Dynasty: The Glorious Strategist (Dynasty Saga Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Dynasty: The Glorious Strategist (Dynasty Saga Book 3)
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“Arn,” Sai said.

“Yes, him.” Lymee shook her head. “I would have probably tried to find out how much they knew and maybe have found a way to save them.” Lymee paused as she was about to admit a horrible truth. Something she had never actually said out loud before, even to herself. “But if I had suspected that Bengui was going to betray us like they did I would have actually suggested the very same thing that Alia ended up doing. In the end, I don’t think I was ever upset with what she did but why she did it. Or more accurately that she didn’t tell me about it first.”

Sai nodded as if she had expected as much. “Alia has still grown to hate herself for what she did. I think that is one of the reasons she is so convinced that her sickness is punishment from The Heavens.”

Lymee rolled her eyes at the very mention of that. There had been many people that Lymee had met in her travels that blamed any number of things on The Heavens. No rain was punishment from The Heavens, as was too much. If they were sick The Heavens were upset. If they were healthy then The Heavens were pleased.

Lymee had just ignored all of that, chalking that up to ignorance and primitive thinking. But to hear Alia say such things, a woman who was so progressive in her thinking, so open minded, made Lymee want to scream and pull her hair out.

“Is that the reason she was being so hesitant to start committing our forces?” Lymee asked thinking she was finally getting the full picture.

Sai nodded gazing out at the garden. “It started not long after you left on your travels. Every time we would have to make a decision she would always ask what you would do. At first we thought she was simply trying to get a different opinion but it did not take long for us to realize that whatever she thought you might do was what she would inevitably end up doing.”

Lymee rubbed her face clenching her teeth. That was not good. If Alia was really second guessing herself like that it could only lead to trouble.

Sai turned so she was facing Lymee her hands on her hips. “You once asked me if I thought you could lead this Dynasty after Alia was gone. The truth that I did not wish to tell you at the time was that I have felt that you have been the one leading this Dynasty for the past two years. Even if it was not your voice actually giving the orders.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the soft patter of someone walking towards them. They both turned to see who it was tensing up slightly when they saw Keo.

“How is she?” Sai asked.

“She is fine,” Keo said. “A little upset with herself but otherwise fine.” She looked over at Lymee bowing her head slightly. “Thank you for your quick withdraw. I know the last thing Alia wishes is for you to see her in such a state.”

“I understand,” Lymee said. “Where is she now?”

“I took her to the bath to clean herself off,” Keo said. “She wishes to be alone for a short while so I will go retrieve her later.”

“Will she be fine in there alone?” Lymee asked not liking the idea of leaving a paraplegic alone in even shallow water.

“She is sitting and the water only goes up to her waist,” Keo explained. “There is also a handle for her to hold onto if something should happen.”

“Be honest Keo,” Lymee crossed her arms afraid to actually look her in the eyes. “How much longer does she have?”

“It’s hard to know for sure,” Keo’s voice sounded lacked any form of confidence. “Based on the rate her paralysis is spreading, I fear she will not live to see spring.”

The news hit Lymee and Sai hard causing them both to shift uncomfortably.

“I’m going to go join her,” Lymee declared starting to make her way towards the bath. “We are long overdue for a one on one talk anyway. And I could really use a bath.”

“She wishes to be alone,” Keo stated, hastily moving to cut Lymee off.

“I don’t believe that,” Lymee said undeterred. She stood her ground as she stared Keo down. “No one ever wants to be alone in times like this.” Lymee pushed past Keo and started to head off towards the bath.

“I must follow you in there,” Keo stated moving in step behind Lymee Sai not far behind them. “Lord Alia’s orders were not be disturbed by anyone other than me.”

“No, you are staying out here,” Lymee said declared.

“I can’t let you do that,” Keo snapped.

“Well then you had better get that guy who can stop me,” Lymee said over her shoulder glaring at Keo. “That guy who has the power and authority to overrule mine. What was his name again? Mick Doesntexist?”

“Sai,” Keo looked behind her at the General. “Do something.”

“She is right,” Sai shook her head. “Unless Alia orders me personally or it goes against some standing orders there is nothing either of us can do to stop her. Alia has said repeatedly that the three of us are always welcome no matter what is going on.”

