Read Dirty Love Online

Authors: Lacey Savage

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Dirty Love (8 page)

BOOK: Dirty Love
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Folks counted upon medicine and science now. They depended on governments, court systems, laws. Authority figures were entrusted with the task of keeping Earth turning as it always had. Intimacy, pleasure, love and a million other things that had power over a century ago no longer merited a second thought.

"I ... I want you. So much,” she whispered.

A predatory grin curved Trevor's mouth. “Good. Hang tight."

Isy's head reeled as Trevor spun and rushed up the curved steps leading to her apartment. She held on, though her heart threatened to pound right through her chest.

The door to her apartment was unlocked. These days, there was no need to bother with archaic security precautions. The cameras she'd had installed throughout the clinic connected to a surveillance system that automatically sealed every door in the place if it detected an unauthorized entry attempt. Since she'd shut everything off earlier, Connor and Trevor had the run of the place, which also explained how Trevor had gotten inside so easily. She'd been careless, and she knew she'd eventually have to pay for her recklessness. But not now.

Connor pushed the door open, and Trevor carried Isy across a threshold for the second time that evening. Outside, darkness had fallen. A fat yellow moon hovered just beyond the window, framing Trevor's beautifully sculpted head like a golden halo.

Trevor easily navigated the sparsely furnished room. He made his way past a bamboo coffee table, a worn leather couch, a mahogany dining room table and two mismatched chairs. A narrow hallway opposite the living room led to a small bathroom and the bedroom.

Isy guided him by pointing. She didn't speak—she wasn't even sure she could. Blood roared in her ears and her heart thumped so hard she heard its deafening drumbeat with every breath she took.

She'd never been fond of decorating. The bedroom looked barren, sterile, as lonely as she was. Its stark white walls stood out in sharp contrast to the colorful painting of New York circa 2020. Her only indulgence. An image of a world long gone, when people were free to love and live as they wished. She wondered what it must have been like to live in those times, to follow your heart no matter where it led you—or into whose arms it led you.

Such fancy. She lived
in this time, and no amount of wishing otherwise would make the impossible happen.

If this was her last chance—hell, her
chance—to experience ecstasy, she'd take it. And she'd be grateful, always, that she'd had this much. One mind-blowing indulgence was more than most women her age could ever dream of.

To her surprise, her hand remained steady when she pointed to the mattress on the floor. She'd never bothered with a proper frame. What would have been the use, since she was the only one to ever sleep on it?

Trevor laid her down gently, carefully, then released her. She was only alone for a moment. As Trevor stepped back, Connor took over, falling onto the mattress with her, covering her body with his.

Bliss enveloped Isy from head to toe at the feel of his strong, masculine body pressed hard against her own. Her hands glided over his rippled back, across his arms, down to his buttocks. Fingers flew everywhere, squeezing, gripping, pinching, exploring. She wanted to memorize every dip, every curve of his spectacular body.

Connor chuckled in her ear. “That's it, baby. Touch me."

As if she needed encouragement! She could hear the ticking clock as loudly as if it counted down inside her head. Vicki would file a formal report against Isy the moment the Medical Board offices opened in the morning. They had maybe twelve hours until men in black came to investigate.

Plenty of time, and yet not nearly enough.

"I want to taste you,” she murmured breathlessly. “Let me. Please."

Connor lifted his head. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he looked at her, devouring her with his gaze. She felt self-conscious under the scrutiny, and still he stared, as though he wanted to memorize her just as she wished to remember him. At last, he winked, and a hint of mischievousness tilted his mouth.

"I have a better idea.” He jerked his head in the direction of Trevor, who'd all but blended into the shadows a few steps away. “Taste Trevor. I have some unfinished business."

Before she could ask what he meant, he slithered down the length of her body. His palms left ribbons of heat along her ribcage, then branded her inner thighs as he pushed them apart, spreading her open. She caught a glimpse of his tongue as it snaked out to lick his lips. “I bet your cream is as sweet as your scent."

Trevor moved to Isy's side and sank to his knees beside her. She turned her head, wishing she could see him better. Moonlight streamed in liquid gold, painting Trevor's body with strips of pale light.

