Read Drawn to You: Volume 3 Online

Authors: Vanessa Booke

Drawn to You: Volume 3 (4 page)

BOOK: Drawn to You: Volume 3
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I lean into Tyler’s embrace, closing the space between us. Despite the awkwardness that I feel doing so, I push away any thoughts of guilt. The scowl on Tristan’s face haunts me briefly, but he quickly recovers and makes his way over to the helm of the yacht where Nick stands. I’m grateful for the small opportunity to breathe. Every time Tristan comes near me, I feel my whole body tense. I’m not sure how to act around him anymore. I’m too afraid someone else will notice.

“So is he your brother, too?” Tyler asks.

My eyes zip back to him. I can tell from my startled expression that Tyler isn’t enjoying the idea of competition. A look of annoyance crosses his face as he examines Tristan from head to toe. If I didn’t know any better, I would say he’s sizing him up.

“He’s a family friend,” I say.

“Are you sure? He’s been staring at you this whole time.”

I force myself not to look in the direction of Nick and Tristan. Tyler pushes a wisp of hair from my face as he studies the freckles on my cheeks.

“I’m positive. He’s known me since I was a little girl.”

He smiles. “I bet you were cute as a little girl.”

His hand wraps around the same wild strand as he tugs it lightly.

“Now, you’re just sexy.”

“Uh, thank you.” I smile in embarrassment.

He’s trying hard to win me over, and if it weren’t for the man standing only a few feet away, I would let him. His gray eyes scan my face as he slowly leans toward me. A gust of wind whips my hair, sending it flying over my eyes, but he quickly tames it with his hand. He leans in closer, barely within inches of my lips.

A raspy voice cuts the air and Tyler freezes, quickly sitting back. A shadow cascades over us, and as I look up, I spot the reflection of Tristan’s anger shining back down on me.

“Emily, I need to talk to you.”

I gulp as he pulls me up to my feet without bothering to excuse us from Tyler. His rude attitude goes unnoticed by everyone else except my date. We’re halfway across to the other side of the yacht when I feel him tug on my arm and spin me towards him.


Tristan’s anger vibrates off of him as he pushes me against the railing of the boat where prying eyes can’t see us. I’m stunned to silence as I watch the world spin around me. Is he fucking jealous?

“What the hell is going on?” he seethes.

His icy tone sends me crashing to a halt. It pierces me with a bitter vengeance. I turn to him, ready to face his wrath head on. How can he be pissed off at me? He was the one letting my best friend flirt with him earlier. I’m the one who should be pissed.

His hazel eyes gleam despite the darkness that surrounds us. My heart flutters at the sight of his fingers running through his black hair in frustration. I’m honestly glad to see he seems bothered. I was starting to think I imagined things when it came to his feelings for me. Even last night is starting to feel more like a dream than reality.

“Nothing is going on,” I reply.

“You like him?”

Tristan’s tone is almost threatening as he gazes down at me. His hands fall to his waist as he waits for my reply. I bite back a smile as fingers pensively tap against his hip. I know my reluctance to answer is only irritating him more.

“What if I do?” I taunt. If he only knew how much I hate seeing Ceci draped all over him.

Tristan scoffs at me as if liking Tyler is inconceivable.

“You deserve better,” he says.

Deserve better? What the hell does that mean? Better apparently doesn’t seem to include him. My thoughts slip from my mouth before I have a chance to think about them. A look of unease passes over his grim expression.

“Do I deserve you?” I press.

The air is silent with only the waves crashing behind us to cut the tension. Several droplets of water spray on top of me sliding down my face. Tristan’s eyes watch me, drinking up each salty drop—especially the ones that touch my lips.

“You deserve better than me.”

The words come out in a pained gasp.

Perplexed, I watch as Tristan turns to pace back and forth across the deck of the ship. In my mind, there’s no one better than he is. I don’t understand why he thinks he’s so bad for me. Is there something he’s not telling me?

“What if I said I don’t want anyone else? Just you,” I blurt.

He looks up at me, and for a moment, I can almost see a sliver of hope in his eyes.

I hesitate before stepping forward toward him. Tristan’s breath grows shallow as I close the space between us. He reaches out to touch me but stops as if he thinks better of it. Disappointment fills me. It seems I won’t be feeling his hands on me anytime soon.

“You’re too young. You don’t know what you want,” he says writing me off.

His words leave flesh wounds across my soul. Tristan’s age isn’t something I thought of as a hindrance to us. Four years doesn’t seem like that much older. Does my inexperience turn him off? I may be more shy and reserved than I want to be, but that doesn’t mean I’m clueless. Or maybe it’s the lack of lifestyle that’s making Tristan hold back. I’m not sure how to be a proper submissive and maybe that’s what he really wants. Although if that’s true, why is he paying any attention to Ceci?

“Why? Is it because you think I can’t tell the difference between wanting you to make love to me or tying me up and fucking me?”

A smile emerges from Tristan’s lips. I step back as a dark look crosses his face. He advances toward me with a predatory smile.

“Watch your mouth, pet. Or do I have to teach you a lesson right here?”

His hand cups my face.

The heat sears me as his thumb traces my lips. I open my mouth and suck. A strangled noise comes from Tristan as I open my eyes. His thumb leaves my mouth with a pop.

“Fuck, I want my cock inside those velvet lips.”

