Read Duke Online

Authors: Tressie Lockwood

Tags: #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General

Duke (6 page)

BOOK: Duke
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“Tyjon,” Talicia shouted behind Stefan, “stop it. You’re embarrassing Stefan.”

Stefan waved a hand toward his wife. “It’s okay, baby. I’ll handle it.”

Despite Stefan’s assurance, Creed took charge as he always did. The deep voice crackled with the power of thunder and lighting all over the restaurant. “Stop.

Tyjon and Basil sprung apart, the anger in both ebbing away. The two of them looked like frightened rabbits in the face of Creed’s rage. He pointed to the door, and both men’s jaws dropped.

“Out of my restaurant,” Creed said.

“But I work here,” Basil complained. “
doesn’t even have a job, and he came in here attacking

Creed’s eyes were so dark, even though Takiyah stood close enough to see the color, she couldn’t have described it. Her heart raced as if he was pissed off at her, and she fumbled with the towel on her arm. Just like every other person in the restaurant, she couldn’t move. She had to see how it played out.

“Pete,” Creed boomed. The biggest of the bodyguards appeared at Creed’s side. Creed worked his hands as if he had trouble keeping them from making fists. No one had to guess what would happen if he gave in to the impulse. He breathed in deep and blew it out. “Get them out of here. If I have to do it…”

Large hands came down on Tyjon and Basil’s shoulders. Talicia darted around her husband to Tyjon. “Pete, you better not hurt my brother. I’m serious.”

She took a defensive stance, and Takiyah blinked in disbelief. Talicia as tiny as she and her brother were, was going to stand up to the giant monster that was Pete. To Takiyah’s surprise, Pete just nodded and forced the men into a march out the door.

Creed swung to face Duke, who was actually the closest man to the fight at the time. His cousin glared at Duke. “Why were you just standing there doing nothing to end this?”

Duke shrugged and stretched long arms over his head. Takiyah waited for him to defend himself and tell Creed he’d been covering the photographer. “Looked interesting. I needed a little more entertainment for the night. Never a dull moment around here.”

She couldn’t believe him. Now that the drama died down, Duke spun around to face the reporter. He patted the man on the shoulder and winked at the photographer. Both were pissed. Takiyah decided giving energy to the crazy was just throwing her off her own game. She finished with her duties and left the serving area to go back to the locker room.

While she tugged her street clothes from the locker, the door opened again. She looked around to find Duke. He’d shut them in alone together and leaned against the door. Unless she wanted to go up against his strength, she was caged.

“Don’t you have a date you need to look after?” She kicked herself after the words slipped out. A person would have to be stupid not to hear the jealousy in her tone.

Duke smirked. “If it bothers you that I’m out with Adele, you and I can do something tomorrow night. I’m sure we can make all kinds of fun.”

Takiyah uttered a noise of disgust and turned back to the locker. All she needed to do was go to the ladies room and change clothes, but she wasn’t going to squeeze past Duke. “Is that what you do? Try to bring a woman down by sleeping with her best friend?”

His eyebrows rose. “Sleeping with her? Aren’t you getting a little ahead?”

“Whatever. You asked her out, but you’re in here with me. In fact, you’ve spent most of the night running behind me. If you want Adele, stick with her and leave me out of it.”

“What if I don’t want to leave you alone? What if I find you different than any woman I—”

“Don’t even go there. I’ve heard the speech before, and I don’t know why all men seem to think they’re the first ones who ever used that tired line.” She marched over to him and poked a finger in his chest. “You’re not my type, okay? Even if you were, you lost a million points asking my friend out and then parading her in my face. Did you think it would make me cling to you?”

She wiggled her fingers in a gesture that said move. He didn’t budge.

“Have dinner with me.”

She gaped at him. “Did you even hear what I just said?”

“I heard, but I still want you to have dinner with me.”

“No.” She gave him a shove, but it didn’t move him. In fact, a buzz of desire started in her core with the contact. Silently cursing herself, she thought of another tactic to get out of there. “If you’re going to harass me, first I’m going to knee you in the nuts, and then I’m going to scream bloody murder. Even with all the drama going on out there, everyone will hear. Now get the hell out of my way.”

