Earth Child (Romance Novels of The Fae Realm) (7 page)

BOOK: Earth Child (Romance Novels of The Fae Realm)
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*          *          *          *


            Saturday arrives quickly.  I am slow to wake up not really wanting to leave the softness of my bed.  However, my body is so used to the routine that Cerus has put me through that I sit up and start going through the stretches he taught me.  The concentrated movements and deep breathing actually help me to wake up and soon I am bumping down the stairs in my workout clothes ready for breakfast and then a quick run with Cerus before we start our training.

            Richard is sitting at the kitchen table, the top of his head visible over the newspaper.  Nancy is standing at the stove slowly stirring some scrambled eggs.  They are both doing their best not to look at me for too long.  Something is up.

            “Good morning dad, mom.  What’s wrong?”

            “Why do you think anything is wrong?” Richard counters.

            “Because you too look like a couple of kids who’ve peeked at their Christmas presents.”

            “Just eat your breakfast.  Cerus will be here soon and you don’t want to be late” Nancy bustles over with eggs, some cantaloupe and a glass of milk.

            I grunt my disbelief, but pick up my fork and start eating, chewing slowly and watching their every move.  It’s almost with a sense of relief that the doorbell rings and Richard hastily folds his newspaper to jump up and answer the door.  Nancy follows him and soon returns holding her camera.  Okay, now I really know something is up.  Placing my fork on the table, I wipe my mouth and make my way into the living room.

            Cerus is standing there, beautiful as always.  My breath catches in my throat a little each time I see him. Part of me is still in disbelief that he is a part of my life.  In reality it’s only been a few weeks, but it feels like a lot longer to me.  Like he was always meant to be a part of it and I’ve just now found him.

            “Hey there, I’m ready when you are” I walk over and give him a brief hug and a quick peck on the cheek.  I’d like to kiss him deeply, but I always feel a little weird kissing him in front of my parents.

            “I am ready, but I have something a little different planned for today” he smiles at me, taking my hand and walking me over to the window.  Sitting along the curb is a sleek, black limousine.

            Nancy starts doing a weird crying-laugh and furiously snapping pictures.  I’m sure the look of confusion on my face is a memory that is really worth keeping.

            “What’s going on?” I ask.

            “Well a few days ago I had an enlightening conversation with Sam.  He informed me that today is prom and it is tradition for the man to take the woman to the dance.”

            “The dance isn’t until later tonight.”

            “Yes.  Sam also informed me that you didn’t have suitable attire.  I am taking you shopping.  Then to the salon, and to dinner, and the dance.”

            “What about our workout?” I stutter, still a little taken by surprise.

            “Everyone deserves a break.  You especially.  Shall we go?”

            I give Richard a hug, then Nancy, then grab my bag and head toward the limo.  A uniformed driver appears out of nowhere, opens the door for me with a nod of his head and I slide into the soft buttery leather of the back seat.  I’ve never been in a limo before so I take a few moments to take everything in.  The entire back area is softly lit by a dim blue glow.  There is a bar with fruit and snacks and I see that the alcohol has been replaced with water and soda.  A darkened screen divides the back from the driver.  Cerus slid into the seat beside me and I practically pounced on him, choking him in a fierce hug.

            “Thank you so much.  I don’t know how I will ever repay you.”

            “My sweet Alexa, why ever do you think you have to?”

            The drive down to Fayetteville is uneventful.  I play with all the buttons like a child, opening and closing the sunroof and windows and playing with the lights.  One switch lets the colors change and I settle on a deep green, like the forest.  We walk all over the mall, trying store after store and dress after dress.  I feel like I’m in an 80’s movie montage stepping in and out of the dressing room in outfits more and more ridiculous before finally deciding on a pale emerald gown.  The fabric is gossamer silk, smooth and light and I feel like I’m floating when I wear it.  It’s cut in a Grecian style, with one shoulder bare.

