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Authors: Eve Cassidy

Don't Tell (2 page)

BOOK: Don't Tell
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tell no one seemed to care. Most were involved in their own conversations, getting hot on the dance floor and enjoying the booze.

He locked onto one couple going at it pretty hot and heavy at a table and for once understood the reasoning behind it. Sometimes the urge to touch and be close won out over common sense and the need for discretion. Hell, it shouldn’t matter.

Jeff turned back to the stage to catch Finn sing the first few words of a new song.

This set he didn’t seem so cocky and sure of himself. With his face flushed and his hair a little wild, he looked like he’d just been fucked or at the very least aroused as hell. He liked that look on him. The sexy singer drew him in even further if that was possible.

Funny, this was usually when he checked out the door and started planning a quick escape.

For a second he dwelled on the fact that getting tangled up with a civilian in the spotlight seemed like a worse idea than getting involved with a fellow Marine. He shook his head and sauntered over to the bar. Tonight he wouldn’t think about tomorrow. For once he’d go with the rush of excitement coursing through his system and push responsibility to the side. He deserved a night of total freedom.

Chapter Two

Finn finished up his song grateful they’d gotten the new material out of the way in the first set. With his concentration on the hard bodied Marine watching him, he needed the comfort of performing the songs he practically did in his sleep.

From the moment Jeff had walked through the door, his system had gone on high alert. Dark, barely there hair, blue eyes he could got lost in and muscles bulging at the seams of his clothing. Oh yeah a man he’d had to meet.

With his history he should have turned and looked the other way. The last jarhead he’d gotten involved with had not only broken his heart but also gotten him kicked out of the Corp. He paused for the usual flair of pain in his chest when he remembered the fiasco but it didn’t come. Bittersweet memories yes, but not the anger or the fear that had kept him celibate for far too long.

One more song and he’d be free until tomorrow night. His personal life may have taken a sharp turn down a dead end street but his music was taking off better than he’d expected. His agent had recently sold several of his original songs to a couple of well-known bands and a record label had expressed some interest in his voice as well.

He and Dave were scheduled for a few more gigs in pubs such as this one and then they’d be sequestered in his recording studio for the next several months or however long it took to lay the remaining tracks for a new CD. Yeah life was good and for once he felt safe in taking a night or two if he was lucky, to indulge in some hot sex.

Then Jeff had kissed him and the first taste sucked him in and grabbed him by the balls. To say that he’d been shaken was the understatement of the year. He suspected if he spent more time with Jeff and got to know him, he’d be in a world of shit.


But walking away tonight wasn’t an option. Oh hell no, he’d take his wandering Marine back to his place and screw him ten ways to Sunday and then send him back to base a satisfied man.

They were both big boys and capable of keeping their heads about this. He’d make sure of it.

On the last note of the song, the partiers in the club stood to give him and Dave a standing ovation. A glance to the corner booth showed Jeff on his feet as well. Pride and excitement swelled inside him as he took a bow and waved to the crowd. They’d be back before long if he managed to find the time to get away.

“I hope you’re not asking for trouble again my friend.” Dave had lowered his voice so as not to be picked up in case the microphone was still active as he worked to pack up their gear on stage.

“No trouble at all.” A twinge of guilt fluttered in his stomach at everything Dave had put up with while he’d gotten over his lover.

“I’m surprised you would even go for another one like him.”

“They’re not all alike you know. A haircut and a stint in boot camp makes a good soldier but they still have personality.” He hated sounding so defensive but he couldn’t help it. Dave was right. Just on principle he should steer clear.

“But why take a chance? The last thing we need right now is even a breath of scandal thrown our way.”

“Trust me Dave, it’s not a big deal.”

“What’s not a big deal?”


Finn winced at Jeff’s question. Dave had to have seen him walking up, yet he’d not said a word. Just let him ramble on.

He pasted his trademark grin on his face and turned around. “Oh nothing important.”

Shrewd eyes considered his words before he visibly relaxed and returned the smile. “Another excellent set. Your talent seems wasted in a place like this.”

“I enjoy singing here. Lots of great people.”

“Speaking of…you still up for going somewhere more private?”

Dave cleared his throat. “Hey Finn, I’m done and outta here. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Already focused on Jeff, he waved to Dave. The suggestion of privacy had garnered all of his attention. Hell yeah he was ready.

“There’s probably somewhere in town with a quieter atmosphere,” Jeff suggested.

“How about my place? It’s only about twenty or so minutes away.”

Jeff froze, staring at him intently. They both knew what he was suggesting but hell if he couldn’t get right to the point then why bother.

“Uh—” Jeff cleared his throat. “Sure.”

“Since I came here with Dave and he just bailed on me, you mind driving?”

Jeff shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys he waved in the air.

“Great, let’s go.” He picked up his two cases and followed Jeff from the club.

Several patrons congratulated him on the way out and he managed a thanks in return,


which was damn hard with the finest ass leading him outside. He clamped his mouth shut to make sure his tongue didn’t hang out and exited through the front door to the dark parking lot. Warm, but smoke free fresh air stroked his skin as Jeff stopped at the rear door of a small black SUV.

“We can stow your gear back here if you’d like.”

“Yeah, probably easiest.” He secured the two cases in the back and walked around to the passenger side and slid into the butter soft black leather seats.

“Nice ride.” His hand caressed the armrest, enjoying the cool, slick sensation.

“Thanks. It’s the one indulgence I couldn’t give up.”

“And why should you? Being in the Corp doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself.”

