Distractions (The Rebound Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Distractions (The Rebound Series)
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He shook his head and swallowed thickly.
“I just wanted you to know from the beginning, straight out.
I didn’t want you to resent me for it later.”

“Well, thank you for telling me,” she said softly.
“But I could never resent you for that.”

Alex closed his eyes as he struggled to gain composure.
When his hazel eyes found hers again, Olivia wanted to cry.
She could see his anger and sadness and pain.
And also something else as he looked at her, but she didn’t know what.
He opened his mouth, but then closed it.
He tried again.
“I—I think…” he trailed off while Olivia sat in silence.
She had never heard him like this, so unsure.
He took a deep breath but something faded from his eyes at the same time.
“I think I should start on dinner.”

She nodded and watched him get up from the couch wordlessly.
Olivia stared at his retreating back, feeling disappointed.

But for what she didn’t know.

Chapter Thirteen

Alex rushed across the street to the small sandwich shop during his lunch break Monday morning.
He needed something quick and easy since he had afternoon meetings back to back.
But unfortunately for him, when he opened the door to the shop he saw that the line was long, full of business professionals that, like him, probably had the same idea.

His phone rang just as he stepped to the back of the line and he accepted the call when he saw Beth’s name flash across the screen.
“Hey, Beth,” he greeted.

“Hello, dearest cousin,” came her cheerful reply.
“I thought I might catch you now since I assume you’ll be busy later.”

“You guessed correctly,” Alex said, amused.
“What’s up?”

“I just wanted to let you know that Derrick and I set the engagement party for two Saturdays from now.
I’m calling everyone to make sure they can come,” she explained.

Alex automatically said, “Of course, I can come.
But is it okay if I bring someone?”

“Ohhhh, Alex’s got a girlfriend,” Beth teased on the other end.
“Who is she?
Where did you meet her?
What’s her name?”

Alex almost laughed at her enthusiasm and stepped forward in line, inching closer to the cashier.
“You met her actually.
When we went to get those cupcakes for grandma.”

“From that bakery?” Beth asked curiously.
“Oh, yes, that’s right.
Livy’s Cupcakes

“Yeah, Olivia,” he said softly, smiling.
Man, he had it bad.

“You’re dating the Livy of
Livy’s Cupcakes
?” Beth clarified and Alex could hear the smile in her voice.

“Yes, you pest.
I am.
Doing more than dating though.
It’s pretty serious,” Alex murmured.

“Dang, you work fast,” Beth said.
“I just saw you like three weeks ago!”

“It feels like much longer,” Alex confessed.

“Well, of course, bring her.
I want to re-meet her and hear all the girly details of your relationship,” she exclaimed.

Alex had to smile, “You might hear more than you want to.”

I’ll just tell her to leave out all the gory details.”

“Suit yourself,” Alex said.
When it was his turn to order, he told Beth, “Hey, I have to go, but I’ll definitely be there.”

“Perfect,” Beth said.
“I’ll catch you later.”

* * * * *

It only occurred to Alex that he would be seeing his parents in a couple weeks for the first time in months when he and Olivia were sitting out in his backyard later that evening.
Alex had stoked up a fire in his bonfire pit and they were both quiet as they stared at the flames.

Alex had managed to convince her to spend the night again.
He had stopped by her shop on his way home and even though it had been around 8:30, she had still been cleaning up the back kitchen.
Once Alex pitched in, they finished fifteen minutes later and Olivia was shuffled in Alex’s car before she had even realized what happened.

“I’m being kidnapped, aren’t I?” she had asked in awe, as she watched the scenery fly by.

Alex had nodded solemnly and responded, “As my sex slave.”

“You’re broodier than usual,” Olivia teased softly, breaking Alex out of his thoughts.
She was leaning into his side, sharing his warmth on the cold Autumn night as the shadows from the fire danced over her features.

She had been quiet since last night, so the question and her teasing tone set Alex at ease.
Alex knew he had ruined their serious conversation last evening when he had abruptly left her sitting on the couch to “start on dinner.”

“I brood?” he asked, raising an eyebrow arrogantly.

“Definitely,” Olivia murmured, nodding.
“What’s on your mind?”

Alex leaned his head against the high back of the outdoor chair, looking up at the clear night sky.
“Are you doing anything a couple Saturdays from now?”

“You mean, besides you?” Olivia asked, laughing.

Alex had to grin at that one, but said, “I’m being serious, darling.”

“Then no, I’m not.

“Beth called me today.
She set her engagement party then and I’d like you come with me,” he explained.
“She said she wants to ‘re-meet you.’”

Olivia was quiet for a moment.
“Aren’t engagement parties more for just the family, though?” she finally asked.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude on anything.”

“The way I did at your cousin’s birthday party, you mean?” Alex asked dryly.

“Point taken,” Olivia responded.

Alex paused and then softly admitted, “My parents will be there, no doubt.
I won’t be surprised if they’re hosting it, but Beth didn’t say.”

“Oh,” she said, nibbling her bottom lip.
“Well, then of course I’ll come.”

Alex’s relief swept through him immediately and he held her tighter against him.
He didn’t want to face his father alone.
He was happy he would have Olivia by his side.

“I have something I want to ask you too,” Olivia murmured.

Alex shifted and stared down at the top of her head.
“Go on.”

“My friend Christie wants to meet you.
Do you mind coming to dinner one night?
Maybe sometime next week?” Olivia asked, biting her lip thoughtfully.

