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Authors: Jordyn Tracey

Dragon Song (12 page)

BOOK: Dragon Song
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On the ride through the city, while Tielle was tired out of her mind, and the day was far spent, she gawked at the many double-decker buses and cringed when they traveled on the “wrong” side of the road. The steering wheel was on the right side of the car, and each time the diver turned onto a new road to the left, Tielle gripped Stone’s thigh beside her.

He covered her hand with his own. “It’s okay. We’re used to traveling this way.”

She stared at him. “But how can you switch back and forth. I remember you drove your car like you didn’t have to think about it. If I drove here, I know I’d panic and do something stupid. Then you’d be getting a call that said I wrapped the car around a lamppost or something.”

His fingers tightened over hers. Tielle winced, and he loosened his grip. “Don’t worry. First of all, you will never travel alone, and second, I will hire a driver to take you wherever you’d like to go.”

“Don’t spoil me, for goodness sake.”

Stone’s expression told her he questioned her sanity. “Every woman I’ve met has jumped at being spoiled. Anyway, it’s not being spoiled. It’s of necessity and a part of the comforts afforded my family and those close to us. Not a big deal at all, Tielle. As to the other, I’m used to driving in both the United States and here. My mind seems to do an immediate switchover to whichever country I’m in.”

“Must be nice,” she muttered.

He leaned forward and pressed a button so the divider between them and the driver closed, then he guided Tielle’s hand to his cock. “There are better places you can squeeze other than my thigh.”

His unyielding hardness excited her, but she resisted. “This is hardly the time or place for that.”

He grunted looking past her. They’d drawn up to an imposing office building with the name Hughes emblazoned across the top. “I suppose you’re right. Work now. Sex later,” he promised and helped her to exit the car.


* * * *


When the sun was beginning to set, they turned into a lane with manicured hedges and lawns on both sides. The road went on for a good mile before Tielle caught sight of the house through the trees. “Correction,” she whispered.
“Frickin’ Castle!”

As they stood outside the limo, Stone resting his hand at her lower back, he gave her a brief history of his home. “Built in 1779, it has thirty-three bedrooms and a cobble stoned courtyard in the middle. From the air you’d see that it’s not the boring grey stone box that it appears.” He nodded with his head to the right. “Off that way is a guest cottage, and to the left farther back are the stables. If you’d like to ride, we have about sixteen horses. One should be perfect for you.”

Tielle had never even touched a horse let alone ridden one. Feeling overwhelmed with the opulence of it all, she didn’t say anything. Ahead of them, the front door opened, and an older man stepped out with stiff bearing. He clasped his hands together.

“Good evening, Mr. Hughes,” the man said. “Welcome home, sir.” The heavy Irish accent he spoke with sounded so cute to Tielle, she had to smile.

Stone guided her forward. “Hello, Lawrence. Good to see you. This is Tielle. She will be staying with us for a while.”

“Very good, sir.
James has informed us, and the housekeeper has prepared a room for Ms. Williams. If the two of you will step inside, I’ll have a man get your luggage.”

When they stepped into the foyer larger than her and Jamie’s apartments put together, Tielle would have commented, but the model that zipped down the curving stairs with long flowing hair behind her caught Tielle’s attention. She blinked, wondering who this woman was with her sexy curves stuffed into a dress too small for her. Huge breasts that didn’t look fake in the least almost tumbled over the low cut neckline, and pink lips called out Stone’s name with love as she ran toward him.

Throwing herself into his arms and crushing her tiny body to his, the woman welcomed Stone and told him how much she’d missed him. At last releasing Stone from the kiss she planted on his mouth, the woman turned in Tielle’s direction still clinging to Stone. “Who is this, Stone?
New help?”

Oh no she didn’t!
Tielle might have thought the defiant words, but in a single act, the woman had reduced her from comfortable in her own sexiness despite being bigger than she liked, to dowdy, fat, and ugly. Once again, she wondered just how long she would be trapped in this nightmare.

