Dirty Secret: A Bad Boy Romance (Bluefield Bad Boys Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Dirty Secret: A Bad Boy Romance (Bluefield Bad Boys Book 3)
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Chapter 14


We’d drifted off for an hour of sleep. I woke to Dawson scooting beneath the covers to settle between my legs. His mouth left a trail of hot kisses along my inner thigh as he moved higher to my pussy. His thumb smoothed over my pussy.

He pushed the covers off and lifted his face to look at me over my mound. “I love this shaved clean thing you’ve got going on. Just wanted to let you know.”

“You like? It’s a Brazilian wax.”

“Think it’s time to move to Brazil. Or I could just stay here, between your thighs, until I die.” His hands slipped under my ass and he lifted my pussy higher. He used his thumbs to spread the lips of my pussy open. His face pressed against me, and he suckled at my tender clit. An involuntary moan rolled off my lips as I clutched at the bed sheets. I pressed my feet against the mattress and my legs fell open, giving him full access. His large hands nearly cupped my entire ass, while his thumbs still flicked between the folds of my pussy, teasing my clit as his tongue penetrated me.

I rocked against his mouth and squeezed my thighs against his head. He knew everything I needed. His finger dipped between the cheeks of my ass, and he pushed it inside the puckered hole. I squeezed my muscles around his hands and mouth. The friction of his beard stubble raised a warm heat along my smoothly shaved pussy.

“Dawson,” I said breathlessly, “where the hell have you been all my life?” I moved against his mouth, urging him to press harder and go deeper. He knew exactly what I was asking and obliged. I lifted my hips to feel the pressure of his mouth and tongue, and all the while, his thumbs and fingers penetrated and teased. Seconds later, my entire body was barreling toward a mind-bending orgasm.

“Yes! Fuck yes!” I cried as I clamped my thighs tight. My pussy convulsed around his mouth. I worked to catch my breath and my pulse pounded in my ears as the shuddering waves slowly peeled away.

Dawson sat up from between my thighs as he reached for the condom he’d placed on the nightstand. I stretched to regain my strength and composure.

He watched with keen interest as I rolled over. I lifted up to my hands and knees. I jutted my bottom high in the air and winked at him over my shoulder. “Yes or no?” I asked.

“It’s like every damn wet dream I’ve ever had is coming true right here in this fucking bed.” He reached over and spanked my ass.

I gasped, pretending to be shocked.

“Sorry, but that sweet pixie ass was just begging for it.”

“In that case—” I wiggled my butt, and he indulged me with another spank. The warm sting of his hand remained on my bare skin as he scooted behind me. The bed creaked and lurched side to side as he settled in place. He leaned down and ran his tongue over my naked bottom, taking time to tease the puckered hole with a wet finger before he grabbed my hips and thrust his cock inside of me.

I gripped the sheets for support. A long, low moan fell from my lips as I pressed my face against the pillow. His long thick erection nearly tore me apart as he moved hard and fast against me, reaching places I didn’t know existed.

Dawson was a great lover. I didn’t have to tell him what I needed. He knew instinctively. He held me steady with one hand, thrusting forward as I rocked back to meet his thrusts. His free hand slid around and between my legs where he strummed a magical tune on my clit with his thumb. A second orgasm was always harder to reach, especially after earth shattering oral sex, but I felt my body bunching up, tightening into a ball, heading toward ecstasy again. With the way Dawson filled me, each time causing my pussy to contract around him, milking him to the end, it was easy to lose myself into that hazy world where the only things that mattered were the sensations happening between my legs.

With just a little more intimate attention to my clit, my pussy tightened and exploded as I came. Dawson jammed himself in deep and held me against him as he climaxed simultaneously.

I collapsed against the mattress, and he lowered himself down next to me, his ragged breathing slowing to normal.

“Got to love these restful vacations,” he growled as he reached over and pulled me to him.

“You are something else.” I cuddled closer to him. “And you’re really warm. I could get used to being tucked in with you.”

“I could get used to this too, Pixie.”

Chapter 15


There was nothing better than a big, dreamy looking guy sleeping. Dawson’s long, dark lashes lent a sort of innocent, youngish quality to his incredible hunkiness. His big, ink covered arms were in stark contrast to the crisp white sheets and pillow. It was hard to draw my gaze
myself away from him.

