Read Diesel (Aces MC Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

Diesel (Aces MC Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Diesel (Aces MC Series Book 1)
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Chapter 8


I woke the following morning to the smell of a cooked
breakfast. I rolled over to an empty bed which saddened me. It would’ve been
nice to snuggle up to Diesel and spend the morning in bed together. I sat up
slowly and swung my legs over the mattress to snuggle my feet into my warm

As I sat on the edge of the bed I started to think about last
night’s events. One thought was more prominent than others, which was of
Diesel’s reaction when I spoke about being a virgin. I didn’t know if this
would now change things between us.

Diesel was thirty-two and had a wealth of life and sexual
experiences in comparison to me, I didn’t want him now to see me as just a
little girl. I slowly got up and walked over to the wooden chair in the corner
of the room, gathering my dressing gown. I put the floral robe on, fastening
the belt around my waist and immediately felt better by covering some of my
bruises. I was starting to ache so I made my way into the kitchen to take my
pain relief.

“Morning sleepy head.” A very cheerful Amy said as she put
bacon upon the plates lined on the kitchen work top. I noticed that there were
three places set at the kitchen table, with paper napkins, condiments and
glasses full of orange juice.

“Morning Amy. Where’s Diesel?” I asked looking around and
down the hallway. She started to carry the plates over to the table. “He had to
go to the club early this morning so asked Jimmy and I to look after you.” She
carried the final plate over to the table and sat down comfortably, applying brown
sauce to her plate.

I walked over to the sink, pouring myself a glass of water
so that I could take my tablets. “Something smells good!” Jimmy said as he
walked further into the kitchen, sitting himself down at the table. I watched
as Jimmy scoffed his breakfast, clearing his plate in record time. He pointed
to my plate, “Are you not eating yours?” I smiled at him, “Although it smells
and looks great, I’m just not hungry. Sorry Amy.” I said holding my tummy.
“That’s fine, guts ache will eat it.” She said with a snigger, looking over at
Jimmy eating the food as quickly as the first plate.

“What’s the plan today then?” Jimmy asked pushing his plate
away from him and rubbing his tummy appreciating the breakfast Amy had cooked. “Doc
said I had to take it easy. So it looks like, films and chocolate. What do you
say?” Amy stood and started to clear the plates. “That sounds like heaven to
me.” She said with a wink. “Jimmy, I hope you like romance films because you
are in for a treat today.” We both giggled at Jimmy’s expression.

We had already watched ‘Dirty Dancing’ and were now half way
through ‘Pretty Woman’. I looked over at Jimmy who looked like he wanted to
stick forks in his eyes much to my amusement. All this romance was driving him
mad making me chuckle. My phone vibrated so I quickly retrieved it from my

How U doing Ink? I hope Amy and Jimmy R looking after
U. D x

His text made me smile and the butterflies were back. Ever
the alpha male looking out for me but it was the way he signed off his text.

Doing well, thank you. Boring Jimmy with romance
films! Ink x

I thought it was about time I started to use the name he’d
given me.

LOL. I’ll B home around 4ish. D x

Home! God that felt good him saying that. I knew things were
moving fast but it just felt so right.

Can’t wait to C U. Ink x

I put the phone back into my pocket. “What you smiling at?”
Damn it! Amy had caught me smiling to myself. “Was that lover boy?” She asked
moving so that she was sitting next to me on the sofa. “Yeah, he said he’ll be
around four this afternoon.” I left the statement hanging in the air to see if
she picked up upon the fact that he had called it home. “Home!” She said
raising her eyebrows and giving me a light hug. “That man has got it bad, baby

Diesel was true to his word and arrived at 4.00pm. He
brought pizzas so that we didn’t have to cook which was a nice treat. “I’m
stuffed!” Amy said rubbing her tummy. “Come on Jimmy, you can take me home.”
Jimmy jumped up from his seat at the kitchen table looking around for his keys.
Diesel smiled shaking his head at Jimmy’s reaction. I stood giving both Amy and
Jimmy a hug. “Thank you for looking after me today.” Amy smiled sweetly,
“That’s what families are for.” Her comment surprised me and Diesel saw the
questioning look on my face as he slipped his arm around my waist. They left
closing the door behind them, giggling like young teenagers.

