Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (3 page)

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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Twan and Tonio were twins who still believed
in dressing identically. I thought the shit was just for show until
I realized those bamma niggas were dressing alike all the time.
They were twenty seven and I couldn’t figure out why they were
still dressing alike I wasn’t feeling it. The twins hustled and
lived around Lincoln Heights, one of the most notorious projects in

Twan was the better looking twin, but he
wasn’t shit in the bedroom. He had a dick the size of a toddler’s.
He couldn’t eat pussy and he would almost always bust a nut after
three strokes – give or take a stroke. Shit, fucking him was so bad
that I would just lay there and wonder how the hell I could let him
slither his trifling ass on top of me, pump three times, and then
roll over snoring like he just put in that work. That shit had gone
on long enough!

“I hope Tonio bring his fine ass on girl. I
want some of that!” NiQue said, winding her body like she was a

NiQue was sprung for Tonio. He only wanted
to see her after dark and behind closed doors. She was so clueless
it was almost comical. He just dicked her down and went on about
his business. NiQue was convinced that they were in a relationship.
My girl needed to open her eyes about that nigga instead of her
legs. She got like that when she was dating someone new.

“Who cares about either one of those ratchet
niggas? We are supposed to be trying to find some new goodies. I
ain’t wasting an outfit to be hanging around Twan. Girl, all the
niggas that’s going to be up at Ana with their bikes…I’m trying to
go for a ride bitch, and it won’t be on Twan’s lil dick!”

We both cracked up laughing as we walked to
the counter to pay for our items. We shopped for a few more hours
before deciding to make our way back towards Georgetown. When we
arrived home, Christa was milling around the family room and I was
not particularly happy to see her tired ass.

“Is that all you do? Spend money? Wait and
see…he will cut you off the way he cut me off.” She mumbled;
referring to the bags filled with all of the items I had just
purchased. She was high as gas prices. I knew Christa was trying to
cause a scene and I had been doing really well not falling for her

“He will not cut me off.” I simply stated. I
wasn’t trying to get into an argument with her. I knew she was
looking for anything to use as ammo to have Daddy on her side so
she could post up a little longer. “I am in no mood for your shit
today lady, so I advise you to get out of our way.”

NiQue and I tried to get around her and up
the staircase. Christa stepped in my path and grabbed me by my arm
with a force I never knew she could have in that frail ass frame of

“Look here little girl, before all is said
and done ‘round here, I will have all that you took from me. You
owe me and I will get everything due to me.” She said coldly.

I dropped my bags on the parquet floor and
stepped up to Christa. I used one hand to back her into a wall and
I grabbed her around her throat with the other hand.

“Maybe you don’t understand, this is my
house bitch, and if you think you are going to be here much longer
you got me fucked up!”

I was shaking Christa. She had long since
let go of the hold she had on my arm. Instead she was gasping for
air and clutching at my hand around her neck.

“I see through this bullshit you trying to
pull. Daddy may not see, it but I see it. Fuck it, I’ll kill you

I took my other hand and placed it alongside
the one that was cutting off her air supply. Christa started to
turn red and I wanted her dead. I wanted to watch her fall to the
floor lifeless. Just as I thought about snapping her neck like a
chicken, NiQue stepped in and grabbed me.

“Nooo…YaYa!” She cried. “Not here, not now,
we got company.”

I looked over my shoulder only to see my
new-found brother, Neko, watching me throttle and shake his
no-good-ass Momma like a dog in the street. I released my grip from
her throat and wanted to say something to Neko. The words wouldn’t
formulate. He just stood there looking from me to Christa and back

“What cha’ got in the bag for me?” He chimed
in trying to break up the bad scene.

“I might have something in here for you.” I
said hinting at the bags I had dropped in the confusion. I gathered
my belongings, and Neko and NiQue followed me up the stairs as if
nothing had even happened.

