Read Discovering Alicia Online

Authors: Tessie Bradford

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Romance

Discovering Alicia (2 page)

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“I’m renting her cottage for a month, just arrived tonight.” She plucked the remaining pine needles from her chest. When she looked up, he was clearly focused on what she was doing. Her nipples hardened without her permission. Heat suffused her cheeks when he raised an eyebrow and grinned at her with a devilish leer. Ali refused to acknowledge any of it. “As a matter of fact, I was on my way to check out the river. Mind if I tag along?”

“Not at all,” he answered, turning his back to her. “Follow in my path in case there are any more hidden traps. A hospital stay or weeks in a cast wouldn’t be much of a fun vacation, would they, Alicia?”

The shock of him calling her by name kept her rooted to the spot. “What the fuck?” she muttered, staring at his impressive backside and long legs as he walked away. Obviously, he knew her, but from where, when?

“Are you coming?” he called out, effectively getting her ass in gear. She caught up to him just as the woods thinned.

“Oh my God,” she exclaimed at the breathtaking scenery. The river was wide, its water swift moving, and the Huron Mountains stood tall and proud in the distance. A valley stretched between, deep green and dotted with patches of vibrant colored flowers. “The pictures didn’t begin to do this justice; it’s beyond amazing!” Alicia turned this way and that, oohing and ahhing at each new facet of the landscape she discovered.

“When I was a kid, this was my playground. I didn’t appreciate it then, but I sure as hell do now.” He smiled down at her. “Do you know how beautiful you are, all flushed with excitement, Alicia?” When he spoke her name, his tone was low, sexy, almost a caress.

“I’m really,
sorry, and horribly embarrassed to have to ask, but who are you? It should be impossible for me to forget, um, a man so, um, well, like you, but…” She shuffled from foot to foot.

“I’ll admit the sting to my ego is softened a bit by that comment, but not quite enough for me to want to make this easy on you.” He moved to the edge of the river, crouching down at a small red flag that was stuck on the bank. Alicia watched with fascination as he pulled the attached line and brought a square, clear box up from the water. He fiddled with the top before placing it in a large plastic bag he pulled out of his pack.

“Will you at least tell me your name?” she asked, moving close to peer over his shoulder.


“That’s not really doing it for me. Do you have a last name?”

He turned abruptly, obviously unaware of her proximity, and bumped his head just below her boobs. He grabbed her hips, and she instinctively pushed at his shoulders, knocking him off balance. They tumbled together into the river. Luckily, it wasn’t very deep in that spot. Brad held her tightly, cushioning her fall with his body. Alicia ended up sprawled on top of him.

“You’re still an accident waiting to happen, huh?” he asked, fixing her with a serious glare.

“Brad Compton!” Back in the day, he’d used that description for her countless times. “No way,
no way
! After all these years, you still remember me?”

“I make it a habit to not forget people who try to kill me.”

Alicia laughed uproariously and scooted back on his lap enough to get a good look at him. “It’s no wonder I didn’t recognize you.” She playfully smacked his shoulder. “I’ve never seen you without a beard and mustache, or those tortoise-rimmed glasses you used to wear. Not to mention the fact you weren’t nearly as, what’s the word I’m looking for, buff?” She gave his biceps a squeeze. “And aren’t you being a bit melodramatic?”

“You set me on fire, twice!”

“I singed your eyebrows and burned a couple of tiny holes in your pants,” she clarified with a lighthearted roll of her eyes.

“I looked like a one-browed freak for weeks, and you came dangerously close to igniting my dick through a pair of blue jeans!”

“If you’d been a better teacher, none of it would have happened.” Ali struggled to maintain a serious expression while memories of her numerous failed experiments danced through her mind.

“You know damn well I was only a grad student, but Professor Bach was terrified to be in the lab with you. He gave me extra credit for being your partner.”

“Oh, he did not.” The look on his face told her he was speaking the truth, and she burst into giggles all over again. “Whatever. I got a C in the class.”

“Probably a mercy grade to get you out of the science department and protect his colleagues and other innocent students. He retired after that semester.”

“Not my fault; he was like a hundred and fifty years old.”

“You were a freshman; did you end up graduating from MSU?” he asked while helping her out of the water and on to the bank.

