Read Eighteen Summers Online

Authors: Jessie M

Eighteen Summers (4 page)

BOOK: Eighteen Summers
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“Hello Candace,” the intruder says in a deep voice, a small smile hovering on his lips.

Who are you. What do you want?” I whisper, so scared and more than concerned at his knowledge of my name. I move further back but I bump into something hard. It feels like another person. I turn my head and dare to look. Another young man is standing behind me, blocking my escape route. I dart away from him, back into the middle of the room, shaking with fear. They move towards me slowly and two dark haired women appear from the kitchen.
The sight of the women settles me a touch.

What do these people want?

The first man addresses me quietly, in a soothing tone. For the first time I notice how good looking he is. I study his short cropped hair and perfect features closely.

Please forgive us this intrusion. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Nico, and this is Gabriel, Sofia and Severina." He begins in a slightly accented, but beautifully deep and eloquent voice as he gestures at each of his companions in turn. “And there is no need to be alarmed. We mean you no harm, I promise you. We have a simple question to ask you.”

You do? And what's that?” I croak.

Have you been suffering from any unusual cravings lately?” My heart starts pounding madly.

Jesus... How does he know?

I suddenly panic at the possible implications.

I try to make a run for it, towards the kitchen door, but he moves fast and blocks me catching me at the waist with ease. He gently moves me back and they surround me in the small living room. I'm so scared and threatened by their obviously strange interest in me. My heart is belting away rapidly ten to the dozen.

“My Dad's upstairs. If you don't leave, I'll scream.” I desperately try to brazen it out.

No he's not. We happen to know you're alone,” Gabriel replies gently.

What do you want with me?” I ask hesitantly looking at them in awe. I've never seen such beautiful faces in my life.

To take you back with us, to your real home.” Nico moves a little closer. He dips his head and stares at me again. I take a moment to process the information because I am mesmerised by his eyes and don't understand this weird situation at all.

But I am home,” I protest weakly, confused.

No, Calista Isadora, I assure you, you are not.”

My mind screams out NO! It just can't be... those names... they're from my dream. I try to calm myself. Somehow I know that this is not him. It's not the man who tortured me. His voice is different. It's kind. I take a gulp and breathe in his scent.

This is really strange... I can't smell blood at all.

He smells beautiful. Light and earthy, like my torturer did, but at the same time slightly different. I fix my eyes on Nico's. They're golden brown, like mine. Then I turn and look at the other three. They all have my unusual colour eyes.

Shit... what the hell is this?

“I'm not going anywhere!” I protest more forcefully. Severina snorts with laughter.

Nico, come on, pick her up and we can go,” She says in an impatient, sulky voice.

Have some respect, please. We are conducting a civilised meeting,” Nico admonishes her in an authoritative manner, whilst continuing to look into my eyes. He adopts a softer tone to address me further. “This may be difficult for you to digest initially, but you are not Candace Roberts,” he pauses for a moment to let this part sink in. I stare unblinking, my head reeling with his words. “You were adopted at the age of eight months. You are in fact of noble birth. We are your real family and we have come to reclaim you. As you are now eighteen summers old, it is the chosen time for your return. All will be revealed in due course... Calista, My Lady, you know deep inside that you don't belong here and what I speak is the truth, don't you?” He places his hand on my arm gently.

But what about my Mum and Dad?” I just can't bear it. My whole world has been turned upside down in an instant, because somehow, I do know that what he is saying is true.

He speaks to me kindly, his face close to mine. His eyes seem to hook me in. Calming me and reassuring me that all is well. I feel a deep sense of connection enter my soul as I stare into his golden brown depths.

“Gabriel has written a long and detailed letter of explanation for Georgina and Phillip, which we will leave for their return. Do not concern yourself. It will all be fine after their initial shock. We will follow up with them in a day or two, I promise you. We have told them that you are 'visiting' us for a short while, and that you will be safe and very well cared for and they should not worry unduly. And of course you may see them again, if that is your wish. I can arrange that, but later, after you have settled in with us.”

He takes my arm and leads me towards the door. I don't know why, but I believe him completely and do not try to resist him. I know it's all true. I don't look anything like my parents. I've always felt something was not quite right with our relationship and that I'm not like them in nature, but I couldn't put my finger on why before now.

I stop for a moment.

Wait, I need to bring my things with me. Some clothes, my iPod and phone... and toothbrush...”

No, you do not need anything from this life. We have everything you require for the foreseeable future. Come along now please, we have a long drive ahead of us...” He steers me out of the door, his arm around my shoulders. We walk down the lane towards a black car parked between ours and the Jones' house. We all get inside. Gabriel is driving, Severina sits next to him, and I sit in between Sofia and Nico in the back.

I can't believe I am actually going with them, without any real proof of what they say, and yet I know I must. Even so I am finding this all confusing and rather overwhelming. Obviously anyone would. It's not that I feel concerned about my safety or anything like that. I believe them when they say they mean me no harm. It's more that I feel my life has just changed forever. That nothing will be the same. Not that my life was anything great. It was pretty crappy in fact. Perhaps this isn't a bad thing.