He stepped to the side and swept his hand through the air in invitation for her to pass. She grabbed the door handle, turned, and pulled. Duke moved up behind her and shut the door. The hair on her arms stood up, and the heat from his body warmed her. She couldn’t help the shiver and hoped he would miss it. Why would she be attracted to such a man when all her adult life she had been strong enough to deal with whatever came her way?

Duke towered over her and laid a hand beside her head against the door. “If you convince me you aren’t attracted to me the way I am to you, then you can go.”

“Bite me.”

“Is that what you’re in to?”

“It’s an old expression.”

“I know.” The bastard shifted his hand as if he would stroke along her arm, but he didn’t. The proximity, his actions, and his nearness had the same effect as if he had touched her. She swallowed and shut her eyes. If she counted to ten, she might get out of this situation unscathed.

“I don’t want you,” she lied.

“Hmm, not convinced.”

She looked at him. “You can’t hold me prisoner in here, Duke.”

“If you felt I was keeping you prisoner, you would fight. I can see it in your eyes that you’re that type of woman. It’s not me who’s holding you here.”

Her heart hammered. “You’re too full of yourself.”

“Kiss me. I’ll believe it if you don’t feel anything.”

“You’re insane.” She spun to face him and then realized her mistake too late. He moved in nearer, pinning her against the door. His body skimmed hers, but he separated them just as quickly, as if he hadn’t meant to go that far. The slight connection shattered her mind. Was she so lonely she would get excited over this man, who was clearly all wrong for her? She hadn’t had a lover in two years, so her common sense in that arena must be rusty.

“I joke around a lot, Kiyah.” He whispered the words, bringing his face down until their mouths were inches apart. “But right now I’m dead serious. I want to fuck you.”

She panted. “H-hell n-no.”

“You don’t sound sure.”

She raised her chin, but that only brought her lips closer to his. “I’m sure.”

The claim was so weak as to be laughable. His eyes glittered with amusement. She realized what he intended a second before he brought his mouth down on hers. Self-preservation said to keep her lips stiff and closed. Desire overruled. She arched her back, brought her hands up to his chest, and greedily kissed him.

The clothes she’d held fell to the floor when he pressed her to the door. He dipped his knees and ground tighter against her body. She bit off a cry of pleasure at feeling his hard-on. He must be huge, going from the impression, and her pussy grew wet in anticipation.

No, Takiyah. Push him back before it’s too late. You’re not this type of woman.

Instead of pushing him away, she stretched up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Taking the initiative, she stuck her tongue into his mouth and moaned. Duke encircled her waist and pulled her tight to his chest. When he lifted her off her feet, he stole her breath.

“Mm,” he muttered against her mouth, “wrap your legs around my waist. You’re so damn hot, baby. I want to get inside you.”

She gasped and pulled away. He let her down gently to her feet, and she turned her head while trying to pull herself together. Duke touched her chin and raised it. She brushed his hand away.

“Let me in your bed tonight, Kiyah.”

“Are you crazy?”

“Is it crazy that we want each other and that we go after what we want?”

“It is when you’re dating my friend.”

“I’m not dating her, and if it will make you feel better, I’ll take her home now and let her know we won’t have a repeat of tonight.”

She stared at him, angry that he was so cavalier about both her and Adele. In all the years they had been friends, she and Adele kept their friendship first, before men. They never crossed each other, although there had been plenty of men who Takiyah looked at but who didn’t give her a second thought when they spotted Adele. Duke was that way, but for some reason he’d gotten it into his head that he wanted her. She wanted to show some self-respect by telling him to kiss her ass, but she desired his body as much as he seemed to desire hers. Just this once was okay, wasn’t it? Not like she planned to date him.

She tried again to do the right thing. “Adele likes you.”

“She likes the chance to get to one of my cousins through me. You and I both know that. Tell me yes, baby, and I’m going to please you as much as you want.”

“Confident much?”

He didn’t deny it.

“All right, but there’s no way I’m bringing you to my house. My mom lives with me, and I have Keen there.”