Lymee gave Sai a smile of thanks. Lymee was sure that if Sai truly wanted to she could stop Lymee from going for any number of reasons.

As Lymee neared the entrance to the bath the guard outside stiffened. He seemed conflicted as Lymee neared debating on whether he should try to stop her or not. Seeing her flanked by both Alia’s personal adviser and top general he seemed to come to the same conclusion that Sai had come to and settled on doing nothing, letting Lymee pass on by without protest.

“Keo,” Lymee heard Sai call out behind her. Lymee glanced behind her and saw Sai grabbing Keo’s arm preventing her from following Lymee inside. “Unless our lord calls for us we must not intrude.”

Keo looked like she was about to protest but her shoulders slumped in consent. Lymee nodded in thanks at Sai once again as she closed the door behind her. Quickly slipping off her clothes Lymee opened the door that separated the changing room from the actual bath, her bare skin hit with a wave of hot steam.

“I did not call for you, Keo,” Alia stated her back to Lymee.

“And a good evening to you too, Princess,” Lymee smiled as she walked around to the other side of the bath.

“Lymee?” Alia shot up in surprise using the handle behind her to turn herself so she could look at Lymee.

“Are we only on a true name basis now?” Lymee asked as she started to dip one foot into the hot water. “That hurts. Right here,” Lymee pointed to her chest. “Not quite in the heart but inches from it.”

“I’m sorry, Lynn” Alia said turning back around letting her body sink deeper into the water. “You just surprised me is all. What are you doing in here?” she asked looking down at her lap. “I told Keo that I did not want to be disturbed.”

“And I called B.S. on that.” Lymee let out a refreshed sigh as she sunk into the water tilting her head back and rested her elbows on the floor behind her. “Keo was not too happy but for maybe the first time since I became a noble I was glad that I could just order her to deal with it.”

Alia let out a snort of laughter but she continued to look down at her lap.

“Speaking of Keo,” Lymee leaned back looking at the door the humor leaving her face. “What’s her deal? She has seemed rather hostile towards me since I got back.”

“I do not think she is angry, if that is what you are asking,” Alia said. “I think she is a bit bitter and maybe feels slightly betrayed but not angry.”

“And what about you?” Lymee asked. “Are you angry or bitter that I left?”

“Were you happy in Hu, with Rin?” Alia looked up at Lymee for the first time. Her long dark hair fell around her face framing her features like a painting and her eyes were so soft and warm it made Lymee want to cry just looking into them.

Lymee looked away as she pondered the question thinking back to how she would wake up every morning next to Rin, their time together eating lunch. Playing with Oun and Ling. “Yeah,” Lymee nodded with a smile. “I was really happy.”

“Then I am also happy,” Alia said. “All I want now is for the people that I love to be happy. I know that is hard for Keo and Sai. Every second they spend with me does not bring them happiness only pain. I wish that both of them would be able to do the same thing that you did.”

“Even if it means leaving you alone?” Lymee asked narrowing her gaze.

“I think I would welcome that,” Alia said tilting her head back. “So long as they are around me they cannot begin to move on. And I have no wish for any of you to see me in such a pathetic state,” Alia mumbled hanging her head once more.

“Why not?” Lymee asked cocking an eyebrow at her. “Do you think that maybe I would think less of you if I did?” Lymee saw Alia’s jaw tighten. “Look I understand,” Lymee said tilting her head back again, her elbows still resting on the floor behind her. “You have to keep up a brave face in front of Alia and Sai. Even if they are your lovers they are also your vassals, and you do not want them to think of you as anything less than their lord.”      

Lymee pushed herself off from the edge of the bath and started to wade her way through the water until she was only inches from Alia. “But you do not have to have do that around me,” Lymee said wrapping her arms around Alia’s shoulders and drawing her in close to her chest. “I am your sister, remember? You can tell your little sister anything and I will still love you.”

“Your breast really are rather buoyant,” Alia joked reaching over and grabbing one of Lymee’s breast that was floating in the water and gave it a few squeezes.

Lymee sighed rolling her eyes. She held Alia tighter as she rested her cheek on top of her head. “I am trying to comfort you here,” Lymee said.

“I know,” Alia said taking a labored breath pressing her hand against Lymee’s bare chest. “And you are.”

