Read DreamKeeper Online

Authors: Storm Savage

Tags: #Paranormal, Erotic Romance, Ménage, Multiple Partners, group sex

DreamKeeper (8 page)

BOOK: DreamKeeper
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“Do you know where we are yet?”

“Sorry, but no.” Sage offered a comforting smile. “No worries though. I’m sure if we keep walking in the same direction we’ll end up back home. It is an island after all.”

“I was supposed to become his
Senhora Do Sangue
today.” She sighed despondently.

Sage stopped, then turned toward her. “Aw, I’m sorry. That explains why Blade didn’t waste any time in making his move. He must know you are ready.”

“Should I have helped you with those men back there? I did bite one man back in LA.”

“No. You did right by letting me handle them. They aren’t like society men. These chaps bite back. Living out here, dabbling in neck biting, their skills are honed. One mistake and you’d have been in the wrong hands.” She reached out, and with two index fingertips gently tugged the corners of Angel’s mouth upward. “Smile. We’ll make it back safely, and you
be reunited with Savaant.”

Her unexpected gesture made Angel laugh. Sage was definitely a bright spot.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to complain or sound weak. It’s been a trying day.”

“You do
need to apologize. After everything that’s happened I’m surprised you haven’t shed a single tear.”

She half-laughed. “Don’t start passing out the Purple Hearts. If I were not so parched, I’m sure the tears would flow. I miss him so much it hurts. How can someone become utterly addicted to another in just one week?”

“I’m delighted to hear you say that. In spite of all your trials, you think of Savaant. He deserves a loyal woman with all the suffering he’s endured.”

“He has and always will be everything to me. My dreams of meeting him kept me alive all those years.”

Sage motioned that they sit down and rest. “If you don’t mind me asking, what
happen to you?”

“Unfortunate circumstances.” She plopped down in the sand. “Long story short, I was blackmailed at the age of eighteen into marriage by a wealthy, powerful man back east. For thirty years I played the
aristocrat’s showpiece
. My only saving grace was his impotence. I never had to give myself to the bastard. And I was never given enough freedom to have an affair.”

“That’s a long time without love.” Sage lifted her brow and blinked a couple times, openly surprised.

Angel didn’t fault her stunned response.
Who wouldn’t be shocked to know a forty-eight-year-old virgin? Especially in these modern times with the Internet at one’s fingertips. Well, I felt like the world’s oldest virgin until a few days ago. My blight has been lifted in that area…and delightfully so!

“I’m not sure I could’ve had an affair even if given the chance. Men had never treated me kindly. Savaant was my safe place. Every night I pulled him into my thoughts before falling asleep.”

“Weren’t you afraid when he bit you?”

Angel thought about that for a moment. As bizarre as their meeting had been, she’d never been afraid of him.

“I never felt fear with him. In fact…he makes me feel safer than ever.”

“He truly has found the right woman,” Sage said. “We just need to get you two back together and complete the union. Are you ready to start walking again?”

“Yes. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find some water.” She brushed sand off her robe as they resumed their trek. Under a dark sky the ocean took on a different hue. It looked almost eerie as the waves thrashed against the sand beneath a full moon. With no hills or trees to block her view, she could see millions of stars twinkling above. Beyond the shoreline lay nothing but rolling, black water—a striking contrast to the sublime image cast by day.

They walked side by side for a little while longer before Sage pointed to a small grove of trees up ahead.

“Pomegranates…” Sage picked up their pace.

Upon reaching the shrubby looking trees, they plucked the ripe red fruits and smashed the thick skins open with a rock. Sage nudged her into the center of the thicket to conceal their presence while eating.

“Mm.” She bit into the juicy red fruit, taking both pulp and seeds into her mouth. She couldn’t get the sweet liquid down her throat fast enough.

Sage nodded in agreement while devouring her own. She glanced at Angel who had juice trickling down her chin. They both laughed and Angel sensed a strong bond developing between them. After spending an entire day getting to know each other while surviving on their own, she couldn’t help but feel close to the beautiful, yet visceral, woman. They had come to know each other on a more intimate level.

