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Authors: Jaci Burton

Dream On (5 page)

BOOK: Dream On
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His words were whispered, his voice a gravelly softness that curled her toes. “Do you want to come, Katie? Right here? You want me to eat that sweet pussy until you have to bite your tongue to keep from screaming, don’t you?”

God help her, she couldn’t hold the words back. “Yes!”


Jaci Burton

Chapter Six

It had been too long since she’d been touched. When Jack’s hands cupped her buttocks and drew her closer to his mouth, his hot breath teasing the curls covering her sex, she knew she was going to embarrass herself by coming almost immediately. He leaned his forehead against her belly and stilled, breathing heavily. Was he having trouble maintaining control? Cool, calm collected Jack McKay was ruffled? Amazing. But then she heard it, a low growl coming from his throat, so primitive and arousing her pussy responded with a quaking shudder, a welcoming call of the wild.

He dipped down and licked through the curls on her mound, nipping at her with his teeth. She had nothing to hold onto and was afraid her legs wouldn’t hold her, especially when she felt the warm wetness of his tongue along her folds. Unbidden, a moan escaped her lips. Reaching for his head, she tangled her fingers in his hair, closed her eyes and held on.

The spark was lit with the first swipe of his tongue against her clit. When he covered the bud with his lips and teased it with his tongue, she burst into an inferno, forcing herself to hold onto sanity and not come yet. Not yet. The pleasure was too great, the sensations too exquisite to let go so quickly. She opened her eyes and watched him perform his magic. His tongue swirled over the swollen hood to lap at the hard pearl underneath. Before she could shriek from the sheer bliss of such an intimate touch, he’d moved further south, licking along her slit, forcing her pussy lips open so he could slide his tongue inside and lap the cream pouring from her.


Dream On

It was decadent, wicked, and so damned arousing she sobbed out a whimper. Jack tilted his head back and she saw the half smile on his lips before his tongue blazed a hot, wet trail back to her clit.

“Jack,” she whispered, knowing she had nothing to say to him, but still needing him to know that his mouth was magic.

She’d always craved his touch, even when things between them had become distant. Long after he’d left she’d lived in a state of shock that she would never feel the warmth of his hands gliding along her skin, or the magic of his mouth when he kissed her and loved her in this most intimate way.

And now he was back and she didn’t care why or for how long. She needed this. No, that wasn’t quite right. It went far beyond need. She demanded it, and nothing would stop her from getting what she wanted.

“There,” she directed, holding his head in place when his tongue found that magical spot she knew would send her over the edge. But he’d already stilled and focused his attention on that location. She heard his dark laugh of satisfaction, reveled in the intimacy of the man who knew her so well she didn’t have to lead him to find her sweet spot.

Release hovered close, teasing and tormenting her. A sweet bliss she craved but wanted to hold back. If she only had this one time she was going to make it last forever. But he tortured her incessantly, swirling his tongue in circles around her throbbing clit. When he reached up and slid his finger along her folds, then inserted it into her pussy, she felt the contractions in her womb, bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying out and let the sensations overtake her.

Her orgasm raged through her like a sudden tidal wave, crest after crest battering her body until it shook uncontrollably. She held onto Jack like a life preserver, clutching her fingers in his hair while he continued to fuck her with his finger. Never once did he stop, even when the vibrations became unbearable. She floated briefly before riding the wave to another crashing climax that left her panting and unable to stand. 37

Jaci Burton

He rose and covered her mouth with his, letting her taste the sweet release she’d poured onto his tongue. She met his kiss with all the passion she’d held inside, needing to feel one with him, a part of him. Needing him inside her like she’d never needed before.

Jack tore his mouth from hers and laid his forehead against hers, panting heavily.

“We’ll finish this later. When I fuck you I want all the time in the world, not just a few minutes.”

She felt cold when he stepped away from her. Cold and suddenly feeling exposed way more than physically. What was wrong with her? Five years of gloomy depression simply disappeared with one touch of his tongue to her clit? Was she really that easy, that gullible?

