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Authors: Tonya Ramagos

Double In (5 page)

BOOK: Double In
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“It looks to me as if they’re working on mending those
fences pretty quick.” Allie grabbed her tray. “I’m going to make my rounds.”

“Hey, I didn’t get a chance to ask if you’re feeling
better?” She’d made it through her shift last night, but Marsha had known she
still wasn’t feeling well. She sure appeared to be okay tonight.

“Much.” She leaned in and spoke softer. “And if the hunger
in both those sets of eyes is any indication, you’re going to be feeling much
better before the night is through, too.”

She sashayed off, leaving Marsha gaping after her.

“Something wrong, Mars?” Porter asked as he stepped into her
line of sight.

“Yes. No.” Marsha stopped, shook her head, and sighed.
“Hell, I don’t know.” Everyone seemed to know what was going on better than she
did. She, Porter and Reid had been the topic of conversation at the pizzeria.
She guessed she should’ve expected that seeing as how they’d kept their
distance from each other for so long and now were suddenly acting like best
buds again. What she never would’ve expected was the rumors that they were
hooking up, that all
of them were hooking up. And no one seemed

Well, it sure as shit surprised the hell out of her.

The corner of Porter’s lips twitched. “You know you’re
really sexy when you’re confused?”

“I’m…what?” He’d never told her she was sexy before. He’d
called her cute, funny, silly even, but never sexy. She’d seen some of the
women he’d dated. She might not be ugly by any stretch, but she looked like dog
meat next to some of them.

“She is that.” Reid rested a forearm on the bar and pointed
toward the dart area. “Did you ever get the blind draw started here on Saturday

Marsha blinked at the change of subject. Jeez, these two
were obviously determined to keep her head spinning these days. “No, I’ve been
waiting until I get the renovations done. The boards are open…and no hustling
in my bar.”

Porter’s twitching lips spread to a full-blown grin of pure
mischief. “Now darlin’, we’d never do a thing like that.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Now
, I know
you’d do exactly a thing like that if I didn’t tell you not to.”

“Fine.” Reid hung his head, pretending to pout. “Woman is
taking away all our fun.”

“Poor babies,” she cooed as she pulled a bottle of Ultra and
a Bud Light from the cooler, twisted off the caps and slid them lightly across
the bar. “You’ll get over it.”

Reid lifted his head and locked his gaze with hers.
Seriousness swirled with something more in the depths of his eyes. Happiness?
Yes. Hunger, like Allie said?

The longer Marsha held his gaze the more certain she felt
the answer to that was a resounding yes, too.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” he asked softly.

It did feel good to laugh with them again, so very good.
“Like old times.”

Porter shook his head. “Nah, it’s about to get better.”

His gaze didn’t drop from hers but the electricity that shot
from his eyes made her entire body feel like it did. Primal, carnal intentions
sizzled through her bloodstream, awakening every inch of her flesh.

Marsha started to sweat, her body aching for the chance to
become his personal playground. She wanted his hands on her, wanted his mouth
on her, wanted his cock inside her…now. To hell with the customers who would be

And apparently to hell with her common sense. Christ on a
pogo stick, what was she thinking!

“Are you two planning to stick around for a while?” she
asked, glad when her words came out even rather than sounding as breathless as
she felt.

“Do you want us to?” Reid turned the question around on her.

“I can’t close for several more hours, but I’d like to talk
to you.” She shifted her gaze to Porter, making sure he knew she was including
him in her statement.

Porter nodded. “Tell Allie to keep the beers coming, slowly.
We’ll stay for as long as you want.”

* * * * *

“That’s the last of it.” Allie tossed a bottle in the trash
can, the glass smacking against others and clanging loudly through the empty
bar. “You guys want another beer before I clock out?”

“We can get it ourselves,” Porter answered, wanting her gone
five minutes ago. He liked Allie, had even thought about asking her out a time
or ten before she hooked up with Howard Glass and got hitched. She was pretty
in a nothing-special kind of way. To him, her personality was what made her
attractive. “You go home to your man.”

“You don’t have to tell me that twice.” Her grin lit her
otherwise ordinary face as she turned and disappeared into the kitchen.

Porter considered that other beer, thought back to how many
he’d drunk tonight, and realized if the count hit a twelve-pack it would be a
miracle. He’d gone light, sipping more than guzzling, wanting to have a clear
head at the end of the night when he finally got his hands on Marsha.

And he would get his hands on that curvy,
driving-him-out-of-his-mind body tonight. It was only a matter of minutes.

“Want me to get the trash, Marsha?” Donnie asked.

