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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Dragonmark (6 page)

BOOK: Dragonmark
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Fear? Yes. Even when the humans had held him for torture when he'd been a child, they'd been terrified of him.

No one, especially not a human, had ever told him off before. Not when he wore his dragonskin. Even his younger mandrake brother, Blaise, backed down from him.

I don't feel sorry for myself.

He was quite happy being a dragon. Happy with his solitude and his cave. He had no other needs whatsoever.

Except a suddenly incessant one to set the record straight with an irritating woman who thought she knew things she didn't.…



“I take it it didn't go well?”

“Shut up,” Edilyn snapped at her brother. “Go scare an old man.”

Virag tsked at her. “You are in a foul mood.”

“Why shouldn't I be? I've had one dream the whole of my life and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to make it real. Have you any idea how frustrating that is? Nay, you do not. You snap your fingers, use your magic, and everything you want is done.” Edilyn clenched her eyes shut to hold back her tears of frustration.

She'd worked so hard.…

And for what? To be hidden in this cave until she died?

The dragon might covet that existence, but she didn't.

With a ragged breath, she glanced around the elaborate bedchambers. They were actually quite luxurious. Still, that didn't make her feel better.

A gilded cage was a cage nonetheless!

“What is this place?”

Virag laughed. “I'm thinking our little dragon wears the guise of a man more than he lets on.” He lifted a corner of the bedcovers, that were made of some fabric the likes of which she'd never seen before. Much like the walls of the room where Illarion slept, it shimmered in the light. “This is silk from a future time period. The sheets? Egyptian cotton.”

“Beg pardon?”

He nodded. “Aye, love. Come feel it. The mattress is
memory foam

“What language are you speaking?”

Virag laughed. “Oh the things you miss being a mortal bound to one time period.” He tsked at her.

Wrinkling her nose at him, she stepped around his surly form to inspect the bed. He was right. It was like touching a cloud. “What is
memory foam
? How does it remember things? Does it have its own brain?”

Virag laughed even harder. “You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Suffice it to say, it's something future man will thank modern science for. There's also a toilet in the bathroom.”

“A what in the who?”

“Exactly. You are going to die when I show
to you.”

She scowled at him. “How do you know of such things?”

“Unlike you, sweet sister, I'm not locked into this time and place. I don't have to live linearly. Just like I don't have to keep this body or size. I choose to be here because I want to stay with you, and I'm forbidden to take you from here.”

“Forbidden by whom?”

“The law of my people.”

Strange that he'd never mentioned that to her before. While she knew he had great powers and the ability to shapeshift, he'd never mentioned that he could travel through time.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sounded. The walls around them shook.

Gasping in alarm, Edilyn caught herself against the bedpost as some of the ceiling fell in.

Were they being attacked? Terrified of the answer, she rushed from the chambers, down the narrow corridor to the main cavern where she found Illarion.

“What was that sound?”

Illarion used his massive head to indicate a passage on his left.
I made an opening for you to the world outside. You are no longer trapped here. Now you can come and go as you please.

Her jaw went slack at his kindness. Especially after his earlier words. “Isn't that dangerous for you?”

He didn't answer. Rather, he headed back for his inner den.

Edilyn exchanged a perplexed frown with Virag. Why would Illarion expose himself so needlessly?

Curious, she went after him.


He expelled an exasperated breath as he settled back down to rest on his straw.

She moved to stand in front of his giant head. “Why did you make a doorway into your cave? What if someone finds your lair?”

Let them come. I could use the protein.
He closed his eyes.

She snorted at his dry response. Then she popped him on his nose.

Startled, Illarion opened his eyes to stare at her in complete disbelief.
Did you just hit me?

“Playfully so. Aye.” She wrinkled her nose at him. “You deserved it for that nonchalant comment. It wasn't amusing.”

He pulled his head back to stare down at her with the most adorable grimace.
I can't decide if you're the bravest woman ever born or the most foolish.

“My father always said it was a very fine line between the two. And one I walk constantly.”

He made a peculiar sound.

“Was that a laugh?”

I think it might have been.

“You think?”

Illarion had to pause to consider it.
Laughter is a rather foreign concept for me

And that broke her heart for him. Laughter shouldn't be foreign to anyone. Not even a surly dragon.

In that moment, she made a decision that she would probably regret one day. “Get up, Lord Dragon.”


“You heard me. Rise and make my saddle for me.”


“Because I wish to ride.”

His pupils narrowed to threatening slits as smoke billowed out from his nostrils.
I'm not your beast of burden to heel at your command
, he growled in a low, deadly tone, letting her know she'd touched a nerve with him.

But she refused to be intimidated when she'd meant nothing by it. “Didn't say you were. I'm talking to you as I would a friend or my brother. You're moping about and I'm dragging you out the door for fresh air. Now get your lumbering arse off the floor, saddle up, and let's get out of this depressing place for a while. It'll do you good, I think.”

And you wish to ride me
? He quirked a brow at her.

She tucked her chin to her chest and gave him an evil grimace. “Get that look off your face. I'm afraid of flying. Terrified of dragons. It's time I buried both those fears. Let's do this.”

Do you always face your fears?

“Of course. Don't you?”

Don't know. Never really had any.

“Well, I guess when you're the size of a castle, 'tis a luxury you can afford.” She watched as the saddle appeared, along with the reins. “Thank you.”

He inclined his head to her, then lowered his wing so that she could climb into place.

With a deep breath, she slowly began ascending his large body.