“Awww, shit! YaYa your
brother got it going on! Here try this.” NiQue said to him
handing him a black fitted cap that matched the jeans and
he was proudly

Neko looked happy and I was grateful that I
had the chance to spend time with him. Just when I thought my day
was going better, there was a knock on my bedroom door. I swung
open the door to find Christa on the other side of it with her bags
behind her.

“Neko, take off that silly
shit and come on let’s go!” She said like she was talking to a
child instead of a grown man. Her words cut through me like a
Where did she think she was going
with my brother?

“Christa, go ahead with all that. You know
you ain’t going anywhere and neither is he.” I said pointing to
Neko who stood off to the side looking for any reason to go with

“That’s my son, not yours. Neko, I know you
ain’t really considering staying here with all I have done for you.
Hell, I took care of you by myself all your life.” Christa
whimpered as she pushed her way into my room.

Neko just stood there off in the corner not
wanting to be taken from his new home and his newly-acquired
sister. He enjoyed the new life he had been given, and could not
see going back to the way things were before they had found me and
Daddy. Christa grabbed Neko and tried to exit my room. NiQue jumped
up and blocked the doorway and I got a few things off my chest.

“I don’t know what little games you think
you are playing Christa, but I don’t give a fuck if you leave;
better yet, take this as a warning: get out of my house in the next
twenty-four hours or you will live to regret it! As a matter of
fact, you won’t live to regret it!” I said cruelly. “Neko stays.” I
walked right past NiQue and flung the door open. “Neko, give me and
Christa a moment to talk.” I said while motioning for him to exit
the room.

He smirked before picking up his
newly-purchased clothes and shoes, and then headed out of the room.
Christa stood dumb founded, like she couldn’t believe her own flesh
and blood could toss her out on the streets. She became enraged
with the thought of being tossed out again, and like a wild animal,
she lunged at me. I was caught off guard for a moment, not really
recognizing what was about to go down, and NiQue quickly sprang
into action for me. She grabbed Christa and the scuffle began.

“You little ghetto trash…get the fuck off of
me!” Christa screamed. It was too late because NiQue had pinned
Christa down to the floor and began wildly slapping her like she
owed her money.

“You see bitch, you just brought your one
way ticket out of here!” I said icily.

I sauntered across the room and reached into
my night stand and pulled out my butterfly switchblade. Walking
over to the woman who gave me life, I stooped down beside her and
whispered the last thing she would ever hear.

“I’ll see you in hell Christa!”

With one swift motion, I slid the knife from
one side of her neck to the other with no remorse. Christa gargled
and tried to stop the blood that was flowing from the open incision
in her throat. What Christa didn’t know was that she had bred a
killer. NiQue covered Christa’s mouth to stop the sounds of her
choking on her own blood. She finally stopped thrashing around and
her grey eyes shut. She would never get another chance to hurt me
or my brother again.

NiQue, being the ride or die bitch she was,
dismounted Christa’s lifeless body and left the room. She came back
in seconds with an old blanket and a plastic table cloth we kept
for picnics. We spread the plastic tablecloth on the floor and
rolled Christa onto it. Luckily, years of drug abuse made it easy
for us. She had done so many drugs she couldn’t have weighed more
than 90 pounds. After wrapping her up in the plastic and blanket,
we moved her to the side. I went to the maid’s closet and retrieved
the mop and supplies to clean the wood floors.

I knew Daddy and Oscar were out, so getting
out of the house with Christa’s remains would be easy. Neko was
safe because the housekeeper was on duty and I left her
instructions to keep an eye on him. I gave her a “C” note and she
went off to finish her duties. I didn’t know how Neko might react
if he came looking for me or Christa and neither of us were there.
Even with him obviously having gone through a lot with Christa in
his lifetime, I could tell that he still loved her.

NiQue pulled her Denali around to the back
of the house. Together, she and I loaded Christa in the truck and
headed in silence to Ana. Nightfall was approaching and we drove
through the city of Downtown DC with Christa in the back of the

“NiQue pull over right here,” I instructed.”
I need to grab something.”

