Double Bear: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Mountain Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Double Bear: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Mountain Book 3)
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The three of them passed around the desserts, voted on their favorites and talked and laughed for hours. The ache he’d felt at dinner had completely disappeared and his heart felt complete. Sam flashed several full smiles and he realized she’d been holding back during their alone time together.

She completed them and even if she didn’t know or understand it, they completed her.

Going forward, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind. Sam was their mate.




Sam helped them polish off all six desserts, although they ate most of the decadent concoctions. She found out they both had a weakness for sweets, and had to fight for the last bite of blueberry cheesecake. Normally, she’d feel self-conscious eating so many calories around a man, but Cade and Collin weren’t like most men. Around them, she felt free to just be.

In the back of her mind she remembered the night they met. Gage had told her the guys would be visiting for a while, but she didn’t know how long they planned to stay. The idea of them leaving saddened her, but she pushed the thought out of her mind. They were here now and she decided to enjoy their attention for as long as they wished to give it.

Collin cleaned up the containers while Cade led her to the couch.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” he asked.


“Do you want to call it a night? We can walk you home.”

“Do you want me to go?” she asked.


“Kiss me.”

He followed her command and touched his lips to hers. His initial touch was gentle, but it only took seconds for his mouth to dominate hers. He forced his tongue inside and probed her cheek, teeth and tongue as if her were marking his territory. She allowed his invasion and met him stroke for stroke.

He didn’t touch her, save for his mouth, but electricity raced over her skin, straight to her core. She felt the couch dip on the other side of her and Cade released her mouth. She turned toward Collin, worried about what he would say, but there was no censure in his eyes.

“You never have to worry about us, love,” he kissed her gently. “We’re both yours. You can love us together, or apart, whenever you want.”

His words gave her the confidence to lean forward and kiss him. His touch was softer than Cade’s, but no less demanding. He savored her and she melted into him.

Cade slid his hands under her shirt and unhooked her bra. He pulled her shirt up and she pulled away from Collin to raise her arms above her head. Collin slid her bra off toward him as Cade kissed her neck and shoulder. Collin slipped off her shoes and started unfastening her pants. When Cade grabbed her breasts from behind, she leaned back into him and Collin used the position to his advantage. He pulled down her pants and panties together, leaving her fully exposed.

Cade pulled and tugged on her nipples, and Collin left a trail of kisses down her inner thigh to her neatly trimmed mound.

“Wait,” she said and sat up abruptly. “Why are you both still dressed? I want to see you, too.”

Both men leapt off the couch and stripped off all of their clothes. Two identical naked gods stood before her. Their long, thick cocks bounced off their toned, eight-pack abs when they finished throwing the unwanted fabric aside. The urge to grab them both and lick them caused her to shift and press her thighs together and cover her breasts.

In the dim light of the room, she suddenly felt nervous and out of her element. She barely knew what to do with one guy, let alone two. She didn’t want them to be disappointed, but she wanted them to touch her, both of them, more than she wanted her next breath.

Cade held out his hand, but Collin spoke.

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” he said. “Don’t worry. We’ll go slow if you need to. We have all night.”

She wanted them, wanted everything they had to offer, and she wasn’t about to run away and hide. She knew her time with them would be short, but it would also be the only chance she ever had with two men at the same time. They both genuinely seemed interested in her and she wasn’t about to give up the unique opportunity.

She placed her hand in Cade’s and he pulled her up from the couch.

“Lead the way,” she told Collin.

Cade scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom on his brother’s heels.

“Cade! What are you doing? Put me down,” she begged, but wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight.

He ignored her pleas and didn’t release his hold until they were in the bedroom.

“Get on the bed,” he ordered. Something in his voice changed and her pussy throbbed from the sexy rhythm. She’d do whatever he asked if he used that voice.

She crawled to the center of the bed.


Before she could position herself on her back, someone’s hand struck her. The stinging spread over her entire cheek and the sensation heated her skin. She wanted more and embarrassment reddened her face.

“What was that for?” she squeaked.

“You’re teasing us, shaking that hot ass around,” Cade said.

She smiled. They’d noticed her extra wiggling.

“You little brat,” Collin laughed. “You did that on purpose.”

He climbed on the bed, between her legs and pushed her knees open wide.

“You’ll pay for that.”


She didn’t have time to warn him of her inexperience with oral sex, not that it mattered. Collin plunged his tongue inside her pussy and she bucked off the bed. Cade crawled next to her, covered one of her breasts with his hand and sucked the other into his mouth.

