Read Dr. Daddy Dom (Little Lake Bridgeport 2) Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #Domestic Discipline, #Marriage, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Single Woman, #Bachelors, #Adult, #Erotic, #Spanking, #Anal Play, #Ménage, #BDSM, #Urban Cowboys, #Marshall Brothers, #Lake Bridgeport, #Adult Little Girls, #Rebellious Nature, #Bare-Bottom Spanking, #Submission, #One Year, #Family Trio, #Old Friend, #Counseling, #Counselor, #Family Help, #Second Chance, #Callous Father, #Harrowing Ordeal, #Marriage Reconciliation, #Emotional Pain, #Friendship, #Tragic Secret, #Mulit-Couples, #Multi-Story

Dr. Daddy Dom (Little Lake Bridgeport 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Dr. Daddy Dom (Little Lake Bridgeport 2)
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"How could I forget? He found me outside a bar after someone beat the living shit out of my face. He lectured me the entire drive home, saying that I was too young to be throwing my life away drinking and fighting. Next thing I knew, he hauled my ass into the bunk house and handed me over to the foreman with orders to clean me up and put me to work. The kindness and concern of a stranger saved my life."

"What do you think he would do right now?" Caine asked.

"Probably slap the stupid right out of my head and then order me to take 'two sips of corn liquor, brush off your britches, and get on with shit.'"

"Yep, that sounds like Pop. When you get here, we'll do just that." Caine laughed, pulling himself out of the chair and walking towards the house. "Go get your stuff packed and don't forget to bring all your documents, including the divorce papers. I'll let Layton know what's happening in case he thinks something needs to be done."

"Thanks again for everything. I owe you. Just tell me what you want and it's yours."

"Just do your best to be happy. That's all I ask."




Chapter 3


Caine was greeted by the sound of howling from upstairs. Taking the steps two at a time, he followed the ruckus to Layton's bedroom/office suite portion of the enormous house. He entered without knocking and crossed his arms to watch the event.

May was sprawled, pants down, across Layton's broad lap, with her ankles pinned under his right leg. He held her free hand against her side to keep her from reaching back as he covered her little round backside with a series of exacting swats that rebounded with a loud pop at each impact.

"We'll be done in a minute, Caine," Layton said, acknowledging his presence. "Back to you, young lady. Next time you decide to mouth off at me, you will be getting a mouthful of soap. Am I understood?"

"Yesss!" May bawled, scissoring her feet. "Stop already!"

"I'm not going to stop until I'm certain you got the message. Are you going to tell me to fuck off again?"

"Nooo! I'm sorry!"

The spanking continued, moving to the backs of her thighs and sending her into a high-pitched wail. "Are you going to tell me to shove my opinion up my ass again?"

"Nononono! I swear!"

"Are you going to make any more comments about my age, intelligence or career?" Layton asked.

"OW! Not intentionally!"

He landed another five sound smacks on her bottom and then winked at Caine. "Are you convinced that I can keep you out of subspace with a hand spanking now, little girl?"

"Yes, sir," she blubbered, squirming underneath him.

He rested his hand on her hot backside and patted it affectionately. "Go put your nose in the corner while I talk with your daddy. If I see you budge, we will go through this whole thing again, but next time I will use my belt. And it won't be in the way that you enjoy. Move it."

"Did she really say all that?" Caine asked with surprise as he eyed May's cherry red globes.

"Quite clearly. She was also convinced that she could drift into subspace from a hand spanking. She was a bit surprised when I stayed out of rhythm and moved from spot to spot. I wasn't born yesterday, you know, but of course she had to comment about that as well."

"What a mouth. Has she always been this sassy?" Receiving a grim nod, Caine sighed. "New subject. We have a change of plans," he said, quickly sharing his phone conversation with Ian.

"If he has the sole medical and financial DPOA then her father has no legal rights. As for the divorce papers, if she hasn't signed under a notary and then filed them with the court, then there is nothing he can do about that, either," Layton said.

"Daddy? Are we getting company?" May asked with a pathetic sniffle.

"Nose to the corner, young lady," Layton barked. He stood up to pull on an old tee shirt and tucked it into his shorts. "Let me run a quick check with records and make sure that there aren't any loopholes. Did Ian sign a pre-nup?"

"I don't know," Caine said.