Chapter Sixteen


In the middle of the night, after Tielle had slept a few hours, Stone came to her room. She had just awakened but was startled when the door in the far wall began to open. She hadn’t been told where that door led, and after the maid left the room, she’d checked it to find it locked. Now Stone stood in the entryway watching her.

“Did I wake you?” he asked.

She’d given him the cold shoulder after that crap with the woman who he’d just managed to pry off of him to introduce her. The witch had the nerve to speak over Stone to proclaim herself his fiancée, a fact, she said, that had been established since they were children. Tielle knew almost nothing about Ireland, but she was pretty sure the country was not still in the dark ages when marriages were arranged. Or was that another mark against rich people no matter the time period?

Stone’s father hadn’t been home, and Tielle was relieved remembering what a rude jerk he’d been on the phone that first night. After she’d been shown to her room, she had told the maid she was tired and was going to bed. Later, the same woman, who she learned was named Betsy, brought her cockle soup and bread to enjoy for the night. She’d also requested hot tea. While she enjoyed her dinner, she’d half expected Stone to demand she come downstairs and eat at the table, but he hadn’t even stopped by to see how she was. Now here he was in the middle of the night.

“No, you didn’t wake me,” she told him. “I went to bed early.”

He took his time crossing the room to her bedside. “I wanted to give you time to recover.”

“In order for what?”

Although the lighting in the room was dim, she caught the shift in his gaze to her breasts. He leaned down and slipped the sheet covering her lower. Tielle had worn a new nightgown she’d picked up before leaving the U.S. The leopard skin pattern did not hide the fact that it was sheer enough to see through. She’d worn no underwear, so Stone got an eyeful of both her nipples and her pussy. He sucked in a breath.

“You seemed angry with me earlier,” he said. “Is that no longer the case?”

“Does it matter?”

He ran his hand down over her thigh. She gasped, her eyes closing before she forced them open again. It would be childish to pout and complain about the other woman. She didn’t share her men, but she was also not in a position to call shots here. With her life in danger, she had no choice but to depend on Stone to protect her.

He seemed to read the resolution in her eyes, that she accepted her fate. “If it’s Monica, you don’t have to worry. We are not engaged, no matter what she or my father says.”

Tielle bit off a yelp.
“Your father?”
Who was Stone kidding? If his father said they were as good as married, he could deny it all he wanted. The papers and the ceremony were just a matter of time. “Maybe I should stay in a hotel or something. You can do like we did back home, hire a guard or whatever. It will be fine, I’m sure.”

Stone put a knee up on the bed, making her shift around and feel like he’d stolen all the extra space in the room. While he wasn’t touching her, she might as well have been shoved up against his chest for the effect he had on her.

“Let’s get one thing straight,” he grumbled. “Who I bring into my bed is my business, not my father’s. I have chosen you. You enjoy my touch. Never have I needed more than one woman at a time if she knows how to please me.”

He put his hand between her legs face down and splayed four fingers over her mound before pressing his thumb up her channel. Tielle quivered, her knees rising and parting on their own.

“Now,” Stone said, “Do you know how to please me, baby?”

Panting, she forced out, “I do.” Up until now, Stone had ruled her desires, commanding every move they made in the bedroom. He’d wrenched control and kept it throughout each session. But it was time for the big man to let her take control. She’d show him a thing or two about how Tielle worked her lover.

Tielle kicked the covers the rest of the way off of her and moved Stone’s hand away. She gave him a light shove, and he seemed to catch on to what she wanted. She thought he’d argue, but he said nothing, just laid back on her pillows with an expectant expression.

“I know how to please you,” Tielle assured him in her most sultry of tones, her voice deep and husky. A quiver raced over Stone’s body as she ran her fingers along his taut skin. Hungry to taste him, she bent close and stuck the tip of her tongue out while she explored him. A guttural moan escaped Stone’s throat.

Tielle tugged the shirt he wore over his head, and he helped her get his slacks down his hips. When he’d shucked his boxers, she licked her way along his belly to his navel and then
. Veering to his thigh to tease that with both kisses and nips, she glanced up at him. Stone’s head was tilted back and his eyes closed. His full lips were parted, giving Tielle a longing to taste them again. Stone was skilled with his tongue to the point that he could make her beg. She wanted to treat him just as well and bring him to his knees.

