Read Disciplining the Maid Online

Authors: Zoe Blake

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Victorian, #Romantic Erotica

Disciplining the Maid (10 page)

BOOK: Disciplining the Maid
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After a few tentative strokes, Lily swept her thumb across the head of his cock a second time and gasped when a felt silky, moisture coat the head of his cock and her thumb. 

"The moisture is his pre-cum, dear," said Nanny in a calm, clear voice.  "It helps him slide his cock into your tight pussy or bum.  Keep stroking."

Lily could feel the heat and tension radiating from Papa.  She watched as his chest rose and fell with his heavy breathing.  She took her own deep breath through her nose and breathed in the male, musky scent of him. Lost in her own awareness of him, Lily was surprised to hear Nanny's voice.

"Take the tip of your tongue and push it into the slit on the head of his cock," the older woman now instructed.

Lily lowered her head to tentatively swipe her tongue along the top of cock, taking in the salty taste and velvety texture. 

"Meet your Papa's gaze,” her nanny continued. “Show him how much you enjoy the taste of him."

Lily's gaze swept past the head of Lord Stockton’s cock, across his flat stomach and sculpted chest to meet blue eyes lit with a desire so intense she almost forgot to breathe. 

"Again," he said through clenched teeth as he grabbed her by the back of the head and pushed her small mouth onto the head of his cock.

"Listen to your Papa, Lily," said Nanny.  "Open your mouth wider so you can take the whole head in. Swirl your tongue across the top and really taste him." 

Lily whimpered as the large head of his cock filled her mouth.  She did as she was told and swirled her tongue up and around, filling her mouth with the taste of his salty pre-cum.  Papa let go of her and once more leaned back, a study in leashed restraint.  

Nanny stepped up behind Lily's kneeling form, placing both hands on either side of Lily’s face and softly pressing her fingers into the hollows of Lily's cheeks, forcing her jaw down. 

"I want you to relax your jaw," Nanny said in a low voice.  "I am going to push your mouth onto your Papa's cock and force it deeper into your throat."  Lily's frightened objection was lost as Mrs. Temple tightened her grip on Lily's head and pushed her forward, driving more of Papa's stiff length into her mouth.

Lily began to gag and tear up, reflexively lifting her hands to push against Papa's knees, trying to free her mouth.  Both of her wrists were swiftly manacled in Papa's strong grip and Lily raised startled eyes to see him watching her.  Her pleading gaze was ignored as he nodded to the nanny, his silent command to continue the assault on Lily's poor mouth.

"Stop struggling, dear," scolded Nanny.  "Breathe through your nose and cover your teeth with your lips.  You will receive a blistering spanking if you should scrape them along your Papa's cock."  The nanny continued to relentlessly push Lily's mouth deeper onto his shaft. Lily’s lips stretched obscenely around his girth as she felt the
head rest against the back of her tongue.  Nanny paused for a moment, allowing Lily to adjust to the feel of Papa's large member invading her mouth.  Lily's tongue swished along the sensitive underside, tasting the pulsing, smooth heat of the large cock as she struggled to breathe through her nose. 

Papa groaned as his grip on her wrists intensified to an almost painful degree.  Despite her fear and distress, Lily did not miss the subtle sway she held over him.  Whenever he licked her pussy she felt dizzy and powerless against the onslaught of sensations. Even in her innocence, Lily intuitively knew she now held the same power over him.

Slowly, Nanny pistoned Lily's head up and down his shaft, till Lily had taken almost half his length into her unwilling mouth.  Lily's jaw slackened, the muscles weak from strain. Papa raised his hips and pushed another inch into her open mouth. Eventually she would take his full length to the hilt, and soon he would know the pleasure of cumming deep down her throat, but not today.  Releasing her wrists, he pulled his cock from the warm, wet heat of her tight mouth and stroked his own length. 

Nanny kept her strong grip on Lily's jaw as Papa vigorously worked his hand up and down his shaft. 

"Keep your mouth open, dear," instructed Nanny.  "Your Papa is going to cum in your mouth.  You must be careful to keep it all on your tongue and not swallow till he tells you too."  Lily watched in fascination as Papa's strong hand gripping his cock moved faster and faster along the length.  With a loud groan, his hips shot forward as a stream of cum hit Lily's tongue.  She tried to pull her head away from the onslaught, but Nanny's grip kept her in place. Lily dutifully held the warm, creamy liquid in her mouth, whimpering as the salty taste made its way to the back of her throat. 