He grinned and pulled her in for another mind-blowing kiss. “We’ll work something out.”

Chapter Six

uke unlocked the door
, and Takiyah moved past him into the apartment. She gazed around the living room. Contemporary furniture in pastel colors decorated the space, and watercolor paintings adorned the walls, not to mention a brass knickknack cabinet in the corner. “Whose place is this?”

He tossed the keys on a side table. “You don’t think it’s mine?”

“Number one, there’s no way you can afford the luxury of this place on a waiter’s salary, even if your cousins do pay you well. Number two, no, the décor here doesn’t scream Duke Marquette.”

He tugged her into his arms and ran a hand over her ass. “Do you believe you know me so well?”

Her hands came up to his chest. “Duke.”

He brushed a thumb across her bottom lip. “I like when you say my name. Scream it for me while I take you.”

Goose bumps popped out on her arms, and her breaths grew erratic and deep. “Let go.”

He shook his head, grinning. “I don’t plan to let you go all night.”

“I never said—”

He covered her mouth with his and snaked his tongue between her lips. She cried out in desire and curled her fingers into his shirt when his cock, all stiff and long, pressed into her belly.
Oh hell, yes.
It had been too long, but Duke of all men, she should have chosen better.

He raised her off her feet and carried her over to the couch. When he dropped down on it, she sat on his lap facing him. Now his cock pressed against her pussy, and her panties were soaked with her flowing juices.

“I can almost smell your want,” he whispered against her neck. “You’re going to come in my mouth tonight.”

She swallowed. “I don’t do oral the first time.”

“Uh-uh, you’re
to spread your legs for me. First my mouth and then my cock.”

Damn he was dominant. The attitude turned her on like crazy. Ed had been so soft and nice, he’d ask her permission to do everything, even kiss her. Duke just took, and while it pissed her off, it also lit her on fire. He probably knew it too, the bastard.

She wiggled on his lap and turned around, ready to stand. “What if I tell you no?”

He grasped her around the waist and dragged her backward. Now she felt his cock against her ass, and it was just as hot. Biting her bottom lip kept her from letting him know it. Duke nibbled her ear while moving his hand down between her legs. “You’re not going to tell me no.”

“I might.”

“You won’t.” He demonstrated his effect on her by squeezing her mound. She moaned and tried to suppress it, but he used his middle finger to stroke her slit through her pants and panties. His rumbling voice drove her wild. “I bet your pussy’s wet right now.”

“It’s not.” She had no idea why she’d lie like that. Maybe because he was too sure of himself, and she wanted to pretend he wasn’t all that. Of course, she wasn’t changing her mind after coming here with him. Her mother was watching Keen, and she had promised them both she wouldn’t be too late.

“Take off your pants and your panties and prove it to me.” He guided her to her feet, and when she looked back at him he’d leaned against the couch and folded his arms over his chest. That smug half-grin made her grind her teeth.

“All right, maybe a little,” she admitted. “I’m a woman after all. Any guy could—”

He wagged his finger. “It’s my turn to prove myself.”

That shocked her. “What do you mean?” She dropped her gaze to the front of his pants. The tent in them and the way they molded against his shaft made her mouth water.

“I’ll prove myself with my dick, but I didn’t mean him.”

She smirked. “Him?”

“Stick to the topic.”

She faced him and crossed her arms, copying his position. “What topic were we on?”

He leaned forward and pinched open her jeans. “The one where I will prove to you any man
make you feel the way I can.”

“I was only saying it’s natural. You don’t have to prove anything.”

“Ah, but I do.” He lowered her zipper and dragged her pants down. Pausing for a minute, he stared at her pussy even though it was still hidden behind her panties. She resisted squirming under his scrutiny. When she had asked Ed to make love in the dark after she had gained weight with Keen’s birth, he had agreed. Duke struck her as the kind of man who wouldn’t go for that.

“We can go to the bedroom, if there’s a bed, and turn off the light.”

He shook his head. “We’ll go to the bedroom, but the light stays on. I get to see everything.”