With a low moan set to drive his desires higher, she took hold of his cock and ran the tip of her tongue over its swollen head. Stone swore. Tielle let it rest on her cheek while she treasured it, gave it small kisses in between swallowing it between her lips. Each time she took him into her mouth, Stone’s hips rose to push
farther, but she withdrew. Let him get to the point that he needed it, couldn’t bear waiting another moment. She wanted to become an addiction for him that no other woman could fulfill.

Flipping to her side but keeping her pussy out of his range, she spread her legs, and while she suckled Stone’s shaft, she played with her pussy, easing her fingers inside of herself in a motion meant to mimic his cock’s drive. Each time she did, she whined her pleasure and closed her eyes. She murmured his name. One peek through her lashes told her Stone was mesmerized.

“What are you doing to me, Tielle?”

“I’m pleasing you,” she told him with a chuckle.

“This isn’t pleasure. It’s torment. Damn it, woman, swallow me. Suck me hard. I want to come in your mouth, and then I want to eat your sweet pussy.”

Tielle ignored him. She kept playing with him, giving a little, taking it back. She brought him to a head when she felt his balls rise and tighten, but then she relaxed her drag on his rod. Through it all, she didn’t stop fingering herself. Stone could force her or even seduce her into giving in to what he wanted, but he held back. He liked what she was doing, which made her all the more excited.

After some time, knowing she was playing with fire, she twisted around to get serious on his cock. Long and thick as hell, his shaft inched deeper and deeper into her mouth. She relaxed her throat in order to swallow him. The ability had taken much practice, but Tielle knew she was good at it. That reason was one of the ones which made her lovers plead with her not to break it off with them.

While she took him in, Stone stared at her in shock. “How the hell can you do that?”

Concentrating, she couldn’t answer him, but she knew just what to do. When she’d swallowed every last inch, she began to pump him in and out. From the base to the tip, she consumed him. Stone put his hands out like he would push her head down, but she withdrew. “No, baby, you can’t do that or you’ll hurt me. You have to trust me.”

She thought he might come just knowing how she could handle him. She blew him a kiss and went back to it. This wasn’t all about pleasing him. Tielle loved the taste of come, the right man’s juices, and when there was affection there on her part, it made it that much more special. Tielle had sucked Stone’s cock many times before, but she’d never attempted to take all of him. Stone’s habit was to tangle his fingers into her hair and command her to suck him. She got off on it, loved how dominate he was. This was a whole new experience for them.

Stone leaned back, his fingers curled into the sheets under him. She knew it took a lot for him to let her take the lead, but he was willing. “Go ahead, honey. Your mouth is my undoing. I trust you.”

After another air kiss, she swallowed him, and with no interruptions, she sucked the man until he was hissing her name through clenched teeth. He bucked once before he could gain enough control to keep still. Tielle didn’t let up. She worked him hard, squeezed his balls and massaged his thighs. She worked her free hand beneath him and fingered his anus. Stone reached down and gripped her wrist, but before he could pull her hand away from his ass, he let his load loose into her mouth.

She tugged back quickly and drank to her fill. Now that he wasn’t down her throat, Stone pumped in and out of her mouth. He cupped the back of her head and worked his hips. Tielle took every drop, swirled it on her tongue, devouring him.

When he was empty, she sat up, a triumphant smile spreading over her face. But Stone wasn’t paying attention. He’d collapsed back on the bed panting like he might go unconscious at any second. Tielle laughed. “Well? Did you like that?” She knew he did, but she wanted him to admit her superior skill.

Peeking through the slit of one eye, he examined her. “It was tolerable.”

She pretended to move off the bed, but he grabbed her and yanked her back. She tumbled onto his chest backward.

He held her in place with an arm slung over her breasts and the other across her belly to rest fingers at her pussy. His lips touched her ear. “No
and I do mean no one gets to have that kind of service from you but me.”