He massaged and pulled on the exposed nipple while he sucked and nipped the other like a master. When he pulled away, he blew on the wet tip and switched sides. His fingers and mouth worked in tandem on the already stiff peaks.

Collin swirled his tongue around the sides of her pussy and licked up every drop of her essence. She screamed when he sucked her clit inside his mouth and pressed the flat of his tongue against the hardened jewel.

When the tremors subsided, Cade kissed her mouth and she wanted, needed more. She grabbed his cock and slid her hand over the smooth, hardened flesh. When she swiped her thumb over the tip, she felt the moisture and sucked the wet digit inside her mouth. She looked up at him, a question in eyes.

“Whatever you want, love. You can do whatever you want to me.”

She’d never had much interest in oral sex, but these men were different. She wanted to touch them everywhere, and not only for their pleasure, but for her own.

She leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. Cade groaned and threaded his fingers through her hair. She swirled her tongue around the tip, then gently closed her mouth around him and moved down his shaft.

“Condoms,” Collin called.

Cade groaned again, and she stopped and peered up at him.

“Suck me harder, and don’t stop.”

He twisted to grab the box off the nightstand, but she held on and followed his command. He tossed the box to his brother and stuffed another pillow under her head.

Collin pulled away and she heard the rip of the condom, and then felt him slowly push his hard cock inside her. The men she’d slept with before had all been lacking in size compared to Collin and Cade.

“Damn,” he groaned. “She’s so tight.”

He inched in slow and gave her plenty of time to accommodate his size. She felt his dick touch all the walls of her pussy and for the first time, she felt full and complete during sex. His measured movements allowed her to focus on Cade and she continued to lick and suck his thick cock.

“Sam, you feel amazing.” When he was buried deep inside her mouth, Cade tightened his grip in her hair. “Keep sucking, love. Suck me hard while he fucks you,” Cade said, and she obeyed.

Collin pumped in and out, slow at first, but he increased his speed faster and faster until she couldn’t concentrate on Cade anymore. He pulled his throbbing cock out of her mouth and she saw him grab the string of condoms before Collin’s kiss pushed her over the edge.

Seconds later Collin shouted his release. As their breathing returned to normal, they kissed and he pulled out and lay beside her.

She didn’t have time to mourn his loss.

Cade covered her body with his and slid his cock into her already wet entrance. He filled her the same way Collin did, but yet he felt different. She knew she’d be able to tell them apart, whenever they touched her. She instantly wanted more from Cade and he took everything she offered. He pounded into her until they both found their release and flew off the ledge together.

He rained gentle kisses over her mouth and chin and she turned her head toward Collin to give him better access to her neck. She didn’t know what to expect, but Collin’s face radiated with love and acceptance. She knew it was nothing more than the sexual afterglow, but when she saw the same look on Cade’s face, she longed for it to mean something more.

“Stay with us tonight?” Collin asked, and she nodded. She wouldn’t leave unless they forced her. The thought both elated and scared her.

Cade got up to take care of his condom and returned with a wet washcloth. While he wiped up the evidence of their lovemaking, Collin used the restroom.

Soon, they surrounded her on the bed and she fell asleep wrapped in their warmth.

Chapter Three


Sam smiled as she waited for Kate to bag up her lunch order. The guys ate a lot, which suited her fine. She never worried over portion size or dessert when they were around; she just enjoyed her food and the company.

“Okay, we’re waiting on one more sandwich, so spill. How is everything?” Kate asked in a sing-song voice.

It had been a week since her first official date with Collin, and the three of them had spent nearly every free moment together since. During the day, the guys worked with Seth on his and Darcy’s house, and at night, they joined her at the theater, and then walked her back to their place and pleasured her until they were all sated.

Almost everyone in town had seen the three of them together at some point, but they weren’t met with the censure and prejudice she expected. She figured it was because Cade and Collin looked so much alike, no one could be sure she wasn’t dating one while the other hung around like a third wheel. Still, a few times they’d both been caught touching her in public and the reaction was minimal.

Deep down Sam wondered if she’d ever date again after they moved on. The selection of men in Bear Mountain was nonexistent and the surrounding cities weren’t much better. She could move to the capital, or another state, but she didn’t want to leave her hometown, her job, or her father. She shook her head to escape the dreary thoughts and decided to focus on the now. Whatever the future held, she’d face it head on, even if she had to face it alone.

“Everything is good,” Sam laughed. “How are things with you?”

“Oh, you know that’s not what I want to talk about,” Kate said, and slammed her hand in mock-anger on the counter.

“I know,” Sam said. “Things are going really well and I’ve decided to enjoy myself while it lasts.”

“While it lasts? What do you mean?”


