Dirty Dom: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Dirty Dom: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance)
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like I got here just in time. Playdate’s leaving. That sounds fucking awful. At least the parents aren’t out numbered. Two women, two kids, it can’t be that bad. The little girl shrieks as her mother tries to buckle her in. She’s got a voice on her! I wince at the ringing in my ears. I guess it can be that bad.

At least my doll has a boy. Boys have gotta be easier than girls. I scowl watching the car leave. What the fuck am I even thinking about this shit for. I just came to check on my doll and make a few things clear.

She’s mine now.

I guess that’s only one thing, but still. I need her to agree to that. And then I can play with Becca and see just how rough my doll likes it. I palm my dick, thinking about that ass. Fuck yeah, I’m definitely getting in there tonight. Women don’t usually get to me, but this one has. I gotta fuck her out of my system, and she’s definitely down to fuck.

I walk up the sidewalk to her house and stand next to a car pretending to look at my phone. I’ve never stalked a person before. That’s not what I do. I know a guy to call if I need someone found. But, I’m feeling a little awkward at the moment. She kicked my ass out a few hours ago, she’s probably giving her son a bath, or reading stories, or just fucking watching Rugrats with him. I don’t fucking know. I’m not going to knock.

Fuck that.

I grimace not knowing what to do. I always have a plan of some sort. But I’m flying by the seat of my pants for this broad. When she puts the kid to bed, that’s the time to pay her a visit. But I don’t know his bed time. I don’t know any of that shit. I run my hand down my face. Am I really going to creep around her house to figure out if she’s putting him down for bed? I think about knocking on the door and her standing there with the little guy on her hip. Yeah, I’m gonna fucking peek. I need to take a look and see what’s going on in there.

Yeah I'm not into playing connect four with the little guy. Not when all I want is to get some pussy. She's really gotten under my skin. I need to fuck this broad out of my system.  

I walk to the backyard. No fence so that's easy.  I slink around the corner of the house. Probably looking conspicuous as fuck. Can't fucking help that. I don't think anyone saw me though. It's pretty dark so I stay in the shadows. 

She's got a nice deck. Real fucking nice. A sunken in hot tub, the cover is covered in leaves from the oak trees lining her property.  They look like they've been there for a year.

There's a giant trampoline in the back that's covered with netting. I huff a laugh. 

She seems cautious.  Protective.  I like that but she also seems uptight. Except when it comes to fucking. 

My chest rumbles with approval and I have to readjust my hardening dick. I have to admit she brings out a virile side of me. A primitive need I don't think I've ever felt. I fucking love it. I’m not sure how long it will last, but I'm sure as fuck going to enjoy it while I can.  

The stairs to the deck are on the two sides - not smart.  Anyone could sneak on up to her deck and get to the glass sliding doors to her kitchen easy. Someone like me.  I keep my steps even and stay quiet as I move up the stairs.  I take a peek inside. I don't want to startle my doll, I just wanna see if the coast is clear. 

Her kitchen is pristine. Other than a pizza box sitting on the blue speckled marble counter, there's nothing out of place. Steel pots hang above a massive island.  Her gas stove is large enough to cook for a dozen people easy.  This woman is serious about her cooking. That reminds me about her restaurant.  I'll have to head over tomorrow and check it out.  Too busy today at the office. I cringe remembering how a jerk off tried to convince me that he needed more time.  What he needed to do was stop wasting his wife's hard earned money on gambling. That's what he needed to do. I'm sure he won't be doing that shit anymore. Not after today.

I take a few steps in front of the glass.  I can see the living room from the kitchen and there are stairs on the right that lead to a down stairs.  

I can't hear or see either of them though. I look at the handle to the glass door and wonder if she'd leave it open.  She better not.  She seems too smart for that.  I take a tug and sure enough it's locked. 

Good girl.

I press my ear to the door but I can't hear a damn thing. 

I almost leave, but then I see her. I stand perfectly still. I can't even fucking breathe. 

What the fuck am I doing?  It hits me this very second that I'm gonna look like a psychopath if she sees me.  I push my grin down, afraid that even that will alert her to my presence. She’s making me fucking crazy. And I fucking love it. I never have to work this hard for anything.

