Read Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1 Online

Authors: Erin Trejo

Tags: #love, #mc, #hurt and comfort

Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1 (5 page)

BOOK: Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1
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“Draven you asleep?” I ask as I lay on his
chest. “No.” He says softly. “Can I ask you something?” I say and
sit up a little. “Ask.” He says. “Why do you care about me?” I ask.
I'm not sure I want to hear the answer to that. I know he likes me
but he won’t even have sex with me. After the shower earlier he
dried me off and put one of his t-shirts on me and that was it.
“You remind me of her.” He says and lays his head all the way back.
“Of who?” I ask and I already know the answer to that. I just want
to hear him say it “Genie. We were engaged.” He says quietly. I can
hear the hurt in his voice. “What happened?” I ask rubbing my
finger over the tattoos on his chest. He sighs. “She died.” He says
and takes a deep breath. “She was a good girl. Like you. I was a
fucked up 23 year old punk. I wanted what I wanted and didn’t care
how I got it. I saw Genie at a party one night and she was
beautiful. Long dark hair, sparkling eyes. She was everything I
ever thought I wanted. We hooked up a few times and when she came
to me and told me she was moving with her parents I wouldn’t let
her. I asked her to marry me and she said yes. We moved into a
little apartment together. She was with me every second of every
day. She told me she was pregnant one day and I completely flipped
my shit. I was so fucking happy. She wasn’t though. She didn’t want
any kids. She said she couldn’t bring a baby into this fucked up
world. We argued a lot and the next day when I went to work she had
an abortion. I didn’t know until I got home that night and she told
me. I went off. I lost it. I hit her. God I know how fucked up that
was but I did it. She killed my baby. I left . I couldn’t stay
there. I had to get out at least for a while. I went out with some
of my friends and got fucked up. I came back home and she was dead.
I found her hanging in our bathroom. She hung herself. It was my
fault. She should have never been alone and I fucking left her
there.” He says and I see the tear in his eye. “I'm so sorry Draven
but she made her own choices. You didn’t know she would do that.” I
say and he pulls my head back down to his chest and whispers.
“Maybe not.”


I wake up to the sunshine spilling in through
my window. I can’t move and I look down. Casey lays there sleeping
like an angel. I don’t want to wake her up so I don’t move. I rub
her long black hair that is cascading down my chest. I have never
felt so peaceful. She starts to stir and I stop. “Don’t stop. I
like it.” She says. I start to rub her hair again and she moans.
“Thought you were asleep.” I say. “I was but I didn’t want you to
stop.” She says. We lay there for a long time not saying anything.
I think she knew I just needed the quiet and so did she. As we lay
there my door is kicked open. “Hey asshole wake up.” Garrick yells
as he storms in. “What the fuck man?” I say and half sit up. Casey
is sitting up looking at her brother with a scared look on her
face. “Prez wants to have a meeting now.” He says looking at me and
I nod. He nods at Casey which seems to calm her down. He goes out
and closes the door. “Well that was a great way to wake up.” I say
stretching. Casey laughs. I stand up and stretch again. “Oh my god
you have no clothes on?” She says sounding shocked. I turn around
to face her. “Hey you’re only in a shirt.” I say as I grab her and
pull her towards the edge of the bed. “What are you doing?” She
asks as she giggles. I drop to my knees and smile at her. “Eating
breakfast.” I say and her smile fades. “What?” I ask her. “You
won’t do anything else with me but that.” She says looking down.
“Oh I will. On my time not yours.” I say to her and go back to what
I was doing. I make sure she knows that this ass is mine now.

I walk into the office and sit in my usual
chair. “Nice you could join us.” Prez says with a little edge to
his voice. I don’t respond. Garrick starts talking. “We have an
idea on where Spike and the Ryder’s have been stashing some of
their shit but what we don’t know is where they are running the
prostitutes out of.” Garrick says and Prez nods. “We need to hit
this at night. We know they run it at night since it is too obvious
during the day. We need to set up a watch team first. I want to
know how many guys they have in there at any given time.” Prez says
and looks around. “I'm in.” I say and Prez looks at me and nods.
“Who else wants to do watch?” He says and looks around. A few guys
speak up. “Ok then. “Draven, Sly, Garrick and Knot. You guys head
out tonight. Garrick knows where you’re going and I’ll have coms
set up before you leave.” Prez says and we all stand. “Draven stick
around a minute.” Prez says and I sit back down. I'm not sure what
this is about. After the guys leave Prez sits across from me. “I
had a talk with Casey the other day. I know she likes. I know it’s
more than the way she used to look at that loser Spike. What I
don’t know is if you feel the same.” Prez says with his eyes locked
on mine. “Look Prez. I really like Casey. But I don’t want my past
fucking up my future you know what I mean. My past is exactly where
I want it and the last thing I want to do is hurt her.” I say and I
say it honestly. Prez nods. “I don’t think you would hurt her
Draven. Not on purpose anyway. Bell told me what happened the other
night with Brad. I appreciate what you did for her. Brad is going
to be handled and stripped of his colors. I won’t have any of that
around here. I know you’re a good man and I know the fucked up past
you have. You need to let that shit go and do what you feel. ”Prez
says as he stands and walks off.