"Okay, with Savannah hospitalized, we still have plenty of time to work this out. May? Go downstairs and get the guestroom ready."

"Aren't I going to get after-spanking cuddles?" She pouted, wiping her hand across her face. She stomped her foot when he pointed to the door, and slammed it behind her when she left.

"I haven't seen that temper in a while. Why no cuddles?" Caine asked.

"Because she bitched about it earlier and said that cuddles are for pussies. It's really hard to discipline a masochist sometimes," Layton commented, leading Caine from his room. "Besides, you heard yourself that there was no submission. She gets aftercare when I know that I've made my point."

"This is your fault, you know."

"How do you figure?"

"You gave her all this Uncle Layton time, which invites Little May to come out. You have to bring her back to the mindset of BDSM if you want that type of submissive response."

"I'll bet you can get her to submit," Layton said.

"That's because I haven't altered my role. It's very easy to confuse a Little, especially if they live in a multi-Dom household. You've given her a ton of mixed messages since I've been gone and just need to re-establish your role if you want her to mind you. That is, if you
to. Do you?"

"Do I what? Want her to mind me? Of course."

"No, I meant whether you want to reestablish your role as the Dom over the uncle." Caine pulled a slab of ribs from the refrigerator and handed them to his silent brother. "All this time, you've been the big bad hard ass, and that's the man she fell in love with. Even before, as 'Uncle Layton', you still drew the line at certain things. I'm not saying that you shouldn't mess around, it's good for both of you, but she needs to know that you're consistent. We've only been with her for a year and she's still finding her place with us."

"Did I fuck things up?" Layton looked crestfallen.

Caine frowned. "Of course not! What's going on? Talk to me, L."

"I don't know. I sometimes feel like you're her favorite and that she would love me more if I was more like you," Layton admitted.

"There was a point where I felt the same way about you, but Sri pointed out that our girl needs balance and that we both meet her needs as we are. Before you overthink anything, I have to say that I'm liking this side of you. It's been a long time since you made this kind of trouble. Heck, the last time I remember was when we were boys and you messed with Mom's yarn."

"I forgot about that." Layton's face broke into a large smile. "She made me roll those stupid balls and I hated it. Do you remember the look on her face when the colors kept changing?"

"I remember the look on
face when you ran out of the house with her hot on your heels, carrying her spoon. You had your hands waving in the air like you were gonna take flight. Pop and I would make fun of you for hours when you did that, you know. What happened to that boy?" Caine asked.

"Remember when I was eleven and accidentally shot down that little nest of birds with Pop's twelve-gauge? Stupid as it sounds, but it was a game changer for me. That was around the time I started beating up bullies and Pop made me learn how to box."

"You were a little kid. You've done so much for so many of us over all these years, maybe it's time to do something for yourself without feeling guilty."

"Since when are you the grown-up in this family?" Layton hugged him. "I can always rely on you for good advice regarding relationships, can't I? Thanks."

"Any time. How about you get the grill going and I'll start on the potato salad?"

"I'm done fixing up the guest room." They heard May's voice. "Can I have cuddles now? Please?"

Layton squatted down and held his arms out for her. He lifted her in the air and then twirled her around, kissing her lips. "I love you, you little brat."

"I love you, too. Even when you're bossy mean."

"I haven't been bossy mean since Daddy's been gone. You've missed that, huh?" He snuggled her warmly.

"A little bit. You've been a lot of fun, though. Especially when you pick on Auntie Sri. I just don't like it when I don't get any attention," May complained.

"You're spoiled, you know that, right?"

"Isn't that what you promised when you married me?" She kissed his nose. "I like being spoiled."

"Maybelle, we are going to be having a visitor. He's an old friend of ours and will be staying with us for a few days and then moving to Lake Bridgeport for a while. His wife was in an accident, and—"

"Am I going to have a new friend?" She looked excited. "Auntie Sri won't let me get too close to the girls at the house because they're undisciplined and she said they might be a bad influence on me right now. She's way too overprotective, in my opinion."

"I know you're lonely, honey, but you need to honor Sri's advice. Our friend isn't familiar with our lifestyle and, in fact, might be getting a divorce if this plan doesn't work. I'm going to need your help in letting Ian see what we are about. Can I depend on you?" Caine interjected.