A broad smile appears on her face as she raises her hand and wags her finger. Her eyebrows raise and I can clearly read the word “bedtime” as she disappears from view.

Fuck yeah it is. Time for me to take her to bed. As soon as she’s gone back to, I assume her son’s room, I sneak back around to the front and wait on the door step. I immediately send a text.

I want you right now. – Dom 8:11

I know I’m gonna need to wait a minute while she puts her son back to bed. I’m not a very patient man. I lean against the wall of her front porch and frown at the text. I shouldn’t have added Dom. She’s already got my number programed in her phone. I should know, since I put it in there. I roll my shoulders and crack my neck before crossing my arms. Any minute now. I look down waiting for the delivered text to be seen.

What the fuck is wrong with me? She’s got me all tied up over her. I shake my head feeling like a little bitch. This isn’t me. I don’t sneak out to women’s houses and second guess my text messages. Fuck, no! I send them a text and they come running to me. What is it about this broad that has me wrapped around her little finger? Just as I push off the wall and consider leaving, my phone beeps.

I shouldn’t. I’m sorry. 8:15

I stare at the text. That’s interesting. She doesn’t want her dirty little secret anymore? No, that’s not it. She wants me. I fucking know she wants me. Before I respond another text comes through.

I really can’t. I’m sorry for earlier. 8:15

Sorry for earlier? What the hell does that mean? For kicking my ass out the second she came on my dick? That better be what she meant. I think about how to tell her she’s going to be apologizing for that shit on her knees while she chokes on my cock, but she sends another.

We just aren’t good for each other. 8:16

I know it’s just sex to you, but I can’t do that. 8:17

It’s just that I’ve just lost my husband. 8:17

Well … you already know that. 8:17

This broad really doesn’t care about excessive text messages. I run my hand down my face. What the hell am I doing?

I don’t mean that as a bad thing – just too soon. 8:18

I finally message her back before she can continue this one sided conversation.

Stop over thinking it. I wanna fuck. Now. 8:18

She responds immediately:

I’m sorry I can’t. 8:19

I smirk at the phone. The fuck she can’t. She was pretty quiet earlier. We won’t wake up her son. I’ll just cover her mouth while she cums.

Yes, you can. 8:20

I didn’t come all this way not to get laid. And I want that ass. I decide to make it easy on her.

I’m here. Come let me in. 8:21

I’m not taking no for an answer. She’s obviously uptight, in her own little world. And I’m not the guy she usually dates. That’s fine. I don’t mind. She’s not my usual type either. But this is just sex. Hot sex. I palm my erection. I want. She wants it. She’s just got to get out of her own head.

I grin at her as she opens the door. She must’ve changed after putting her son to bed. She’s wearing a robe now. Black cotton. Simple and ends at her knees. She’s clutching it to her chest as she opens the door for me to come in.

“What are you doing here Dom?” I don’t like her tone.

“I told you, I want you.”

She bites her lip and closes the door as I stand in her living room. I take a good look at her. Her make up’s off and she looks tired as hell. Still fucking beautiful, even more so. She doesn’t wear a lot of makeup, not that I remember, but without it her natural beauty shines through. Her hazel eyes are a little larger, her lips, pale and plump from scrubbing her lipstick off. Her cheeks are flushed, although that could be for a different reason.

She swallows and runs her hand through her hair looking at the floor. She looks uncertain; she looks like she’s coming up with excuses. I’m not gonna let that happen. I’m not done with her. She walked into my office, into my life. I’m not letting her leave so easy. Not when I’ve only had a small taste.

“Don’t say anything.” My voice interrupts her thoughts and her eyes spark with desire as she licks her lip. Her mouth parts, but my doll is obedient. She presses her lips together and nods.

“Good girl.” I step closer to her and grab her hip in my right hand, pulling her body to me and wrap my left arm around her back to fist the hair at the nape of her neck. It won’t hurt when I tug it. But it’ll give me the control I need to make this perfectly clear to her.

“You’re mine doll. When I want you, I’ll have you.” She knows the word to say to stop this. But she won’t. She wants this just as much as I do. The question is, just how fucking dirty does she want it? I smirk at her and pull her hair back so I can kiss her neck. I run my teeth along her neck and up her throat before squeezing her lush ass. Her breasts rise and fall with her shallow breathing.

