Read Don't Drink the Holy Water Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Don't Drink the Holy Water (15 page)

BOOK: Don't Drink the Holy Water
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“I do. I am.” West pushed his thumb between Axel’s lips. “God, I want to kiss you so bad.”

, gross!”

West sighed, his shoulders slumped, and he looked over his shoulder. “Joseph Michael, I swear I’ll take your DSi XL away for a week if you don’t get your butt to the table right now!”

The boy looked like a mini-West. He smiled and dimples appeared in his cheeks. “Just my butt?”

“Joseph!” West’s exasperation was unmistakable. “Go!”

Joseph ran, hollering, “West and his boyfriend, sitting in a tree—”

Axel couldn’t help it. He started laughing. Maybe everything really would be all right.


Chapter Twenty-Eight




West loved his brothers and sisters, he really did, but he’d never been happier to get them out of the door and off to school than he was just then.

“They go to school…here…” Axel trailed off, eyes huge as West stalked him across the room.

West’s cock throbbed and he
to the depths of his being. Axel had been so, so good with the kids. Good enough that West had felt superfluous a time or two.

Good enough that West’s heart had tipped a little more in the man’s direction.

Good enough that I can trust him not to hurt me.

Now he just had to trust himself not to hurt Axel, because West needed to taste him. His gums ached and his belly did too with that hollow, dull throb of hunger that only blood would assuage.

Was he really considering feeding from Axel? God help him, he was.

Axel looked like he wanted to bolt. There was fear edging into his expression.

It curdled West’s lust and stopped him cold in his tracks. “Axel, I wouldn’t— I won’t hurt you.” But he’d been afraid he would, before, and had said as much to Axel. It was no wonder Axel thought he might be dangerous now.

But Axel’s mouth dropped open and he snorted. “You think this is fear you’re seeing? Jesus, West, I’m so fucking hot for it, for you, I’m trying not to tackle you and throw my ass on your dick.”

“Throw your—” West surprised himself when laughter rolled out of him.

Axel smirked, a warm look in his eyes as he began to take off his shirt. “Yes. I think that’s
what I need to do.” He whisked the shirt up and over his head before sending it flying across the room. “You want me,” he said bluntly.

West bobbed his head, throat suddenly too dry to even swallow.

“You want to fuck me,” Axel said with even more bluntness. “You want to bite me. Suck me. Make me come.”

Jesus, West was going to incinerate on the spot. Axel was turning him inside out with need. Not just need, though. There was so much affection and…and
that he felt for Axel. West didn’t just want to fuck him and feed from him. He wanted Axel in a deeper, more permanent, more meaningful way.

He was ready for it if Axel was.

And it appeared Axel was very ready.

Axel shoved his shorts down and kicked off his shoes. “We’re doing this. Or, to be accurate, you’re doing me.” His semierect cock bobbed and grew harder as he closed the distance between them. Axel looked steadily at him. “You want me. Want to bite me.” He stroked West’s chest, from nipple to nipple. “I want you. I might bite you back.” He ran that hand further down until he was cupping West’s cock through his jeans. “I figured I should make a move, let you know I’m not only willing, but demanding.”

West’s cock had never been so hard in his life. He could hardly breathe, so great was his need for Axel.

But Axel gave his dick a squeeze, and West inhaled sharply, then exhaled on a groan as he reached for Axel.

“Yes,” Axel hissed before crushing his mouth against West’s.

West’s fangs descended and Axel flicked one with his tongue. The faintest taste of his blood tipped West from cautious into overwhelmingly craving the man before him.

West fisted one hand in Axel’s hair and tugged his head back. The other hand he used to grab a nice, firm ass cheek.

Axel cursed and writhed against him.

West nipped a path from his mouth to his neck, right beneath Axel’s ear. He drew in Axel’s scent, then licked the thin skin there. He could sense the blood beneath the surface, the veins and vessels calling to him like a song.

“West,” Axel said, struggling with his waistband.

Yeah, West wanted his pants off too. He didn’t want to give up any of his hand holds, though. He nipped Axel’s earlobe, then sucked on it.

“Fuck!” Axel pushed him back. “Fuck, get your clothes off, West!”

Except West didn’t get a chance to. Axel was on him in a heartbeat. West’s jeans and boxers were around his ankles and his shirt somewhere behind Axel in seconds.

