Read Dominated by the Billionaire: The Boxed Set Online

Authors: Aya Fukunishi

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies, #Collections & Anthologies

Dominated by the Billionaire: The Boxed Set (9 page)

BOOK: Dominated by the Billionaire: The Boxed Set
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Pam found herself landing directly beside Robert, and just inches from her eyes his lips broke into a satisfied smile. She looked down and saw he was still coming, his whole body flexing with each new burst from his cock. She quickly swung her leg across his waist and mounted him, sliding smoothly onto his cock while he was still rock hard. Her ass ached from his attention but her tight, dripping twat was still desperate for love.


She felt Robert continue to gush into her, and as she writhed on top of him she was amazed at the volume of his seed. She felt it drip into her, filling her deep, and as the fasten seat belt sign flashed on above the door she smiled happily at the feeling of his creamy juice filling her deep.


As her climax subsided Pam rode happily atop her lover, running her hands across the tight, pink latex that wrapped around her small belly. Her eyes closed and she grinned, bucking back and forth on Robert's cock to tease out the last of his precious juice.


Pam had a plan. It played through her mind as the final gush sprayed into her and her pussy clenched and unclenched with joy.
One day soon,
she thought,
this belly will be fat with Robert's child.
She opened her eyes to find Robert smiling back at her, exhausted and finally sated.


But first
, she thought,













Aya Fukunishi

Chapter One


Pam smiled as her fingers traced across the lines of the French immigration stamp, the first mark in the passport she'd owned since soon after her high school graduation, back in the days when her mind had been filled with rich, exciting dreams of the boulevards of Paris, the canals of Venice and the crisp, clean air of the Swiss Alps. 


For so long the passport had sat unused in the bottom of a drawer, a hated testament to all of life's disappointments. For years it had served as a sad reminder that her life had taken the wrong track, been hijacked by events and forced her into compromise after bitter compromise.


For years she couldn't bear to look at it; couldn't bear to be reminded of the blissful weeks in her 18th year she'd spent planning her escape to Europe, only to cancel her flight at the last moment when her brother's mental health and chronic drug problems had forced her to take on the role of mother before she'd ever had the chance to enjoy being a young woman.


A voice pulled Pam back from her reverie. 'You OK?'


'Oh,' she replied, pushing aside the memory and returning to the present. 'Yeah. Yes, I'm more than OK. I just can't believe I'm here. I never thought I'd get to see Paris.'


Robert smiled and took her hand in his, gazing out the smoked window of the Rolls Royce Phantom. 'Just wait until you see the apartment I found for us. Best view on earth. Do you know Sacré Coeur?'


Pam grinned broadly. 'Yeah, I think I've heard of it.' As a college student the only decoration in her dorm had been a watercolor of the view of Paris from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. The gleaming white dome sat at the high point of the city, Montmartre, the only real hill in Paris and the historic home of some of its greatest artists. When Pam dreamed of Paris, it was Sacré Coeur that occupied her thoughts.


'I bought an old rectory
by the basilica a few years ago. I've had my guys restoring it for two years, so we'll both be seeing it for the first time. I hope they did a good job. I'd hate for your first stay in Paris to be in a construction site.  Ah, here we are, up on the left.'


The car crossed the heavy traffic of the Boulevard de Clichy and began to rise through the steep, winding cobbled streets of Montmartre. Pam stared wide eyed through the dark windows, taken aback by the feeling that they'd just fallen back a century in time.  Gone were the bustling, neon lit stores and gaudy burlesque bars of the boulevards, replaced by narrow streets lined with beautiful townhouses.


The sounds of the city vanished as the car climbed the hill towards the dazzling white dome of the basilica, and finally the Maybach wound its way along Rue Azais between meandering crowds of tourists, turned smoothly left through a dark stone archway and into a large, silent courtyard surrounded by three storeys of wide bay windows and intricate marble carvings.  Behind them an unseen servant closed the heavy wooden door, sealing them into a silent haven in the heart of the city.


Pam could barely speak. 'This is... this is all yours?'


'It is,' Robert laughed. He produced a large iron key from an inner pocket and handed it to Pam. 'While you're here it's yours, too. Let's go take a look.'


Pam stepped from the car in a daze, sliding from the cool, air conditioned interior into the warm embrace of the Parisian morning sun. The courtyard was silent but for the soft sound of roosting birds fluttering between the tendrils of ivy that climbed the walls, and the rich, sweet aroma of lilac soothed her. She could almost imagine she was in the countryside, and beyond the walls of the courtyard lay endless rolling hills and green pastures. 


'I fell in love with this place the moment I saw it,' whispered Robert, his voice subdued as if it would be disrespectful to raise it.  'It belonged to the basilica, but it hadn't been used for a century and the church didn't have the funds to restore it.  They were on the verge of demolishing it when I first visited. Can you believe they wanted to build a hotel on the site?  Right next to the basilica, a damned Holiday Inn.  I couldn't let it happen, so I took it on a perpetual lease and promised to restore it on my own dime.'


Pam stared dumbfounded at the beautiful carvings that lined every inch of the inner courtyard. 'My God, this must have cost millions!' She laughed. 'Just how rich


Robert waved a finger as he pushed open the thick oak door that led to the interior. 'Ah ah, no money talk. It was worth every penny to keep it standing.' His lips spread into a broad grin and his voice took on an almost childlike glee. 'Come on, let's explore.'