My stomach churns and my eyes fill when I think of Mum and Dad discovering I'm gone. What will they think? Will they call the police? I'm sure they will, despite the letter. I don't understand why this couldn't have been done in their presence? But then again perhaps not, it may have been too confrontational face to face. This is a cleaner break than being dragged out of their arms in tears. I sit and chew it over for a while. I don't know what to feel or think. A tear rolls down my cheek and I wipe it away, but that one tear sets me off. My shock has been holding it back, but that has passed and soon I am crying full flow.

Nico puts his arm around my shoulders and Sofia takes my hand and passes me a tissue.

Sshhh, there is no need for tears. This is a joyous occasion. We are very happy you are to rejoin us at last,” He says in a comforting voice.

It's such a shock and so upsetting. Everything. You know...” I splutter tearfully.

Yes, of course. How thoughtless of me. But come now, cheer up. Think upon it as an adventure.”

I suppose so,” I sniff, pulling myself together.

I expect you have many questions?” He asks me as we set off.

Who am I? You said I'm of noble birth?” I can't help but be intrigued about that, obviously.

You are Lady Calista Isadora Gianni, a titled Italian. A Princess, if you wish.”

I burst into hysterical nervous laughter.

“This is all a big joke, isn't it?”

No, it is not. Why would I joke about a matter such as this?”

He looks at me and I look at him, scanning his features for any sign of amusement. He certainly looks dead serious. As well as being the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on.

“Why did you ask me if I crave something usual?”

Cravings tell you what you need.” I don't think this is an answer to my question exactly.

I probe further, a little more bluntly. “You are telling me that if I crave something, for instance, blood, it is because I need it?”

Nico, just tell her for God's sake!” Severina turns and blurts out. Nico tut-tuts quietly at her.

You have no patience Severina. These things need to be done carefully. Gently.”

Tell me what?” I urge, pushing for an answer.

He sighs and studies me for a moment, as if deciding how to best phrase his reply. “Your blood lust is quite normal, My Lady... for a newly adjusting vampire. It will be all you crave soon. Blood, blood and more blood. For a while you will have a blood frenzy, feeding frequently. But it will pass in time and you will manage your cravings sensibly, as we all do.”

My mouth is agape. But no words come forth.

Fuck... They're as mad as I am....

“Noooo...” I finally manage shakily. I take a long deep breath to calm my nerves.

Yes. It's true.”

But vampires aren't real. It's just a sick story.”

Believe me, they are very real. You are sitting in this car with four such individuals now. Would you like a demonstration? Some proof of who and what we are?”

Like what?” My mind is swimming with horror.

He bares his upper teeth and before my very eyes his canines extend to a long point. His eyes flash with golden yellow streaks. I watch him wide eyed, in unbelieving fascination, as he retracts them again.

“Are you satisfied we are in fact 'real' now?” He flashes a normal toothed white smile in my direction.

I'm finding this all very difficult to be honest. I need to let it sink in.”

I can't stop my finger rising to my own teeth and I probe them hesitantly. Everything stays the same as normal.

I don't seem to have grown fangs yet anyway.

My mind doesn't want to deal with it.
What they are. What I am. Although it obviously explains a lot about my behaviour and my feelings of being different to others lately. My moody, soul wrenching, blood craving inner darkness. I sit for a quiet moment processing my shock and feelings.

Please don't worry My Lady,” Sofia assures me kindly, nodding her head at me respectfully and patting my hand. “I'll take good care of you. I want to be your friend as well as your servant. I'll help you learn our ways quickly so that you become comfortable amongst us.”

I emerge from my shocked trance and my inner bolshy teenager comes flying to the surface.

“Excuse me if I'm a little shook up here. Fucking hell! Is this a weird nightmare or what? FUCK!”

Sofia gasps loudly next to me, Severina turns in her seat and glares.

“What?” I look at them confused.

Your language is that of the bedchamber. Please refrain from using the word 'fuck' in normal conversation. I know it's a commonly used modern expression, but in our society it is associated solely with the sexual act,” Nico explains matter of factly, with a small smile. His eyes flash at me with a tinge of yellow. I'm not entirely sure but it appears that vampire eyes react to their moods. A physical reaction.

me,” I say rudely and provocatively. He tuts loudly at me, smothering a grin.

It seems we have a small challenge with you already,” he adds with a deep chuckle. His eyes bore into mine and we stare for a while, yellow flashes glowing more brightly.

I'm not sure what's happening here.

I feel hot and uncomfortable and turn in Sofia's direction, looking out of the window.

We sit quietly for a few minutes.

“Would you mind telling me where we're going?” I ask politely.

London... Kensington. That is where your new home is located.”

Not Italy?”
I'm kind of disappointed...

No, that is the country of your parental heritage. You were born here. In the house you are to return to soon.”

Are my real parents there too or do they live in Italy?”

No, sadly not. It is the reason you were adopted. Let's say they have passed. From this world, to the next.”

Why? What happened to them?” I'm thinking of stakes through the heart and heads being pulled off. That is all I know of vampire death. I suddenly feel ill.

It is... or should I say was... somewhat complicated. I shall tell you little at a time, as I see fit. That is enough for now. Rest a while young lady.”

Nico seems to be my guardian. And I like the arrangement. From the little I have seen it appears he is understanding and kind and despite his proper ways he has a sense of humour too. I also feel something between us. A small bud of interest on both sides. It's worrying me a little, but I do like it nonetheless.

BOOK: Eighteen Summers
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