“Don’t be unreasonable.”

He pulled her panties down and paused again. “It’s unreasonable if I can’t watch as I spread your lips and eat you.”

She rubbed the goose bumps on her arms and squeezed her legs together. Duke reached around behind her and stroked her ass. A slow grin spread over his face.

“Now I see how it works,” he said.

“How what works?” Her pussy was practically weeping with come.

“Your beautiful ass. I couldn’t seem to get it out of my head the first time I met you. It’s perfect for hanging onto while I do this.”

She was about to protest, but the words died on her lips. Duke drove her forward and pushed his tongue between her legs. Her cry echoed in the room, and she hoped the walls of the apartment were thick. She had a feeling she would scream them down before the night ended.

Takiyah fell forward and caught herself on Duke’s shoulders. He squeezed her ass and dragged her closer to stick his tongue inside her. His moan sent vibrations to her core, and her inner muscles coiled tight. She tried to resist what he was doing to her, but it felt too damn good. Pumping slowly against his mouth, she raised a foot to the couch cushions. Duke’s hand skimmed her thigh and jerked her to him.

She gasped. “You’re going to make me fall.”

He gave her another lick and raised his head. “I’ll catch you. Trust me.”

Trust him, he said, but she couldn’t. He could be with her tonight and someone else tomorrow.
That didn’t stop me from coming though.
Coming, she ached to do just that right then. Duke was driving her to the edge, and she couldn’t hold on much longer. She arched her hips and held the back of his head. When he moved to her clit, she was gone. Sucking it between his lips, he moaned and sent vibrations through her pussy. Her orgasm rolled through her core, and she cried out his name.

Duke gave her pussy a last kiss and stood. “Come on. I have to get into you.”

She stumbled over her pants when he took her hand and pulled her along the hall. Duke’s long strides ate up the space between the living room and bedroom, and as he charged along the hall, he undid his pants. She had the feeling he was about to burst he was so desperate.

In the room, he whipped her around toward the bed and pushed against her hips. She went down fast, falling on the mattress. He towered above her, jerking his clothes off. She stared, taking in the massive shoulders and chest, the flat abs, the tanned skin. When he uncovered his cock, her breath caught in her throat. He was hung, that was for sure. Stiff and hard, his dick stretched toward her.

She started to ask him about a condom, but he pulled one out of his jeans pocket and ripped into the packaging with vengeance.

“Want some help?” she offered, and he waved her off.

“You lay down and wait for me.”

Takiyah scooted back on the bed while he rolled on the condom. When he was done, her stomach clenched in nervousness. She wasn’t a virgin, and yet, all the men she had been with were smaller. Not to mention it had been a while since her last lover. Duke wasn’t the most sensitive man either.

He paused halfway up the bed and narrowed his eyes at her. “You look like a frightened rabbit.”

“I beg your pardon.”

He grinned. “Don’t worry, little bunny. I won’t hurt you.”

She started to roll to the other side of the bed, but he caught her arm and tugged her back. He landed on top of her but didn’t crush her with his weight. Takiyah struggled to get out from under him. Duke took both her hands and raised them above her head. He used his knee to spread her legs, and she had time to draw in a breath before his shaft parted her nether lips.

As he sank inside her heat, he shut his eyes and groaned. Takiyah pulled against his hold, and Duke held on tighter. He stroked a thumb over her wrist and arched his hips deeper. She drew her knees up, whimpering. His cock stretched her pussy walls and felt so good she never wanted it to end. She raised her hips off the bed to meet his thrust and curled her feet around his legs.

“You feel amazing, Kiyah,” he said in a raspy tone. “I can’t… So damn tight…”

He began pumping harder, in and out, and she bit her lip to keep from begging him not to stop. His deep thrusts grew erratic, and she knew he was going to come soon. Moving faster, meeting his rhythm, she felt her body start to get hotter. His shaft brushed some sensitive spot inside her that was doing things to her ability to put two thoughts together. She shook from head to toe and gasped for breath. Another orgasm rocked her, and she screamed. Seconds after she climaxed, he went stiff and grunted her name.

