Read Earth Girls Aren't Easy Online

Authors: Charlene Teglia

Earth Girls Aren't Easy (5 page)

BOOK: Earth Girls Aren't Easy
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She made a faint gulping sound. A second later she was moaning, then screaming her pleasure as
brought her to the peak again and again, holding her in place with effortless strength while he fucked her into a nearly mindless state.

The world fell away. Lost in sensation, the length and width of him inside her and the weight of his body rocking into hers the only reality that mattered, she felt him giving in to his own need for release after what seemed like hours. As he came inside her, a possessive, masculine voice filled her mind.



moved off the woman beneath him with some regret. He hated to leave the heated clasp of her body, hated to allow any space between them so soon. Especially since he had only taken her with a barrier in place and the bond between them was not yet formed. But she would be more comfortable tucked into the curve of his body than crushed beneath it, so he arranged them both in a way that kept her as close as possible without their bodies being joined.

Her soft ass made a resting place for his spent cock. Her back pressed into his stomach and chest. Her tangled curls spilled between them, tickling his chin. Her legs cradled his and his arms wrapped around her in a cuddly hold. He shaped one hand over her breast and smiled when she sighed in response.

“Such passion,”
said. “Your appetite pleases me.”

“I hope you’re not thinking about round two already,” Angela said in a voice that sounded a little hoarse from shouting. “I need recovery time. I’ve never come so many times so close together. You made those little orgasm muscles do things they aren’t meant to do. My pussy will never be the same.”

“Of course not.”
kissed the curve of her neck. “Your body has known the pleasure only I can give you and nothing less will ever satisfy you again.”

“I’d call you cocky, but then we’ll both just lay here thinking about your huge cock and what you can do with it,” Angie said. She yawned and wiggled her butt against the topic of conversation.
felt his shaft give an obliging twitch of interest. “Of course you can give me something no other man can. You’re an alien. A
alien. You actually know what a woman wants and when and how without having to ask.”

“There is more to it than that,”
said. It was time she understood what she was to him, what they were to each other. That in all the worlds she would find no other to match her but him. Their wavelengths were a match, her mind the perfect mate to his, and only together could they achieve the resonance to form a lifelong psychic bond. Their bodies were attuned to one another, and the sexual response she felt for him could not be duplicated with any other partner. She was his, and he was hers.

Before he had a chance to put this into words a woman who lived in a world where no such bonds existed could believe and understand, his wrist unit gave off a warning signal.

“What was that?” Angela asked in a low, drowsy voice.

“Proximity alert,”
answered. “My ship is in danger of being spotted. We must return to it at once.”

“What?” She sat up and turned to face him. “We have to go right now or I can’t see Micki again?”

Her mind echoed the fear that she would never see
took heart that her thoughts turned immediately to him and the future. She did not see him as a one-time sex partner, a pleasurable dalliance. Her feelings ran deeper, as did his.

“It must be now,” he confirmed. “I would give you more time, but we have no choice.”

“I’m not dressed.” Angela pushed a hand through her curly mass of hair, pushing it back from her face. “I need to pack. I’m not ready.”

“No time.”
sat up beside her, pulled her into his lap with his arms wrapped securely around her, and keyed the sequence into his wrist unit that would transfer them both to the waiting ship.


“Oh, my God, you just beamed me onto your spaceship,” Angie shrieked. “And I’m naked.”

was naked, too, but he seemed unconcerned about being out of uniform. “If you are cold, I will adjust the internal temperature once we evade detection.”

Right. Naked and embarrassed might not rate any concern, but cold merited attention. Although Angie had to admit that being embarrassed couldn’t be at the top of
list of priorities when trying to hide an alien spacecraft from Earth authorities.

“Is that a submarine?” She stared at the 3-D display in the
console. “Are we underwater? You parked your spaceship in the ocean?”

“Yes to all three,” he said, leaning back into the seat that
to the contours of his body. “Secure yourself in that.” He pointed at what looked like a vertical mesh hammock on her side of this cockpit or whatever it was they were in.

Angie tugged at the mesh. It opened into a shape that looked made to accommodate a person. She stepped in and it closed around her. Like an automatic seatbelt on steroids, she thought, fighting back a wave of claustrophobic panic. She tested the mesh again and this time it didn’t give. She was secure. Trapped, in fact, but she’d worry about that later.

, she thought, trying to focus on the positive.
So it should keep me from being thrown around or drifting onto the windshield if gravity stops working.
The inside of the ship might not have gravity in space, so it would be good not to end up naked and spread-eagled on the windshield.

gave a short laugh and she realized he’d read her thoughts. “Brace for acceleration.”

That was her only warning before her stomach dropped and gravity flattened her.


“Is it over?” Angela’s eyes were dark and wide in her too-pale face.
smoothed her hair back from her face with a gentle hand.

“Yes.” He’d freed her from the passenger restraint once they were in space and on course, safe from detection by any Earth satellites, and carried her to his berth. “Drink this.”

He pressed a cup into her hands and watched as she sipped at it. She swallowed and then blinked at him. “Did we pass a Starbucks on our way past the moon? Where’d you get a caramel macchiato?”

“You gave me one,”
reminded her. “I recorded it with my wrist unit, since it is your
. It is also hot and sweet, good for shock. Drink more.”