            Lunch is nothing special, just Chinese food in the food court, but the company makes it seem magical.  There’s also a piano player serenading the guests and a small fountain where little kids are tossing in pennies and making wishes.  After lunch Cerus drops me at the salon and promises to pick me up for dinner in a few hours.  I am ushered inside and quickly whisked to a room where I don a robe.  First I am treated to a massage, then a manicure, and a pedicure.  Just having my nails polished and I already feel super girly.  Make-up is next and I decide that less is more.  I take the same approach with my hair, just pulling it up off the sides of my face and letting it cascade into soft curls down my back.  Since I usually wear my hair in a pony tail the change takes some getting used to as curls tickle my back and bare shoulder.  When I put on my dress and step out of the changing room I feel like a queen.

            The limo pulls up and Cerus climbs out.  I hide a smile as the salon staff ogles him.  I was right, James Bond personified.  Mysterious and sexy, and every woman in the salon is suddenly envious of me.  When he sees me he stops mid-step.  His crystalline eyes slowly take it all in; I feel them like a physical touch from the top of my head all the way down to my slippered feet.

            “My Queen” he bowed to me, rising to take my hand.  He placed a kiss on my knuckles and directed me to the waiting limo.  For the first time, I really did feel like royalty.

            “My Prince” I replied.  “Let’s go to dinner.”

Chapter 6  
The Scent of Spicy Woods and Green Grass


            Dinner went by in a blur.  Soon we were driving back home and toward prom.  The school gym looked good, for as good as it could being that it was a school gym transformed into ‘A Starry Night’.  We had our pictures taken, we danced, we laughed, we drank punch, and for one song Sam and Cerus switched partners.  It was fun.  The evening started to wind down and the DJ announced the last slow song of the evening.  Cerus took my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor.

            “Thank you.”

            “For what?”

            “For today, for this, for everything.  Thank you.”

            “I would do anything for you Alexa.  All you have to do is ask me.”

            Content, I sighed and rested my head on Cerus’ shoulder.  The twinkling lights bathed the gym in a soft romantic glow.  I had that good tired out feeling.  Maybe it was because I was so relaxed, or maybe it was because things had been going so well for a while.  Either way I wasn’t really prepared for what happened next.

            One by one the strands of lights went out.  The music changed from a sweet melody to a discordant wail.  My classmates froze in place around me.  I stopped dancing and looked around.  Even Cerus was stiff, his eyes glazed and staring into empty space.  The only light was in the center of the gym.  Slowly, carefully, I stepped out of the shadows and into the circle of light.  I reached out with my senses.  Darkness and wrong washed over me so strongly that I was forced to my knees.  I tried to let go of the earth energy, but I was trapped in the offensive strength of whatever was affecting my surroundings.  Gasping I struggled to stand as I heard a menacing laugh grow louder and louder as its owner approached.

            “Oh sweet Alexa.  Is something wrong?” Jariah laughed, staying to the shadows that shrouded the gym.

            “What did you do to me?”

            “Nothing at all”

            “What is this?  It’s filthy!” I choked struggling to look up at him.

            “This is power.  True power, the true use of the energies around us.  We are not meant to serve it.  We are meant to use it.”

            I shook my head.  No.  This was wrong.  Immoral and wicked.  “Stop” I whispered, “Stop.  Stop.  Stop!  STOP!” I scream, pushing to my feel in a rush of wind that knocks Jariah back a few steps.

            “My, my, but we have been busy.  Learn a few tricks?” he laughed at me.

            “More than a few.”  Slowly I begin to push the circle of light out, relighting the strands around me.  I widen my reach and wrap Cerus in a wreath of pure warm energy and light.  He gasps for air as if awakening from a nightmare.  The shadows are pushed further into the corner.  I advance stalking Jariah, whose face has gone from laughter to annoyance.  “Stay away from me.  Stay away from my family.  If I ever see you again, I will kill you” reaching out my hand I pressed my hand firmly against his throat, squeezing just a little, but putting all the heat and light and goodness of the sun into my fingers.

            His scream was loud; loud and anguished.  I grit my teeth and squeezed harder, putting more energy into my touch.

            “No Alexa!” Cerus cried, running to pry my fingers from Jariah’s throat.

