Dopeman: Memoirs of a Snitch (Part 3 of Dopeman's Trilogy) (7 page)

BOOK: Dopeman: Memoirs of a Snitch (Part 3 of Dopeman's Trilogy)
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Chapter Ten
Bad Boys Move in Silence
Seven and Ball sat at the twenty-four hour breakfast spot just down the highway. Lola sat next to Seven as they chatted over steak and eggs. As Seven cut his steak with a knife and fork, he looked at Ball.
“You know I owe you for what you did tonight?” Seven said in modesty.
“It ain’t nothing. I saw that shit from a mile away. Honestly, your lil niggas should have been on that.” Ball said as he whispered across the table. He looked over at Seven’s goons seated at the table a couple feet away from them. Just as Ball was about to speak again, he felt his phone buzz. He looked down and saw that it was a text from Dame. The text read: “G is a block away. Plug him in.” Ball clenched his jaw and hated that he had to deal with that clown. He instantly smiled and shook his head. “Chick’s be hounding a nigga,” he said as he put the phone on his hip.
“I fuck with you the long way. I really like the way you move. I know you got your own thing going on out of town, but if you want you should come fuck with me for a while. Join the team and feel it out, ya know,” Seven propositioned as he put the steak in his mouth.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Ball said as he nodded his head in approval.
“You should come join us for Sunday dinner. It’s something that has turned in to a ritual for us. We get money together, but we break bread together also.” Seven said showing a gesture of loyalty.
“I appreciate that. I will be there,” Ball said. As Ball put a forkful of food into his mouth he saw an all-black E-class Mercedes Benz pull up. The luxury car sat on shiny rims and caught everyone’s attention within eyesight. Just as Dame promised, Gary stepped out of the car. He had a female on his arm and Ball instantly knew that she probably was an undercover too. He turned his head trying not to give so much attention to him. Gary walked in and it was hard not to notice the blinging chain that hung from his neck. The lights bounced off of the sparkling diamonds and seemed as if it illuminated the room. He was definitely shining. G took a table across the room from them as Seven and Ball continued to engage in small talk. Ball could feel Gary looking over at them and he tried his best to avoid meeting his gaze. Unfortunately, one of Seven’s goons noticed that Gary was staring also. They slyly clicked their gun off safety and walked over to Seven. The goon bent down over the table as whispered to Seven. “Ol’ boy across the room keeps looking over here. Want me to go over there and see what’s on his mind?”
“Who? The cat over there with the female?” Seven asked as he discreetly glanced over at Gary. Ball didn’t even bother looking over there and knew that G was an amateur. He was about to get himself killed. Seven nodded and the goon immediately went over there. They watched as the goon went over and had a word with G. Moments later, the goon came back and looked at Ball.
“My man said he know you,” the goon announced.
Ball looked over and G threw his hands up as if he had seen an old friend. Ball whispered under his breath and squinted his eyes as if he wasn’t familiar with G.
“You know this nigga?” Seven asked as G stood from his table and made his way over.
“Yo, no disrespect. Just saw an old friend over here.” G said as stood over their table. He reached his hand out to Ball, and Ball looked at Seven who had no expression on his face. He looked back at G and reluctantly shook his hand.
“Oh, what up G. Long time no see,” Ball said as he eyed G and his corny demeanor. “What you doing in this neck of the woods?” Ball asked.
“Just in town for a couple of weeks checking out new real estate. The prices for property high as hell back home. Feel me? And plus, my girl grew up here.” G said as he looked back and pointed at the girl who waited for him at the table. Ball nodded as he listened to the fast-talking G. Just to stop him from talking anymore, Ball cut him off.
“Yo Seven, this is my man G. He in the same business as us. I used to fuck with him back home,” He said as he reluctantly vouched for the clown that stood before them.
“What’s up gangster.” Seven said coldly, almost being sarcastic. “Nice chain,” Seven said as looked at the iced out piece G had on. Seven then he stood up and motioned for his team to roll out. He wasn’t even done with his food and his action seemed abrupt. Ball looked in confusion as the whole crew began to exit the spot. Seven reached into his pocket and peeled off a hundred dollar bill and tossed it on the table.
“See you tomorrow, Ball. Lola will call you with the directions. Nice to meet you, P.” Seven said with a smile as he reached out and shook G’s hand.
“It’s G,” Gary corrected as he shook his hand.
“My apologies,” Seven said while Lola and the Goon Squad laughed at the inside joke. Within seconds, Seven and the crew was out of the door and gone. G stood there dumbfounded with his hands out wondering what he did wrong.
“What did I say?” G asked as he looked at Ball in confusion.