“Leave it for the night.” Marsha tossed a towel on the bar
and pushed a strand of unruly hair behind her ear. “It’s raining buckets out
there. You get home too, and both of you drive safe.”

Allie came out of the kitchen and she and Donnie bid their
good nights before heading out the door. A bolt of lightning flashed through
pitch darkness and Porter saw Marsha shiver. She’d always hated storms.
Apparently some things never changed.

“It looks pretty bad out there,” she commented as she pulled
a bottle of water from the cooler and twisted off the cap.

“It’s just a lot of rain and a little bit of lightning.”
Reid grabbed the keys from behind the bar and locked up. “It’s supposed to be
over by daylight. If the forecast stays on the mark, Monday is when we’ll have
to watch out.”

“I saw the report when I was changing earlier.” Marsha
leaned against the counter at her back, brought the water bottle to her lips,
and drank deep.

Porter watched the movement, envisioning her lips closing
around his tormented cock and sucking it down her throat. He shifted on his
barstool, attempting to relieve some of the pressure behind his zipper. When
she lowered the bottle and made an
sound he knew the attempt was

“Meteorologist is calling for severe thunderstorms, possible
tornados and hail late Monday afternoon,” she said. “With any luck it’ll pass
us by.”

“Anything else you want done around here tonight?” Reid
walked back to the bar, juggling the keys from hand to hand with each step.

“I want you to sit. You’ve been on your feet tonight as much
as I have.”

“But I’ve been playing. You’ve been working.”

“When’s the last time you took a day off, Mars?” Porter
wouldn’t be surprised if she answered never. He knew Martin used to have to
force her to take a day off when the old man was alive. Now that she owned the
place, he doubted anything was different.

She tipped her head back, looking thoughtfully at the
ceiling. Porter’s mouth watered and it took him a full three seconds to pull
his gaze from the slender column of her neck. He wanted to run the tip of his
tongue down her flesh, lap at the dip of her throat, snake his way farther down
to her chest and…

“Probably Christmas day.” Her answer yanked him out of the
personal porno starting to take form in his head. “I haven’t had a reason to
take off since.”

“Well, you’ve got two of them sitting in front of you now,”
Reid told her as he settled on the stool two down from Porter.

“Do I, now?” Intrigue and caution sounded in her voice and
flashed through her eyes. “What are y’all up to? I asked you two that the other
night and you answered me, but I’m getting the vibe that answer has changed a
bit since then.”

“No, it’s just expanded.” Porter watched her as she moved
from behind the bar, walked over to a nearby wall, and straightened an
advertisement neon for Jack Daniels Whiskey. His gaze skimmed down her slender
back, over her firm ass, down the backs of her legs. The woman looked as good
from behind as she did from the front and his need to touch her, to hold her
became unbearable.

He slid off his barstool and moved behind her. He felt her
quick intake of breath when he stopped close enough for the front of his body
to brush against the back of hers. She wore her hair in a ponytail as she
always did and he wanted it down, wanted to finally find out if those strands
were really as smooth feeling as they looked. He reached for the band holding
her ponytail tight and gently pulled it until her hair hung free.

She didn’t flinch, didn’t attempt to turn around, and didn’t
speak. She waited, obviously letting him make the moves. He was perfectly happy
to oblige. He tunneled his fingers in the back of her hair and closed his eyes
as the feel of satin and the scent of woman overran his senses. He leaned
closer, breathing her in, the fragrances of raspberry and lavender mixing a
concoction that intoxicated his mind.

“I told you I wanted more.” He nuzzled his nose in the side
of her neck, and she shivered when he traced the outline of her shoulder just
above the collar of her shirt with the tip of his tongue.

“Yes, but you didn’t define more.” She sounded breathless.
She arched her neck, exposing more flesh for him to lick.

He trailed his tongue up the side of her neck to the
sensitive flesh behind her ear and she moaned softly. He drew her earlobe
between his lips, nipped it lightly and eased back to whisper in her ear.

“Everything. You. All of you.” He dropped his hands to her
hips and skimmed them up her sides, framing her slender curves with his palms.
Her scent, her taste, the feel of her body beneath his hands and her
responsiveness to his touch were too much. He’d waited so long to be this close
to her, to feel her against him. He almost didn’t know what to do with her now
that he had her.

She turned in his arms. Her exotic eyes locked powerfully on
his. The lust and hunger swirling in their depths shot through him like a
harpoon. He couldn’t stop himself, didn’t bother to try. He crowded her back
against the wall, caught her hand when it lifted, and staked it to the paneling
beside her head.