“Now,” Axel demanded. “Look at how perfect you are.” He traced a path down West’s torso to his cock. “Perfect,” Axel said again, rubbing his thumb over the slit.

It was West’s turn to scrape out Axel’s name. He caught Axel by the wrist and tried to tug his hand down lower.

Axel sank to his knees.

West wanted to shout in celebration until he realized that Axel wasn’t down there to suck him off, but rather to remove his shoes.

“Lift your foot up,” Axel said.

West might have pouted had Axel not added, “Sooner you’re completely naked, the sooner you can fuck me.”

West put his hands on Axel’s shoulders and cooperated. When he was completely nude, Axel beamed up at him, then dipped his head and sucked on West’s balls.

West moved his hands up to Axel’s silky hair. He spread his legs to give Axel more room.

Axel licked and mouthed his balls until West was panting, his body tight with arousal that only continued to escalate.

Then Axel stood and plucked at West’s nipples. “God, I want you. Come on.” One last pinch, then Axel had him by the hand and was leading him to the bedroom.

West dropped his gaze down to the bubble butt in front of him. What would it be like to bury his cock in that sweetly rounded ass?

Axel let go of his hand in the bedroom. “Lube’s where? Do we need condoms?”

West locked the door behind them then turned and licked his lips as he watched Axel bend over to look in the nightstand drawer. “Second drawer, under all the parenting magazines,” West said. “Condoms aren’t—we don’t need them.” He gulped. Axel might feel differently, though. “Unless you want them. I mean, there are no diseases for vampires, and we can’t catch or give them because, yeah, no diseases. But maybe you still want to use a condom, or I mean, you want me to use one, but I don’t have any—”

Axel had turned around and continued to stare at West until West snapped his mouth shut.

“You,” Axel said, mouth curved in an affectionate smile, “are making me fall harder and harder for you every second I’m with you.”

“You don’t think I’m a big dork?” West asked, because he sure thought he was. He’d babbled like an idiot.

“I think you’re so sexy you make me ache.” Axel uncapped the lube then poured some on his fingers. “And I want you. I trust you.” He reached behind himself, arching his lower back. “I think—” His lashes fluttered and a breathy moan escaped him. “Oh God, that’s, uhn.”

West wanted to see. He leaned to the left and Axel obliged him by turning and bending over the bed.

West got light-headed from watching Axel push his fingers in and out of his hole. Nervous and excited, he stepped closer. “Can I?”

Axel tossed the lube on the bed. “Fuck, please. Please put your fingers in me.”

West’s hand shook as he reached for the tube. He squeezed some lube on his fingers then rubbed them around Axel’s pucker.

Axel stopped fingering himself and instead pulled one ass cheek aside. “Do it. Put as many as you want in me.”

West wasn’t sure what Axel meant, or how many fingers he should put in. Two slipped in easily. “Jeez.” Oh, he sounded like an idiot! But Axel’s inner muscles were gripping his fingers and it was hot and soft in there and God, his dick was so hard he couldn’t find a comfortable position to stand in.

West liked the slick glide, the contracting walls and snug little ring. He moved closer, his cockhead dragging across Axel’s thigh. “You feel so good.” West pushed his fingers in deeper.

“Fuck!” Axel shouted. “There!”

West repeated the move and noticed the little spongy bump inside. He knew what it was and proceeded to caress it.

“West, West, West,” Axel panted, eyes closing as he rolled his head from side to side. “Fuck. Don’t stop!”

West put his other hand on Axel’s lower back and pushed a little.

Axel arched beautifully and West rewarded them both by finger-fucking him harder.

He was breathing heavily himself and trembling with need. Every second he prolonged the foreplay was both torturous and divine. West had never experienced anything like what Axel made him feel.

West pulled his fingers out then slowly worked three back in. Oh man, he’d thought that was a tight grip around his fingers before! He had to close his eyes and imagine being dunked in ice water to keep himself from blowing it and coming on the spot.

But the way Axel mewled and rocked back, fucking himself on West’s fingers, was pushing him ever closer to climax.

“I need you,” he got out before tugging his fingers free. He used the lube left on them to slick up his cock. “Tell me I can make love with you now.” His cheeks burned and he hoped Axel didn’t think he was the biggest cornball ever.