“Order up,” Randy, the café owner yelled, and rang a bell on the counter.

“That looks like mine,” Sam said.

“Yeah,” Kate said and grabbed the sandwich off the counter. “Sam, what did you mean when you said—”

“Sam! There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”

She hated the way the familiar voice slithered over her and made her skin crawl. She’d always hated the sound of his voice, and realized she must have been extremely lonely to put up with it longer than one date, let alone a couple of months.

“I have to go, but we’ll chat later, okay?” she whispered to Kate. She grabbed the full bag and turned to face her ex.

“Hey Jack. Why have you been looking for me?”

“We need to talk,” he said.

“No, I don’t think we do. Excuse me, but I have to go.”

She stepped around him and walked out of the café. He followed and she mentally groaned, though she should have expected it. He could be an asshole when he wanted to.

“Hey, wait up,” he said and stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

She sighed and turned back toward him.

“What is it?”

“You know, I think you should be a bit more grateful,” he started. “I came all this way to let you know I’m ready to get back together.”

She laughed out loud. She couldn’t help it. He couldn’t be serious.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Of course I’m serious. Why else would I be here?”

“I’m sorry, but you’ve wasted your time. We’re not getting back together.”

She turned and started walking away again, but he grabbed her bicep and yanked her back toward him. She stumbled and nearly dropped the bag she carried.

“Hey, let go of me,” she said, and tugged on her arm, but he ignored her and tightened his grip to the point of pain. He’d never hurt her physically, but the look on his face, combined with his hold on her arm made her worry. Fear raced down her spine, and she glanced around to see if anyone witnessed the scene. The street was uncharacteristically empty.

“Look, I know you’re in a hurry to eat all those sandwiches, but I’m talking and you’re going to listen. Next month is Valentine’s Day and Lord knows you don’t need to spend another dateless night alone, so I’ve decided to give you another chance.”

“No way in hell, now let go of me,” she said and tried to free her arm again.

“You stupid, fat bitch. How dare you deny me?”

“I have a date for Valentine’s Day, not that it’s any of your business, but even if I didn’t, I would never go out with you again,” she pulled on her arm again, but he wouldn’t budge.

“You say that now, but wait until you’re home alone, crying into your ice cream. Who is this mystery date anyway? I’ll have to thank him for taking you off my hands.”

“It’s me,” Cade said behind her.

“And me,” Collin said.

Relief washed over her at the sound of their voices. She’d been on her way to meet them at the building site, but somehow they were here. Warmth spread over her at the sound of their voices and all the fear dissipated. She knew they’d protect her.

Cade grabbed Jack’s wrist in a swift motion.

“If you don’t release her, I’ll break your arm,” Cade said.

Jack whimpered and let go of her bicep. She took a step back to be closer to her men. They stood flanked on her right and left, ready for a fight. Jack begged for freedom, but Cade continued to hold the man’s wrist. She could see the tick in his jaw as he watched the sniveling man with cold calculation. She had a feeling he was going to break Jack’s arm anyway.

“Cade,” Sam said and broke the spell. She appreciated his protection, but she couldn’t let him go to jail for assault.

At the sound of his name, he looked back and raised his eyebrow in question. She nodded once and he dropped the man’s hand.

“Two dates?” Jack asked as he wiggled his wrist around and backed away from Cade. “You’re dating two men now? At the same time? I always knew you were sick. Only a sick, twisted slut likes two cocks at the same time.”

Cade lunged toward Jack and the man cowered.

“Get out of here and don’t come back,” he growled.

The man took off running.




Collin watched as Cade battled his bear’s predatory instinct to chase down the man who dared to touch their woman. His brother took deep breaths and stared in the direction the loser had run, long after he disappeared.

Sam watched Cade, but she didn’t comment on his behavior. Collin thought some normalcy was in order. He’d wanted to attack as well, but he’d regained control of his bear the second Cade grabbed Jack’s hand. In that moment, Collin knew he had to guard Sam if his brother attacked.

“Who was that guy?” Collin asked and took the bag of food from her.

“My ex, Jack,” she said. She’d only turned halfway to face him so she could still see Cade.

“You dated that guy?” He couldn’t keep the criticism out of his voice.

“Unfortunately, yes. It wasn’t one of my better ideas.”

Suddenly, Cade turned and grabbed the arm Jack had been holding.

“If he left a bruise, I’m going to kill him,” Cade said, and pushed up her sleeve.

She linked her fingers in his, but turned completely toward Cade.

“Cade,” she said, and waited until he made eye contact.

When his brother looked up, he looked almost wild and strung out, and Collin knew he’d barely won the fight with his bear.

