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Authors: Ed James

Dyed in the Wool (37 page)

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Anyway, that's DYED IN THE WOOL finally done and out of my system.

Thinking back, this one had a bloody ridiculous gestation like all of the others. Back when DEVIL IN THE DETAIL was just going to be a stopgap novella (instead of the longest - well, second longest now - Cullen book), this was going to be the second full novel. It started out as a terrorist bombing Edinburgh, then became about the EDL and then about Neil Lennon being attacked on the football pitch. I finally settled on this plot when I remembered a discarded plot line from an early draft of GHOST IN THE MACHINE (if you must know, Caroline Adamson's friend Steve Allen was killed, and there was some weird gay revenge motive thing going on - glad I sorted that one out) - there's something in that which I've not used and will be in the next Cullen book.

It's been pretty difficult this one. It was the first one I wrote with my amazing new method on my amazing new MacBook Air (coming up to a year old now), so I got the plot nailed down really early. I plotted it in November, between chaotic drafts of FIRE IN THE BLOOD and before I plotted a non-Cullen book out at Christmas (more on that later). I wrote the first draft in February to mid-March. I got it reviewed by a couple of people, edited it and then did something I've seen on the net - get some fans to read it through and comment.

A huge thanks, therefore, go to Jon, Mags, Zoe, Andrew, Pat and Rhona. The comments I got back strengthened the book immeasurably.

I then did something that a shambling amateur like me just doesn't do - I got a professional editor. Rhona (the same one) did an incredible job in May/June, going through the lines of stuff I'd churned out and helped me turn them into something a bit more professional. Thanks go to Rhona for the editing and also, along with Claudia, for the proofing. I feel like a proper author now, and that's not something I ever expected to say.

Oh, and a couple of other mentions: Peter, I hope the sex scene meets your expectations; Rich, I doubt you'll ever read this but that wee ned trying to nick your phone was wild; the Rick Astley fanclub, I got a mention in there; and an anonymous Twitter follower (only anonymous because I can't remember), for the mole thing.

In all, I'd say that it's the best book I've done and I hope you agree.

As ever, I made some shit up. Ravencraig (the eagle-eyed among you will remember a mention in FIRE IN THE BLOOD) does not exist, of course. And to the real 'Crystal' Methven - I just couldn't resist.

What's next, you wonder?

Well, followers of my blog will know that I've moved job and I'm now based in London four days a week, so my writing pattern is certainly different. I'm trying to keep it up and I've managed to get a load of editing done in the last few weeks. The next big project is finishing off SHOT THROUGH THE HEART - my vampire thriller that has nothing to do with Scott Cullen or any of those clowns - which is about 75% through a fairly tight first draft, but is a lot shorter than this beast so should be out in late August or so.

I've already plotted out much of Cullen five (BOTTLENECK). I've got Cullen six pretty straight in my head.

Thanks again for buying and reading this - do let me know what you think of my books. And I'd really appreciate it if you would leave a review where you bought this - it seriously helps indie authors like me.

Ed James

London, July 2013

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