Read Elicitation Online

Authors: William Vitelli

Elicitation (2 page)

BOOK: Elicitation
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“Now the other one.” He undraped her other breast and repeated the procedure. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes as he caressed her breast, unable to keep herself from shrinking back from his probing fingers.

“You seem distressed. Relax, please.” His hand pressed more firmly as it slid up over the curve of her breast. He pinched her nipple, rolled it between his fingers. She moved to turn away; his other hand came up her back, and pressed her forward. “Don’t move.”

She held her breath, eyes still closed tightly. His fingers manipulated her nipple. She froze and gripped the edge of the table until her knuckles turned white.

Then he was finished. When he had covered her again, she sighed and opened her eyes.

“Everything looks good.” He nodded to the nurse, who made a notation on her clipboard. “That wasn’t so bad, was it? Now if I can just get you to lie down flat on your back, please.” He pulled the stirrups from the end of the table, unfolded them. “Place your feet here.”

She turned awkwardly and lowered herself onto the table. She stared at the ceiling as she moved her legs apart, placed her ankles in the cold metal stirrups. The gown offered little concealment; she felt awkward and horribly exposed.

He drew up a small wheeled chair. “I don’t mean to cause you any more discomfort than necessary, Eileen. However, I am going to have to strap you down now.” He nodded to the nurse, who drew a pair of wide, heavy canvas straps from beneath one side of the examining table. Moving quickly, the nurse wrapped one of the straps around Eileen’s upper arm and drew it tightly under the table again, pinning her arm in place. She repeated the same motions with the other strap, drawing Eileen’s lower arm firmly against the table, binding it in place.

“Hey! What—”

“I’m sorry. New insurance regulations. Someone fell from an exam table last year in Wisconsin and sued the clinic, and now my insurance carrier requires me to provide safeguards against patient injury. You may file a formal complaint, if you like. My receptionist can give you the paperwork.”

She glared up at the ceiling and clenched her teeth. “Let’s just get this over with.”

He nodded to the nurse, who with equal efficiency restrained Eileen’s other arm, then drew a strap across Eileen’s upper body, just above her breasts. Another strap was pulled over her hips and buckled into place, almost too tight for comfort. The doctor closed metal brackets around her ankles and latched them shut.

Eileen tried to turn, and realized that the straps held her completely immobilized. The metal brackets held her ankles tightly, preventing her from drawing her knees together. A rush of emotions, discomfort and anxiety and a small tremor of fear, passed through her; she felt her heart beat faster, felt butterflies in her stomach. Cool air played between her legs, reminded her of how exposed she was.

“Nurse Bowes, if you could prepare a tray for me, that would be lovely. Thank you.”

The nurse moved to the counter, drew out a steel tray piled with instruments. Eileen lay on her back, bound tightly to the table, legs spread wide, and listened to her heart pound. An inexplicable image of the woman she’d seen leaving—Kathy, did she say her name was?—flashed through her mind; for some reason she couldn’t quite understand, the memory of the woman’s face made her shudder. A strange tingle grew in her stomach. A sense of heat spread between her legs.

She tried again to shift position on the table, but the straps held her down firmly. The tingle grew stronger. She felt lightheaded, and realized she’d been breathing heavily.

“So how long have you and Anthony been together?” The doctor’s voice, calm and reassuring, guided her back into reality.

“About seven weeks. We met through a friend.” She drew a shuddering breath and tried to relax. More butterflies fluttered in her stomach. He drew on a pair of gloves; for some reason she couldn’t understand, the simple act made her heart lurch. He rolled the chair to the foot of the table, between her legs. His hand brushed her thigh; she closed her eyes and bit her lip.

He leaned forward and spread her open with his fingers. “Nurse, please make a note that the subject is lubricating very heavily.”

“What did you say?” Eileen’s voice sounded raspy and strained in her ears.

He didn’t reply. She felt the touch of cold metal, and then the unyielding inflexibility of a blunt steel speculum sliding into her. She whimpered involuntarily as it opened her up. More butterflies swirled in her stomach. She felt a profound feeling of helplessness. Fingers entered her, warm in contrast to the cold metal.

She grunted, and pulled impotently against the straps. His fingers pressed deeper, and a sudden shiver ran down her spine.

“So Anthony tells me that you have erotic dreams about being kidnapped and raped by pirates. Is that true?” His hand moved inside her, twisting, fingers pressing and probing, exploring her.

“WHAT?! He told you that?”

“Oh, yes. He’s told me a great deal about you.” His hand moved deeper still; she felt him pressing harder, felt herself stretching nearly to the point of pain to accommodate him.

Her face turned crimson. She stared up at the ceiling, angry and humiliated. “That bastard!” she fumed. “Why would he say that? I can’t believe he told you that! I’ve never told anyone else!”

“He’s told me a great deal about you. We talk about you often.” His fingers withdrew, and he slid the speculum out. He lifted a tube of lubricating jelly from the tray. “It’s why I agreed to take you on. You’re an interesting case.” She felt something cool and wet being spread between her legs. “I know that as a young woman, you would masturbate to fantasies of being ravished by strangers, then feel guilty about it for days afterward.” Something pressed against her, probing her, seeking entrance into her anus. She cried out in rage and shame.

“How dare you! Let me go! This instant!”

The feeling of pressure vanished. “Nurse, please make a notation that the subject is highly resistant to anal penetration even with a single finger.”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Eileen roared. “I demand you release me at once!”

The doctor gazed at her, unperturbed, and stroked his chin. “What do I think I’m doing? Hmm. Has Anthony told you why he sent you to me?”

She craned her head forward and glared at him.

“No?” He smiled. “No matter. I have a very…” He paused for a moment. “…specialized practice.” His gloved hands slid over her inner thighs. “I train sex slaves.”

