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Authors: Eve Vaughn

Dirty (9 page)

BOOK: Dirty
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On his way home, Paul had to pull over to the side of the road. His head pounded so badly he could barely think straight let alone make it the last ten miles home. Digging in his glove compartment
he pulled out a bottle of painkillers. Paul found a half empty bottle of water on the back floor
he wasn’t sure how long
had been there. It had to do for now. After swallowing down two pills and the stale water
he positioned the driver’s seat into recline.

As disconcerting
his meeting with Misha had been, all Paul could focus on was his last opponent. He didn’t want to release the guy. All he wanted to do was keep squeezing until the man no longer breathed and there was no logical reason why. Something within
Paul had
snapped as he lay on the ground being pummeled by a man much larger than him.

It made him remember how helpless he felt as a child when his father used him a
s a
. He got flashbacks to the many time his mother had to call in an excuse to school because his father had given him a black eye or had left visible bruises that might be questioned by a teacher or guidance counselor. It transported him to when he was ten and he lay curled in a ball while his father kicked the shit out of him for trying to protect his mother.

He remembered how many excuses he’d made for a broken bone or a fresh bruise and no one suspected
the injuries had come from an

upstanding citizen

like his father. No one believe
what a pile of steaming cow dung that man had been. And now he was out, free to live and do whatever the hell he wanted while his mother still lay six feet under. That the fucker had dared to contact Alyssa after what he’d put her through lit a fire in
that he wasn’t sure could be put out until he had his revenge. Misha’s late night fights were his outlet. Now that he was temporarily banned
he wasn’t sure where he’d unleash some pent up aggression.

He groaned, waiting for the painkillers to kick in when a thought hit him. A slow smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Sitting up
he reached for his cell and scanned through his contacts. Finding the one he was looking for
he typed in a quick message.

I’ll be by your place in 30. Be ready. And naked.

He then hit send.



Chapter Nine

Simone stared at her phone for the tenth time. She hadn’t imagined it although she almost wished that she had. It was just after midnight, but she had been up looking through invoices from the shop. Tanisha had called out of sick the past couple days and Simone wasn’t sure her friend would return. Since the inception of their friendship, Tanisha had always been outspoken and that was one of the things that she loved
out her zany friend. But there were plenty of times when her friend had overstepped her bounds with opinions that
often unsolicited. Still
Simone had never made a big deal about
. But when Tanisha had expressed genuine concern for her
Simone snapped.

she was mad at her friend for giving
her number out without permission. Besides Noelle, few people knew what a monster Frieda was because it wasn’t something Simone chose to advertise. Another part of her stress
from the desire to participate in self-destructive behavior. That episode in the seedy motel could have easily turned out a different way for her had she not been fast on her feet. But most of all, it bother
her that Paul occupied so much of her mind. He was just another man out to get what he wanted and normally
she had no problem with that. She took what she wanted from them and they from her. But with Paul,
things were different than she’d expected them to be

And that was where the conundrum lay, when she thought he was inaccessible to her, she avoided him at all costs. But now when she learned that he was
, she was disappointed, excited and scare
at the same time. Disappointed because she knew it would never last never last, excited because she would get to sate her baser needs with a steady partner
scared because she wasn’t sure if her spirit would remain intact after it was all over.

To teach him a lesson, she should have left her house and so she wouldn’t be
here when he arrived just so
know he couldn’t contact her any time he wanted to. But here she was, waiting and ready, wondering what he’d do next to her. That little taste
the back of her shop
left her curious.

With another glance at her clock
she saw that he’d be there in five minutes. She’d taken a shower already but Simone went to the bathroom to freshen up again. As she finished up, she heard the doorbell and headed to the door. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and froze. She had no expectation as far as Paul’s appearance went because she’d never seen him look anything other than well put together. The sight of him at that moment however was enough to make her want to call an ambulance.

Under most circumstances, she might have appreciated seeing him in
pair of gray sweat pants that hung low on his hips
exposing the top of his pelvic bones and the way the plain white tee with rolled up sleeves clung to his broad chest
showing off tight muscles. His hair was in disarray which gave him a slightly dangerous look. What gave her pause
was his face. Paul looked as if he’d run into a brick wall. His bottom lip was split and there was a large purplish bruise on the side of his
face the
size of a large fist.

what happened?”

Instead of answered
he narrowed his gaze and gave her a slow perusal from head to toe. “I thought
I told you to be naked.”

Simone clutched the silk bathrobe she wore. All she had on beneath were panties. She licked her lips with the tip of her tongue to moisten them. Before she had a chance to answer him, Paul pushed his way
and closed the door with his foot. He pulled her into his arms and buried his face against her neck. “You smell good. So sweet.”

He grinded his thick erection between the juncture of her thigh
. Feeling the hard wall of his chest squeezed so tightly against her breasts sent an unexpected heat sweeping through her body. Her nipples tightened to hard pebbles. She should have pushed him away for his non greeting but all Simone could think about was what he’d do next to her. He ran his large hands along her back, massaging her spine and making her skin tingle.

Simone clung to him, enjoying the feel of his body next to hers. Paul moved his hands lower until they cupped her ass pulling her closer yet, grinding his cock between the juncture of her thighs. “You have no idea how much I’ve been thinking about this,

he groaned in between nibbling her ear.

She moaned. “That’s funny since I haven’t heard from you in a few days.”

“Had somethings to take care of but trust me, you were never far from my mind.”

Hearing him admit that sent an unexpected thrill coursing through her body. “Let’s go to the bedroom

“No. I want you right here. Right now.”

She stiffened. “Against the wall.”