I had a plan. I stepped out of the truck and
surveyed my surroundings. After making sure no one was in the
construction lot where I made NiQue stop, I ran over to a pile of
concrete and began hauling blocks of cement to the truck. After
four trips and several pieces of cement later, I got back in the
truck and NiQue pulled off.

After several more minutes of driving,
nightfall fell upon us as we pulled into Anacostia Park. The park
was off limits after dark so we had to move fast. NiQue and I
removed Christa’s corpse and I tied thick plastic bags all around
her body. Then I inserted the cement into the bags and we dumped my
mother’s body into the Potomac. NiQue never questioned any of the
moves we made; she simply went with the flow. I got into the
driver’s side of NiQue’s truck and we pulled away. As we exited the
park and I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were
covered in grime from the cement blocks.

“Dammit! I broke a nail fucking around with
that bitch!” I said.

NiQue looked at me with a wide-eyed stare.
She finally said something after what seemed like an eternity.
“Where the fuck are you gonna’ go and have that fixed?”



Chapter 6

The Shrimp Boat

Benning Road and East Capitol Street

NE Washington, DC


After NiQue and I returned to Georgetown,
she decided she'd had enough excitement for the evening and she
left to head towards her own home. I hadn’t even remembered Neko
was in the house until I heard him knock on my door. He entered the
room looking a little frightened. Maybe he thought Christa would
walk in at any moment and demand that he leave with her.

“Hey Shorty, wassup?” I said trying to make
him relax a little. He found a clear spot on my bed and took a

“Nothing. Where’s Momma?” he asked. For the
first time, it dawned on me that I hadn’t really thought what my
explanation was going to be about her whereabouts.

“Neko, she is gone and it is better that way
anyway. You get to stay with me and Daddy.” I saw his eyes perk up
at that sound of that.

“Neko, she wanted me to take care of you.
You will like it here with us.”

I watched as Neko lay back on the bed like
he was buying the whole story. I knew I would have a tougher time
explaining what happened to Christa to my Dad, but that was
something I would try and think about when the time came. The clock
read midnight, and Neko was balled up in my bed. I couldn’t sleep.
Instead of the weed I had just smoked making me sleepy, it had me
on edge and I needed to find something to do. I decided a game of
pool would calm me. I left my room and ran straight into Daddy.

“Where’s Christa?” he asked.

I motioned for him to join me downstairs.
Once we were seated at the dining room table, I contemplated on how
to tell him she was gone and wasn’t gonna’ come back. “Daddy, she’s
gone.” I said trying to sound like I didn’t know what had happened
to her.

Daddy eyed me suspiciously. "Gone! She just
left? I checked her room and all of her shit is still in

“She and I had a fight in front of Neko, and
she said she was leaving with or without him." I started to sob
hoping he wouldn’t pry too much.

“YaYa, what is with all of the water works?
You don’t give a fuck ‘bout her. When did you start caring about
her leaving? For the past two months you tried to do everything in
your power to get the bitch out!”

I knew my father could see right through my
lies and I wanted to come clean. I started to crack my knuckles.
That is what I do when I am nervous. Daddy picked up on that

“YaSheema, would you like to tell me what
really happened that made Christa leave? I know there’s no way she
was just gonna’ pick up and leave and not take anything with her.”
He said calmly.

I knew I had better tell him or continue to
get drilled. “Daddy…” I started slowly. “I never meant for it to
happen. It just did. Christa and I got into another argument and
she tried to put her hands on me and I don’t know what happened. I
just reacted. I reached for my blade and I…” My voice cracked. I
stopped to look up at my father who stood emotionless. I was hoping
he wasn’t gonna make me tell the whole story but the look in his
eyes said he wanted details.

“I slit her throat and dumped her.” I
blurted out.

Daddy slid his chair out and walked to where
I was sitting. He looked at me with so much love that it confused
me. I had just confessed to killing my mother, and my father had
the nerve to act as though I had just told him I had gotten
accepted to Harvard.

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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