"Of course, Caine." Her tone instantly matured when she saw his serious expression and she slid out of Layton's arms and sidled onto a tall kitchen barstool. "How can I help?"

"Answer his questions honestly and be on your best behavior. I don't want to have to spank you in front of our guest, but I will if you don't put your best foot forward. We need our good girl when Ian is here."

"I'll do my best, I promise."

"Caine? How is Ian going to see this aspect of our lifestyle if she isn't allowed to be in her Little?" Layton asked.

"I didn't say she wasn't allowed, I just asked her to behave herself. Like I just said, I don't want to be forced to discipline her in front of him, but I won't hesitate if she pushes."

May screwed up her face and leaned her chin on her hands. "I guess that means that we aren't going to be able to play while he's around."

"We don't want to scare him off, baby." Layton leaned across the marble island and grabbed her hands. "We get a little noisy when we mess around in the rec room."

"You mean the torture chamber. Besides,
get noisy. I just go to sleep." She giggled. "I love subspace."

"We know you do. I'll tell you what, if you can get through Ian's visit without making too much trouble, I'll give you a session of your dreams."

"You always give me a session of my dreams." She kissed his knuckles. "But can you define exactly what you mean by 'too much trouble'?"


"I'm starving," May whined, lightly kicking Layton's thigh as they sat on the couch. "When is he going to get here?"

"Any minute now. The ribs are still on the grill and the potato salad is cooling in the fridge. Grab an apple," he said, flipping the channels on the large screen television.

"I don't want an apple. I want real food."

"I'll give you something to chew on," Layton offered, reaching for his zipper.


"No! I'm not going to have Ian walk into our house and catch you getting a blow job. Will you two please behave?" Caine begged as they began to laugh. The doorbell echoed through the house and with a, "Thank God," he rose to answer it, with his family at his heels.

"Ian! Come inside. You remember Layton?" Caine said.

"I'm so sorry about what you're going through, buddy. Let me know how I can help," Layton said, quickly embracing the surprised man before he could respond. "This is my wife, Maybelle. May? Ian used to work for Pop on the ranch. If I recall, he was quite good with bull riding and lassoes. My girl here is a barrel racer."

"I love lasso work. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable. Can I get you something to drink? A beer?" May asked.

"I gave up drinking the night that Lyle Marshall dragged me away from that bar and helped me clean up my life. He saved me," Ian said.

"He saved me, too. He was a good man," May said, her eyes glazing with tears. "He raised me some good boys to love. Caine told you that we are poly, right?"

"Yes. I—oh, thanks," Ian said as Layton handed him a can of ginger ale. "You remembered."

"We were close friends once. It's hard to forget how many times you complained about burger places not having ginger ale on the menu."

"About that; I never had a chance to apologize. I'm really sorry. It was a stupid move, and—" Ian's words were cut off by a crushing hug.

"It's in the past, and everything happens for a reason. I would never have ended up with my little May if that relationship had continued." Layton reached for his wife and tucked her under his arm. "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and that was just one incident that put me on the path that led to her."

"You are adorable, Miss May. Do these men treat you well?" Ian said.

"They are the bestest! I mean, the best. They spoil me."

"And do you like being spoiled?"

"Oh yes!" She nodded her head up and down. "They give me everything I've ever wanted."

"Like what? I'm not seeing anything sparkly," Ian commented.

"I don't like jewelry. I like puzzles and stuff. Do you wanna see my room?"

"I would love to. Oh!" Ian said as she grabbed his hand and started leading him upstairs to the bedroom that was decorated in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles style, including a bathroom that looked like a sewer.

Caine lifted an eyebrow as he watched the exchange. Ian brought out May's 'little' persona without even knowing it, and his response was ideal! He and Layton exchanged glances and followed them upstairs, silently watching as May introduced their visitor to the world of age-play.

"Food is done. Are you ready to come and eat?" Caine asked, leaning against the doorway as the two sat on the ground with May's new Lego set.

Ian's face turned bright red. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry. I didn't even bother to ask if I could help! She asked if I liked Legos and—"

"Don't apologize. Do you have any idea how many hours Layton and I have spent in May's version of Lego Land? Maybelle, go wash up for lunch, please."

BOOK: Dr. Daddy Dom (Little Lake Bridgeport 2)
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