“Nothing man. You wouldn’t understand,” Ball said as he threw his napkin down and shook his head in disbelief. He did not want G to blow this for him. His freedom was at stake and Ball had to let Dame know that his method was not going to work. He only hoped that Seven didn’t stop dealing with him.
This stupid clown is throwing salt in the game. I have to tell Dame that I have to do this my way, or I can’t do it at all,
he thought to himself as he left a twenty on the table for the waitress.
“Man, take me back to my car.” He said to G as he continued to shake his head and go toward the exit.
“This nigga could have gotten me killed. He has fed written all over him. The nigga is soft Dame. Point blank!” Ball said as he paced the floor at the gym. Dame stood there with his hands in his pockets as he let Ball break it down. “First, this nigga walks in the spot with all this flashy shit looking like a clown. With the loud jewelry and fancy car, he was screaming for attention. Niggas who are really getting money, hate attention. The loudest person in the room is the weakest person in the room, believe that! Bad boys move in silence.” Ball expressed as he finally stopped and looked at Dame with his hands on his hips.
At first Dame was going to contest, but he understood that Ball knew how to move with sharks. He had to trust Ball’s judgment and let him do it his way. He knew that by attempting to put G into Seven’s realm, it could put the whole operation at risk. “You’re right. I am going to let you do it your way. I’m going to let you get in deep without any input.” Dame agreed. Ball nodded his head in approval, relieved that he didn’t have to deal with G anymore.
“My way this time? No more fake-ass gangsters on board?” Ball asked.
“Yeah, you got it. There’s just one more thing. That dinner you were telling me about. The one he invited you to ...”
“Yeah, what about it?” Ball asked as he frowned up, knowing that Dame had something up his sleeve.
“I need you to place these bugs in a couple spots.” He said as he pulled out three little gadgets that resembled silver buttons.
“What the fuck! You want me to put bugs in his house. You tripping man.”
“Don’t forget who’s the fucking boss. You work for me, not the other way around,” Dame said as he grabbed Ball’s hand and slammed the bugs into his palm. “Leave these in spots were conversations take place. Like the living room, the bedroom, and even in his car. Place them under a table or somewhere not visible,” Dame said as he stared at Ball intensely.
“Fine!” Ball agreed as he spun around on his heels and exited out the backdoor.
I hate that mu’fucka,
Ball thought as he jumped into his car and pulled off. He headed back to his hotel with a whole lot to think about.
Chapter Eleven
Dead End
“Lord, I ask you to protect us all and have compassion for our enemies. Although we do unholy things, we are asking for your loving hand to guide us as we maneuver through this concrete jungle. We are on the path to you but until then we have to get this money. God please have mercy on our souls. Amen,” Seven said as he sat at the head of the dinner table where Lola, Ball, and his goons sat. Everyone hands were connected as they said “Amen” in unison and sat over the piping hot food that was prepared by Seven’s maid. Rah, Seven’s son was also at the table amongst adults and Ball watched closely at how Seven catered to his son. He immediately could sense the bond that they shared. Seven loved his son unconditionally. Ball wanted to ask Seven about the absence of Rah’s mother, but brushed off the notion not wanting to intrude. Seven’s crew was full of deadly killers and dealers, but every Sunday they all would sit down together like family and break bread together. This is the reason why Seven’s regime was strong and almost impossible to penetrate. He embraced all members of his inner circle and had no mercy on his enemies and Ball was learning the true meaning of loyalty. He watched how Seven respected everyone in the crew. He didn’t look down on anyone and paid attention to detail. Ball remained quiet as chatter and the sounds of silverware scraping the plates as they all dug in.
“I got an A on English paper!” Rah said to his father as his eyes lit up at his own accomplishment.
“Again?” Seven said as his eyes got big and a smile formed on his face. “Y’all hear that? My boy gon be a writer someday! He be killing them English tests! I have a little genius right here,” Seven announced as he rubbed the top of Rah’s head. Seven began to clap and everybody followed suit as they gave the young boy an ovation. Rah smiled from ear to ear and it was pure joy in his heart.
“On another note, I want to officially welcome Ball to the team.” Seven said as he raised his cup in the air. Everyone, including Ball raised their glass while all eyes were on Seven. “This is to a beautiful friendship and more money than we can spend.” Seven said as he raised his glass a tad higher and then took a drink of the wine. Everyone took a drink and Ball smiled and nodded his head as he looked at Seven. Seven had his reservations about Ball, but gave him the benefit of the doubt because he was sharp enough to save his life the night before. He did question Ball’s judgement of character. The clown that he introduced him to the night before had him leery. Nevertheless, Seven took a liking to Ball and wanted him on his team. So he shook off the bad notion he had and embraced him ... temporarily.