Yes, Jack seemed different in so many ways, but what guarantees did she have that he wouldn’t disappear again? The thought of it made her want to curl up in a ball and scream. She doubted she’d survive it a second time, and yet she’d let him back in so easily.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. You’re supposed to enjoy the moment and not let your heart get
involved. But she’d given it all to him once again, baring her heart and soul for his taking.
And there he stood in front of her, his gaze hot and filled with wild desire, and she wanted to offer herself up to him again.

It’s just a dream, Kate. Don’t think too much. Go with it, enjoy it, but hold your heart

She could do this. Really, she could. He couldn’t possibly hurt her more than he already had, so why not take a little from him this time? God knows she desperately needed what he was offering.

She was nearly naked and he was still fully clothed, standing there staring at her as she fought for control over her limbs. But how could she stop trembling with the way he looked at her? Heat fused her core at the look of raw need in his eyes, the way his jaw clenched tight and his hands balled into fists.


Dream On

Jack fought for control. He wanted her, the evidence clearly outlined against his jeans. But he held back. Waiting. And she could, too. Dressing quickly, she hurried from the dressing room, hoping the telltale blush on her cheeks and her mussed hair wouldn’t give away what they’d been doing in there.

Suzie was thankfully oblivious as Jack placed the outfit she’d worn onto the counter and paid for it, all the while exchanging hot glances with Kate that melted her into a puddle of arousal right there in the middle of the store. Though she knew him well, had known him her entire life, he looked at her now as if he saw her for the first time, had just tasted her for the first time, and wanted more. Dammit, she shouldn’t, but she liked these feelings he evoked in her. She liked the newness of it all, as if they were just starting a relationship. Deep down she knew that whatever was happening between them wasn’t permanent. Despite the allure of rediscovered sex, she had to force herself to remember that.
He’s not staying. Don’t let your heart get wrapped up in this
. Jack had returned to atone for his abrupt departure, in some way asking for forgiveness. But he didn’t fool her one bit. He’d never said he’d come back permanently. So she’d just enjoy the moment and when he left again, she’d get over it. She’d done it before. Surely it couldn’t hurt as much the second time as it had the first, right?


Now if only she could really believe that.

Ah, the hell with it. He owed her. She was going to take it. They drove back to the house to shower and change for dinner. Kate felt strange putting on the dress and sexy lingerie again, all too aware of what had happened the last time she wore it. But they were going to the country club for dinner. He couldn’t very well ravage her in the middle of the dining room in front of hundreds of people, could he?


Jaci Burton

Though the idea had some appeal.

She giggled as she fastened her earrings and gazed at the finished product in the bathroom mirror. Shaking her head, her hair swept sexily from side to side, little wisps caressing her cheek as she moved.

She looked…hot. Giggling again, she slipped on her shoes and went out to look for Jack. He was in the living room string out the bay windows toward the lake, his back turned to her. Dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and black slacks that framed his wellsculpted ass, she swallowed past the desert in her throat. Screw dinner. She wanted to have Jack for dinner. His cock in her mouth for an appetizer, a heady sixty-nine for the main course and a nice, long fuck for dessert. She shuddered at the visual of being spread out on the carpet underneath the big window, the setting sun a backdrop for some glorious, sweaty sex. But instead, she sighed and asked, “You ready?”

He turned to her and she sucked in a breath. Still so damned handsome her heart stopped whenever she looked at him. The way he smiled at her reminded her of when they were young and first fell in love. That smile held a promise of forever. Funny she should see it grace his face now.

“I’m ready. And you’re gorgeous. Shall we go?” He held out his arm and she stepped toward him, sliding her hand into the crook and feeling every bit like Cinderella on her way to the ball.

But Cinderella always knew the stroke of midnight would change things, her fantasy would vanish right before her eyes. Kate would do well to remember that too. Anything magical was fleeting at best. Just like her time with Jack.