“What? Is that some kind of sick joke?”

“Oh, no. No joke at all. Your fiancé brought you here so that I can evaluate your potential and develop a training program for you. He is independently wealthy, as you already know, so there is no need for you to work outside the home. He has…another job in mind for you. One besides just an ordinary housewife.” His thumb pressed between the folds of her pussy lips. “Hmm. Make a notation that the subject appears quite agitated and upset at this point in the exam, and is lubricating much more heavily than before.”

“You’re insane!” She twisted to look at the nurse. “He’s insane! Help me! Call the police!”

Samantha stared back at her, a strange, faraway look in her eyes. Her cheeks flushed, and as Eileen watched in horror, one hand crept up her body and fondled her breast through her uniform.
Oh, my God, this is a nightmare! This is turning her on!

Icy panic gripped her. She twisted and strained wildly against the straps. The doctor watched her with a benevolent smile.

“Let me go!”

“I am not finished with your evaluation yet.” He rose from the chair and looked down at her. “I need to see how your body responds before I can recommend a program for you. Nurse, if you would, please…”

Samantha set down the clipboard and stepped to the table. With a single quick motion, she tore the paper gown open, exposing Eileen completely. Two more quick motions and the gown lay in shreds on the floor. Eileen shrieked.

“You may scream, if you like,” the doctor said mildly. “Did you notice how thick the door to this room was? This particular room is entirely soundproofed. I do all my initial evaluations here.”

He crossed to one side of the examining room, and drew a long white curtain from the wall. “Now, you will not be permitted to watch the next part of the examination.” He pulled it across a track in the ceiling, until it divided the room in half. The curtain hung directly over Eileen at mid-torso, draping across her body, preventing her from seeing him. She heard the sound of a zipper, followed closely by a rustle. Warm hands touched her thighs.

His voice drifted through the curtain. “I am now going to begin my initial evaluation of the subject’s response to undesired forcible sexual penetration.” His hands moved up her thighs.

“No!” She felt something press against her between her legs. “No, you can’t do this! Those are just fantasies! They’re not real! Stop!”

In one smooth thrust, the doctor impaled her deeply. She screamed and threw herself violently against the straps. The nurse moaned.

He took her roughly, violating her with a barrage of hard, deep thrusts. She screamed and twisted; tears poured from her eyes. “No! No! Stop!”

His calm voice floated through the curtain. “Nurse, are the subject’s nipples erect?”

Samantha stood over her and leaned forward. Eileen saw with a sickening sensation that the nurse was flush with sexual arousal; her nipples stood prominently against the starched white uniform. She reached down and slid her hands over Eileen’s breasts. Eileen screamed again and tried to will herself to sink down through the table, away from the humiliating touch.

“Yes, Doctor.” The nurse’s hands groped and fondled her. “The subject’s nipples are very hard. I think she likes this.”

“No!” Eileen shrieked. “No! Please! Please, please…” Her voice dissolved into sobs.

On the other side of the curtain, the doctor thrust harder into her. “Nurse, please clamp the subject’s nipples.”

Samantha withdrew two small objects from her pocket and leaned over again. Eileen felt something bite into her nipples, and screamed again. Fresh tears flowed. “Please! Please, you’re hurting me!”

“Yes,” the nurse moaned. Her hands caressed her captive’s breasts, stroked her shoulders. “And you look so beautiful this way.” Her fingers combed through Eileen’s long black hair.

Eileen thrashed and cried, long sobs wracking her body. The doctor used her roughly, violently; his fingers dug into her thighs. Fire radiated from her nipples, spread through her body. The tingle returned, urgent, became a burning need, coiled deep inside her.

Then, something within her exploded. The violation, the pain, her humiliation and shame, that strange butterfly feeling inside her—it all became too much, and in the instant when she could no longer bear it, it changed, became something new. Her screams changed, too, and wave after wave of agonizing, excruciating ecstasy slammed through her. She arched her back off the table, enslaved by the grip of the most intense orgasm she had ever known.

When it was over, he withdrew from her. She lay naked and sweaty, bound to the table, whimpering softly. Her body shook.

He drew back the curtain and removed the harsh metal clips from her nipples. New pain spiked through her breasts, drawing out a sharp gasp.

“Nurse, please make a notation that the subject reached orgasm from unwanted forcible sex.”

Samantha drew her hand away from her breast, panting, on the edge of an orgasm of her own. She picked up the clipboard, forced herself back into composure. “Yes, Doctor.”

He turned to stand near her head, and with one foot, activated a control that lowered the head of the table. He held his foot on the switch until her head was considerably lower than her feet. “Initial questioning of the subject suggested a strong aversion to oral-genital sexual congress. I will now evaluate the subject’s response to forcible oral sex.”

Eileen turned her head away, whimpering. “No,” she sobbed plaintively. “Please…”

He placed two fingers on her cheek and gently turned her head toward him. She did not resist; the will to fight seemed gone from her, burned away by the shame of her orgasm. He pressed his gloved thumb into her mouth. Eileen tried to twist away from the invasion, but her strength had left her. He pushed the pad of his thumb against her bottom teeth. She tasted latex. Her mouth opened.

“Good,” he said. “Just like that.” He stood over her and raised the dripping head of his cock to her lips. “Hold still.”

He thrust his hips forward. His erection plowed into her mouth. She gagged and choked, overwhelmed by its width, by the heavy, musky taste of her own fluids, by the round head at the back of her throat. He withdrew very slowly, then just as slowly pressed back in, forcing the length of his rigid cock into her mouth until she choked again.

She sputtered and tried to turn aside. He grabbed her chin tightly and pressed her head down against the table, then slowly, relentlessly, forced his cock deeper. Her struggles grew more frantic. She gagged as her throat worked against the invasion.

BOOK: Elicitation
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