“I think we’re getting closer to home. I couldn’t go back the way Ciara brought you because I feared crossing paths with Blade. I knew he would be hot on her trail. I’m not sure which direction Savaant chose.” Sage gazed up at the moon. “But one thing I do know is that the moon rises close to our villa and sets in the distance. See how large and close the moon seems?”

She looked up. Sure enough, the rising moon loomed over them like a huge, golden globe.

“That beautiful full moon is shining in my bedroom window as we speak. By morning it will be on the opposite side of the island. So we must be getting close.”

“I’ve always loved the moonlight. So many different moods created by a majestic full moon.”

“Perhaps you’ve always been meant to be one of us. Nahtosha waited a long time to choose her male. The timing for you to be with Savaant couldn’t be better.” Sage had posed an intriguing thought.

Angel recalled Savaant’s account of Nahtosha and the day they’d agreed that the sea creature had selected them long ago to carry out her plan. “Savaant and I kind of felt the same way…as if our lives had been destined to merge by a more prevailing force.”

She chose not to reveal that she’d heard Nahtosha’s voice speak to her. She wasn’t sure how Sage would react or if, in doing so, she might anger Nahtosha’s spirit. Risking agitating an unseen spirit didn’t seem like a wise decision.

“Are you feeling better?” Sage asked. “Though you didn’t say much I could see you struggling.”

“Yes, much better. I’ve learned to endure many things in silence. I must confess this day has been one of the most challenging.” Her thoughts drifted. “Except for…never mind.” She caught herself before dredging up the past.

Sage didn’t pursue the matter, much to Angel’s relief. Nobody except Savaant needed to know what had been dead and buried long ago.

“Ready to move on?” Sage tilted her head with an encouraging look.

“Yeah.” She stood up and stuffed a few pomegranates into the pockets of her robe. “I’ll take these along just in case.”

With a pleasant smile Sage led the way as they left their quaint little grove. Upon their emergence from the thicket, a tall figure cast his shadow on the sand from behind.

“Good evening, ladies.”

Sage spun around. Angel felt the hairs on her neck bristle before she turned to face Blade. His eyes glimmered with lust.

“You came out of hiding just in time. Another few minutes and I’d have passed you by. Everyone’s been fretting over your whereabouts all day.” He sounded anything but sincere.

“Stay the hell away from us,” Sage hissed. “We know you were behind Ciara’s evil deed. So drop the innocent act.”

He let out a sardonic laugh. “You’ve been in the heat too long. I’ve no dealings with the wench. What are
doing way out here so far from home, Sage?”

“I saw you. And I saw Ciara sneaking around the back of Savaant’s house while you went inside. You lying bastard!” Sage kicked sand at him. “I wasn’t going to let you get away with your evil scheme.”

“I’m not going to stand here and argue with you.” Blade cast a guarded look behind him as if expecting someone. “C’mon.” He grabbed their arms and began dragging them down the beach.

Angel kicked and flailed in an attempt to break free but he had a vise-like grip on her.

Sage shot her an admonishing glance.
It will do no good fighting him this way. Conserve your energy. Clear your mind.

The fact that she received Sage’s thoughts took her off guard. Recalling what Savaant had taught her about fear and anger blocking her telepathy, she ceased thrashing, then cast Sage a confused look.
Why can’t you take him down like the others?

A sad expression flooded Sage’s eyes as she again communicated silently.
Blade is a blood-dragon. The others were mere mortal men seeking a high. I cannot physically overpower Blade. I must try and catch him off guard. We must use our wits, not our bodies, to defeat him.

Blade didn’t say a word as he pushed them along in front of him. They stumbled through the dark for quite some time before coming to a dense area of foliage and tropical trees. He forced them into the jungle-like sector and continued onward.

To her surprise and by the shocked expression on Sage’s face to her surprise as well, they arrived at a secluded cabin hidden deep within the maze of thicket. She wondered if they were at all close to home as Sage had thought. She felt as if they’d been walking toward nowhere the entire day. Now night had fallen and they found themselves trapped in another unrecognizable territory on Dunalino.

She eyed the adobe cottage with its thatched roof. Small, one story, as if built specifically to house captives or perhaps even a place to perform rituals.
Rituals! Oh no! He brought us here to take my blood and steal Savaant’s power!
She pondered what method of madness Blade had in mind to coerce them into such a traitorous act.