“Yep, and in three years, I might add.”

“Impressive. What’s your degree?”

Ali opened her mouth to respond and left it hanging there when Brad pulled his T-shirt over his head and twisted the soaked garment. Biceps, triceps, ripped abs, a fine dusting of auburn hair tapering to disappear beneath jeans sitting low on his narrow hips, and a sexy as hell tattoo covering his left shoulder filled her vision. Her mouth went dry. Afraid that her clothes might be steaming due to the contrast between cool river water and the heat surging through her, she gazed down at herself. Her pebbled nipples were clearly visible through her soaked shirt and flimsy bra. She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Too late, darlin’. I already saw ‘em,” he commented with a grin. “Should I ask my question again?”

Question? He asked a question?
How did he expect her to form a coherent thought, let alone converse, what with him standing there in all his half-naked glory? She drew in a few ragged breaths.

“Elementary education. I teach second grade.”

Brad took a few steps, closing the distance between them.

“Well, to be perfectly honest, I’m recently unemployed,” Ali said with a sigh.

He stopped mere inches away and reached out to tuck a piece of her wet hair behind her ear. “I’m a big believer in honesty, Alicia.” He trailed his finger down her cheek. “You’re as pretty as a picture, all flustered and staring at me with those big doe eyes. If you don’t want me to kiss you, now would be the time to speak up.”

She wouldn’t have uttered a word if the hounds of hell were snapping at her butt. Ali was stunned to see his pupils dilate with desire. Brad cupped the back of her head and placed his lips gently on hers. His kiss was tender, coaxing, and magical. She tentatively rested one palm on his side, just above his waistband. His skin was warm and smooth, the muscles underneath taut. He adjusted his stance slightly and wrapped his arm around her, his hand lying scandalously low on her back. Ali sighed and snuggled at bit closer. Her heart threatened to pound out of her chest when he responded immediately. He pulled her tightly against his body, delightfully crushing her breasts against his chest. Tastes and nibbles quickly escalated to feverish parrying of tongues. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he massaged her back.

When they were finally forced to break the kiss in order to catch their breath, Alicia dropped her head to his shoulder. Brad cradled both cheeks of her ass and moved her seductively against his massive erection. The reality of what she’d just done, what he obviously and naturally wanted to do next hit her like a ton of bricks. She wiggled out of his embrace, desperately needing space to get herself under control.

What the fuck was she doing? Granted, they weren’t strangers, but spending time in a lab, three days a week, for one semester, almost ten years ago, didn’t warrant this level of friendliness when running into each other in the woods! Hell, she hadn’t even recognized him at first. She closed her eyes and ran shaky fingers through her long, damp hair.

“You wanna tell me what’s wrong, Ali?” he asked quietly.

“Nothing, everything’s great. The kiss was great. You’re great.” She attempted a smile. “Wow, it’s really getting dark fast. I should go back.” She fumbled for the flashlight hanging from her belt, and after a few tries, was able to turn it on. She then pulled the soaking, crumpled up map out of her pocket. “It was great to see you again, Brad. Maybe we’ll run into each other again while I’m here.” Ali turned and headed in what she hoped was the right direction, but in less than two steps, a large hand wrapped around her arm.

“Freeze, woman.” She did as he ordered. “I, too, appreciate all of the greatness that’s happened tonight,” Brad whispered against her ear. “Especially when you melted in my arms.” Ali gasped when he pressed firmly against her backside. “Why are you running away, skittish as a scared rabbit? Nothing’s gonna happen that you don’t want, and you want badly.”

Alicia spun around to face him, so embarrassed and horny she couldn’t think straight. In a hot second, Brad Compton, geeky science guy, now ultimate sex-on-a-stick guy had her almost forgetting the lessons she’d learned the hard way. “I’m so, so sorry, Brad; please…” She stared up at him, horrified when a single tear trickled down her cheek.

He brushed it away with a feather-light touch of his thumb. “Come on, Ali; let’s get you home.”


Chapter Two



Brad replayed the events of the previous night over in his head for the umpteenth time as he drove down the county road. He’d had a hell of a lot of hours to ponder the situation. Jacking off and taking two cold showers had done nothing to ease his raging desire when he’d gotten home, just like they’d never helped back in college.