I melt at his words.

There’s no denying I want him, too.

“I thought you saw me as your sister?” I tease.

For a moment, his eyes leave me as he stares over my shoulder. A slight tint spreads across his cheeks.
Is he blushing?
The realization hits me that I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tristan blush. Not even once. My sex grows wet with desire.

“That’s the last way I think about you,” he growls.

My heart skips as Tristan pushes me up against the yacht railing, not once letting go. His lips make contact with mine in a mind-blowing kiss as his hand massages my breast. My nails tear into his hair, desperate to show him how much he turns me on. Tristan yanks my hands behind me and sinks his teeth into my neck. I gasp at the sensation as it leaves me on the tip of an orgasm. His warmth recedes as he pulls away from me. Our ragged breaths reach a fevered pitch. I pant trying to wrap my head around what just happened as Tristan steps back putting space between us. He lifts my chin up, forcing me to look into his eyes.

“Most of the time, I think about you in chains with your sweet pussy soaking wet for me. I think about fucking you with my paintbrush and then my mouth until you’re bursting and until you’re begging me to come inside you. To own you. To devour you. I think about fucking that sweet little ass. Does that make you feel better? To know that anytime I’m near you, I’m fighting to keep my desire under control?”

I blush, unable to vocalize just how much I need him to want me that exact way.

A low chuckle escapes him as I bite my bottom lip.

“You’ll be the end of me.”

Or the beginning of our infinity.


My desire overtakes all rational thoughts.

It takes all of my strength to break away from Emily as a familiar voice calls for her. My insides heat at the sound of her name on his lips. It’s that little asshole, Tyler. I could beat the shit out of him for trying to kiss her. Who the fuck does he think he is?


My chest constricts at the look of disappointment that plagues her face. She wants me just as much as I need her. Emily reaches out for me as I step back. Our bodies are always entangled in a never-ending dance.
I need to go.
My fingertips itch to touch her again, but there’s an invisible restraint that keeps me immobile. I watch as she smooths her hair and straightens out the sundress that she’s wearing. The yellow color pops against her skin, giving her a youthful glow. Even in the darkness, she’s like a light that beckons me.


Her voice is small and needy. It pulls at me with an irresistible force.

“Emily, if you don’t leave now…” I warn.

My cock is begging to break free from the hold of my jeans. Begging to be buried in between Emily’s sweet folds. Her eyes widen as her eyes lower to the bulge in my jeans.
Fucking hell.

“Go,” I command. “And if I see that bartender with his paws all over you, I’m going to throw him overboard.”

A smile breaks across her flushed face. I’m tempted to throw him overboard now, but I force myself to forget the anger I felt when he touched her. I inhale the smell of her sweet lavender scent, and it only seems to make my cock stiffen more.

“Can we talk later?” she begs.

“Yes, but, dammit woman, if you don’t go in the next five seconds, I’m going to do something idiotic like fucking you in front of him.”

Her jaw drops in surprise.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you,” I chuckle.

The thought has crossed my mind more than once today. As much as I’d like to say I’m a gentleman, Emily causes feelings inside me that make me feel more like a feral animal. I grab her by the waist and smash my lips against hers for one last kiss. I can only hope the taste is enough to satisfy my desires until we get back to the city. Her arms wrap around my neck, and it takes all of my strength to untangle myself from her.

Her cheeks somehow redden even more. God, I love that blush. It’s enough to push me over the edge. I'm stunned how this sweet vixen bewitches me.

“Good night, Tristan,” floats from her lips like an open invitation.

“Goodnight, Lily Pad.”

I plant a kiss in the middle of her palm before disappearing to find Nicholas. Each step I take away from Emily sends an electric shock to my heart. A part of me wonders if there will ever be a day where I don’t have to walk away from her…

I lean back against the railing of the yacht as Nicholas babbles on about traveling to Europe this winter. We drive past the miles of rolling sea so dark it seems neverending. The view in front of us is just one black abyss. I’m easily lost in thoughts of Emily. My mind wanders to images of her soft curves lying next to me. Curves that quickly draw me in. My cock stirs at the thought of binding her delicate wrists, and the beauty of watching her skin grow pink with each stroke of my leather paddle. There are many things I can imagine doing to her. Even now, my hands ache to feel her skin again. My Lily Pad. It seems we’ve come a long way from what we used to be.
I’ve had all of this time to forget you and I haven’t.
Maybe I’m a sadist, just torturing myself over her, dreaming of someone I can’t have.

Leaving her room this morning is definitely at the top of things I hate the most in my life. I know it was for the best, but it seems like there’s nothing but obstacles between us. Emily is young and sweet, but much too naive for her own good. If she knew all of the women I’ve been with at the Pleasure Chest, she wouldn’t want anything to do with me. My knuckles curl at the thought of any man touching her. How many men has she been with? I refuse to accept the fact that someone else has touched her. No, that would gut me in the worst possible way.

I wanted to punish her the night she came to the Pleasure Chest looking for some random Dom because of Ceci. Emily was like bait just hanging there waiting for someone to bite. I wish I could be the knight in shining armor I know she needs, but I can’t. She needs someone her own age. Someone who doesn’t hate her father. Someone who doesn’t feel guilt every time he touches her…

BOOK: Drawn to You: Volume 3
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