I walk downstairs and see Bell sitting at the
bar. “Where’s your girl?” I ask her and she shrugs. “Thought she
was with you.” She says and goes back to whatever paperwork she’s
doing. I walk back down towards the back and straight to my door. I
open it and go in and I see Casey curled up in the middle of my
bed. She is sound asleep. I walk over and take off my jacket and my
shirt and sit on the edge of the bed and look at her. Is this
really something I can get into again? I don’t know if I'm ready
for this. It’s been a long time and she is very different from
Genie. I take my boots off and lay down next to her as she
stretches out a little and throws her arm over my stomach. I put my
hand over her arm. I could get used to this. I hear a knock on the
door and yell at whoever it is to come in. I look down and Casey is
still out. Garrick comes in and I point at Casey and he nods. “Look
man if you don’t want to take on watch tonight you don’t have too.”
Garrick says as he pulls up a chair next to the bed. “What the
fuck? Why wouldn’t I?” I say looking over at him and he points to
Casey and doesn’t say anything. “That is the fucking reason I am
going bro.” I say and he shakes his head. “Ok then I’ll see you
tonight. Figured we roll out around 7 give us time to get over
there and get set up.” Garrick says and I nod. I look back down at
Casey and she is still asleep. I don’t bother with waking her. I
lay there and fall asleep too.

“We are in position.” Garrick says into the
handheld Prez has set up. “Good. Keep it low and be careful.” Prez
says and then it’s quiet. “You tell Casey where you were going?”
Garrick says looking through his binoculars. “Naw she wasn’t even
awake yet.” I said watching through mine. “What the fuck did you do
to her?” Sly says and nudges my arm. “I didn’t do nothing but
sleep.” I say and Sly chuckles. “No shit man.” I say and he stops.
“Wait you telling me you haven’t done a thing with my sister?”
Garrick says sounding a little unsure. “Well I did something to her
but not with her.” I say and chuckle. “Damn man. I don’t think I
need to hear this.” Garrick says. “Well hell I want to hear it.”
Sly says and laughs. “Ain’t nothing to hear man.” I say as I keep
looking around. “Come on man, I can’t believe you didn’t fuck that
yet.” Sly says not believing me. “Believe it man. Casey is
different. I don’t want to jump into shit with her.” I say. “That
sounds pretty serious there bro.” Garrick says to me. “Not serious
man just want to be slow with it.” I say and we all stay quiet.


I wake up to an empty bed and I look around
and wonder where Draven went. He didn’t even wake me up. I get up
and pull on a pair of shorts and I head out front but I don’t see
any of the guys and there are only a few girls I don’t know. Wonder
what the hell is going on? I see Bell sitting over at one of the
tables. “Hey Bell where is everyone?” I ask as I walk over to her
and she looks up at me. “They are all out. Draven didn’t tell you?”
She says. I shake my head no. “They found out about some places
Spike and his guys have been hiding shit pretty close to here.
Draven, Garrick, Sly and Knot are on surveillance tonight. The rest
of the guys are out on runs and a few are up in your dads office
working coms.” She says and my heart drops. “No. That can’t be
right.” I say to no one. I know Spike he doesn’t run anything over
here. I can hand them a list of places I know about and not one is
near here. “You ok Casey?” Bell stands and asks me. “No no it’s a
set up. It’s fucking set up Bell.” I say and start pacing the room.
“PREZ!” Bell yells and Jimmy comes out. “What the hell you yelling
for?” Jimmy yells over the edge of the stairs. “Casey is losing it
here.” Bell says and I don’t care what she says about me. I have to
figure something out. I know this is all wrong I can feel it. Jimmy
runs down the stairs and grabs me by my shoulders. “Casey what’s
wrong?” He says to me softly and I look up at him with tears in my
eyes. I shake his hands off me and run up the stairs straight to my
dad’s office. “Tell me they are ok? Please dad you have to tell me
they are ok?” I scream at him and he looks around and everyone
shrugs. They don’t know what’s going on. Jimmy and Bell come
running in. “She kept saying it was a set up.” Bell says and
shrugs. I feel like I'm lost.