“How did you get into the country club?” she asked as they arrived in front of the expansive, one-story Pleasantville Country Club. The golf course was visible from the front porch of their country house and they’d often laughed about how one day they’d be rich enough to afford the ridiculously expensive entry fee. 40

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Another “one day” that had never happened.

“I have connections,” he said as he helped her out of the car and tossed the keys to the valet.

Kate went silent as they walked up the marble steps toward the lobby door. Connections. Right. What kind of connections did he have now that he hadn’t had five years ago? When he left, he’d given her everything, including his business. She’d sold the business and used the money to live on while she worked on her writing career. Hell, why not? He’d abandoned everything and left it all to her to deal with. At least he’d left her something of value.

There were still so many questions. Why wasn’t she grilling him about where he’d been, what he’d been doing and the most important question of all…why was he back?

Because you don’t really want to know the answers.
The truth of that statement hovered around her like the growing night mist swirling in the air. She cast it aside and preferred oblivious ignorance to knowing the truth. The country club was everything she’d always imagined it would be. Multiple crystal chandeliers graced the cathedral ceiling of the ballroom-sized dining room, their sparkle like glittering diamonds. Parquet flooring led onto rich, thick carpet colored a soft grey and blue. An expansive dance floor centered hundreds of round tables outfitted with white linen tablecloths and fine china and silver. They were so far out of their league here she almost laughed, but didn’t want to call attention to herself. Though no one looked their way as the hostess led them to their table. They could be invisible for all the attention they gathered. Which suited her just fine. At any moment she expected a tap on the shoulder followed by an announcement that they weren’t allowed to stay.

A very attentive waiter brought them wine, took their food order and acted as if they truly belonged in this opulent lifestyle of the rich. Whatever. If Jack paid them a bundle to get them in for the evening, so be it. She was going to enjoy the food, the drink and dance her heart out.


Jaci Burton

For tomorrow it could all be gone.

And no one knew that better than her.


Dream On

Chapter Seven

“Have I told you tonight how beautiful you look?”

No more than about a hundred times, she mused. But she wasn’t complaining.

“Thank you, Jack.”

They’d eaten and had wine, enjoying conversation about the boys and her life since he’d left. Not once had he offered an explanation about the past five years, nor had he given her an inkling to what would happen in their future. A small part of her wanted, needed to know the answers. A large part of her wanted to stay in the moment and quit worrying about things she had no control over. Certainly a new and improved version of herself, that was certain. But why not?

Jack wasn’t going to stay. He was here to wine her, dine her and give her screaming orgasms for as long as he deigned to remain. She was going to sit back and let him. Hell, for all she knew she could still be dreaming. If she was, then she could do anything, be anything, act any way she wanted to and it wouldn’t matter in the light of day what had happened in her dreams.

“Dance with me.”

When was the last time they’d danced together? He stood and held out his hand. Smiling, she slipped her palm against his and followed him onto the dance floor. Their favorite song played, an old fifties song about romance and finding the love of your life. As she stared into the unfathomable eyes of the man she’d loved forever, her heart clenched and tears pooled in her eyes.

“I’ve missed you, Jack,” she finally admitted out loud. “So much.”


Jaci Burton

He allowed her a fleeting glimpse of the pain in his eyes before he shielded them and smiled. “I’ve missed you too, Katie. I’ve thought of you every day, every night, wishing I could go back and change everything. I would, you know, if I could.”

She believed him. “I know. It’s enough that you’re here now. Let’s not talk about what neither of us can change.”

He nodded and pulled her against him, her softness against his rock-hard solid strength. More than anything, she missed this feeling of protectiveness, of knowing nothing bad could happen to her as long as Jack held her in his arms. They swayed together, oblivious to the other couples dancing around them. Kate laid her head on his shoulder, absorbing his scent, the comforting strength of his hard chest against her breast and the feel of his body under her hands. Time suspended, memories washing over her so fast she couldn’t keep up with the visions coursing through her mind. From the beginning…the first time he kissed her, the first time they made love, their wedding, the birth of the boys…everything came rushing back to her. At that moment she knew exactly what she wanted.

BOOK: Dream On
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