As soon as the words left his mouth he wished he could pull them back. He sensed Jeff was tense about being gay in the military and the necessity of hiding that fact. The hand wrapped around the gearshift tensed and veins bulged along the tan skin. Without another word he backed out of his spot and whipped the vehicle toward the street.

The man’s instincts for handling a car were excellent and his mind wandered to what else he did with the same skill. Twenty minutes might as well be two hours if his brain can’t stop thinking about Jeff’s tongue on his skin and various body parts. Or the solid grip that had been wrapped around his neck. A quick shiver rolled up his spine at the memory.

“You can hit the highway at this intersection and head south. I live just on the other side of Palm Springs at the base of one of the canyons.”


Jeff nodded and the next several miles followed in silence. The sexual tension in the air buzzed around them both and if Jeff felt half as crazed as he did, small talk wasn’t going to do much for them.

“This exit is mine.” He pointed at the sign for the exit one mile ahead.

Jeff switched lanes and maneuvered the car down the ramp.

“Which way?”

Finn blinked, lost in thought. “Sorry, take a right, go about three miles and then turn left onto Canyon Rock Road. You won’t miss it. There’s a rock statuary and a state park sign to mark the road.

“You live out near the state park?”

“Yeah.” He chuckled. “Don’t sound so surprised, it’s quieter out here, not to many neighbors to worry about. Which for the band is a good thing.”

“You practice at your place? How often do you play?”

“Most every day. We’re getting ready to cut a new CD.”

“What studio do you use, I might be familiar with it.”

Finn’s gaze snapped onto Jeff’s profile. “You play?”

“Sometimes, although not nearly as much as I used to. My unit keeps me on the go quite a bit.”

Damn, now he’d be wondering about things he shouldn’t, such as what other hidden talents Jeff hid within that beautiful body of his. “Ahh. Well, we don’t use any of the local studios. I’ve got my own.”

“In your house? Wow, I’m impressed. I take it you’re pretty serious about your music then.”


Finn smiled. “Yeah I guess you could say that.” He didn’t want to get into the nitty-gritty details right now. His driveway was coming up and pretty soon they’d be alone and free to do whatever they wanted. His cock pulsed against his pants. He’d been more than half hard since he’d met the man and it was damned difficult to focus on little else at the moment.

“That’s me, the drive on the right.” He pointed to the barely visible gap in the bushes lining the road. Finding his house in the dark wasn’t an easy process if you didn’t know where you were going and he liked it that way. Jeff had no issues and took the sharp right onto the gravel drive with ease. His house sat far enough back you didn’t see the structure until you passed all the trees that were clustered by the road. They served as a privacy and sound barrier he was grateful for on more than one occasion.

He did like his privacy and while his home was modest by Palm Springs standards, it was all his and he loved it.

“Wow, nice place. Not what I expected.”

Finn looked at the small one story stucco with pride. Several bright lights clicked on the closer they got. He didn’t bother with an alarm system but even he realized without lighting or some form of security the house would be vulnerable to theft or vandalism.

“What did you expect?” Probably a cheap apartment or town home.

“I don’t know.” Jeff parked the car in the middle of the circular drive and they exited the vehicle.

“It’s uncrowded here, peaceful. Is some of this land yours?”


Finn grabbed his gear and walked behind Jeff. “Ten acres, the rest belongs to a few neighbors and the state park.”

“Seriously?” Jeff looked at him with something akin to awe.

“Mmm hmm. This is what the Marine Corps did for me. I saved every possible dime while on active duty and when I got out I found this place.” He set down a case and dug into his pocket for the keys. Once unlocked, he grabbed his stuff and walked inside.

“Welcome to my humble abode.” He stepped aside for Jeff to enter.

“Comfy. I like it.”

Finn looked around trying to see the place through Jeff’s eyes. A few carefully selected casual furniture pieces and the best damned electronic equipment his money could afford. Not bad if he said so himself.

“I need to properly stow this gear why don’t you head through there into the kitchen and grab us some drinks, I’ve got buds.” He pointed to the pass through on the left side of the living room. “I’ll be right back.”

“Hey, Finn.”

He stopped and turned back. “Yeah?” Damn Jeff looked good in his house.

“Hurry back.”

That simple statement sent heat flashing through his body and straight to his groin. Oh hell.

Chapter Three

After he plucked two buds from the refrigerator he looked around at the simple and neat home. The place was pretty tidy other than a few pieces of mail on the counter and a water bottle on the coffee table in front of the enormous television. A flat screen he’d give anything for on game days. Two hallways led off the living room that he assumed would lead to bedrooms. He’d not wander that way lest he find something that was none of his business. Around the corner he found something he couldn’t resist though. Patio doors leading out onto an oversized deck.

He unlocked the door and stepped out into the dry desert night. It had taken him a while to acclimate to the lack of humidity when he’d first hit the sand but after six months he now preferred it to the hot sticky heat of back home.

Home. What was left anyways.

No, he wasn’t going there tonight. He’d taken a positive, albeit risky, step in getting away from the base and hitting a gay bar. It hadn’t been easy shaking his friends, who never gave him much peace and quiet these days. Not like he needed much. Keeping busy and partying with the guys kept his mind occupied and off things better left alone.

“I see you found my haven.”

“Yeah, it’s nice out here. Peaceful and quiet.” Jeff pushed off the railing with his hip.

“Aww man you have no idea.” Finn grabbed for the beer Jeff held out to him and took a long pull. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the music something fierce, but at the end of the day I’m grateful to have a quiet place to relax.”


Finn grabbed a seat in one of the lounge chairs and crossed his legs. He’d removed his shoes and there, relaxing with a beer, suited him to a T. Probably as much as singing on stage did.

BOOK: Don't Tell
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