Read Double Dare Online

Authors: Jeanne St. James

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica, #erotic, #Erotic Contemporary, #menage, #Multicultural

Double Dare (6 page)

BOOK: Double Dare
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“There's nothing to be sorry about,” Logan stated firmly.

She faced Ty. “You don't mind sharing him?”

“Oh, I don't mind sharing him, as long as I'm involved.”

Quinn pinned her brows together, considering for a moment what he had just said. “Do you share him much?”

Ty laughed and took a sip of his coffee, effectively avoiding the question.

“Look, I know this looks kind of…odd. But Ty and I have a great relationship. It's secure. We both know what we want out of it and each other. We had been discussing bringing in a third person for a while.”

Quinn sputtered, “Whoa, whoa, whoa—”

“We wanted a woman to complete us. We weren't actively looking, but—”

“Apparently fate brought you to us,” Ty finished for Logan.

“Fate?” Quinn shook her head. “It was a stupid dare.”

Logan leaned forward over the butcher-block table and splayed his fingers flat against its surface. Quinn's eyes were automatically drawn to his large hands. The memory of what they had done to her made her wiggle in her seat.

“Quinn, I dare you to stay a few days with us.”

She forced herself to look up at him. He wasn't laughing…nor even smiling. He was dead serious! He wanted her to just drop everything and stay a few days with not one but two men!

Uh, yeah, right. “Logan, I have a job.”

Not that she liked her job as a financial analyst, but it paid well, and she was not going to blow vacation days just to bang two guys… Shit! Not just two guys, but two guys at once.

As if she
do that…

One of those two guys—Ty—moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, his fingers shifting until they stroked the hollow at the base of her neck. She cursed herself silently when her nipples peaked against the T-shirt.

What they were proposing—it was so wicked…so forbidden.

As if she
do that…

Ty's palms slipped down, and he cupped the outsides of her breasts while Logan kept talking.

“Okay, so stay with us next weekend. Go home for now, go to your job, live your life normally for the week. Then Friday after work, I'll pick you up and bring you out here for the weekend. Or drive out yourself, so you have your own way to escape if you decide it's too much. It'll be an experience you'll never forget.”

Ty leaned over her and murmured in her ear, “We'll treat you to a weekend you'll never forget. Do you want a preview?” His thumbs caressed her pebbled nipples, and she involuntarily arched into his touch.

Quinn hissed out a breath, trying to gather her wits. She twisted away from Ty's touch and left her seat, creating some distance.

“I can't think when you're doing that.”

The men gave each other a meaningful grin. They thought they had won her over. Just because she was like putty in their hands…

She let out a long, slow breath. The fact was, she
putty in their hands. And she liked it. Logan seemed to be a skilled lover, and Ty, well, she could just imagine.

Stepping over to the sink, she gazed out of the window at a distant row of trees.

Her dilemma was, one part of her wanted to say yes. She wanted to experience what it was like to be a bad girl, not caring what people thought of her. Throw caution to the wind.

The other part of her was scared to say yes, because…because…

Fuck it.

When was she ever going to have a chance like this again? No one but the three of them had to know. Right?

It was only a weekend. She could leave if it became overwhelming.

She was going to do it. No. No, she wasn't. She couldn't.

“Okay,” she told them without turning around. She had to get this out before she changed her mind. “Here's the deal. Next weekend, I'll drive myself out, just in case. And we have to be safe. And if there is something I don't want to do…”

She heard nothing behind her, so she turned to face them. Both of them looked sort of shell-shocked. They hadn't thought she'd agree! Oh boy, what had she gotten herself into?

“Now, do you have anything decent I can wear? I need to get back to my car and go home. I have dinner plans with my parents.”

“We'll find you something. What do you want to do with your dress?”

“Burn it.”

Logan laughed loudly.

This had to be the most bizarre day of her life.

Chapter Four


Friday couldn't come soon enough for Quinn. After leaving Logan's farm last Sunday, it was all she could think about.

Her concentration at work was lacking. She would stop in the middle of the hallway and have to close her eyes. The sensation of her stinging ass when Logan had been plunging his cock deep into her came back to her like it was all happening right then and there.

Sometimes she was so weak after reliving those moments, she had to grasp a nearby wall to catch her breath for a few seconds. Her nipples had been constantly hard peaks, visible through her blouse every day, catching the eyes of some coworkers.

In fact, it was no wonder she had had two guys ask her out so far this week. After the second invitation she had gone into the bathroom and taken a good look at herself. Her flushed face, heavy eyelids, and hard nipples made her look like she had just been well fucked or wanted a good fuck. And it was bad enough that the anticipation for Friday night was keeping her wet constantly. Some of the guys were probably picking up on the musky scent as she walked through the insurance company's offices.

She was like a bitch in heat. She had never thought about sex so much before in her life. It was constant. Almost an addiction. The memories of the pleasure she had discovered with the boys continually interrupted her workday.

On Monday night, she relieved the tension brewing in her with her vibrator.

On Tuesday, she didn't even bother with her toy; she just took care of herself with her fingers. In the bathroom at work, in her car, and at home on her couch.

By Wednesday, she couldn't stop reliving Sunday in her head. She sat in her office with the phone off the hook, picturing her ride back to the banquet hall in Logan's truck.