            All I could hear was the screaming.  The heat was intense.  My hand and my mind felt like they were on fire.  I wanted to let go, I wanted to let go of all the energy that I had coursing through me, but I didn’t know how.  The screaming wouldn’t stop.  It echoed in my ears and through the room and all around me, until I realized the noise was coming from me instead of Jariah.

            “Alexa, you must let go.  Let go Alexa.”

            “I can’t” I cried, tears streaming down my face.  “It hurts.”

            “I know.  Look at me.  It will be okay, just let go” Cerus insisted, pulling on my fingers. 

            My eyes moved from Jariah’s red orbs to lock on Cerus’ blue ones.  He nodded and kept whispering words of encouragement to me.  With the last of my strength I changed the energy from heat to wind, bursting us apart and throwing me across the room.  My head bounced on the floor a few times and the last thing I remembered was Cerus and Sam bending over me.

            When I woke up I was in my own bed.  Somewhere in the room Sam and Cerus were having a heated and whispered argument over the effectiveness of my training and my current state of unconsciousness.

            “Quit talking about me like I’m not here,” I mumbled.  “Why is the room spinning and why can’t I sit up?”

            “You almost died tonight Lex.”

            “What you did was not very smart, Alexa.”

            “Fine, next time Shadow Fae attack I’ll just let them” I turned my back to them and went back to sleep.


*          *          *          *


            “Lex.  You got to wake up” Sam was slowly shaking me awake.

            “I’m up.  I’m awake Sam stop shaking me” I groaned rubbing the fog out of my eyes and struggling to sit up under the blankets that had been piled on me.  “What time is it?”

            “Around 4:30.  Your dad will be home soon and dinner’s almost ready.”

            “Ugh did I really sleep the whole day away?”

            “It’s Tuesday.  You’ve been asleep for almost three days.”

            “Crap.  I bet my parents are freaking out.  Where’s Cerus?”

            “He’s downstairs.  He worked some sort of spell.  Your mom and dad think everything is fine.  The only one worried in this whole situation has been me.”

            I sit back into my pillows and let this information sink in.  “Go downstairs.  I’ll be there in a minute, I want to shower first.”

            “Probably a good idea.  You kind of smell” he chuckles, dodging the pillow that I throw at him.

            I shower quickly and make my way downstairs.  Cerus is standing at the counter, my mother’s apron tied around his waist.  He’s laughing over something Nancy said while cutting carrots for the salad.

            “Hey Lexi, are you hungry?  We’ve got your favorite tonight”

            “Smells good.”

            “Did you get your project finished?” Nancy asks me as I lower myself into a seat at the counter.

            “My project…” I look to Cerus who nods at me from across the counter.

            “Remember Alexa that big project for History that you’ve been working on for the last few days.”

            “Oh yeah, that project.  Yeah I got it done.  I’m glad it’s over with.”

            Dinner was finished, quickly eaten and it wasn’t long before Sam, Cerus, and I were back in my room.  Secretly I was grateful, exhausted from just the simple task of bathing and eating.  All I wanted to do was go back to sleep.  I crawled onto my bed leaving space for Cerus to sit at my feet.  Sam took his usual place in my bean bag.

            “So tell me what happened?” I asked reaching out to hold Cerus’ hand.

            “It was bad Lex.”

            “You acted very foolishly.”

            “I did not!”

            “You did, Alexa.  Jariah was setting a trap.  Now he knows just how strong your powers are and just how easily you can be manipulated.  It was stupid and almost cost you your life.”

            “I’m fine.  You’re over reacting.”

            “Actually, I think he’s under-reacting Lex.  What were you thinking?” Sam asked.

            “I was thinking that I had to keep you safe.  That I had to keep everyone safe.  Isn’t that what I’ve been training for the last three weeks?”

            “You cannot keep us safe if you kill yourself in the process.”

            Humbled I bowed my head, “I’m sorry.”

            “So what now?” Sam asked.

            “Now I go back to bed.  Why am I so tired?”

            “Because you used too much power too quickly.  Nature takes time to build its strength.  Storms don’t spring up overnight.  With nothing in nature to sustain your magic, it began to use your life energy” Cerus explained.

BOOK: Earth Child (Romance Novels of The Fae Realm)
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