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Authors: K.T Fisher

Ember (13 page)

BOOK: Ember
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Chapter Thirty-One



Honestly, the past few weeks I have been my happiest. I can’t even remember ever feeling like this. Even before I met Mason, I always thought that I was happy, but now that I am where I am, I know that I was fooling myself. Now, being with Mason and pregnant with our baby I know that I am at my happiest. I’ve been through enough shit and cried enough tears to know this for certain.

However, I’m not happy today because Mason goes back on the third part of their American tour. I love that he is living his dream, but I hate that we have to spend weeks at a time apart.

I haven’t officially moved in with Mason yet, but while he’s gone I’m going back to Cole’s house with the girls. Also, it hasn’t been three months since Lacey was released from the hospital, so she still needs to be watched over. She is doing amazingly, though. Otherwise, Cole wouldn’t have even thought about leaving her, never mind actually doing it. I want to help the other girls with Lacey, and besides, I don’t want to be alone in a great big house. I want to be with my friends.

Mason creeps up behind me and wraps his big, strong arms around me. “I love you,” he whispers in my ear.

“I love you, too, but I would love you more if you stayed with me,” I pout.

Mason laughs and it warms my insides. I love that sound. “I won’t be gone for long.”

“Promise?” I wiggle my ass against him, and his groan makes me happy.

Mason stretches his arms and rests his hands on my now swollen belly. “You make sure you look after Little Spud in there.”

“Spud?” I ask, giggling.

“Sure, Little Spud,” he says, rubbing my belly.

For the rest of the hour that we have left until he has to go, we stay in the same position until I need to wrap my arms around him. With my small belly in the middle, we cuddle and kiss until Mason has to go, and I hate it.

What I hate even more is that I promised him that when he left, I would call my parents and tell them the happy news that they are going to be grandparents. So off I go to my phone, hating every step that takes me closer and closer to it.

I pick it up and dial home, listening to the dial tone and breaking out in a sweat.

“Hello?” my mother answers.

“Hey mom,” I answer. “It’s me. Listen, I need to tell you something.”




It’s the third day of being back on tour, and for the first time it fucking sucks balls. Big, hairy, fucking sweaty balls.

All I can think about is Roxie and our Little Spud. I just want to be at home with them. Instead, I’m driving everyone crazy, because I’m talking about them. I need to say sorry to Cole because I used to hate how he would babble on and on about Lacey, but now I’m doing the same, if not worse, with Roxie and Spud. I just can’t help myself.

I’m not going to lie, when she told me that she was pregnant, I was secretly shitting myself. But I didn’t want her to know that. Now, I fucking love that child already, and I haven’t even met it yet. Yes, I had a feeling that Roxie was keeping quiet about the possibility of Joe being the baby’s father, but everything turned out for the best. With the baby now being around eighteen weeks, the dates do not add up for Joe fathering the child.

I knew it was a possibility, and I can’t believe Roxie thought I wouldn’t think like that. It would have been stupid for me not to have added that to the situation. I kept quiet, though, for the sake of Roxie, and let her tell me when she was ready, because it was the right thing to do. She may have been feeling guilty about not telling me, but she had to do it for her own sake. She needs to learn that I am here for her always, and that she needs to open up and be honest with me. Eventually she did, and even though the words coming from her mouth still upset me to hear, I was proud of her.


“Bro, did you see that blonde down on the front? I need to get her backstage,” Tate growls.

“Easy there, tiger,” Cole laughs. “There’s no after party tonight, remember?”

Tate groans and throws his towel down on the floor. “Fuck! I need to have some sex, man. I haven’t been able to with Crys at my place.”

“We’re stopping over at tomorrow’s gig, so you can have your hook-up then,” Booker scowls at him.

Shit, what’s his fucking problem? For the majority of our tour, Booker has been a grouchy pain in everyone’s ass, but nobody will fucking say a thing to him! From what Rox tells me, it’s to do with Crystal, but she won’t give me any more information. I know it’s not my place and stay out of it.

As roadies surround us and get our equipment locked away for tomorrow’s gig, one of our band managers, Rich, approaches us, and I get a feeling of dread. Sometimes when we’re at the end of our tour, he likes to add a few more dates, and, during this tour, that’s not fucking good. We decided that after the large worldwide tour we did while Lacey and Roxie tagged along, we wanted to do a small set of shows close to home with the dates spread out so we could have breaks here and there. So if Rich is about to do that now, when we only have two more shows before I can be on my way to Roxie, I’m going to be pissed.

“Great job, tonight,” he praises us.

Of course we did a fucking great job! It’s what we do, that’s why we’re so fucking successful!