“It’s hard right now, I know. Trust me,” Lymee looked down at Alia to show her how serious she was. “I know exactly what it is like trying to maintain an image when you are suffering inside. But you accepted me for who I was, broken and messed up, and that was what I needed in order to recover. So now let me do the same for you.”

“I don’t think I am recovering from this,” Alia whispered her cheek pressed against Lymee’s chest.

“No, but you can be ready for when your time finally comes,” Lymee said. “You can chose to go out on your terms, with no regrets. And then Sai, Keo and I will all leave with the army. And while we are gone Yunna is going to stay here and attend to you.”

Alia opened her mouth to protest but Lymee pressed a finger to her lips silencing her.

“The simple fact of the matter is you need someone to take care of you and I trust Yunna more than anything,” Lymee said. “The three of us are then going to go and win this war, become big heroes then come back here. Where we will live out the rest of your days together with you. Understand?”

For maybe the first time ever Lymee saw Alia truly break down and weep. It started with a single tear that ran down her cheek almost like a pearl. Then as her eyes watered. More and more her defenses broke down and finally she started to openly cry. Her tears went back and forth from laughter to sorrow as she clutched onto Lymee almost like a child. Lymee in turn just held her close showering her in kisses reassuring her that it everything going to be alright. 






“I know you probably hate them,” Lymee said running her fingers across the back of the naked woman sitting on the cot her back to Lymee. “But I do think your tattoo looks beautiful.”

“Thank you, my lord,” Shan smiled looking over her shoulder at Lymee. She brushed her hair over her shoulder to show off more of her back.

They were inside of a large tent having finally finished the day's march. It was freezing outside but the tent was built to keep the heat inside the tent and they were doing their work to generate body heat.

“How long did it take for them to do it?” Lymee asked her fingers tracing the intricate design down her back and circling around her side. Her cold fingers causing Shan’s skin to break out in goosebumps.

“I lost track of the exact amount of time,” Shan stated with a seemingly regretful sigh. “But they finished it before the end of the second day.”

Lymee frowned as she sat up slightly in the cot using her elbow to prop herself up slightly. “Wait they did all of that in one sitting?”

“Yes my lord,” she nodded. “It is part of the marking ritual. There were three skin artisans that took rotations but the work was continues.”

Lymee nearly gasped in horror. She could not imagine how painful that must have been. She had heard the stories back in her world about people getting their tattoos and how much it had hurt and that was with electric needles. To think about them using wooden tools on a person’s back for nearly forty-eight hours straight was unimaginable.

Lymee let out a yelp as a set of teeth gently bit down between her legs. “What was that for?” Lymee gasped lifting the blanket up and looking down at Yoni who was face was buried in Lymee’s crotch. Yoni’s eyes were glaring up at Lymee with a rather annoyed look on her face but she did not say a word.

“I think that Yoni is frustrated that, our lord is ignoring her efforts to pleasure you,” Shan stated looking back at Yoni.

“Oh, she’s jealous,” Lymee smiled biting her lower lip as she leaned forward grabbing Yoni by the shoulders and pulled her up so they were face to face.

“I am not,” Yoni rolled her eyes as she willingly went with Lymee’s movements and laid down on top of Lymee.

“I could never ignore you,” Lymee assured bringing Yoni in close using her hand to brush the hair out of Yoni’s face. “No matter how much I may want to.”

Shan let out a single loud laugh before covering her mouth with hand. “Sorry,” she mumbled through her fingers.

“Real funny,” Yoni said but she was glaring at Shan as she said it.  

Lymee used her fingers to draw Yoni’s attention back to her as she leaned in and kissed the woman. Yoni’s discontent seemed to vanish as she melted into the kiss. Yoni’s kisses then started to work their way down Lymee’s body as she slid back between the sheets before ending up back between Lymee’s legs. Lymee arched her back as she gave into the sensation letting out stifled moans of pleasure. Her hands resting on the back of Yoni’s head drawing her deeper into herself.

Still sitting on the edge of the cot Shan leaned over holding her hair out of the way as she pressed her lips against Lymee’s, her hand sensually groping Lymee’s breast as she did so. Lymee took one of her hands off of Yoni’s head and reached up cupping one of Shan’s breasts.

“My Lord Lymee,” Keo voice cut through the tent like a knife.