“Airplane coffee is never this good,” she mumbled a minute later. “And I’ve never seen a naked flight attendant, either. Especially one who looks like you. This might not be a bad way to travel, once you get used to being trapped in a mesh coffin with a speed demon pilot.”

“We had a need for speed,”
said. He saw her
coming back and breathed easier. “I realize it was uncomfortable for you.”

She waved a hand at him. “It put being naked and embarrassed in perspective.”

“Why embarrassed?” He smiled at her. “I have already seen you naked. I have already had you.”

“Yes, well, I didn’t know you didn’t have any crew on board, did I?” She blushed as she said it. “And just because you had me once, as you put it, doesn’t mean you’re entitled to it again.”

“Entitled, no, but interested.” He eyed her nipples, taut from something other than the air temperature, since it was comfortably warm now. She was interested, too. And she was not entirely opposed to being seen naked by others. She had found the possibility of being caught with him giving her oral attentions in the stairwell too exciting for him to think it was a one-time impulse. She would enjoy public play with him back aboard the main ship. That was something he looked forward to.

“I can tell.” Her eyes fixed on his hardening shaft. Her interest heightened his, and the visible proof of that made her eyes wide. She dragged her gaze away from his member and looked at him. “About this. I realize you didn’t plan to just drag me away naked and with no warning, but what happens now? I don’t have any clothes. I don’t have any ID or anything. How long will I be gone? And how will you get me home?”

“So many questions.”
joined her and swung her into his lap, wanting to touch her and also give her the comfort of his touch. “First, drink.”

She sipped obediently at her macchiato and handed him the empty cup when she finished. “There.”

set the cup aside and kissed the top of her head. “Now you are feeling more like yourself.”

“Uh-huh.” Angela nodded, then rubbed her head against his chin in a casual caress that reminded
of an affectionate feline. “Back to my questions. You realize that when I got up this morning, I had no idea there were aliens out there, or that my best friend had married one. I was just another freelance graphic designer going to put in a shift at the coffee shop for the steady
. Now I’ve had sex with an alien and I’m on his spaceship going who knows where.”

“This is my personal spacecraft, actually,”
said. “We’ll rejoin the main ship where I am second-in-command soon, and you will see Micki there.”

She started to giggle. “We’re going to the mother ship. I might have known.”

“I think you will like it.” He toyed with one of her nipples as he spoke. “There are other races aboard and most are able to communicate by thought. This makes for some differences. For example, there is a common area for drinking and talking, and often you will see couples and groups engaged in all stages of sexual play there.”

“Get out.” Angela turned to look up at him. “People just stop off for a drink and an orgy after work? Talk about having a few stiff ones to unwind.”

made him laugh. It was easy to follow her meaning. “Some, yes.”
touched her cheek. “It is all a matter of preference. Some like to watch. Some like to be seen. Some enjoy groups, some prefer one partner. But there is no public indecency, as you spoke of. Since you can know what is in the mind of your shipmates without seeing, there is not the issue of physical modesty or privacy as you know it.”

“Oh.” She blinked, then nodded. “I get it. Like, I can hear the
in the next apartment banging their headboard into the wall, and I know what’s going on. If I could hear their thoughts, too, I’d pretty much have a free show already. So what’s the difference if you take away the wall?”

“I think this will not bother you.” He traced his hand from the curve of her cheek down to her neck, stroking the sensitive hollows of her collarbone. “You enjoyed very much the possibility of being seen in the act in your stairwell. If you wish to play with me publicly, I will be pleased to accommodate you.”

“Just you?” She dropped her lashes, but he read her thoughts easily enough.

“I have enjoyed sharing casual partners in the past. You, I have no wish to share.”

Hearing that he saw her as not casual but exclusive comforted her. At the same time, the revelation made his lady nervous. Now that he had found the one he had searched for so long, he wanted to claim her without delay.
did not have to be a mind-reader to know that saying so would alarm her.

One step at a time. He had found his
. She had welcomed him as a lover and willingly accompanied him to his spacecraft, although the hurried departure had unsettled her. Now she must adjust to new circumstances, and too many new things at once would only cause her to resist everything in self-
. But he would have told her what she was to him already had they not been interrupted. If he presented it to her as information and not demand, she would find it easier to accept.

“There is more,”

“Of course. Because multiple alien races, telepathy, mother ships, and public orgies haven’t given me enough to think about.”

“You will need to receive two standard implants when we board the main ship,” he said, wanting to get the part he expected her to have the most objection to out of the way.

“Not breast implants, I take it.” Angela curled into him. “What for?”

It relieved him that she did not immediately react with fear or distrust. “One to translate language for you, so you understand what you hear. One to prevent both disease and pregnancy. The contraceptive option can be disabled and then reactivated at will.”

“And has this been successfully tested on humans?”

“If it were not safe for you, I would not allow it. The lady Michelle had no ill effects,”
said, knowing that would reassure her.

“Do I really need the language one? I understand you just fine.”

“Because I learned the pattern of your language from Micki. But you will need to understand what others say.”

“This isn’t going to be a quick visit, is it.” Angela made it a statement of fact, not a question.


“Am I being abducted? If I want to go home, will I be allowed to leave?”

BOOK: Earth Girls Aren't Easy
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