I loosen my grip and take her lips with mine. Her plump lips are soft and mold to mine. She parts them and I take a moment to massage my tongue along hers. She moans into my mouth and that’s all I can take. I pull back and smack her ass. “Bedroom.”

She leads the way down the hall and up the stairs, quietly. Very quietly. I can tell when we get to her son’s room because she looks back at me with hard eyes and clenched fists and walks with slow deliberate steps. “Relax mama bear, we won’t wake him up.” I whisper in her ear and give her hips a squeeze. “I’ll just have to find something to put into that loud mouth of yours.” Her cheeks flush a beautiful red hue and her pace speeds up at my threat.

That thought turns her on. I smirk at her back as we near the last door on the right. I bite my lip and come up with a plan. Her panties. I’m definitely going to shove her panties in her mouth. That’s fucking happening.

Instead of opening the door, she hesitates and looks back down the hall. I give her ass a pat and open the door myself. At first I’m confused. This can’t be her room. It’s too dark, too masculine. I just can’t see my doll in here. But whatever I guess, if there’s a bed it’s good enough.

“Strip, now.” I don’t waste a fucking second and start unbuttoning my shirt and ripping off my clothes.

A robe and panties, that’s it. Fuck yes. The simple robe drops to the floor and pools around her feet. She looks anxiously at the bed.

“Uh uh, doll,” I admonish her. “Panties too. Then get up there and get on all fours for your punishment.”

Her mouth parts with a gasp, but she’s so fucking obedient even while she’s stunned by my words her thumbs hook into her panties and drops them to her feet. She steps out and climbs onto the bed. I groan as she lifts her milky white ass into the air. It’s firm, but I can tell a hard pounding will get it to jiggle. I stroke my dick, fuck yes. First I’ve got to spank that ass for her being so rude earlier.

I climb behind her and push her back down with my hand. She presses her cheek to the bed and looks back at me. Waiting for her next direction. She’s so fucking good. I loved her fight earlier. But her submission is even better. At least right now.

“Are you going to take your punishment like the good girl I know you are?” I’m so fucking condescending with this tone as I gently stroke and then squeeze her ass. She moans a yes into the pillow. She’s turned on and primed already. Her pretty, pink pussy lips are just barely seen through her thighs. “You wet for me?” I ask as I gently run my two fingers along her lips. My eyes nearly roll back in my head. “You’re fucking soaking.”

I squeeze her ass rather than spank it. Shit. I forgot about the kid. How the fuck am I going to spank her without making any noise. It’s not going to happen. Fuck.

“You know you were a bad girl today. Do you know why?” I bet she gets this wrong. I bet she says for fighting me. But that wasn’t bad at all. I fucking loved that.

“For kicking you out.” I’m fucking floored.

“That’s right doll.” I run my fingers down her back and leave a trail of feather light kisses down her spine.

“I’m sorry Dom. I’m ready for my punishment.” Fuck she’s so good. I line up my dick with her hot entrance and slam in. Not at all in punishment. Fuck that, this is all reward. I stay deep inside her, buried to the hilt and give her tight pussy a second to adjust to me. Her cervix wraps around the head of my dick and begs me to fucking pound into it as it squeezes me. It takes everything in me to stay still. Her face is hidden in the sheets as she muffles her scream.

“Quiet doll.” I grip her hips with both hands. I wanna be rough. I wanna fuck her raw and hard into the mattress. It won’t hurt her knees now like it would have earlier on the carpet. Although maybe my Becca would like to have the reminder of me pounding into her tight little pussy. I wrap her hair around my wrist all the way to the nape and pull her head to the side, my dick still deep inside her cunt. “Don’t make a fucking sound while I punish this pussy.” I hiss into her ear. She lets out a small whimper and closes her eyes. I grip her hair tighter. “Open your eyes and watch.”

There’s a dresser to our left with a big fucking mirror attached. She can watch as I destroy her tight little cunt. My other hand targets her throbbing clit. I smack it a few times and watch as she opens her mouth in a silent scream. Her eyes watch me in the mirror. I lean down and whisper in her ear with one more smack against her clit. “Watch me own this pussy.”

BOOK: Dirty Dom: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance)
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