“I just want to let you all know that tomorrow night will be your last show.” He looks around at us all.

“Why?” Cole asks.

“I don’t fully understand what went wrong, but something to do with a police matter at the venue, and it will be shut until further notice. Bad for them, but it means you all get to head home tomorrow night after the show.” He gives us a smile and strolls back off to where he came from.

We all look happy, except for Tate who grabs his groin. “Fuck, I need a woman. I got the bad case of blue fucking balls.”

“Dude, just tell Crystal you’re having a woman over,” I laugh.

“No it’s not that. Crys is fine with it,” he complains.

“Then what’s the matter?” Cole asks him.

“I just can’t have sex when Crystal is in the same house as me. It feels fucking wrong.” I can sort of understand that.

“Well, how do you think I fucking feel?” Cole laughs. “I have all of Lacey’s friends at mine, but I still make sure I get her into bed.”

“But none of them are your sister,” Tate points out.

“I can have her stay at mine for a bit, if you like?” Booker adds.

Within a second, Tate slaps him on the back. “You’re a fucking life saver.”

As we walk towards the exit, I see a face I did not expect to see. What the fuck is she doing here?

“What the fuck?” I mutter as I storm towards her.

“Oh, shit,” I hear Cole say from behind.

Natasha stops walking when she sees I’m coming towards her. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I demand.

“I wanted to see you,” she smiles. “You haven’t returned my calls, and I missed you.”

She trails her finger down the front of my shirt and I shove her away. “Don’t you get it? I’m not interested.”

Her smiles fades. “You weren’t saying that when you called me to come over.”

“Yeah, well, I only needed to get laid,” I snap.

“I thought you might want me to keep you company.” Her eyes travel to my cock, and I feel repulsed.

“I’m not interested,” I say. “But I have a friend that might be.”

I look towards Tate, and his eyes go wide. “Fuck that shit!”

“Looks like a no.” I look back to Natasha. “So you can go home.”

Natasha doesn’t look very happy. She stands tall and glares at me. “This is because of that girl who caught you, isn’t it? She doesn’t love you, Mason. She just wants you for the fame. Not like me, I know you, and I know you want me.” She takes a step closer to me. “That girl is just a slut, Mason.”

I push her back so hard she nearly falls. “Don’t you fucking dare! I love Roxie, and she’s carrying my child, so fuck you, Natasha. You’re the desperate slut around here. I don’t ever want to see you again.” I storm past her and ignore her shouts from behind me.
Jesus, can’t this girl take a hint?

Chapter Thirty-Two



I can’t believe he just embarrassed me like that! He wants me, but in order for him to see that, I need to get Roxie out of the way. Bitch is ruining everything for me.

I’ve heard whispers on the tour about violence and payback. I go from shadow to shadow, person to person, until I get the name I need. His name will lead me to my prize. A victory where I will have Mason all to myself, and he will see that I am the one for him.

I get the address, but, unfortunately, I have to do some favors in the process; but when I get Roxie out of the picture it will all be worth it.

I knock on the door and wait to set my eyes on him. I’m honestly a little afraid what will now happen. He will either greet me with open arms when he hears what I have to say, or he will do something terrible to me. Amongst the whispers and gossip I have heard what he is capable of. He’s beaten, destroyed and plotted terrible things, but his talents are just what I need. He wants what I need for him to destroy, so that makes him my ally. I just pray he sees me the same way.

The door opens and I’m greeted with a very hot sight, dark and handsome, but terrifying. Danger pours from him
nd I almost turn and run. If I wasn’t so sure this was my only option, I wouldn’t be here. It turns out that it is, so here goes nothing.

“Hi,” I greet him.

“Who the fuck are you?” he demands.

“Natasha,” I reply.

“What the fuck do you want?” he asks.

“I believe that I can help you,” I grin.

He looks amused. “And how would you do that?”

“Well, Joe, let’s just say that I know you want Roxie, and I know how you can get her.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, he grabs my arms and pulls me inside. The house is dark and smells of piss, cigarettes and alcohol. It’s not a nice combination.

“Explain,” he demands.

I swallow and look around, trying to find any danger around me. I can make out the outline of other people here, but it’s too dark to be sure.

Joe grabs me up against the wall with a hand around my neck. “Are you playing me, bitch?”

I shake my head, which is difficult with his hands around my neck. “No.”

He lets me down and steps back, crossing his arms across his chest. “Then start talking.”

“I know where she is,” I start, and he snickers.

“So do I. She’s at her fucking boyfriend’s place, but I can’t get in. It’s all wired up with security shit,” he growls.

“I know the codes to get you in.” I reach inside my jacket pocket and hold up the piece of paper with the codes written clearly. That sure stops his frowning, so I carry on. “I also know that she’s pregnant.”