Leaning in close, Papa whispered, "Swallow.”  Lily obeyed. 

"Good girl," he said.

He returned his cock to his trousers and rose to leave. "I will see you tonight, little one,” he said, giving Lily a kiss on her forehead.  “Have fun with your nanny today."  Lily watched as he left, feeling suddenly shy and insecure in the presence of the strange woman who had observed and participated in so much intimacy. 

"Shall we go play in the garden?" the nanny asked with a pleasant smile. 





Lily spent the entire day basking in the sunshine.  Never, - not even as a true child - had she been allowed to play the day away.  During her years in service she would occasionally run errands that would take her by either St. James' or Hyde Park, where she’d lean against the iron fencing and watch the children play.  They looked so happy and carefree, twirling in the sunshine till they got dizzy and collapsed onto the cool, sweet grass.  In each household she had worked, there had been a beautiful walled in garden - an oasis amid all the noise and dirt of London - with trees and flowers. Some even had small man-made ponds.  Lily was never allowed to step foot in any of them.  Gardens, flowers,
sunshine - those were for the privileged few, not for the servants.  Her life had been spent indoors, in the close confines of attic rooms or below stairs where it was always dark and chilly. 

Today, Lily twirled until she got dizzy and collapsed onto the cool, sweet grass.  She picked flowers and felt the sunshine on her face as she knelt at Nanny's feet listening to a story.  Lily breathed in the fresh air and thought of him.  Papa had given this to her, this freedom.  She no longer had to worry about working till her back ached or drafty rooms or lecherous footmen or never having enough to eat. Gone were the days of scratchy, second-hand clothes and ice-cold
hip baths.  

But at what cost?
  Lily observed the older woman sitting a few feet away on the stone bench, working on some sewing.  This woman was to be her nanny?  If Papa had his way, she would have no privacy, no independence.  Can one have freedom with no control over her own life, she wondered?  Then she thought of how he stroked her cheek when he was pleased or kissed her gently on the forehead, how he’d opened her eyes to the pleasure that could be found when she completely gave of herself to him.  He asked much of her, but he gave much in return.

After a full day of getting to know her new nanny and playing in the sunshine, Lily did not protest when she was fed a simple supper and tucked naked into Papa's bed early in the evening.  She snuggled into the soft, downy covers that carried his scent and quickly drifted off to sleep.  Sometime after midnight, she felt his warm presence against her back, his arm wrapped protectively around her waist.  She stirred and pushed her bottom against his groin as he nuzzled her neck. 


"Yes, baby girl," his voice a low rumble in the quiet of the bedroom.

"I'm not sure I can do this," she said tentatively, worried how he would react.  She felt him stiffen, his arm reflexively tightening as he pulled her closer into the protective heat of his body.  Rand would not, could not, lose her.   

"I know you are struggling with what I expect from you but I also know you need both the discipline and the pleasure I give you."  His hand moved up from her waist to grasp one full breast.  Lily gasped and arched her back as he playfully bit her neck and then licked the mark he made.  He pushed Lily onto her back, raising her arms above her head and securing her wrists with one hand as he pulled one nipple deep into his mouth, swirling the peak with the tip of his tongue.  "My need for control, allows you to lose your own." 

Reaching down between her legs, he felt her sweet wetness.  He swirled his thumb around her clit, reveling in her sharp breath intake.  Holding her gaze with his own, he slowly brought his thumb to his mouth and tasted her sweet essence.  Lily was mesmerized.  "Open your legs for me, baby."  He moved between her legs and positioned the head of his cock at her tight entrance.

Lily braced herself, "Will it hurt again?"

"Would you do it anyway if I said it would?" he asked, needing to know the answer.

"Yes," she answered simply and without reservation. 