Not remembering the ride out to his place the night before, she was surprised to see how far out of town he actually lived. The driveway itself was about a mile long, surrounded by well-maintained grass fields. Logan had explained it was sod. He ran a sod farm that provided turf to all different types of businesses. That explained why he had his truck all lettered up with the name LGR SOD, INC.:

Their parting by her car in the parking lot had ended with a kiss and a promise: if she dared to show up, she would have the best sex of her life. Quinn didn't think it would be hard to beat. After she had been almost bored to death with Peter's performance in the bedroom, anything was better.

Quinn imagined Peter over her in missionary style—like always—no foreplay, just pumping into her a few times before saying, “Ooo, ooo, baby,” before grunting and shooting his load. It was all over before she was even wet.

In contrast, what could be better than spending a weekend with not one, but two gorgeous, experienced, not-uptight men?

Two, all for her. All for her pleasure.

At that thought she had to squeeze her thighs together to keep her pussy from quivering. But when she did, she came anyway. She gasped and slammed her hand over her mouth as her eyes rolled back from the pleasure skirting up her body. She was so glad she had closed her office door.

On Thursday she had second thoughts. When she got home from work, there was a message on her machine. It was from Peter. The prick started off with, “Quinn, I've been thinking…”

Quinn jabbed the Delete button before she could hear another word. That decided it; she was going to do it and enjoy every second.

After digging out an overnight bag from the bottom of her closet, she threw some essentials into it: panties (probably unnecessary), makeup and hair products, and… She needed something sexy. As she dug through her drawers, she realized she had nothing besides a glittery thong Lana had given her as a joke on one of her birthdays. She didn't think a thong stating
Come In, We're Open
would be very enticing, and decided to stop at Victoria's Secret on her lunch break the next day.

She had never shopped at the well-known lingerie shop before, preferring to buy her underthings at a local department store instead. But maybe it was time for her to shake things up a bit.

As she zipped up the bag, her doorbell rang. It had better not be Peter coming to beg for her forgiveness. It wasn't. When she opened the door, Lana and Paula pushed past her, chatting the whole way into her small kitchen.

Lana lifted the two brown bags she had in her hands and announced, “We brought Thai food!”

“And wine!”

Paula cleared off Quinn's small table, dug through her cabinets, and set out plates, utensils, and wineglasses.

The girls chatted on, whirling around the kitchen and serving up the food, while Quinn could only stand there doing a mental inventory of what she had put in her overnight bag and what might still be needed. What did one take for a sex fest?

Condoms? The guys would have those.

Lube? Again, if needed, the guys.

Toys? Not her department.

Icy Hot for aching muscles?

“Hey, what's going through your pretty little head?” Quinn's eyes focused to see Paula's face only inches from hers. “Let's eat.”

They made small talk and gossiped over dinner, while Quinn just said a few uh-huhs, okays, and mmms where appropriate. She was used to the other two blathering on and on about the latest scandals, whether it was someone they knew or someone in the latest tabloids. The girls only brought Thai when they wanted to dish the dirt.

After clearing the table, Lana filled everyone's wineglasses once more before settling back into her chair. “So…”

Quinn grimaced in expectation of a possible grilling. Quinn had a feeling she was the dirt they were going to dish tonight.

“So,” Paula echoed.

“Any plans for the weekend?”

“Not really.”

“Seeing your parents on Sunday?”


“Quinn, you have to get out there and start meeting people. Try new experiences.”

If they only knew.

“What happened with Logan Reed?”


“I thought you said you were going home with him.”

“Well, I ended up striking out.”

“That doesn't surprise me,” Lana said. “Because I did some snooping this week, and the rumor is, he plays for the other team.”

Quinn lifted a brow and took a sip of her wine.

“He doesn't like women,” she clarified.

“That's a shame.” Paula sighed. “Another good one lost to the other side.”

The wine Quinn drank went down the wrong pipe, and she choked, sputtered, and then coughed, trying to catch her breath. Paula leaned over and whacked her between the shoulder blades.


Paula gave her an apologetic smile. “I didn't want to have to do the Heimlich.”

Lana was wrong about Logan not liking women. But they weren't all he liked.

Anyway, she wasn't going to be the one to verify or deny the rumor. This weekend was her little secret. The last thing she wanted was her friends to find out, even as well-meaning as they were. They were both blabbers, and before she knew it, her parents would find out. Her straitlaced, churchgoing, community-involved parents.

Quinn groaned at the thought.

She could feel their condemnation now. They would never speak to her again. They would be the laughingstocks of their country club.

Her parents had loved Peter, who worked at a very large brokerage firm. In fact, they blamed her for the breakup. In their eyes, Peter was perfect. It didn't matter Peter wasn't perfect for her; he was perfect for them, for their image.

Or more, for her mother's image. Her father was much more easygoing than Quinn's mother.
was the one worried about their reputation.
was the one who wanted to be in control. Of Quinn's father. Of Quinn.

It had always been that way growing up. They didn't have to keep up with the Joneses. Oh no. No, they had to keep up with the Roosevelts. Hell, the Vanderbilts.

And what could be better? A daughter and a son-in-law who were both successful financial analysts with their MSFA degrees, their accolades, and their prosperous careers…

But then, neither of her parents had to fuck Peanut. Er, Peter…

BOOK: Double Dare
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