"Your clothes are gone,” she whispered, awed by the sight.

Trevor leaned in and grazed her lips with his. The intensity in his eyes made them appear as predatory as Connor's, entirely focused on claiming her. “It seemed only fair."

He towered over her, his lean frame draped in shadows, like a creature who'd materialized right out of a dream.

She couldn't hold back any longer. She had to ask—needed to know.

"Why me?” she finally managed to squeak, though Connor had chosen that exact moment to part her labia with this fingers and blow a stream of warm air along her slit.

For a moment, she wasn't sure Trevor would answer. Then he took a deep breath and said, “We're not from around here, Isy."

She nodded. She'd suspected as much. Their ability to appear in the center of a locked room without making as much as a sound should have been enough to tip her off. Logic had blamed the inactive surveillance system, but now she could admit the truth. Their attraction to her, their absolute lack of fear or concern for what she could do to Connor—to
of them—if they went through with this ... well, no modern New Yorker would act the way either of them did.

Trevor rocked on his heels, bringing Isy's attention to the magnificent thickness of his cock as it jutted out from between his legs. She stared at it for a full five seconds before reaching out and grasping the hot steel of his erection in her hand.

Trevor sucked in a breath between his teeth. “For four years, we've been watching you. Wanting you.” His voice sounded shaky, uncertain, but whether because she'd started moving her fist up and down his shaft or because he feared what his admission might do to her, she couldn't tell.

"Why?” she asked again.

Warm lips fused to her pussy, sending an electric jolt of heat into her core. She arched her hips, bringing her clit into sudden contact with Connor's mouth.

"You're the key, Isy. The key to saving humanity."

A laugh bubbled forth from her throat and echoed eerily around the room. Her head spun with the absurdity of the words flittering through her mind. Connor laved a slow, determined path through her slit, parting her pussy lips, driving her insane.

"Connor and I are from the past. In our time, the S.O.S. virus is no more than a speck of dust on the wind. It doesn't exist yet. Only a few of us know of its impending arrival. We've been sent here to learn how to stop it before it occurs."

Isy's throat squeezed. Her palm trailed across the tip of Trevor's cock, spreading a bead of moisture down the length. The shaft was thicker than Connor's, she realized. She stared at it, entranced by the glistening cream she'd slid down the velvety skin.

"You're fertile, too."

That made sense if she chose to believe his crazy story about being from the past, she supposed, but it only complicated things further. She was about to make love to two fertile men. As if her crime wasn't depraved enough already.

"Does that matter?” Trevor asked softly.

It should have. If she had any common sense left, she'd bolt to her feet and run far, far away from both men. She'd not only be saving herself, but them, too.

Even as she thought that, Isy knew she wasn't going anywhere. Connor and Trevor had accepted the risks that came with fucking her. How could she be any less brave?

Isy shook her head. “When they find me, the Medical Board won't care whether I've fucked one fertile man or an entire football team's worth."

Connor lifted his head from her depths. “They won't lay a hand on you,” he snarled between clenched teeth before returning his attention to her moist core.

Isy's eyes rolled back into her head. His mouth on her pussy felt so incredible, all the dark thoughts that had been gathering like a coming storm scattered at the feel of a slow, soft swipe down her slit.

Focus, Isy. This is important.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly with each shallow breath. Connor speared her opening with the tip of his tongue, and need knifed through her, strong and unwavering.

"You watched me.” She'd meant it as an accusation, but it came out like an aroused whimper.

"Every day,” Trevor said. “At first, we knew nothing about the virus, or about your culture. You were a practitioner and seemed like a logical ally. And then I forged paperwork and passed myself off as a Medical Board certified practitioner as well, gaining access to experimental data I wouldn't otherwise have had. When we learned more about the virus's true effects on the human body, we knew we needed a woman. Someone just like you."