Both Yoni and Shan immediately stopped and sat up as they heard Keo calling out for Lymee.

Lymee clinched her fists as she tried her best to hold back her frustration and a slew of curses. Shan and Yoni seemed to find her reaction amusing as both of them watched her squirm with a smile.

“Come in!” Lymee barked slamming the back of her head into her pillow.

The tent flap opened and Keo walked in her expression blank as she surveyed the scene. Despite the fact that they had been marching all day Keo was still dressed in a silver and red Yukata and had somehow managed to keep it pristine despite all the dirt and dust that had been kicked up by the army. She did wear it more loosely than she normally would so Lymee guessed that counted as her casual wear. 

“Lady Keo,” Shan said in greeting as stood up from the cot and walked over to one of the collapsible chairs where she retrieved her nightgown and threw it on covering herself before sitting down. But she did not seem bashful or ashamed as she did so.

“What is it,” Lymee sighed looking up at Keo not trying hiding her annoyance. She scooched over slightly as Yoni snuggled up next to her pressing her breasts into Lymee’s side and used Lymee’s shoulder as a pillow. Lymee absently pulled the blanket up over them as she stroked at Yoni’s hair and waited for Keo to speak.

“I am happy to see our lord is enjoying herself,” Keo smiled smugly as she bowed her head at Lymee.

“Eight weeks of marching I have to relieve tension somehow,” Lymee sighed closing her eyes. “Besides,” Lymee said a silly smile creeping on her face. “I have to stay warm in such cold weather.”

Lymee could feel Yoni snort into her shoulder and she thought she saw Shan shake her head as she crossed her legs resting her hands on her knees.

“What do you need, Keo?” Lymee asked again opening her eyes and focusing all her attention on the woman.

“A messenger arrived from the Dynasty Lords’ war camp,” Keo stated.

Lymee cocked her head in interest. “And what do they want?”

“They wish for you to attend a war council with all the other Lords tomorrow night,” Keo said.

Lymee narrowed her eyes. “But we are still at least three days march from the war camp.”

“But only half a day’s ride if you were to depart on horseback without your army,” Keo pointed out.

Lymee could feel Yoni tense up and she saw Shan uncross her legs and lean forward with worried interest. Seemed they liked the idea about as much as Lymee did which was not at all.

“You think this could be a trap or set up of some kind?” Lymee asked. It was not like they had such a massive force that she was safe with her army if they did decided to attack but she was definitely more venerable away from her army than with it.

“Most definitely,” Keo said with no doubt or hesitation. “However I do not think they wish you any physical harm. I think this is more of a way to knock you off balance. Make you feel uncomfortable. But,” Keo shrugged quirking her lips a bit. “This might also be an act of impatience. Gon’s forces should have arrived a few days ago but I think many Lords wish to wait for your arrival before proceeding.”

“Don’t I feel special,” Lymee said thinking over the situation. “How many horses do we have that are not pulling a carriage?”

“About a hundred including the officers’ horses,” Keo said not even having to think about it.

“A hundred might be a bit much,” Lymee said to herself as she thought it over counting in her head. “So in the morning I’ll ride out with, Yoni, her brother, Shan, Sai, you and twenty of Sai’s cavaliers. I’ll leave Gea in charge of the army until they arrive.”

“You might want to bring General Chee along as well,” Yoni suggested resting her chin on Lymee’s chest. “You have a tendency of starting fights wherever you go and she would be very helpful if that happens.”

“You are so encouraging,” Lymee rolled her eyes.

“My lord I would advise against that,” Keo stated a cautionary tone in her voice.

“I know,” Lymee raised her hand signaling that Keo did not need to say anything more. “General Chee is not a diplomatic individual and could just as easily be the one to start a fight as anyone. Not to mention she simply does not make the best first impression.” Lymee sighed sinking further into the bed looking up at the tent’s ceiling. “Chee will get her chance to bash things and kill people soon enough.”

“As you say, my Lord,” Keo bowed her head, an impressed smile on her face.

Lymee knew Keo was worried that she lacked the political mindset necessary to deal with this situation. And Lymee was worried with her. She had told Keo that she needed to speak her mind when she thought Lymee was about to say or do something stupid. After all Lymee was in a position where she could possibly start a much bloodier war if she said or did something that offended one of the other Dynasty Lords.