“I want you against the wall, on the floor, on the couch, on the kitchen table. By the time I’m finished with you, there won’t be a spot in this house where you won’t think of me.” Paul tugged at the belt on her robe and pushed the material aside to expose her breasts to his hungry gaze.

Simone shivered underneath the intensity of his stare, wanting him to touch her but not quite knowing how to ask. Paul
seemed to need no invitation. He cupped her breasts in his palms, caressing her nipples with the pads of his thumb. She began to shiver uncontrollably. His calloused palms created a delicious friction that sent sharp sensations of pleasure to her core. Her panties were getting damp and her pussy throbbed. Paul seemed to know exactly how to handle her body to get a response
as if he were a musician and she his instrument.

Lowering his head, he caught a nipple between his teeth and gave it a sharp bite.

“Oh,’ Simone cried out
more in shock than in pain.

“That’s for not being naked at the door like I asked you to be.

He ran his tongue around the taut tip, soothing the ache with his saliva before taking another nip. “And that’s just a reminder.”

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he guided Simone to the ground. He was on top of her before she could fully appreciate what was happening. Paul planted aggressive kisses on her face and neck, while avoiding her lips before beginning a descent down the center of her body. He licked, bit and sucked each inch of her skin like a man starving.

Simone was just as hungry for his caresses. It was rare that anyone could draw these feelings from her as easily as Paul. He circled her navel with his tongue before catching the hem of her panties with his teeth and them pulling them down her thighs. As if he’d gotten impatient to have her fully undressed, Paul gripped her underwear and ripped them off.

Eager to feel his
tongue between
her thighs again, she spread her legs for him, silently granting him access. Paul seemed to have other plans however. Instead of giving her pussy the attention she craved, he nibbled and licked her inner thighs sending a trail of liquid fire along her nerve endings that made her toes curl. He kissed all around her pussy, avoiding it.

Simone wiggled uncontrollably from the need to have his mouth on her. “Please.”

Paul raised his head with a mischievous gleam in his blue gaze. “So eager for it
aren’t you
Tell me how much you want this. Tell me you want my mouth on your cunt.”


“No, you have to ask for it properly.”

“I want you
mouth on me, Paul. I can’t stand it.”

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her wet passage. She jerked and writhed in response to the intimate touch of his mouth. “You’ve been bad Simone and bad girls don’t get rewarded. I think you need to be fucked. Hard.” Kneeling between her legs, he placed on
leg over

gently reminded him.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got us covered.” He dug into his pants pocket and pulled out a small silver packet. “You didn’t think I’d take you unprotected
I probably have more cause to worry about you than you do from me. I’m not the one who likes back alley fucks.”

If he would have
a bucket of ice water on her, it wouldn’t have had any greater an affect
his casually thrown insult. And the sad part was, he probably didn’t realize how hurtful his statement was. The desire that she felt only seconds before slowly ebbed away, but she didn’t stop him as he ripped the condom packet open and pushed his pants low enough to set his cock free. Simone didn’t
get a
chance to appreciate the length and the
of him before Paul sheathed his cock with the condom
before placing
it at against her slit.

“You’re so slick and ready for me that you needed little prep because you just can’t get enough
can you

Simone wanted to ask him why he was saying these things but thought it best to keep her feelings inside. Paul slid inside of her with one smooth thrust
stretching her walls beyond what she was accustomed to. His thickness to
her by surprise.

“You like that don’t you
? You’ve
have been waiting for this.”

She closed her eyes against the smug satisfaction on his face. She bit her lip to keep herself from crying out because as much as she wanted to dislike this after what he’d just said, she didn’t. Having him inside of her somehow felt natural
like this was how things were supposed to be. But the way he’d talked
her, made Simone realize she was just a random pussy for

She wasn’t sure how long
lay locked together, with Paul buried so deep inside of her, she could feel him in every single inch of her body
. But
as the silence stretched and he didn’t move, she opened her eyes to see why he hadn’t.

“That’s right, keep your eyes open because when I take you, I want you to know it’s me. I want you to scream my name at the top of your lungs and I want you to tell me how much you like being fucked like this
by me
.” He pulled back until just the tip was inside of her and then shoved himself back into her with a force that robbed Simone of breath.

She braced herself for another assault but instead he slid back in nice and slow
spot just the right way. A whimper escaped her lips and Paul moved back and forth, gently at first. He reached between her legs and plucked her clit which sent a jolt of desire bursting within her. Paul captured her swollen button between his thumb and forefinger without missing a bit.

“You’re so fucking tight. You were made for this. Made for fucking. Your cunt fits around my cock so tight and you’re leaking all over the place
aren’t you?”

“Paul,” she whimpered, wanting to tell him to stop speaking. It was better when he didn’t because then she could actually pretend that he actually had a shred of respect for her.

“That’s right. My name
Paul. Not some nameless guy in an alley, not some random
you probably let screw you in the back seat of a car. I’m Paul. Say my name again.”

Simone shook her head back and forth, wanting to hate him
what he said but in reality she hated herself, hated that she allowed herself to get into these situations without clearly thinking them through.

A dark shadow fell over his face as Paul narrowed his eyes. She wasn’t sure what was going through his mind but he seemed pissed. He pinched her clit with enough pressure that made it almost hurt, but it was the kind of pain that also felt good. “Say it or else I’ll stop.”

cried out when he plowed into her
, she thought
she could feel him hit her cervix.

“That’s right. Like I said before
you are mine for as long as I want you. And so that there’s no doubt in either of our minds whose pussy this is
I want you to beg for it.”

BOOK: Dirty
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