“I want to touch you.” He grazed the backs of his fingers
down her face, watching as the surprise his sudden movements had put there
turned to an expression so hot it was indescribable. “I want to taste you.” He
licked the outline of her lips with the tip of his tongue. “I want to feel your
body close around my cock as I slide inside your wet pussy.”

She didn’t balk at his bluntness. She stared at him from
beneath her lashes, a small, tentative smile unfolding on her lips. “What’s
stopping you?”

“Not a damn thing.” Porter pressed his body to hers. God,
she was so soft. She fit him like a puzzle piece, her pliable curves matching
the hard planes of his body in a perfect connection that shattered the last
ounce of his self-control. He took her mouth more forcefully than he intended,
sweeping his tongue between her lips and diving deep.

A shaft of heat arrowed straight to his cock, stroked the
already burning need to a raging flame that tightened his balls and pushed him
further beyond control. Her free hand latched on to his nape and pulled his
head closer as she met the thrusts of his tongue with equally fervent ones of
her own. He let her spin him around, let her take control of the kiss. She
nibbled along his bottom lip, exploring the shape of his mouth with her tongue.
He’d kissed dozens of women in his lifetime but he’d never had one take his
breath away. At that moment, when she dipped her tongue back inside his mouth
and resumed the hungered pace he’d previously set, it happened. He flat out
couldn’t breathe.

He caught her hips in a firm grip and his already mindless
state plummeted into an erotic bliss of pure insanity when she gyrated against
his throbbing cock.
, it felt too good. He pushed a leg between
hers, lifted his knee and ground it against her pussy. She was hot, so hot it
radiated through her shorts and his jeans, and if he didn’t somehow still that
vixen movement of her hips against his cock he would come in his jeans. He
hadn’t done something so reckless since he was twelve!

Reid saved him from sure embarrassment by stepping behind Marsha
and fitting his body to her back. Porter tasted her surprise and her body

Chapter Five


Marsha knew she probably looked like a deer caught in
headlights when she eased back from Porter’s mouth. Not only had she forgotten
Reid was in the bar, but she’d never—outside her wildest imaginations—dreamed
she would become the center of a Bishop sandwich.

“He’s not the only one who wants more. I want to touch,
too.” Reid pushed her hair aside with one hand and lightly glided the fingers
of his other hand over her shoulder. “I want to taste.” He dipped his head,
raked his tongue down the side of her neck and she couldn’t suppress the shiver
that ran straight to her heated center. “I want to feel you against me skin to
skin.” His hands slid down her sides, pulled the tail of her shirt free from
the waistband of her shorts, and pushed beneath the material.

She shivered again, but not from any sort of chill. His
calloused palms were warm even to her already heated flesh. He slid them
between her body and Porter’s, caressed her belly, her abdomen, and finally—
—closed over her breasts.

Marsha let her head fall back on Reid’s chest and stared
into Porter’s eyes. She felt as if she was drowning, being dragged beneath the
surface of a sexual stream of desires and hunger. She saw the promises of
fulfillment in Porter’s hypnotic gaze and felt it in Reid’s touch.

“Can we do that, Mars?” Porter asked huskily.

They already were. She was excruciatingly aware of every
place their bodies touched hers. Porter’s leg still between her own, their
stiff cocks pressing to her belly and the small of her back, Reid’s chest and
hands, Porter’s hands on her hips.

“Will you give yourself to us? Let us take what we want?”
His hands moved from her hips, slipping between her body and Reid’s to cup her
ass cheeks.

“Do you want it, too?” Reid whispered thickly against the
side of her neck.

She did. Jesus, how many nights had she lain in her bed with
her favorite rabbit vibrator imagining it was one of them, or God, her double
penetration vibrator fantasizing it was
of them? They were offering
to turn those fictional nights into reality, but what would it change? What
would happen come morning?

“I…” She trailed off, licked her lips, and saw Porter’s eyes
blaze with need as he followed the path of her tongue with his gaze.

“You’re thinking too much.” Porter squeezed her ass, drawing
her harder against him. She thought she could actually feel his cock pulsing
against her belly through their layers of clothing.

That was the problem. She couldn’t think! Not with their
hands on her and the exotic implications of their offer lingering in the
sexually charged air.

“What is your body telling you?” Reid’s thumbs drew lazy
circles around her nipples through the thin lace of her bra until they beaded
painfully, poking out for more of that touch.

“We can feel it, you know? Your body is responding to us.”
Porter took a deep, audible breath. “I can smell you. You’re wet, darlin’. I
bet that pussy is aching to be pleasured right now.”

She couldn’t deny it. Her panties were soaked with her
juices. Her clit pulsed. Her channel burned. She didn’t think she’d ever been
so aroused, so close to dying from sheer need to be fucked.