It’d taken every ounce of self control he possessed, plus a few he hadn’t known he had, to gallantly see Alicia back to the cottage, offer a respectful goodnight, and walk away. Her ragged breathing, hardened nipples, and enthusiastic response to his kiss all clearly indicated she was attracted to him, but then she jerked away, and that damn tear rolled down her cheek. Why had she gone from rubbing her hot little self against him to apologizing and trying to run in the blink of an eye? Was there a boyfriend or husband in the picture? Brad went over their conversation again, certain she’d said “I” rented, not “we” rented.

“I’m such an ass,” he muttered, frowning. Wouldn’t most women be weirded out by a near stranger doing what he did? He wouldn’t have pushed for anything more than what she was comfortable with, but she didn’t know that. The extent of their relationship had taken place in a science lab, three hours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for one measly semester. Brad had never let on that he’d had monstrous crush on her. Their conversations had revolved around a different kind of chemistry, and him desperately trying to keep her from blowing things up or sending unsuspecting victims to the hospital.

That was ten years ago, but he’d recognized her instantly when he found her sprawled on the ground. Alicia was no longer a gangly eighteen year old, and his libido had responded instantly. She was definitely all grown up woman now. Thank God she’d kept her incredible, curly red hair long. How many times had he fantasized about that fiery mass tickling his thighs as she went down on him?

What an interesting turn of events to have her staying in his neck of the woods for the entire month. Brad shifted in his seat as images of sharing some quality playtime with Alicia Lawrence set his blood boiling. Long term hook-ups weren’t his gig, so maybe luck was on his side, and she was open to a little no–strings-attached fun of the nasty kind.

Brad pulled up next to the silver SUV sitting in Aunt Dottie’s driveway, the very same one that had been parked in front of the cottage last night. He stayed in the truck, unsure if he should disturb the women… Oh, who the hell was he kidding? He just didn’t want to walk in with noticeable hard-on.

* * * *

“I’m so glad your trip went well, and that you’re finally here, and that you like the cottage, dear,” Aunt Dottie enthused while handing Alicia a glass of iced tea. “It’s so sweet of you to come visiting so soon.”

“Aunt Dottie, I’ve been as excited to meet you as I have been to get my vacation started! I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed our emails.”

“That’s very nice of you to say, dear. I completely understand that my tendency to be long-winded annoys some, but at this stage in my life, I figure I’ve earned the right to speak my piece. If people don’t like it, they can walk away, or hang up the phone, or shut off the computer for that matter.” She laughed and raised her glass in salute before downing a healthy swig.

Alicia had conjured up a mental picture of Aunt Dottie that was so dead on she was still having trouble not staring at the woman sitting across from her. Ali guessed she was maybe in her early sixties. Her gray hair was arranged haphazardly on top of her head in a loose bun. Her cheeks were full and rosy, her eyes bright and expressive. She was more round than tall and wore a multi-colored housedress. Grandmotherly was the term that came to mind.

“I can’t imagine you’ll need them, but there are extra blankets in the cedar chest in the small bedroom, and oh, I forgot to tell you, the washer has been known to bounce across the floor during the spin cycle if it’s filled too full.”

“That might be entertaining to see.” Ali grinned. “I promise I’ll call you if I can’t find something or have any questions.”

“Perfect! And make sure you call Brad if you have any more trouble in the woods.”

“You heard about that already?”

“Of course, dear. I spoke with him first thing this morning. Damn poachers. The DNR and our lawmen do all they can, but they always come back. Most of this region is a wildlife protection area. We have the largest population of moose in the state, actually in this part of the country, and you’ll see deer, red foxes and most likely even wolves while you’re here. Hopefully, if you see any bears, it’s from far away,” she said with a smile. “Hunting is permitted, but there are very strict guidelines, and the season is short. Some people, though, have no respect for the animals or the land. It breaks my heart, and makes me so angry!” Aunt Dottie leaned forward over the kitchen table. “I caught one of ‘em myself, just last year,” she stated in a lowered tone. “He and I had a nice long chat while we waited for the authorities.”

BOOK: Discovering Alicia
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