he thinking?” Jonny caught Kasey’s icy blue gaze with his. “Seriously? Have you all lost your minds? He should never have been allowed to leave the safe house.”

“That’s on Reuben. You can bite him later.”

Jonny was going to put Deke over his knee.

Luc snorted. “Like that puppy could handle Yves. I took care of it, didn’t I?”

“Yes.” Jonny focused on his lover, standing to stalk that fine form across the room. “You did. Without even letting me know.”

Luc tried for innocent. Perhaps he would let Kasey take care of Deke’s ass and remind his mate that he was the big boss.

Jonny glanced at Kasey. “I think we owe them a bit of discipline.”

Kasey gave him a wicked grin, one that had Luc backing up and Deke growling. Oh, they did like to protest, both of them.

Moving as one, he and Kasey rushed their lovers, vampire speed one of the rare advantages they had over the shifters. Luc evaded him, slipping away, his impaired sight not slowing him down one bit.

He rumbled, vision going crimson with worry and hunger and he snagged his lover, dragging them together. Jonny snapped at Luc’s neck, his fangs aching with the need to sink in, to let Luc feel everything he felt.

Luc’s yowl filled the air, sharp and edged with adrenaline.

They slammed against one another, and he scraped his teeth over the vein at the base of Luc’s neck, promising more with the touch. The smack of flesh on flesh told him Kasey had done more than promise Deke a touch. Luc’s nostrils flared, and that lean body bucked hard against him.

“Yes.” Jonny licked his lips, rubbing all along Luc’s body. “You scared me, sweet. You know I hate that.”

“I had some business to deal with.” Luc’s empty eyes glittered, the look fully inhuman.

“My fierce kit.” Jonny could wait no longer. He took Luc’s mouth in a ferocious kiss, his need overwhelming him.

Luc wrapped his legs around Jonny, claws digging into his shoulders. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh rang out, steady, rhythmic, Duke’s cries almost musical.

Jonny held Luc up with one hand, the other sliding over all that bare skin. He wanted to make sure Luc was whole, safe. Insane, how Luc had snuck out, headed across town without help, without being able to see.

In cat form.

Just for that he bit Luc’s lower lip. Drawing a tiny bead of blood. He licked it free, the taste of his lover making his body tingle.

“More, Mate.” Pushy cat!

He pulled back, baring his teeth, but Luc couldn’t see, didn’t care. Since Jonny wanted more as well, he complied, biting at Luc’s throat, leaving a trail of tiny bruises. He wanted Luc to sting, to feel it.

The scent of sex filled the room, anticipation growing. Yes. More.

He pushed Luc down to the floor, his mate sprawled on his belly, that taut ass and long, lean back his to explore.

Oh, God, what a perfect form his Luc had. Pale golden skin, lean muscles... A feast for his senses. He smacked one resilient ass cheek, knowing Luc would growl, but that was nothing compared to what Deke was still receiving.

Luc’s teeth snapped together, his legs parted. “Quit playing and fuck me.”

“Not yet.” He would make Luc understand first. No running off without him. No matter what.

“Come on!” Luc began to wiggle, to buck underneath him daring him to fight back.

Jonny pressed his forearm to Luc’s nape and held him down, held him utterly still. “Not until I say, sweet. This is meant to be discipline, hmm?”

“We’re not big on that whole following rules thing, Mate.”

No, but Luc loved the reminders that Jonny intended for him to acknowledge them. They always gave him such pleasure.

He bit again, this time on one shoulder, deeper. Harder.

Luc’s hiss sounded delicious and the flavor that splashed on his tongue was even better. Salty and coppery and not a hint of anything foreign, thank the gods. He lapped up that lifeblood, which was his addiction.

Luc’s ass bumped up against his still-clothed cock, begging for him, but Jonny intended to make Luc wait, to draw this out until they were both insane with need.

Deke howled, and something crashed against a wall. Two big bodies rolled into Jonny and Luc. Making Jonny snarl.

They all stiffened, then Deke leaned in and bit Jonny’s shoulder.

Oh, he didn’t think so. He grunted, using one hand to cup the back of Deke’s neck. “No biting, pup.”

Deke panted for him, and he took the kiss Deke offered, the wolf’s mouth eager and wanton.

Kasey groaned, the sound low, vibrating along his spine. Then they were all rolling like bowling pins, Kasey leaping into the fray. Their mouths met, as well, Kasey as bitey as Jonny ever could be.

They tore apart, gifted with the sight of Luc and Deke in a clinch, the best friends wrapped around each other. Deke’s ass was rosy and Luc’s nails were dug into it holding on.

“Fuck,” Kasey said, succinct as always.

“Indeed.” Jonny laughed, a reckless joy taking him over when he pounced, Deke falling beneath him so he could add to the flush on that tight ass. Deke howled, the sound ringing out, ass swaying like he was dancing.

When Kasey reached for Luc, Jonny expected a surge of anger, but watching that kiss sent heat through his entire body.

Both dark and fine and sleek, another day Jonny would have to watch Deke suck them both. His cock jerked at the idea, and Deke moaned, reaching for it, palm hot and damp against his skin.

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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