She lifted a hand to flick imaginary dirt from beneath her nails. “Well, I do have a full schedule…”

His hold tightened.

“All right.
Pleasure suffused her. She’d blown his mind, the excellent, experienced lover that he was. “Only you, baby.
Only you.”

“Now you,” he told her. She expected him to slide out from under her and dip down between her legs, but instead he whipped her to face him, and like a rag doll, yanked her up his body until her pussy lay over his face.

Tielle spread her legs wider and rested her knees on either side of Stone’s head. She took hold of the backboard. When he squeezed her ass cheeks to drive her into his hungry mouth, she gasped. The man was not wasting any time. “Damn, I love your pussy,” he grunted beneath her.
“So beautiful, so juicy.”
He took a swipe at her, and she whined. She longed for that love to be directed at her, her mind, all of who she was.

Stone snaked his tongue up her channel, and Tielle could have sworn it was inhumanly long with how deep it went. Like a mini-dick, it pumped her, laved her juices, and tantalized her clit. She dug her nails into the wooden headboard and bucked against Stone’s hold. He tightened his grip to driver her closer. She thought the man would suffocate, but still he ate with relish. He guided her hips so that she pumped on his tongue. Tielle bounced up and down as her orgasm built. Stone encouraged the coming explosion by tweaking her clit, massaging it with his thumb while he kept his tongue buried inside of her.

Like a fountain, her juices flowed down into his mouth. Tielle had never been as wet as she always got with Stone. He could keep her coming and coming until she pleaded for rest. He’d proven he could eat her for hours, that it wasn’t just some lame boast. Torturing her, he drew back long enough to say, “Come, Tielle.”

Tielle arched her back and grabbed his head. She
her hips, riding his mouth for all she was worth. Her orgasm rolled through her belly, making her muscles spasm, her thighs quiver. She shouted his name. Stone latched onto her clit and sucked hard. She screamed. Her juices rained, and she shook from head to toe. While she struggled to recover in the aftermath, Stone didn’t let up. He lapped her cream until it was all gone.

“I should get down,” she whispered, out of breath.

“You should stay where you are.” His eyes seemed to glitter in the darkness, and Tielle figured he was still hungry for more. Just as he’d never met a woman who could swallow him as she did, she’d never met a man who loved eating her like Stone. Knowing he loved it and couldn’t get enough made her that much hotter. Her orgasms when he licked her were more powerful and rocked her to the core.

Tielle lost track of the time with Stone’s mouth between her legs. He switched their positions to allow her to lay on her back, but when she’d been about to grab for his shaft, he’s brushed her hand away and settled down to her pussy. Stone wasn’t pretending. He loved sex as much as she did. Their intimacy lasted hours each time they were
proving to Tielle that she’d met her match.


* * * *


When the sun just hit the horizon, Noah sat atop his horse,
a firm hold
on the reins to keep his mount from dancing about too much. He stared off in the distance to the direction of his family home, although he couldn’t see more than a couple of the spires. Stone had brought her here to Ireland. The fact pissed him off because there
were always staff
about the grounds, all loyal to Einin. He’d find it difficult to snatch the girl in that case. But perhaps he could pull it off.

He’d need to bide his time and wait for the perfect place to snatch her. Noah was convinced that Tielle Williams was the key to breaking his cousin. Meanwhile, Noah needed an ally, someone on the inside who would report everything to him. He ran through the names of his personal staff, considering who might be the one to infiltrate the castle, get a job there, and keep Noah informed. The problem was
Noah surrounded himself with a more unsavory type, those who would be willing to kill at a moment’s notice.

Einin’s staff were weaker, those he could control and keep under his thumb. Einin was shrewd. He’d see the darkness in the servant’s eyes and reject hiring him. While Noah might be able to bribe one of Einin’s men, a little fear, a little pressure, and the wimp would rat on Noah. He couldn’t have that. His plans would be ruined, and there was no telling what Einin or even Stone would do should they find out what he had been up to.

BOOK: Dragon Song
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