He barely stirred as I slipped out from under the covers and got dressed.

I’d had a few unplanned one night stands with men, guys who were usually in the music industry or some part of the entertainment world. In my mind, I always knew when it was exactly that. One night of sex, and that would be the end of it. While this had, in my head, started as just that, looking down at Dawson sleeping in the bed and thinking about the hours we’d just spent together, I found it was hard to leave. I didn’t want this to be it. I wanted this again, this uncomplicated, fun sex where who we knew and what worlds we lived in didn’t matter at all. I hadn’t enjoyed spending time with anyone this much in a good long while.

Reluctantly, I pulled on my clothes, making sure not to wake him. Walking out would be that much harder with him awake. I was sure if he opened his eyes or even stretched his naked body, I’d climb right back into bed with him. I put on my shoes and walked with light steps to the door. I turned to look back at the beautiful sleeping giant before stepping out into the early morning haze.

Everyone back at the house would still be sleeping. When we weren’t working, Brick and Rex tended to sleep until noon. Graham usually took a combination of sleep aids and a shot of vodka to fight his chronic insomnia, which meant he’d be out until at least ten. And Axel slept like a big bear in hibernation until his phone alarm woke him. He never set it when we were on vacation. I figured sneaking back into the house would be a breeze as long as my escape hatch, the back patio door, was still unlocked.

A weepy fog had drifted in over the beach, but the new sun was working hard to burn away the wet chill. I crossed my arms and hurried my pace. Early morning exercisers and dog walkers were streaming along the path. No one paid attention to the short red head scooting along in the fog.

The house was quiet when I reached the mosaic of stepping stones leading to the back porch.

My arms were curled around me and my head was down as I headed straight to the back door. I sighed in relief when the handle turned but then startled at the sound of a voice behind me.

“Is that what they call a beach walk of shame?”

I spun around. Duff had opened a folding beach chair and he was sitting in the corner of the porch drinking coffee. His long, skinny legs were stretched out in front of him. He lifted his cup to see if I wanted one. “I made it extra strong.”

I shook my head and walked over to him. I sat down on the tile floor next to his chair to gaze out at the beach, or what could be seen of it through the milky haze.

“You going to tell me where you’ve been?”

“Nope, I’m not.”

I could usually count on Duff to be a friend and not be pushy or bossy or judgmental, but there was no denying that he’d been just as disappointed as the others about the cancelled concerts. I wasn’t at the top of anybody’s best buddy list at the moment.

Duff took a drink of coffee. He didn’t need to say anything to let me know he wasn’t happy about my answer.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and held them close to me. “Can’t I just have some part of my life that has nothing to do with the rest of you?”

“That’s not the way it works, Len. We’re all part of one big entity. A chair with four legs. If one leg is broken, then the chair won’t stand. That’s how bands work.”

“I guess that explains why so many of them break up like bad marriages. No independence and a lot of telling each other how to behave. I was out with a friend pretending I wasn’t part of the chair for a few hours. It was no big deal.”

A group of gulls came to rest on the sand in front of the house. They hunched down on the sand together shielding each other from the chilled air.

“As much as I appreciate having you guys, I just need a little more independence. I need to be less of a celebrity and more of a normal person. I was thinking about this the other morning, after sitting through Graham’s ridiculous explanation for why I was having problems with stage fright. Something about me over-thinking stuff too much. But that’s not what it is.”

Duff sat forward and rested his arms on his thighs. His empty coffee cup dangled from his fingers. “Yeah, what is it then?”

“Graham took me from my horrid existence and sent me straight into this life, a life where I barely have time to take a breath, and a walk through the local mall is a big fucking ordeal. I never had a chance to just be Lenix Harlow, just normal, everyday Lennie. It all happened so damn fast that sometimes it’s hard to believe. Like a fairy tale, but one with a lot of twists and turns and not necessarily a happy ending.”

“It happened fast for all of us like that, Len. Not just you.”