Diesel kissed me lightly on the temple, “You go and relax on
the sofa Ink. I can clean up here.” He let go of my waist leaving my side and
started to clear away the plates. I couldn’t help but think how domesticated
this all was, like we were a proper couple. We hadn’t openly discussed our
relationship but he was now sleeping at my apartment. Did this mean that we
were now dating or did he feel obliged to look out for me?

I slowly made my way into the living room and settled on the
sofa, pulling a light weight blanket over me as it had turned a little chilly. I
could hear Diesel finishing up in the kitchen but my eyes betrayed me as they became
heavy and I could feel myself slowly falling asleep.

“Ink, I need to move you to the bedroom babe.” I opened my
eyes slowly, Diesel was lifting me gently from the sofa. I leant into him,
snuggling against his hard chest. He carried me into my bedroom and placed me
on the bed, pulling the cover up over me to keep me warm. “Are you coming to
bed?” I asked sleepily. He looked torn as to what to do, which I found strange.
He came back over to the bed and lay on the covers, gently putting one arm
around me holding me close. “You need to get your rest babe.” He said quietly,
stroking my hair so that it was out of my face. I was enjoying the close
contact but I was exhausted and drifted slowly to sleep.

I woke the following morning to the same routine and this
continued throughout the week. Amy and Jimmy came to babysit and Diesel would
come home around dinner time with various takeaways. Every evening he would put
me to bed and lay with me for a while but he wouldn’t initiate anything. What
was wrong with him? Didn’t he want me?

It was now Thursday evening, twelve days after my attack. I
was feeling better although still sore. Diesel had put me to bed again and had
left me alone, to snooze on the sofa rather than lay with me. I shouldn’t moan,
he’d been perfectly attentive, looking after my needs. Well not all of them! I
was craving for his touch but he wasn’t interested or prepared to discuss
further. I picked up my phone and contacted the only person I thought could
help me.

Got an issue. R U OK to chat? Ink x

I didn’t have to wait long for a response.

R U OK? Do U need me 2 come over?

Not that kind of issue, it’s more personal. Has Diesel
spoken 2 U about me? Ink x

Regarding what?

Sex! Ink x

His response didn’t come as quickly as the other messages.

Try talking 2 Diesel about this.

Have tried, he’s not interested. Has he mentioned why?
Ink x

You’re putting me in a situation!

I know. That’s why U love me! Is it coz I’m a virgin?
Ink x

I waited for his response already knowing the answer.


Thank U Spike. I O U 1 x

What for?

I now know what I need 2 do!

And that is?

;-) x

And with that, I put my phone into my bag and settled back
into bed. Tomorrow was another day and I was going to rectify my situation.

Chapter 9


I thought I would be incapacitated for a lot longer than I
was. Doc visited frequently to examine me and give the required pain relief. I
was now moving around much easier, although I was still in a lot of pain. The
bruises were fading and I could now cover the marks on my face with make-up. I had
decided to pay Diesel a visit today at the garage and thought that I would take
him lunch as a surprise.

Things had been a little strained over the past two weeks,
especially after my little outburst in the kitchen about my sexual experiences
or lack of! It was like he was handling me with kid gloves. We spooned most
nights but when I tried to make a move on him or talk about sex, he clammed up or
would mention not wanting to hurt me due to my injuries. I was sick of being
treated like a baby, I was a woman with needs!

I took a long hot shower carefully shaving every part of my
body which took a lot longer than normal because of my injuries. I took extra
time applying my make-up and blow dried my hair leaving it down just how Diesel
liked it. The bruises around my wrists had also faded but I still put on a
little concealer to make sure they couldn’t be seen. I put on my skinny jeans
and a black vest top with a plunging neck line and topped this off with my
leather jacket. After assessing myself in the mirror I liked what I saw and was
hoping that Diesel would too.

I packed the sandwiches, crisps and chocolate cake that I’d
prepared into my rucksack and went into the living room. Jimmy looked me up and
down, “You look hot, Harlow. Diesel won’t be able to resist.” Jimmy was privy
to my plan but his comment made me feel good making me smile, not a false smile
like I’d been putting on for the last few weeks but a full teeth showing smile.
I hugged him, much to his surprise. “Thank you Jimmy, I appreciate that.” He
looked confused but smiled and took my rucksack.