“What the hell is going on Casey?” My dad is
in front of me yelling. He shakes me a little and I blink a few
times. “Where are they dad?” I ask looking at him. “Who?” He says
looking confused. “Draven, Garrick. Where are they?” I scream at
him. “Holy hell calm down they are out on surveillance. “ He says
and rubs my head. “Get them on coms.” I snap and he picks up his
two way. “Garrick you there?” He says into the two way. “Yea what’s
up?” Garrick answers. “Draven with you?” My dad asks. “Yea passing
it over.” Garrick says. “Yea Prez what’s going on?” Draven’s voice
comes over. I close my eyes. They are ok. “Hey Draven I'm stepping
out for a minute you need to talk to Casey.” He says. “Sure thing.
Pass it over.” Draven says and my dad hands me the two way and
everyone leaves the room. I hold the two way up. “Draven.” I say
softly. “Hey baby what’s wrong? You ok?” He asks me and I start to
cry. “Draven you guys need to get out of there. I know Spike he
doesn’t have anything this close to us.” I say in tears. “Baby we
had people watch them. We know they have been here. It’s ok. We’re
ok.” He says. “No Draven you have to listen to me.” I say and I get
no response. “Draven? DRAVEN!” I scream into the two way. I hear
static and yelling. Oh god what’s going on? I yell into the two way
again. I hear gunshots. “DAD!!!” I scream and they all come running
in. “What happened?” He says standing in front of me. “I heard
shots dad.” I say crying and drop the two way. My dad grabs the two
way and starts talking into it as Jimmy comes up and grabs me. He
holds me to his chest as I cry. What am I going to do? This is bad.
Really bad.

I'm lying in Draven’s bed and I can still
smell him on the pillows. Bell is next to me. She is rubbing my
hair. “I can’t do this Bell. I have to do something. I know
something is wrong.” I say through the tears. “The other guys will
be on their way over there. They will be ok.” Bell says still
rubbing my hair. Josey comes in the room. “You ok sweetie?” She
says and sits on the bed next to me. “I don’t know Josey.” I say
and look up at her. “Tracker is on his way back here.” Josey says
and I nod. “I can’t loss them Josey I can’t. I love them too much.”
I say as I cry. “I know you do honey. They will be fine.” Josey
says as Tracker flies through the door. I jump off the bed and run
to him and he lifts me up. “What happened?” He says hugging me.
“They have to be ok Tracker.” I cry and he hushes me. “They will be
ok.” He says and carries me back to the bed. He sits me down and
looks at Bell and motions for her to follow him. The two of them
quickly leave the room. I sit there stunned. Josey talks to me but
I don’t hear anything she says. I don’t know what to do or think
I'm just frozen.


“What the fuck is this?” I scream after we
fight with a few guys. “Oh we haven’t officially met before have
we? How fucking rude of me. I'm Spike. Casey’s man.” The tall man
says as I look him over. “What the fuck are trying to do here?” I
yell at him. I look around and only see Garrick. “Your other
friends got away which means they will come looking for you and
your bitch over there.” Spike says as he sees me looking around.
Garrick is passed out. I think he got hit in the head. “What the
fuck do you want?” I snap at him and he laughs. This no good
motherfucker has the nerve to laugh. “What I want Draven, Is my
girl back. She ran the fuck off and apparently straight into your
bed. What I want is my piece of the money the club is making. I
deserve it. This was all before your time but since Casey seems to
be attached to you I figure what better way to get what I want. I
will use the two things she cares about most. You and Him.” Spike
says pointing his gun at Garrick. “You won’t touch her again. I
will fucking kill you before you ever fucking get near here again.”
I say. “Oh Draven I don’t think you are in the position to tell me
who I will and will not touch.” Spike yells as he points the gun
and my and fires. “FUCK!” I scream after the bullet goes through my
shoulder. “See Draven told you.” He says and walks off. Fuck. I
have to get us out of here. I don’t even know where the fuck we
are. We aren’t in the same building we were watching I know that.
Shit I look down and I'm losing a lot of blood and I feel like I
might pass out. I keep yelling at Garrick but he isn’t waking up. I
look around to see if I can see anything I can use to cut these
ropes off. As soon as I start to move I know it’s over and I black

BOOK: Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1
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