Joe freezes for a minute, and I begin to think about getting out of here, but then he grabs my head and forces me to look up at him. “How do you know this?”

“Mason told me. He said she’s pregnant, but it might be yours,” I rush out.

“My baby?” he asks.

I nod my head. “Yes, she’s carrying your baby, and Mason is telling everyone it’s his,” I lie.

“Why are you telling me this?” He studies me.

“Because I want Roxie away from Mason, and I know you want Roxie,” I quickly speak.

“Thank you.” He strokes my hair and smirks down at me. “I appreciate you telling me this, but you also have to pay.”

“What?” I gasp as his hold on me tightens.

“Snitches have to pay, you understand, Natasha?” I nod, and as soon as I do, he throws me to the floor and kicks my side.

”You have come at the perfect time, my dear. My men need some pussy, and here you are.” He snatches away my bag and coat and then walks away. “Play time!”

I scream as my clothes are torn away from me by many hands. Too many bodies surround me, too much for me to try and count, and then the worse thing happens. Something I would never wish on anyone. I am continually raped and beaten for enjoyment, and when I think it’s over, it begins again.

I think to myself why I came here and regret it with a passion. This is what Joe did to Roxie, and now I’ve given him what he needs to get to her again.
What have I done?

Chapter Thirty-Three



I look through pictures and newsfeeds of Mason, I can’t help myself. I miss him and seeing his photos makes me feel a little better, but they also upset me. I wish I was there cheering him on.  One day I will be again. I’m also using this as a distraction from my mother’s constant phone calls. I seriously underestimated everyone, because like everyone else I thought my parents would be angry at the baby news. At first they were concerned about my health but after assuring them that I am at my happiness, minus Joe, they quickly turned into proud grandparents to be. Well, my mom especially.

It’s when I’m giggling at a YouTube video someone uploaded from the previous night’s gig, that Crystal softly knocks on my open bedroom door.

“Hey,” I say and smile.

“What are you doing?” she asks me as she towards me on the bed.

“Stalking Mason,” I laugh.

She smiles again and sits on the end of my bed. I can tell something’s bothering her but I don’t push. I continue to watch the YouTube video and giggle as the girls goes crazy when Mason thrusts up against his guitar.

“Rox,” Crystal clears her throat. “Can I take you up on your offer? You know, to help?”

I close down the video and sit up. “Of course, Crys.”

She lets go of a long breath, and I’m guessing this is really hard for her.

“Ok, so I told you I needed a break from home, right?” she asks, and I nod. “The reason isn’t home, exactly, it’s my ex-boyfriend, Troy.”

“Ok,” I urge her to continue.

“He’s not a good man, Rox. At the beginning he was...he was so nice to me. I didn’t guess at all that he would act the way he does now.”

“And how is that?” I ask her.

“Possessive, arrogant, jealous, threatening...I could carry on!” She shakes her head, angry with herself. “I can’t believe I fell for his fake bullshit. I moved into his house and that’s when everything became clear. I lost my job because he would call my boss and demand to know where I was. I wasn’t allowed out of the house very often, and when I was, he had to choose what clothes I wore.”

“Oh god, Crystal! He didn’t hit you, did he?” I dread to hear the answer.

“He slapped me once. We were in a huge argument because he thought I was sleeping around, and he slapped me. That was the day I left and came to Tate. I knew I would be safe with my brother.”

“I’m so glad.” I hug her. “So what’s troubling you now?”

“He’s found me,” she answers, a tear rolling down her cheek. This isn’t like Crystal at all. She’s one of the strongest girls I know! “He started sending me text messages, and then he found out who my brother was and where he lived. He sent me photos on my phone of the gates outside.”

“Fuck,” I whisper.

“Yeah I know. He asked me to meet him but I refused. Until he threatened my parents, then I had no choice.” Her tears come down faster and my memories flood back.

“Wait, was this the night I picked you up when you were crying?” I ask.

“Yeah,” she whimpers. “I’m sorry, I should have told you the truth, but I don’t want anyone to know.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want anyone involved. This is my mess and I need to put a stop to it.”

“Why haven’t you told your brother?” I ask. She needs to tell Tate.

“I can’t.” She sounds so defeated and I hate it.

“I think you need to, Crys. You don’t want it escalating to what we’re going through with Joe,” I point out.

“It won’t come to that,” she protests and frowns.

“You don’t know that,” I reply. “I didn’t think a one-night-stand would turn into a psycho rapist who now stalks me.”

Crystal stares right at me and eventually nods. “I’ll think about it.”

At least it’s a start.

BOOK: Ember
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