He smiled and stroked her cheek. "No, baby, it won't hurt this time."  He slowly pushed into her tight warmth and Lily moaned as she felt her body stretch to accommodate his length.  His first few thrusts were shallow, only breaching her by a few inches, for he wanted to stimulate and tease.  Lily could feel the pressure build as her body tensed, wanting more. Her hips lifted in a primal invitation and in that moment he released her wrists and grasped her buttocks, thrusting in to the hilt. 

"You're mine," he growled as he pushed deeper into her body. "Mine to control. Mine to fuck. Mine to protect. Mine to cherish."

With each possessive declaration he thrust harder, wanting her to not only hear but feel his words.  Lily held her breath and fisted the bed covers as she gave herself to him, mind, body and soul.  She screamed her release the moment she felt his hot seed brand her as his. 

She was awoken with a soft kiss to her lips, early the next morning.

"Wake up, little one.  Your nanny is here to take you back to the nursery.  You need to get ready.  Your first school lesson is today."



A Harsh Lesson


"I don't understand why I need to know this!"  Lily huffed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.  She had suffered through the humiliation of another bath at the hands of nanny and was now dressed in a plaid school uniform that ended scandalously at mid-thigh. From her child's school desk, she stared up at a blackboard filled with scribbles and scratches.

"Now. Now.  None of that!” scolded Mrs. Temple. “Your Papa wants you to learn how to read and write, young lady. You must begin with your letters."

"I have gotten along just fine without knowing my letters or how to read, so why do I have to learn now?"

"It is not your place to question your Papa! Now, let us resume."  Nanny tapped a large, wooden pointer against the blackboard.  "A is for Anal.  B is for Buttocks.  C is for Cock.  D is for Dildo.  Now write it down in your primer just like on the board."

Lily tried but was easily frustrated. "Why can't we play out in the sunshine like yesterday?" she whined.

"We will as soon as your lesson is finished."

"I don't want to do this lesson.  I don't care about my letters.” In a fit of temper, Lily threw her pencil across the room. 

"You wicked girl!" shouted the nanny as she quickly moved across the room and yanked on the bell pull.  A footman appeared within moments.  "Tell his Lordship he is needed in the nursery."  With a nod, the footman took off at a run.  

"You don't have to tell on me to Papa!"  Lily begged.  "Please, I’ll be a good girl.  I promise!  Please, please don't tell Papa!"

"You should have thought of this before you were naughty," scoffed Mrs. Temple. His Lordship had made it very clear that he was to be the only one to discipline Lily.  As much as she hated to divulge to him she could not control her charge, Mrs. Temple did not dare disobey his direct order. 

"What seems to be the problem here?"  Papa's voice was edged with impatience as his masculine presence filled the room. 

"Please Papa," Lily cried as she fell to her knees in front of him.  "I didn't mean it.  I swear, I didn't mean it!"

rose questioning eyes to the nanny, who quickly filled him in on how disruptive and naughty she had been all morning. 

"One of these days your foolish temper will get you into real trouble,” Papa seethed, his anger palpable. “If I have to roast that impertinent bottom of yours every day, I will teach you discipline and self-control.” 

Lily sobbed harder, her hands covering her face as Lord Stockton grabbed her by her shoulder and hoisted her to her feet.  Taking hold of her upper arm, he dragged her over to the large teacher's desk. 

"Bend over," he ordered.  Lily tearfully obeyed and felt His Lordship grasp the waistband of her drawers and ruthlessly shove them down to her ankles, exposing her vulnerable backside.  When reached for the long, wooden pointer resting across the desk, she began to cry harder.

"No, Papa.  Not with that!  Please, use your hand. Please!"  Lily sobbed and tried pull the pointer out of his grasp.  He held it out of her reach and used his other hand to push her back down onto the desk. 

"Try to interfere with your punishment again and I will double it," he threatened through clenched teeth.  "You will learn discipline, Lily, if I have to spank you every time you give in to your foolish temper." 

He raised his hand and brought the pointer down on her bottom with a loud crack.  Lily screamed and gripped the edge of the desk harder in her pain.  There was another crack as the unrelenting wood made contact with her soft, yielding flesh.  Lily cried out as the scalding pain radiated across her cheeks like stinging pin pricks. 

"What is 'A' for, Lily?" 

"I don't know," sobbed Lily.  Rand cracked the pointer across her backside again.  "I don't know!  Please, stop!"  She wailed as she bounced on her toes trying to cool the flaming, hot pain across her bum. 