“Yo, but ya’ man. That nigga suspect. It’s something up with that cat. Believe that.” Seven said, believing he should drop a gem on his newly acquired soldier.
Ball was about to say something back but all chaos broke loose. The loud sound of glass breaking startled everyone as small particles of glass flew everywhere on to everyone. The front glass was shattered and a brick came flying through it. Everyone ducked for cover and hit the floor while grabbing their guns that rested on their waists. Seven instantly grabbed his son and shielded him as he tackled him to the floor and put his hand over his young son’s head. Moments later the sound of automatic weapons began to thunder and it began to rain bullets. Bullets flew through the house non-stop, making the walls like Swiss cheese. After thirty seconds of nonstop firing, a silence filled the air and the sounds of screeching tires erupted, echoing through the night’s air. After a moment of gasps and screams, things died down and Seven stood up and checked his son who was crying.
“Is everyone okay?” he asked as he brushed the glass off of his shoulder. Rah was crying as he lay on the ground in a fetal position, not knowing what was going on. Everyone responded and no one was hit.
“You’re okay big man. Don’t worry,” he said as he embraced him and slowly rubbed his back. Seven’s jaws were clenched so tightly, it seemed as if he would break his teeth. He was boiling with anger. The thought that someone had the audacity to disrespect his home had him on edge. Maria rushed in from the kitchen speaking Spanish, obviously in fear.
“Maria, take him to the back and stay there!” He said as he kissed the top of Rah’s head. After a small nudge, Rah ran into Maria’s arms and they both disappeared into the back. Immediately, Seven reached into his holster and pulled out his chrome .45-caliber pistol. His goons rushed outside, only to see nothing and hear crickets. Ball stood next to Seven as he breathed heavily and possessed a fire in his eyes that Ball had never witnessed before. Seven wanted blood. He calmed himself and looked over at Lola who was brushing glass off of her shoulder.
“You good Lola?” Seven asked as he put his hands on his hips and shook his head in disgust.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” She responded.
Ball looked at Lola and breathed heavily as he tried to grasp what had just happened.
“What the fuck is going on?” Ball asked in confusion.
“I don’t know. But I tell you one thing I do know,” Seven said just before he paused and looked Ball in the eye. “Someone is going to pay for this.” He said with confidence and he headed to the back to his son. It was time for him to relocate. He was dealing with an invisible enemy; the absolute worst kind you could have.
Ball was dead sleep in his bed as the morning sun rays began to beam through the cracks of the blinds. The sounds of birds chirping filled the air as Ball laid there peacefully. He was awake but he hadn’t yet opened his eyes. However, the feeling of someone standing over him, made him peek. Ball opened his eyes and saw the barrel of a .40 cal pointed directly in his face. Lola held the gun as Seven stood next to her with his hands slid into his expensive Armani slacks.
“What the fuck!” Ball yelled as he was taken totally by surprise.
“Wake yo’ punk ass up,” Lola said as she dug the barrel of her gun into Ball’s forehead. She wore her hair braided tightly to the back and a silencer was attached at the end of her gun. Seven watched patiently as Ball slowly sat up with his hands up in surrender.
“What’s going on? I can explain,” Ball said as he began to see his life flash before his eyes. The sensation of the metal against his skin sent chills up his body.
“No need to explain. You’re a snitch and well.... you gotta die.” Seven said calmly. “Do your thing babygirl. Show him how we get down,” Seven instructed Lola as he turned around and started to walk toward the door. Ball tried to explain, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as a single shot rang out. Instantly, Ball’s brains spattered all over the headboard. Ball never saw it coming; now all he saw was black.
Suddenly, the sound of buzzing rang in the brains he had left. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz....
Ball woke up to a buzzing phone that sat on the night stand. He had just experienced a horrifying nightmare and his body was drenched in sweat. Goosebumps were all over his arms as he looked around in terror. The phone danced across the surface each time it vibrated. It was a text from Lola. It simply read:
Dinner tonight. Meet me at Hazel’s at 6 o’ clock. Come through back door.
Ball sat up and looked at the clock. It was noon and he had overslept big time. He got up and instantly jumped in the shower. As he let the water hit his face, he began to think about Zoey and how life would be if he hadn’t gone to see Ralphie that night. The scenario played over and over in his mind as he let the strong streams of water give his body a slight massage. He knew that before long, he would go see Ralphie and get revenge for what he had done. But first he had to handle his business so he could stay free.