Before she could reply Robert disappeared into the dim interior, and Pam quickly followed the sound of his footsteps along a dark, narrow corridor until she saw him bound up a narrow staircase, taking three steps at a time.  He yelled back, 'Come see the view!'


Pam quickly hopped up the stairs, feeling Robert's excitement infect her more with each step. The staircase doubled back, climbing steeply through the building until it brought her, breathless, into a dense, green garden bathed in the bright morning sunlight.  She gasped at the sight.  The roof of the building was a forest, thick with trees and lush grass a hundred yards across. To her right she could see the gaping mouth of the courtyard, and to her left she saw Robert standing on the lip of the building and staring happily out onto his own private view of Paris.


'My God, it's beautiful,' she whispered. In the distance the Eiffel Tower rose majestically above the low structures of the center. Before it the Arc de Triomphe marked the beginning of the Champs Élysées, and between the two, unseen, wound the wide, slow ribbon of the Seine. The city glistened in the bright morning sun. It was everything she'd dreamed of and more.


'I knew you'd love it,' Robert whispered in her ear. She turned to him slowly, reluctant to take her eyes off the stunning view, but all thoughts of the wonders laid out before her evaporated as he lifted her chin with a finger and kissed her deeply on the lips, sliding his hand to the small of her back and drawing her close. In that moment she felt complete, whole in a way that she'd never dreamed possible. She felt Robert's strength flow into her, envelope her and protect her. She felt, as she'd felt every time he'd kissed her in the few days since they'd first met, as if the scales had fallen from her eyes and she'd seen for the first time a world more beautiful and full of possibilities than she'd ever known. 


Despite her exhaustion from the flight she also felt once more the first stirrings of excitement deep in her body.  Robert's tongue explored her mouth. His hand slid between the buttons of her silk blouse to the warm, smooth skin beneath, and she felt in the strength of his grip his need for her body. He pulled her close against him, and against her taut, flat stomach she felt him swell for her. Slowly at first, the warmth of his growing erection pressed tightly against her stomach, and as he grew larger Pam felt his hands grasp tighter, harder, hungry for her body.


'Will anyone see us?' she asked, pulling her lips from his and scanning the rooftop. She knew Robert's staff had a habit of appearing unexpectedly, and though she felt no shame in being caught servicing her strong, powerful lover - in fact the thought of an audience sent a tight, tingling ball of pleasure to her belly - this time she wanted to enjoy the experience in private.


'No,' whispered Robert, nibbling her ear delicately. 'There's only the guard on the main gate. Apart from him we're all alone up here.' He slid his hands from her body and took a step back, surveying her with hungry eyes. His gaze ran up and down her slim frame as he tugged at his belt, and the moment he unbuttoned his suit pants his long, thick erection sprang to attention, the proud shaft pressing tightly against the fabric of his boxers.  His eyes fell to his manhood, and with a curt nod he gave her instructions. 'On your knees, Pam.'


Her body obeyed almost without her control, like a well trained pet responding to its master's voice. In an instant she fell to the warm, wet grass, and as Robert smoothly pulled his hard, thickly veined cock from his pants Pam felt her pussy gush with anticipation. Her tight, short skirt pulled taut against her ass, and as she leaned forward to gently take the tip of her lover's shaft between her moist lips she wished she'd packed the kinky dildo skirt Robert had bought for her. She knew he'd turn his attention to her eager, wet little pussy soon enough, but until he'd had his fill of her mouth Pam knew the fire between her legs would rage unbearably.


'Mmmm,' moaned Robert, arching his hips forward, pushing himself deeper into Pam's mouth. 'My God, you're perfect. Don't stop.' Pam barely heard his words, so focused was she on her job. She braced her hands against his legs, tightly grasping the fabric of Robert's trousers as she slid him deeper into her mouth.  The hot, thick tip of his cock ran along her tongue, sliding slowly back and forth as she bobbed her head, the only sounds the wet smacking of her lips around his thick base, her gasping breath as he filled her mouth and, far below, the dim, distant hum of Parisian traffic, the sound of countless people going about their lives unaware that she, Pamela Rose, had the privilege of serving as Robert Foster's personal plaything.


Between her legs Pam felt her pussy flush pink, and she knew without the need of touch that her tight lips already glistening with her juices. Beneath her blouse her nipples stood to attention, straining against the tight silk and eager for the touch of Robert's fingers or soft lips. As she stretched her lips wide and took his thick shaft deep into her mouth she could no longer resist the urge to pleasure herself while giving Robert the attention he expected from her. Her right hand slipped down his leg to the dew-glazed grass, and with difficulty she hiked her tight skirt up to her waist to expose her hot, aching pussy to the warm Parisian sun.


The moment her fingers began to tease the swollen, wet lips of her pussy Robert pulled himself roughly from her mouth, sending her sprawling to the wet grass. He stood over her, his enormous cock glistening with her saliva, and pulled her back to her knees by her arm. His strong, firm hand grasped her chin and pulled open her mouth, guiding it back towards his dripping, gleaming erection.  'Hands behind your back, Miss Rose. If I see you touch your little pussy once more before you swallow my cum I'll force you to wear a chastity belt until we get back to New York. Your body belongs to me, and you'll enjoy it only when I give you permission. Understand?'

BOOK: Dominated by the Billionaire: The Boxed Set
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