Illarion closed his eyes at the warmth of her supple skin sliding over his scales. Earlier, he hadn't noticed just how soft a caress it was. Mostly because they'd been under attack and he'd been more focused on other things.

Now …

The feather-light weight of her body against his left him breathless and he was well aware of every feminine curve. In particular, her large breasts as she scooted up over his back and struggled to get into the saddle.

And when she finally straddled his spine, it was all he could do not to roll over and strip her bare.

“Are you all right?”

His breathing ragged, he fought for control.
Aye. Why do you ask?

“You seem really tense and stiff.”

She had no idea. Especially when her hands swept against him to gather the reins. Damn, it'd been far too long since he'd been inside a woman. This was sheer torture. The last time a human had ridden on his back, it'd been under duress. They'd forced him to it and he'd been hell-bent to get away from his

Now, her touch soothed him in a way nothing ever had before. There was a calm peacefulness he couldn't quite explain. And at the same time, every nerve in his body was fired and alert. Acutely attuned to her.

He felt every breath she took as if it were his own. Every heartbeat. For the first time in his life, he wasn't defiant or angry. He actually wanted to please her. To make her laugh and see her smile.

What is your choice, my lady?

“No idea. Where would you like to go?”

There's a waterfall in the valley nearby.

“Really? I've never seen a waterfall. Is it pretty?”

I'll let you judge for yourself. Hold tight.

Edilyn had no idea what to expect as Illarion carefully picked his way through the cave and out through the opening he'd made. But the moment she saw exactly where his home was, she gasped and latched onto his neck as utter terror claimed her. His cave was high atop a mountain with a narrow pass leading to it. From her vantage point, she looked down on the clouds. “Where are we?”


“Hybrasil? I've never heard of such a place.”

It's an island, off the coast of your homeland. One that can only be seen when I allow it. Or I'm too wounded to hold my shields in place.

“No wonder the others fear you so. You
the most powerful of your kind.”

She felt him scoff under her.

Nay, my lady. My powers pale to those of my older brothers. Either of them could spank me with little effort.

“You have family?”

You are surprised that I have brothers?

“A little bit.”

Well, don't be. I have many. And sisters, too.

“Really? How many?”

More than I can count. Even more who have died. But of the hundreds over the centuries, I've only been close to a few.

“Their names?”

Maxis, Falcyn, Sarraxyn, Hadyn, and Blaise.

“Do you ever see them?”

Rarely. We don't congregate like humans. It tends to scare the natives and cause them to do stupid things.
He flexed his wings and turned his head to look back at her.
Are you ready to fly now?

Cringing, she glanced down at the clouds and felt her stomach lurch at the thought. “This is much higher than we went before.”

It is, indeed.

And as he'd done for the fight, he used his powers to make the saddle straps rise up to wrap around her body and secure her in place. The fact that he took such care caused a wave of warmth to surge through her. It also made her feel a bit better about this perilous venture. “I'm ready when you are.”

I won't let you fall, Edilyn. Remember that I've done this for thousands of years. For me, flying is as natural as breathing. Do you trust me?

Edilyn hesitated at the sight of the clouds that obscured the ground so far below. Always terrified of heights, she'd never dreamt that she'd ever be this high above anything. “I trust you. But if I scream, don't take it personally.”

With a soundless laugh, he spread his wings wide and fell forward into the sky.

Her stomach sank like a stone as her breath caught in her throat and strangled her with absolute terror. The winds whipped against her skin and hair, more akin to talons than some unseen natural force. It was actually quite painful. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Yet for all that, it was exhilarating.

Spectacularly beautiful.

The sky was far bluer up here than when she was in the fields where she worked. The sun brighter. Below her, everything was a mesh of unidentifiable greens and browns. She couldn't tell what was what. Nor could she see any people or animals. The world looked nothing like she was used to.

Are you all right?

“I am. But how do you know where you are? Everything's indistinguishable.”

I have magnetoreception that allows me to see the earth's magnetic fields and magnetoreceptors in my ears and snout for contour and altimeter tracking.

That made as much sense to her as memory foam and the other nonsensical terms her brother had used. “What language are you speaking?”

He laughed under her.
My drakomai vision is different from that of a human. I can see shadows rising from the earth that allow me to know and determine cardinal directions. They guide me like phantom spirits, pointing me to the right path. Likewise, I have different nerves and senses in my ears and nose that tell me how high I'm flying and what is below me even when I can't see the ground. So even on the darkest night, during storms or fog, I know exactly where I am and what's around me. Ergo, I shouldn't accidentally fly us into the side of a mountain … at least I hope not.

She let out a squeak over something she hadn't considered. “Is that truly a possibility?”

It only happened once. Most of the scarring healed … after a few centuries.

Her breathing turned ragged as total fear claimed her.

Illarion laughed even harder.
Relax, Edilyn. I'm jesting with you. I've never hit the side of a mountain. And while I have crashed into a few trees, it was only because I was wounded in battle and brought down from it.

That made her feel better. At least that he'd crashed from the fight, not that he'd been injured. “Have you seen many battles?”

Not by choice, and I've no wish to speak of it. Such discussions turn my mood sour.

And with that, he began to lower them through the clouds toward the ground at a speed that left her gasping.

Only this time from joy and not fear.

True to his word, the waterfall was gorgeous. It fell like a majestic veil in the sunlight to splash down into a tranquil oasis. She'd never seen anything more beautiful. The air around her was scented with the most delicate fragrance. It reminded her of the stories her brother had told her of his fey homeland that could only be reached by his people.

BOOK: Dragonmark
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