Isy rose on her elbows and fought to suppress the shiver that started low in her pussy and fluttered over her entire body, tightening her nipples to stiff nubs. And still Trevor kept talking, telling her of things that made no sense. Of laboratories that no longer existed, of DNA tests long considered archaic and unnecessary. Of the one discovery that would lead them to this moment. It was all gibberish to her passion-clouded mind, but she let him talk.

"The Medical Board has been lying to you."

Connor's kisses on her pussy deepened, punctuating each one of Trevor's words. A sigh flew from Isy's lips. Her chest heaved as heat gathered in her cunt, bringing her closer and closer to climax.

"They've been lying to all of you. Women over forty do not steal the seed of fertile men. That's a myth, hell, a whopper of an outright lie. But by mating with a man with potent seed, some of you gain enormous power. More power than the Board can explain. It scares them, Isy, because they can't understand or control it.
scare them."

She shook her head, helpless to respond with anything resembling a hint of logic.

"For the longest time, we weren't sure whether what we'd stumbled upon was real. Even now, it's only a hypothesis. One we think you can prove, Isy."

She slid her hand up and down Trevor's shaft, considering his words as best she could. “But
?” she asked for the third time. “Why me?"

The delicious pressure on her pussy eased, and Isy darted a glance Connor's way. Moonlight flickered over his chin, now slick with her juices. His lips glistened. A tremor made the muscles in her belly clench. It drifted lower, to her sex, and lodged there, causing her inner walls to pulse.

It wasn't fair that he could elicit the same response from her body with a mere stare as he could with his talented mouth.

"We fell in love with you,” Connor murmured, so softly Isy had to strain to hear him.

She barely stifled a gasp. Moonlight didn't quite reach his eyes, but she knew they had to hold that same touch of darkness she'd glimpsed earlier. Only now she understood—it hadn't been arrogance or obstinacy at all. It had been longing. Deep, tumultuous longing for someone he couldn't have.

For her.

"The play,” she heard herself say, though the words no longer formed inside her mind but simply streamed from her lips. “It was about me."

Dear God.
The woman she'd been jealous of, the one Connor loved and longed for, was
all along.

She caught sight of Trevor nodding. “We had multiple candidates at first, women we thought might be persuaded to believe us. You were one of them. I had a small camera on me each time we met, and a microphone. We wanted to learn everything about you. But the more we got to know you, the more things changed for us. None of the others compared to your intelligence. Your beauty. Your inherent sweet nature."

"This is insane,” she whispered. “You're mad."

"Madly in love with you,” Connor said. His thumb formed tiny circles around her hardened clit, sending multiple tremors deep into her cunt. “You have no idea what it felt like to watch you with Trevor, to hear your voice, to know I couldn't touch you or be with you."

"Since I'm older, we knew I'd attract less attention by being in your presence.” Trevor pinched one of her nipples between his fingers. Isy moaned and tossed her head back. “Letting Connor near you would have raised too many questions, sparked too much gossip."

"So you made sure I went to him instead,” Isy said, all the missing pieces finally clicking together in her head. “You sent the fax this morning."

"I knew you wouldn't question the assignment, so I made it look like the Medical Board sent it. Forgive me."

Forgive you? But you haven't done anything wrong.

Trevor must have read her response in her eyes because he bent his head and claimed her mouth in a smooth glide. Infinitely gentle, he trailed his tongue along the seam of her lips, urging her to open to him. As she did, she felt Connor's mouth on her pussy again, his tongue caressing her cleft, delving deep into the slick, swollen folds of her pussy.

They thought she was the answer to mankind's prayers. That by fucking her, they might unleash some dormant supernatural power inside of her.

It sounded like they'd come up with a far-fetched theory, something right out of the yellowed pages of an old comic book. Where was the science? The proof?

Liquid warmth seeped from her channel. Connor's talented tongue swirled around her entrance, while his fingertip slowly rubbed the tender flesh around her pebbled clit.

Trevor slanted his head, deepened the kiss. Isy moaned into his mouth and gripped his shaft harder, tugging on the delicate skin.

She broke the kiss first and pushed him away. He didn't fight her when she leaned in and framed his groin between her hands, or when she gripped his hips and pulled him toward her.

BOOK: Dirty Love
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