He shoved them inside from behind, then bolted the door. Angel looked around furtively in the dark while he roamed about lighting candles. Only one room existed inside the small house and it appeared to be every bit a ceremonial-type setup. One bed was set up against the far wall. White candles everywhere. Strange art covered the walls, paintings of things Angel couldn’t distinguish like some type of tribal symbolism. The wooden floor was bare except for one plush area rug in the center. She didn’t see a bathroom or anything that indicated one could live in the cabin with modern conveniences and there didn’t appear to be electricity or running water.

“What are you going to do?” Sage snapped. Her green eyes flickered with fury in the candle-lit room.

“What I set out to do before you got in the way.” Blade gave her an insolent smirk. “Worked out rather well, I’d say. I needed a witness anyway, better you than Ciara. Your account will hold more weight with Savaant than hers would have.”

“I’ll lie!”

He laughed sadistically. “You can’t. You’re bound by blood to tell the truth—unless you want everyone on the island to know exactly what you are.”

As if he’d thrown ice water on her, Sage slunk back against the wall. Blade loomed over her in a menacing stance.

“Yes…I know all about your intent to leave me. Have you already persuaded Angel to take you in? Have you forgotten that your potent blood gave me telepathy? You did not do well hiding your thoughts. Would it be so bad bound to me? I am the bandleader after all.”

Sage wrinkled her nose in disgust. “I could never willingly be bound to a man who whores around.” Then her tone of voice softened. “Even so, I can’t let you do this. Don’t take Angel away from her true love. Take me instead. I will stay with you if you let her go.”

Angel stared wide-eyed, unsure of what to do.
Should I stop her? No, she has more power. Savaant told me not to take matters into my own hands on Dunalino.

Blade rubbed his chin meditatively as if considering Sage’s offer.

“Hm, as inviting as that may be…your consent is too fucking late. I think I’d rather take
blood and steal Savaant’s esteemed position. No worries though, once Angel is mine, I will have both female blood-dragons in my bed. Now if you’ll just hang out there and wait your turn, I have some pure blood to drink.”

In one sweeping step he reached Angel, lifted her off the floor and tossed her onto the bed. Then he pulled leather strips from his coat pockets and proceeded to bind her hands and feet. Her thrashing around was ineffective against him. Sage was right about his strength over them.

“Like hell you do.” Sage snarled, and with lightning speed, flung herself at Blade before he finished securing the ties.

“Sage, no!” Angel screamed, fearing for her new friend’s life.

His howls of pain reverberated throughout the cabin, creating a terrifying sound. She watched in horror as the two wrestled for the upper hand. Sage had her teeth firmly latched on Blade’s neck as he swung wildly in an attempt to escape her paralyzing bite. Once he lay immobilized on the floor, she turned quickly to Angel.

“Run! Angel, get the hell out of here!” She straddled Blade, standing guard so Angel could make an escape. “I will keep him down as long as I can, now go!”

Chapter Eight

Seizing Blade’s moment of weakness, Angel tore frantically with her teeth at the half-tied strips around her wrists until they broke free. Leaping off the bed, she raced out the door and pulled the robe tight around her as she ran. After blindly zigzagging and tripping through the thicket in the dark, she finally reached sandy ground. The open shoreline lay straight ahead. She sprinted down the water’s edge, silently praying she was running in the right direction.

An unseen rock tripped her, sending her sprawling face down into the watery sand. Tears sprung to her eyes as she gripped her ankle. Sharp pain shot up her leg.
Damn it!
She tried walking but winced with pain as she realized her ankle must’ve suffered a mild sprain. Her pace slowed dramatically, yet she pushed on.

Not long after her tumble, the sound of heavy breathing began to close in from behind. Terrified that it might be Blade gaining on her, she refused to look back and imagined she was merely hearing her own body panting for breath. But once again strong hands gripped her from behind and she felt herself being dragged backwards.

“Don’t bother screaming. Nobody can hear you out here,” he told her when they merged back into the dense brush. He stopped to catch his breath and pushed her to the ground against a tree. “Bloody hell, where’d you learn to run so fast?” Blade stood over her as she sat huddled against a fruit tree, her arms wrapped around her knees.

BOOK: DreamKeeper
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