Alex smiled, “Is that all?
You sounded so serious.”

“You don’t know Christie,” she said, smiling.
“She’ll wear you out by asking too many nosy questions.
I thought it was better to warn you first at least.”

“Just let me know when,” he said, returning his gaze to the fire.
“I have some interviews next week, so I may be a little swamped, but as long as I know in advance, I think it will be fine.”

“Are you looking for another job?” Olivia asked, confused, her brow wrinkled.

Alex laughed at her expression, affection bursting in his chest as he shook his head, “No.
My department is hiring so I’m just helping out with the interview process.
We have ten candidates lined up next week.”

“Oh,” she said a moment later.
Then she smiled and leveled him an amused look, “Gosh, I’d hate to interview with you.
Talk about being intimidated.”

“I’m not intimidating,” Alex argued.
“I’m the least intimidating person in existence.”

Olivia snorted, “Yeah right.
If you interviewed me, I’d choke up with nerves just from looking at you.”
Then she smiled.
“Among other things…”

“Oh?” Alex brought his lips to her ear and whispered, “Like what?”

“Well, I’d probably draw a blank at whatever question you asked me because I’d just be imagining having sex with you on your desk.”

She said it so matter-of-factly that Alex choked on laughter.
“Well, darling, I don’t have to interview you if you want to have sex on my desk.
All you have to do is ask.”

She swatted at his chest, “Oh, stop.”
But then she thought it over, cocking her head to the side.

“We haven’t had sex on it yet,” he said lowly.
“Think of all the possibilities.
The positions.
It’s a perfect height for something I have in mind…”

“Okay, Mr. Sales Director.
I think you’ve made your point,” Olivia said, but her voice had gone husky.

“And what would that be?”

“That we should go inside so I can help you practice interviewing people,” she said, looking at him in a way that sent blood rushing to his groin.
“It’s a skill that always needs brushing up,” she whispered, her cheeks flushed as she trailed her hand down his chest slowly.

He barely contained his groan.

* * * * *

Moments later, Alex was stripping Olivia’s clothes away in the doorway of his office until she was completely nude.
She laughed but it shortly turned into a gasp as Alex sought her bare nipples with his tongue and fingers.

“So, Ms. Ward,” Alex whispered hotly against her breasts.
His dark eyelashes swept up to gaze at her expressive face as he continued his maddening torture.
“What qualifications do you have for this position?”
There was no doubt in Olivia’s mind as to what position he was referring to.

Her hands stroked his hair almost frantically, grasping at anything that would draw him closer.
A smile crossed her lips as she searched for her response.
“Well, Mr. Matlock,” she started breathlessly, tugging him up to her lips.
“I’m already very
to take on this position.
In fact, I can prove that to you right now, if you like,” she whispered against his lips, clasping his hand in her own and drawing his fingers down to her aching sex.

Feeling her wetness, Alex groaned softly and then cleared his throat, “Yes, I can see that, Ms. Ward.
Very good.
Anything else?”
His voice sounded tight already and Olivia smiled to herself.

“I consider myself a very
individual and I love to please.
Anything you ask of me, I’ll do it to the best of my ability,” she said, but a moan was drawn from her throat as Alex stroked her already aroused clitoris with the pad of his thumb.

“Care to demonstrate that, Ms. Ward?” Alex asked, his dark eyes penetrating hers as he teased her mercilessly.

“Of course,” she responded, trying to sound prim, but failing.
Alex already had her wound up tightly.
If he continued much longer…

“Follow me then,” he commanded, taking her by the hand and leading her to his large desk situated in the middle of his office.
Alex’s shirt had been discarded somewhere between his backyard and the office.
Olivia appreciated the muscles lining his back, watching hungrily as they stretched and flexed with every step he took.

She gasped when he hastily swept some paperwork off his desk with a broad sweep of his arm.

“Climb up,” came his gruff response.
She couldn’t see his features clearly since he hadn’t turned on the lights.
The only source of it came from the hallway, but they were far deeper in his office now and it was much darker.
But, curiously, the darkness aroused Olivia even further.
Feeling less self-conscious and more than a little excited by Alex’s order, she sat on the edge of the desk in front of him.

Gazing up at him under her lashes, she asked innocently, “Like this?”

His kiss was fierce and sudden.
It caught Olivia off guard but she moaned into his mouth.

Alex pushed her back until she was lying flat on his desk, completely bared to him.
“Mmm, Ms. Ward, you
very eager to please, aren’t you?”
Every word he spoke sent another shot of pleasure straight down to her sex.

Before she could catch her breath and reply, Alex was on his knees between her legs.
He kissed his way up her inner thigh and she trembled as his lips found her.
His tongue drove her mad with desire and she threw her head back in pleasure.

It was an understatement to say that Alex
doing this to her.
Every opportunity he got, he would lick and lap at her until she was screaming his name in ecstasy.
It seemed to turn him on just as much as it did her.
And by the time he wrung every ounce of pleasure from her, until she was begging him to stop, he would enter her with a ferocity and a need that stole her breath.
It was as if she had driven him to the brink of his control and she was helpless to deny him.

It didn’t surprise her when she started to come.
Sharp stings of sweet pleasure raced up her spine, making her back arch off the desk as she moaned uncontrollably.
Alex knew how to work her body probably better than she knew herself.

BOOK: Distractions (The Rebound Series)
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