“What is your heart telling you?” Reid slid one hand from
her breast and flattened it on her chest, over her heart.

Leave it to Reid to bring those emotions into this. She
loved them. She’d known that for a long time and struggled with it. It couldn’t
be possible to love two men at once. Could it?

Yes, it had to be possible. She did. They both owned the
part of her Reid was currently covering with his hand and there had been
nothing she could do to stop them from staking claim to it, from stealing it
away from her. Even when she’d hated them, she’d still loved them. She’d still
belonged to them.

If she listened to her body she’d be all over both of them.
If she listened to her head she would run. One night with them would destroy
her. She would be the one left wanting more. A single night would never be

But if she listened to her heart… How could she not? How
could she turn down the opportunity to be with them, even if only for a night,
and take those memories with her for the rest of her life?

Her mother’s face beamed out of her memory photo album.
She’d done it. She’d fallen in love, taken the very short time she’d been given
with her prince, and held on to those moments forever. True, she’d pined for
him, never married, and rarely dated anyone else. But she’d been happy, or at
least had seemed to be. She’d allowed herself that one chance to embrace the
man she’d loved.

Marsha threaded her fingers through the short hairs at
Porter’s nape and reached back with her free hand to touch the back of Reid’s
shoulder. “Yes.” She held Porter’s gaze for a heartbeat, saw the excitement
flash in his eyes, then turned her head and tipped it back to look at Reid. “My
body and heart are saying yes.”

Reid smiled, slow and sexy, and covered her mouth with his.
His kiss was softer, less demanding than Porter’s had been. His tongue inched
between her lips and slowly tangled with hers.

Marsha melted between them, losing herself in Reid’s kiss.
His hands returned to her breasts, this time pushing beneath the elastic of her
bra to cup her bare breasts in his palms. Heat speared through her, raining
fiery embers through her system. Porter kissed her neck, nipped the tender
flesh and she tightened her hand on the back of his head, holding him there,
not wanting him to stop. His hands moved from her ass, danced along the
waistband of her shorts, and found the button. He freed it with practiced
fingers, gripped the clasp of her zipper, and dragged it down.

All the while, Reid continued his hungry exploration of her
mouth, gently rolling his tongue over hers, drawing back to nip her bottom lip,
to lick away the slight sting before he eased his tongue in again. His hands
kneaded her breasts, tenderly squeezing the flesh and working her nipples into
a dire ache for a rougher touch.

Porter slipped his hands inside her shorts, closed his
fingers around her hips and licked his way up her neck to her ear. “I want
these off you.” The primal, carnal edge in his voice sent whips of vicious need
slashing from his fingertips to her pussy. She wanted his fingers there and
knew that desire would be fulfilled as soon as he removed the barrier of her

Unable to speak with Reid’s tongue in her mouth and
unwilling to stop the mind-altering kiss, she arched her hips into Porter’s
solid body and wriggled in his embrace. He took her movements as the permission
she meant them to be, pushed her shorts down, and let them fall around her

Reid walked her back a full step, his hands sliding from her
breasts down her torso. She wanted to whimper at the loss of his touch to her
aching breasts and nearly did when he pulled away from the kiss to meet her
heavy-lidded gaze.

“This is coming off, too.” He drew her shirt over her head
and tossed it aside. He went to work on her bra next, freeing the clasp and
gliding the straps down her arms with a featherlike caress of his fingers.

Porter’s hands flattened on her outer thighs and skimmed
down as he kneeled in front of her. She sucked in a startled breath at the
first brush of his lips to the heated flesh of her lower belly. He traced the
waistband of her panties with the tip of his tongue and the breath quivered out
of her.

Anticipation brought her to her tiptoes as he rested his
forehead on her belly, his breath fanning her panties, heating the satin to a
torturous state. His fingers climbed the inside of her legs, painting a path of
sizzling need that raced straight to her pussy. Juices seeped from between her
feminine lips, drenching the thin cotton strip between her legs.

“Fuck, you smell delicious,” Porter growled. He caught the
triangle of material covering her pussy with a finger and pushed it aside. The
sound he made put her in mind of a caged animal fighting for release. “Your
pussy lips are bare. Damn, you don’t know how that turns me on. I can see your
juices glistening on your lips. You’re soaked, darlin’.”

She was. Her arousal collected in a thick, slick stream
between her folds. What would it take to get him to dive a finger into that
wetness, to push a digit inside her and take the edge off the rapidly mounting
pressure in her channel?

Finger me. Better yet, feast on me, damn it!
words were on the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed them as she locked gazes
with Reid. He must have read the question in her eyes, the plea and turmoil,
the demands she wanted to scream at Porter. He cupped her cheek and the expression
on his face softened.