“I’m okay. Thank you both for coming to my rescue.”

She squeezed his hand, and he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. Cade grabbed her face in both hands and kissed her passionately. She kept hold of his hand, but seemed to know what his brother needed and kissed him back with the same ardor. She didn’t know about their bears yet, but her innate understanding of their needs amazed him.

When the kiss ended, he tugged on Sam’s hand and started walking toward her and her dad’s shared truck. Most residents in Bear Mountain walked unless they were leaving town or going up to see Gage and Kate. The Adams’ private road was two miles long and had a steep incline.

“Come on, let’s go eat. These sandwiches smell delicious.”

Cade kept looking back behind them, waiting for a surprise attack, but they both followed him.

“I’m not complaining, but what were you guys doing in town? I thought I was supposed to meet you at Seth’s.”

“You were, but you were taking forever. We missed you,” Collin told her.

“How did you get to the café?”

“We ran.” He and Cade were used to walking and running great distances in bear form, and although they drove from Florida to Montana in the one vehicle they decided to keep, they hadn’t used their truck since they arrived in town.

Sam tossed him the keys and they all piled into the cab. Cade stayed quiet on the drive, but once they made it to the house, he relaxed and spread out a blanket under one of the trees.

Collin didn’t want to think about Sam with another man, but he had to know about her ex. He and Cade only caught the end of the conversation, and the guy seemed like a first-class asshole, but something drew her to him or they would have never dated. Did she still have feelings for him?

“So, what did he want?” Collin asked, feigning casual. He and Cade watched Sam rearrange her sandwich meat on the bread until she looked up and caught them staring at her intently.

“Who?” she asked.

Was she kidding?

“Your ex,” Cade demanded.

“He wanted to get back together,” she stated nonchalantly and went back to her sandwich.

Cade let out a low growl and Collin waited for her to elaborate.

“And…,” Collin prompted.

“And, I laughed in his face.” Finally, she caught on to what they needed. “We only dated two months, and in that time he only used me for sex. He stood me up on Christmas and he dumped me on New Year’s Eve. When we did talk, he was verbally abusive, and I’m glad he’s gone.”

“So you aren’t in love with him?” Cade barked.

She laughed, but sobered up when she caught them both glaring at her.

“No, I never loved him. I hate to admit it, but I only dated him because…,” she trailed off and stared at her sandwich.

“Because?” Collin prompted.

She sighed.

“Because I didn’t want to be alone during the holidays,” she whispered. She still wouldn’t look at them and he and Cade shared a look before he lifted her chin with her finger.

“Don’t worry, love. You’ll never have to worry about being alone again.”

She smiled, but he didn’t miss the fact that she held something back. It was the same smile she gave him on their first date in the restaurant, before they went back to the cottage for Cade.

“I’m hungry and you guys have to be starving by now. Let’s eat,” she said.

They ate in silence for a few minutes, but then fell back into their usual comfortable routine. Something bothered their mate and he didn’t think it was the encounter with her ex, but he and Cade silently agreed to let it go. For now.




The next day, Cade woke to someone banging on the door. He glanced at his watch and cursed. Five thirty in the morning. He rolled out of bed, donned his jeans and raced to confront the source of the sound. Collin followed close behind while Sam slept through the jarring noise.

When he opened the door, Cade found Gage in his sheriff’s uniform on the other side.

“Hey, Gage. What’s wrong?”

“Sorry to wake you guys, but last night the movie theater was vandalized. I’ve already started the report, but I need a statement from Sam or her father. I have a feeling she’ll want to see it first.”

Gage relayed the details and then left them to break the news to Sam. When they walked into the bedroom, she was sitting up in bed with the sheet pulled around her and tucked under her arms.

“Who was that?”

“It was Gage, love. The movie theater was vandalized last night and he needs you to come down to the station and make a statement,” Collin said.

“Does my father know?” She pushed back the sheet and quickly got dressed. They both followed her example and threw on their t-shirts and shoes.

Minutes later, they were out the door.

Cade drove them to the theater and when he stopped in front of the building, Sam’s eyes filled up with tears. The words
were spelled out in bold, capital letters, and sprayed across the movie poster cases and front doors of the building in fluorescent orange paint.

“Oh my god.
is going to see this. My poor father,” she said as a single tear slid down her cheek. Collin wrapped his arm around her and Cade continued to drive to the police station.

Sam seemed to act on auto-pilot as Gage took her statement, but when he asked about any suspects, she named Jack and told him about their encounter on the street the day before. Gage made several notes and when he was finished with the forms, he let her go.

BOOK: Double Bear: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Mountain Book 3)
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