Axel rolled to his back and looked at him with open adoration. “Please. I want that so bad.”

Thank god!
He hadn’t totally screwed this up. “And can I—?” West bared his teeth. The hunger in him was so intense he couldn’t retract them. He had to feed and knew that with Axel, it would be more than just getting a meal to sustain his life.

It’d be sharing something much more personal, more binding than sex, even.
Not having had sex before, not anal sex, West really wasn’t sure what to expect, except that it’d be amazing simply because Axel was.

“Yes, fuck yes,” Axel rasped, his cock leaping and leaving a sticky string of pre-cum dangling down to his belly. He scooted up the bed a little more then pulled his legs up and held himself open. “Please, West. Stop worrying and give us both what we need.”

Give us both what we need.
It kept repeating in his head as he moved to position his cock at Axel’s hole. His heart thudded so heavily it could have burst out of his chest as he felt the wet kiss of skin against his tip.

West hooked his hands around Axel’s thighs and tugged. At the same time, he thrust and began to sink into the heated grip of Axel’s ass.

“Axel,” he forced out, a rush of pleasure zipping through him. “Oh fuck. Oh God, oh…oh…” His glans popped past that tight ring and West’s head spun. He thrust harder, unable to keep still.

“Ah! More!” Axel did something, wiggled or rocked or both, and more of West’s shaft sank deeper.

West had to be fully sheathed inside Axe’s ass. He pushed Axel’s legs aside and thrust even harder.

Words were beyond him. Thought was too. West gave in to the sensual need and began thrusting, pulling almost fully out and driving in until his hips slapped Axel’s ass. Then he did it again, and again, picking up speed and force. He grunted with every thrust, hunger pulsing in him.

West straightened Axel’s legs out and held on to his ankles, moaning at the different sensations on his cock. He canted his hips and moved at a different angle, then tried again, letting go of Axel’s legs and bending over him.

Axel had a hand on his own dick and he started jacking himself off. “Fuck, yes, right there, right…there!”

West fucked harder, using his ab muscles to really snap his movements there at the end.

Axel wailed and undulated wildly.

And West couldn’t resist any longer when Axel arched that beautiful, golden neck, baring it for him.

West didn’t think. His instincts took over completely, eradicating fear and hesitation. He struck quickly and sank his fangs into Axel’s delectable skin.

And deeper, into his flesh, tasting blood and salt and sweet, sweet lover.

Heat unlike anything he’d ever known consumed West, right along with ecstasy so complete he couldn’t hold back.

At the same time, Axel cried out, his ass clenching tight and sudden, holding West’s cock deep inside.

West pulled hard, sucking part of Axel’s essence into himself even as he spilled part of his into Axel. Axel shook and keened, and West sucked, rocking his hips, trying to get his cock even deeper into his lover.

The ravening hunger finally ebbed, and West felt almost high, as if he were floating inside himself. It was a much better feeling than when he drank from a bag. This was a hundred times better, a thousand.

Axel kept shuddering and his cock kept pulsing between them. West took one last drink, then he eased his fangs from Axel. West looked at the bite. It wasn’t bad, just two thin marks leaking a little blood each. He bent and licked every drop away.

Then he kissed the bite mark, which led him to kiss more of Axel’s neck. When he reached Axel’s jaw, it only seemed reasonable to continue over to Axel’s mouth, to those plush parted lips.

And how could he resist them? West slipped his tongue between them and took slow, leisurely kisses, drugged by the excellent sex and blood. He’d never be able to make do with blood from any other source after having tasted Axel.

That wasn’t a bad thing. Axel seemed to be just as into him.

West kissed him deeper, the tingling of arousal beginning anew in him.

And in Axel, judging by the way Axel moaned and grabbed onto his ass, wiggling eagerly under him.

A day in bed seemed to be in order. West didn’t plan on spending any of that time sleeping.


Chapter Twenty-Nine




Warm and quivery, that was how he felt inside, Axel mused as he lay boneless and sated in West’s bed. It’d been a long time since he’d bottomed, and going that route twice in a couple of hours meant he was going to be sore as hell tomorrow.

Well, maybe sooner than that. He winced as he stretched.

BOOK: Don't Drink the Holy Water
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