“You gave yourself to us, remember.” Despite his tender
touch, his tone held a hint of amusement as if he were enjoying her torment.

Oh, she remembered all right, and she had no intentions of
being an Indian giver. What she wanted was to increase the speed. She wanted
Porter to let his animal out of its cage. She wanted Reid to get naked so she
could feel his hard body skin to skin. She wanted to take, to explore their
bodies as they were doing hers. Holy God of Hormones, she couldn’t handle much
more of this.

“We finally got you where we want you.” Porter swiped the
tip of his tongue down the crease between her pussy and inner thigh and quickly
withdrew. “No way are we bringing an end to it any time soon.”

Did the man intend to send her on a direct trip to the
nuthouse before he gifted her with the pleasure her body screamed for? Oh,
paybacks were going to be so very sweet when she got her hands on him.

Her mouth watered. She’d never experienced such a strong
desire to suck a cock in her life. Reid’s stiff cock pressed into her back, a
throbbing presence that only drove her torment higher. Though ways to turn the
table on Porter were already forming in her head, she would equally enjoy
sucking Reid’s cock down her throat. She wanted Porter’s mouth on her pussy and
her lips around Reid’s cock now. Right freaking now!

Reid’s hand moved lightly to the base of her throat as his
other hand slipped beneath her breast and lifted it. He raked his thumb over
her pebbled nipple and she let her head fall back on his chest. Her mind
focused on the touch, on Porter’s mouth that started to deliver one maddening
lick after another to the outer edges of her pussy.

“Please.” She couldn’t hold it back any longer. She would
beg them if she had to. Forget dignity. It was way overrated anyway.


Reid smothered a smile against Marsha’s shoulder, knowing
that softly whimpered plea was exactly what Porter had been waiting to hear.
She had given them the green light, told them she wanted them too. But Porter had
still been holding back, taking it slow. He wouldn’t hold back anymore.

He knew when Porter finally landed a kiss where Marsha
wanted it most. She went completely limp in his arms. Her head still turned
toward his, he watched as she closed her eyes and her lips formed a small but
sexy as hell
of pleasure.

He swallowed, nuzzled his chin at the bend of her neck, and
gazed down the front of her body. The neon glow from the Jack Daniels light
bathed her flesh in white and yellow, giving her an even more angelic look. The
woman’s body was a piece of work naked, perfect curves, delicious swells, and
wonderful angles to tempt and tease a man to the point of sheer frustration. He
should know. He was nearly there himself, wanting to feel every part of her, to
run his tongue along every sun-kissed inch of her flesh.

His cock ached, his shaft so hard it was a wonder he didn’t
impale her through her back. And when she started to gyrate against him in
obvious time with Porter’s thrusts of his tongue between her pussy lips, he
barely swallowed the growl that rumbled in his throat.

One of her hands was now locked around his nape, her nails
digging into his flesh. He welcomed the slight bite of pain, wanted it to
prevent his mind from centering on his own desires, on his own driving need to
be inside her shapely body. He focused on that sting even as he added to her
pleasure and his torment by rolling her beaded nipple between his thumb and

She moaned, her head lolling from side to side on his chest,
and her free hand headed straight for Porter’s head. That wouldn’t do. Porter
might have let her get away with taking over his kiss earlier, with whipping
him around the way she’d done, but Reid knew his brother had assumed full
control now. He’d allowed her all the liberties he would give her.

“Put your arm around my neck, Marsha.” Her hand on his nape
slid more securely around his neck, but her free hand continued on its path to
Porter’s head. “Both of them.”

Her fingers touched the tips of Porter’s head and she froze.
Reid felt a breath shudder out of her, heard a quiet protesting moan, and
realized, though Porter didn’t pull away, he had stopped whatever he was doing
to Marsha’s pussy.

“If you want him to continue, put both of your arms around
my neck.”

She stretched blindly behind her, behind him, and snaked her
free hand behind his neck.

“Attagirl.” Reid saw Porter glance at him from his prized
position between Marsha’s legs. He gave his brother an infinitesimal nod and
the other man averted his gaze, obviously fixing back on the treasure beneath
his tongue.

Marsha made a sound that was part sigh, part moan, and
totally sexy. Reid knew he’d be hearing that sound reverberating in his memory
for many nights to come. She shifted against him. The back of one of Porter’s
hands touched his leg as his brother guided one of her feet to rest on his

“Get comfortable, sweetheart.” He tightened his hold on her,
steadying her as Porter positioned her body for maximum exposure and
exploration. “Relax against me and concentrate on the pleasure.”

BOOK: Double In
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