After some time, Duke looked down at her. A bit of her hair had fallen onto her forehead, and he brushed it away as he studied her face. “Hmm.”

She frowned. “Hmm, what?”

He pulled out of her and sat up then removed the used condom. She leaned up on an elbow, all of a sudden feeling insecure. Her ex-husband was white, but Duke had apparently never been with a black woman.
Was that sound just now about his disappointment? Why should I care? This is a one-time thing.

They hadn’t discussed becoming lovers for as long as the interest lasted. Tonight was all she committed to and all he had offered. The fact that she had accepted and come to a house with him that wasn’t his was outside her comfort zone and her plan. She never slept with men she worked with.

Something rattled, and she peeked over Duke’s shoulder. He was opening another condom. “What are you doing?”

He held the condom in one hand while he stroked his cock. For some reason, watching him do it turned her on. Her pussy pulsed, and she couldn’t take her eyes away. He had softened after he came, but it looked like he was going to work himself up to getting hard again.

“Once has never been enough.” He glanced over his shoulder and let his gaze slide along her body. “And after that, I’m definitely going to need the condoms I brought.”

Her mouth fell open. “Condoms plural? Are you kidding?”

He grinned and pointed at her with his chin. “Take off that blouse, baby. Let me see your breasts. I know I’ll get hard faster with them.”

She clutched her shirtfront. “What if I’m done?”

“You’re not saying I didn’t please you, are you? Because that sounds like a challenge.”

“Can you get any more sure of yourself? Must be a Marquette thing.”

“Probably.” He pointed again. “The shirt. I’m willing to tear it off, but I figure you want to go home dressed.”

“You don’t have a romantic bone in your body, do you?”

“Romance? Is that what you’re looking for?”

“Hell, no. Not from you.” She mentally kicked herself for bringing it up. “I don’t normally meet a man for sex. This place feels like a hotel, and…never mind.”

He stopped stroking himself and tossed the condom in the trash. She gasped when he started getting dressed, figuring he was mad. Well, she was just being honest. After rolling to the other side of the bed, she found the bathroom and cleaned up. When she came out, Duke held her pants and her panties. She slid into them quickly, but he left the bedroom the second he handed them over.

She found him in the living room leaning against a wall and drinking a beer. “Ready?”

“Yeah.” Her stomach sank in disappointment. After one round of great sex, he was ready for more. She had blown even that much pleasure by running her mouth, but she refused to apologize. On the other hand, Duke never said he cared about her, and she hadn’t made any stupid confessions either. That didn’t change the fact that her feelings were hurt.

At her house, she opened the car door to get out, but he stopped her. “I’ll get my own place by end of week. I can’t guarantee any more than a bed being inside it. Is that acceptable?”

She blinked. “What? You want to do it again?”

His strong fingers caressed her cheek. “I told you once has never been enough, and your body makes me want it a lot more.”

She swallowed and glanced down. The front of his pants was tented. He was still horny, but he denied himself for her. Duke wasn’t all bad, but that didn’t mean he was right either. She hesitated.

“I’m not sure if I should—I mean
—to see you again. I’m sorry I kind of threw a bucket of cold water over everything.”

He leaned over and nuzzled her lips then leaned back grinning. “You can make it up to me by being at my mercy for an entire night.”

“You’re impossible to deal with.”

“That’s a part of my charm.” He reached past her to open the door. “Go in. It’s late. Next time, you’ll arrange to stay with me all night.”

She rolled her eyes at him and stepped out of the car. “Good night!”

Duke peeled off down the road. The man was so infuriating, self-centered, bossy, arrogant, a whole host of irritating qualities that she hated. None it changed the fact that the hurt feelings she’d felt thinking he had dismissed her had evaporated. Now she had the nerve to be hopeful and was anticipating when she could see him again.

“The idiot will be at Marquette’s tomorrow. That’s soon enough.” She walked up the steps to her tiny house and let herself inside. With Duke’s coarse personality, there was no reason to think she would ever fall for him, so maybe she could have sex with him one more time. She would play it by ear and see how things went.

BOOK: Duke
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