"What is 'A' for, Lily?" he asked again.

"Anal!  A is for Anal," she screeched in desperation.  He gave her several more severe swats with the pointer. 

"What is 'B' for?"

"Buttocks," answered a weakening Lily, the fierce punishment and uncontrollable crying wearing her out.  Rand took in the faint purple welts starting to appear on her crimson cheeks and put the pointer aside.

“Ask me to fuck your bottom as penance for your bad behavior,” he spoke with harsh resolve.  He knew accepting his cock into her back passage was still painful for Lily and would show her true atonement.

“Oh, Papa.  Anything but that, please,” she pleaded.

“Ask me to fuck your bottom, Lily,” he said, showing no signs of relenting.

“Please fuck my bottom, Papa,” she whispered, her voice wavered with anxiety.

  "Mrs. Temple, please get the jar of ointment and Lily's pacifier," he ordered as he stood back and loosened his trousers.  Lily moaned in abject misery.  Mrs. Temple returned with the asked for items.  Rand opened the ointment as he motioned for the nanny to place the pacifier in Lily's mouth, its large bulbous tip mimicking the head of a cock.   Lily tried to close her lips and turn her head, but Nanny quickly grabbed her by the jaw and pushed the pacifier in. 

Rand rubbed only enough lubricant along his cock to prevent him from tearing her sensitive ring.  Grabbing her sore cheeks, he forced them open, exposing her puckered hole.  Pushing his cock against it, he encountered feeble resistance as she tried to clench her buttocks. The attempt earned her a quick, stinging slap.  Lily's cry was muffled by the large pacifier as Rand slowly pushed into her dark passage, wanting her to feel every painful inch. 

Lily felt the skin around her rectum stretch and strain to accept the sizable head of his cock.  Papa pushed down on her lower back, forcing her ass up and widening her rosebud just enough to force the head through.  Lily groaned, her head spinning from the sudden spike of pain.  The pressure built as he forced himself deeper into her bowels until the base of his cock felt the heat from her roasted bottom.   Rand paused for a moment, fighting the need to powerfully shove in and out of her gripping heat. He wanted to teach her lesson, but had no desire to truly harm her.  With a tight rein on his control, he withdrew,
then slowly, deliberately pushed back in, repeating the motion till he felt her inner muscles slacken to accept him.  Lily whimpered as the pace of his thrusts increased, bracing herself against the desk as each thrust rocked her sore body.  His chest heaved as he forced his hips forward. Pushing himself in to the base, he came with a roar.

Lily cried with relief when he pulled out and relieved her of the painful pressure and cramps caused by his intrusion.  Rand straightened his clothes and moved around the desk, going down on his haunches until he was level with Lily's tear-stained face.  Without a word, he pulled the pacifier from her mouth and moved to stand behind her again.  She mewed and squirmed when he grasped her bruised cheeks and once again pried them open to push the nipple of the pacifier into her abused, gaping hole.  Lily jerked in discomfort each time he twisted the pacifier.  He gently pulled
the cum coated pacifier from her bottom and returned to face her.

"Open your mouth."

Lily's pain-filled eyes pleaded with him, but would not relent, "Open your mouth, Lily," he repeated.  When she finally, reluctantly obeyed, he pushed the pacifier back in, filling her mouth with the salty taste of his cum.  Rand cupped her face, using his thumbs to brush away the tears.

"Did my little girl learn her lesson?"

A woeful Lily nodded her head. 

"Good."  He picked her up and carried her across the room to her crib, tenderly laying her down on her stomach.  "Mrs. Temple is going to rub a soothing salve onto your bottom and then I want you to take a nap." He left the room as Lily started to cry. 

Later that evening, Lord Stockton leaned against the headboard as he cradled a naked Lily in his lap.  He watched as her small, pink mouth puckered around the nipple of the bottle he held.  He’d filled it with warm milk and a mild sedative that would help her sleep.  She had learned a harsh lesson today, but he knew she would be better for it.  Lily sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder as her eyes softly drifted closed.  He held her in his arms for another hour before tucking them both under the warm covers, holding her as she slept.

BOOK: Disciplining the Maid
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