“Was that everything?” Lymee asked looking up at Keo.

“That was, my Lord,” Keo bowed her head. “I shall leave you to your rest.”

“Thank you,” Lymee smiled. She continued to smile while she watched Keo make her way to the entrance of the tent and walk out.

“Now,” Lymee looked down at Yoni with a devious smile. “Let’s try this again.”


The war camp was far larger than Lymee had expected it to be. It was easily the size of any major city Lymee had seen. But considering that the camp held upwards of two hundred thousand soldiers its vast size was not surprising. On top of the number of soldiers there were countless others milling about. Servants, slaves, merchants, there was even a market area where people had set up their shops and sold their wares to the different soldiers. Lymee was sure that the merchant who was selling extra blankets was making a killing. 

But despite the overall business of the camp things came to a near standstill as Lymee and her entourage rode through. The onlookers stood off to the sides lining the path as Lymee and her men made their way towards the center of the camp where they were to meet the other lords. Many whispered to their friends while many others did not say anything at all. But every single one of them were looking directly at Lymee.

And this was not simply the standard adoration that was shown towards nobles. Lymee was, relatively speaking, a very minor noble and not even a Dynasty Lord. Her rank and current standing did not merit such attention.

At least not yet. Once Alia died that very well might change.

Lymee shook her head brushing the thoughts aside. That was the last thing she should be thinking about right now.

“Jeez, do I have something on my face?” Lymee snorted to herself trying to make light of the situation. She absently rubbed her hands together before bringing them up to her mouth so she could blow hot air on them as she tried to save off the cold. She was wearing riding gloves but even those did nothing to fend off the winter cold.

“They have gathered to get a look at the famed Heavenly Fox,” Keo stated raising her voice only slightly to make sure that Lymee could hear her.

“Not all of them seem happy to see me,” Lymee said noticing the dirty looks she was receiving by several of the soldiers as she passed.

“Some see you as some kind of threat to either them or their lords,” Keo explained. “While others see you as an imposter tarnishing the name of The Heavens by claiming to be sent by them.”

“I sort of am,” Lymee looked down at Kitsune draped around her shoulders.

She realized then having a fox wrapped around her shoulders probably was not helping to disprove the idea that she thought herself a real Heavenly Fox. But it was cold and Kitsune was warm and far better than any scarf. She reached up and scratched the fox before returning her hand the horn of the saddle.

Lymee looked at some of the other people that had gathered alongside the path. They seemed to have an almost reverent look about them. Many of them even refused to make eye contact with her.

“Those are the ones who see you as a divine being,” Keo whispered seemingly reading Lymee’s mind.

“We’ll at least they’re not bowing,” Lymee mumbled letting out a deep breath that turned to fog as it left her mouth. “That’s something at least.”

“Only because to do so would be considered treason to their lords,” Keo explained. “I have no doubt given different circumstances they would gladly press their heads to the ground for you.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Lymee asked turning around in her saddle so she could look at Keo riding behind her. Keo only smiled, refusing to make eye contact with Lymee instead looking off into the distance.

“Is there some way we could use this to our advantage?” Sai asked ridding up to the other side of Lymee raising her voice slightly to make sure she was heard.

“I’m sure there is,” Lymee nodded. “But we are not going to.”

“My lord, if I may suggest,” Keo started.

“You may not,” Lymee held up a finger cutting her off. “I know we should press whatever advantage we have but I do not I repeat, do not, want to encourage the idea that I am somehow divine or have in some way been sent by The Heavens. I can only see such a blatant lie ending badly for us.”

“My Lord,” Keo said. “Can you in any way prove that you
sent by The Heavens?”

“Can you prove that I was?” Lymee shot back with only slight hesitation.

“You are not from this world,” Keo pointed out. “You have said so yourself numerous times. You also cannot remember how it was that you came to be in our world. Who is to say that The Heavens did not send you here and you simply cannot remember? Or at the very least, guided you here.”

Lymee did not have a response for that. When put that way she could see why someone might think she had been sent by The Heavens. But that did nothing to change Lymee’s mind on the matter. She hated the idea of being worshiped and she hated the idea of people thinking she was somehow more than she really was even more.

BOOK: Dynasty: The Glorious Strategist (Dynasty Saga Book 3)
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