“Yes, but you come from a nice Midwest family and a normal life. Rex has always been in this lifestyle with his dad being a famous drummer, and Brick is from a rich family back east. I didn’t have that normalcy . . . ever. I didn’t have anything but sorrow and hardship. Even though, family wise, I’m still alone, I know those awful days are long behind me now. Thankfully. I just want to find a spot between those two worlds where I can just be me.”

“I’m sure we can all take some significant time off after this tour. And without hanging around each other in a beach house,” he added, before I could say it myself. “In the meantime, Lennie, pull yourself together. We’ve got six more shows to do.”

I pushed to my feet angrily. “I don’t need your admonition or your reminder about our concert schedule. I can usually count on you as a shoulder to lean on, Duff.” I looked down at him. “Using your silly chair analogy, maybe this leg is broken because it seems to be holding up more weight than the other legs.”

“It’s your out of this world voice. The band wouldn’t exist without it.”

“No, the band wouldn’t exist without your songs.” I smiled. “And you redeemed yourself a smidgen with the out of this world voice comment.” I headed to the back door.

“Then are you going to tell me where you’ve been.”

“Nope.” I walked inside and closed the door behind me.

Chapter 16


It was a text that woke me instead of Lenix’s sweet, small body curled next to mine. I glanced at the empty space next to me. The pillow still had a slight indent from her head, and her fragrance still lingered on the sheets. I knew she’d be gone before I woke, but expecting it still didn’t help the rock in the pit of my stomach. Every time she flitted into my life, like the incredible and beautiful sprite that she was, I wondered if it would be the last time I saw her. But this time was different. This time she’d vanished and she’d taken a good chunk of my heart with her. And I had no real say in any of it. It was all out of my control.

I picked up the phone and read Aubrey’s text. “We’ve got egg sandwiches over here. But you’ve got to come to our cabin. I’m not a delivery service.”

My appetite was shit, but my empty stomach was turning in on itself. I walked into the shower and let the warm water run over my head, trying to decide just how I was going to deal with the ache in my chest. I’d left myself open to this and probably deserved to feel like shit. It wasn’t as if I was going to end up with someone like Lenix. 

I shut off the water, dried off and got dressed.

I pressed my arm against the hollow growl in my gut. I was just hungry enough to put up with Megan and Wyatt for a few minutes.

I stepped outside. A light haze still hovered over the sand, but the sun was warming things up fast.

I stopped and stared down along the line of nice houses that were perched like colorful teeth along the coast. I didn’t even know which house she was staying at. Even if I did, it wasn’t like I could walk up to the door and ask for her. I was sure that her manager and bodyguard knew nothing about me, other than that I was the sketchy looking stranger sitting next to her on the plane. I had to push her from my mind and not dwell too much on seeing her again. Otherwise, this vacation was going to be even worse.

I knocked. Aubrey motioned me inside and pointed to the bag of food on the counter. “Did you have a nice night?” she asked with a fake grin.

“Best damn night I’ve had in a long time.”

She put up her hand. “No details. Please.”

I marched to the bag of food and pulled out the sandwich.

“Sure you don’t want to go to the aquarium with us?” Aubrey shot me a pleading look. She was stuck spending a day out with Megan and Wyatt.

I looked at her over my egg sandwich. “Me, Wyatt and shark tanks? I don’t think that would end well. I’m going to head out to the beach, close my eyes and sleep until my stomach tells me it needs food.”

Megan came out from the bedroom with Wyatt in tow. He was one of those dudes who liked to be shiny and spiffed up, no matter what the activity. From what I could tell, he was avoiding eye contact with me, which was definitely in his best interest.

Megan walked into the kitchen to put her coffee cup in the sink without looking at me. Then she turned around and gave me a disapproving scowl that could easily have rivaled our dad’s. “And exactly who was the skanky girl you took to your room last night?”

“If you don’t know who she is, then how the fuck do you know she’s skanky?”

Wyatt cleared his throat. I looked over at him.

“Sorry, not getting involved.” He put up his extra clean hands. I wondered if he’d ever felt the grit of the earth beneath his fingernails. I somehow doubted it. “It’s just I’d never use that kind of language in front of my sisters.”

I raised a brow at Megan, trying to decide if I should mention to her boyfriend that, in the right situation, her language could be just as salty as mine. She shot me a squirmy ‘don’t you dare’ look.