It was Sunday and Hazel’s was closed for business. However, the place was semi-full from people from the community. Although Seven moved dope through the area, he was what you called the problem solver. On Sundays, he kept his door open and gave people in the community a chance to speak with him. Seven ran the city and everyone knew it. If someone had a problem, they didn’t go to the police; they went to Seven.
Seven sat in his back office with a cigar in his mouth and a small glass of cognac beside him. He started at the teary eyed woman who sat in front of him. Lola stood to the left of him and listened with her arms crossed. She was a single mom who was having trouble paying her rent. She was two months behind and her ends just weren’t meeting as planned. She lived in the housing projects that sat in the middle of the city and also one of the main hotspots for Seven’s drug business.
“Lillie, you still fuck with that shit?” Seven asked, knowing that she once had a bad heroin addiction back in the day.
“No Seven, I promise. I haven’t touched any dope in almost a year. I’m clean.” Lillie pleaded as she wiped away the tears on her cheek. Seven remained silent and just stared at Lillie, trying to detect any malice in her eyes. Seven put his cigar down, stood up, and walked around his desk. He leaned on the edge of his desk and stood directly in front of Lillie. She cried as all of her burdens weighed heavy on her soul. She had five young kids at home and she had nowhere else to go. The state assistance she was receiving wasn’t enough to keep her out of financial turmoil.
“Lillie, wipe your eyes.” Seven said as he handed her a box of tissues that sat at the edge of his desk. He gently grabbed her by her shoulders and lifted her to her feet. He put his arm around her shoulders and walked her to the exit while talking to her patiently.
“Everything is going to be okay. Lola is going to set you up real nice. You don’t have to pay rent anymore. I will take care of that. Now, I’ma need your apartment from time to time, ya’ know? Let one of my youngins’ use your stove sometimes. When the kids are at school, we are going to need you to help package up a couple things, feel me? This way, you can keep a little money in your pocket.” Seven said as he gave her his charming smile.
“Seven, Thank you! Thank you so much. I will not let you down,” Lillie said as she grabbed his hand and kissed it in appreciation. Lola then walked over and escorted her out. Lillie was thanking Seven all the way out of the door. Seven shook his head as he walked back over to his desk. He heard a knock at the back exit that was attached to his office. He knew it was someone in his crew because no one came in that way. He stepped to the door and opened it. Ball was on the other side of the door waiting.
“Right on time,” Seven said as he looked down at his watch. Seven stepped to the side and let Ball come in.
“What’s good? Lola told me to meet here,” Ball said as took a seat.
“Want a glass of cognac?” Seven asked as he picked up his glass and took a sip.
“Yeah, I will take one,” Ball responded. Seven walked over to his mini bar and poured Ball a double shot. He handed it to Ball as he studied Ball’s movements. He was trying to see if he sensed any snake in Ball. Lola was just returning to the office as Seven made his way around his desk. He picked up the newspaper that was in front of him and tossed it in front of Ball. Just as the paper hit the desk, Lola had a gun to the back of Ball’s neck.
“Read that!” Seven yelled sternly as his mood switched from calm to irate within milliseconds. Ball was taken by surprised and looked down at the paper.
“Cop found dead. Lynched,” The headline read.
“So you a fed, huh? Your little friend you tried to introduce me to was a cop. You thought I wouldn’t see through that bullshit?” Seven asked. He felt insulted that Ball would even think that he would fall for it.
“Yo, I didn’t know. I know that nigga from back home. He used to get those things from me.” Ball said nervously as he tried to plead for his life.
“I knew he was a cop as soon he came in. Shit ... he even walked like one.” Seven said as he stood up and expressed his anger.
“Yo, I swear to God. I did not know. You gotta believe me.” Ball said.
“The clown ass nigga even had on one of my old goon’s chain. That chain was custom made. How do I know? Because I bought it for him, before he got locked up on drug charges a few years back. I know it was the chain the feds confiscated because it’s the only one in the world. One of one, homeboy!” Seven explained. Ball instantly thanked God that he passed on the chain and it made him wonder about the Rolex that he currently had on.
“You have to believe me! I didn’t know that bitch-ass nigga was a pig. If I knew ... I would rocked that nigga to sleep my damn self!” Ball shot back with fire in his eyes. Ball honestly forgot that he was undercover and spoke truthfully as he pleaded for his life. Seven stared long and hard as he slowly paced back and forth with his hands in his Armani slacks. Seven then went into his pocket and pulled out a chain. It was the same chain that G had worn. He placed it on top of the article and smiled at Ball.
BOOK: Dopeman: Memoirs of a Snitch (Part 3 of Dopeman's Trilogy)
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