I glanced at each of my sisters. “Meg, Aubrey, I apologize for saying

Aubrey turned her face to hide a smile.

Megan grunted in anger and grabbed her purse off the chair. “Let’s go before it gets too crowded.” She stopped and sneered at me. “And please don’t invite just anyone into our room. I don’t need to come back and find that my stuff has been stolen.”

“That’s why I’ve got my own room.” I looked pointedly at Aubrey. “Have fun.”

I finished the sandwich and walked back to my room. It was lonely and not nearly as inviting without Lenix standing in the middle of it.

“Shit.” I sat on the bed and thought about the night before. How the hell was I going to just leave California without ever seeing her again? My phone buzzed. I picked it up, figuring Aubrey was already tearing her hair out with Megan and Wyatt. It was a phone number I’d never seen before.

“I saw your phone on the nightstand and memorized your number. Hope that’s not too stalker like.”

My heart raced ahead as I stared down at the text. “Baby, you can stalk me all you want.”

“Ooh, I like that. Send me a picture.”

“Of what?” I typed back. We were only texting, but my pulse was pounding with the thought of touching her again.

“Of the lamp on your nightstand, of course. I want to get one just like it. I think you know what picture I want and you’d better be shirtless in it, buddy. I’ve got my creepy stalker reputation to maintain.”

I decided texting wasn’t enough. I needed to hear her voice, the voice that could make me hard just thinking about it. I dialed and it rang.

“Uh, I don’t see the picture yet,” she said.

“Aren’t you supposed to be sending
the picture? And just like you said, shirtless or else.”

“Nope. I started this. I’m the one that stole your number off your phone without you knowing. So send that picture and soon. I’m getting all hot just thinking about it.”

I sat back on the bed with a smile. “Is that right? Hot? Where exactly?”

“Well, remember where you had your tongue pressed last night? That sweet spot between my legs? That’s where.” She spoke softly into the phone adding in just enough long, sensual breaths to make my cock grow solid.

“Damn, you’re killing me, Pixie. Can you sneak out again? I want you here with me. I can help with that hot spot.”

“I’m a prisoner in my tower today. But the first opportunity I get, I’m heading down to your end of the beach. Might not be until the middle of the night. So don’t forget about me up here in my jail cell. And send me that damn picture. It’ll help get me through the day. Bye.”

I held the phone on my palm. It figured that I’d finally found the woman of my dreams and she was as steady and as sure a thing as a wisp of smoke. Just like a magical pixie, at the end of the week, she’d be flying away. I’d never see her again and I’d spend the rest of my life wondering if I’d just imagined the whole damn thing.

I reached back and pulled off my shirt. Even if this was all just a sexy illusion, a really hot dream, I wanted to be a part of it. I could deal with the disappointment at the end of it. For now I didn’t want to miss one minute with Lenix. I held up the phone and took a picture but decided it wasn’t enough. I stood up, unbuttoned my shorts and dropped them so I was standing in just my underwear. I stretched out my arm to get a taller shot and took the picture. Then I sent them both to Lenix.

Her text came right back. “Yep, that works. That really works.”

“Glad I could help.”

I pulled on my shorts and my shirt, while waiting like an anxious fucking teenager for the girl I was crushing on to text back. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. By the time I got back, there was a text on my phone.

“Look what you made me do, you bad boy.” A picture followed. It was a close up of her hand inside of her panties.

I called her.

Her soft, sexy giggle came through the phone.

“Even your giggle is fucking irresistible. After that picture, I might just buy some rope and a grappling hook and rescue you from that damn tower. How am I supposed to get through the day with that image on my phone?”

“That was my whole motive. I don’t want you to get through the day without going completely fucking mad thinking about me.”

“Goal accomplished. I’m going to have to spend the next four hours in a cold shower just to not go crazy. Fuck, Pixie, can’t you figure out a way to get out of that house?”

“I’ll see what I can do, but no promises. Till we meet again, my hot coal miner.” She hung up, and I scrolled back to the erotic picture again. Yep, cold showers for the rest of the damn day.

BOOK: Dirty Secret: A Bad Boy Romance (Bluefield Bad Boys Book 3)
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