We walked outside, “Your chariot awaits.” Jimmy pointed
towards the Harley. How the hell was I getting on that in my condition and
wearing these fucking tight jeans. I smiled not wanting to look ungrateful and
walked over to the bike running my hand along the seat. Jimmy was doing me a
favour but when I asked him for a lift, I thought he would use his brain and
borrow the clubs 4x4.

It took a few attempts but I managed to swing my leg over
the seat, much to Jimmy’s amusement. “You having fun there?” I asked trying to
keep the humour out of my voice. “Erm...Sorry Harlow…I” I burst out laughing
watching Jimmy’s discomfort. “Now put that rucksack on my back and let’s get
out of here. It will be dinner time at the rate we’re moving!” Jimmy helped me
put my arms through the handles of the rucksack and then got comfortable on the
seat. “You ready to see your man?” He said mocking me. “I most certainly am,
Jimmy.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and we left for the garage.

10 minutes later, we pulled up outside the garage on the
grounds of the club house. Jimmy got off first and helped me, gently holding me
under my arms. “Thank you.” I said as he placed me down slowly. Jimmy wasn’t
the biggest of men, at nineteen he was still developing but he was strong
enough. As I turned I saw Diesel walking towards me rubbing his dirty hands on
a cloth with concern on his face.

“What you doing here babe?” Diesel said wrapping his arms
around my waist. I pointed to the rucksack on my back, “I’ve brought you and
the guy’s something to eat or you can just eat me instead.” I said with a wink.
Diesel quickly pulled away and I could see the internal struggle on his face.
“Oh for fucks sake Diesel, are you really turning me away again?” I stood there
with my hands on my hips. “When are you going to man up and fuck me?” I must
have been shouting because everyone in the garage stopped what they were doing
and turned to observe the standoff in front of them. I stood there crossing my
arms waiting for a response.

Diesel took the rucksack off my back flinging it across the
garage at Jimmy, who was now standing with Duke. “Sort the lunch out, we won’t
be long!” Diesel said angrily dragging me to his office. I turned to see Jimmy
and Duke high fiving. I caught Dukes eyes and he winked at me before the door
slammed shut.

Diesel took off his overalls and went into the bathroom to
wash his hands. The office was rectangular in shape with full length windows
lining one of the walls. He had a large hard wood desk with a leather swivel
chair in front of the windows. To my right there were several filing cabinets
and a green comfortable looking arm chair. The floor was tiled and the walls
were painted magnolia.

I stood there with my arms folded, waiting for him to return
from the bathroom. Diesel opened the door aggressively and stood there like he
was assessing the situation. He looked me up and down several times, shaking
his head from side to side. “You don’t want it like this Ink. I’ve tried to
stay away from you, waiting for you to heal properly. Your first time should be
special babe.” I could see the anguish on his face but I didn’t care.

I unfolded my arms and started to take off my jacket,
throwing it onto the arm chair by the wall. “Why are you the one to decide when
and where I get fucked?” I pulled my vest top over my head and unclipped my
bra, letting them fall to the floor. I could see by the lump in his trousers
that he was getting aroused by my strip show. I unbuckled the front of my jeans
and started to slip them down my legs provocatively, stopping when they were
around my ankles, to slip off my boots. I was now standing in the middle of his
office in just my panties.

Diesel moved towards me, I knew he couldn’t stay away by the
glint in his eyes. He took my face in his hands and kissed me with such
passion, claiming my mouth, fucking me with his tongue. He picked me up and moved
me so that I was sitting on the edge of his desk. “Is this what you want babe?
Do you want to be fucked on my desk?” He asked between kisses. His dirty mouth was
turning me on “Yes Ethan, take me please.” I was begging him and could hear the
pleading in my voice.

He pushed everything off his desk in one swoop and it
clattered on the floor making a loud noise. He removed his t-shirt to reveal
his ribbed body. His tattoos covered his left arm and back which were amazing
and looked like a second skin.

Diesel started to unfasten his jeans revealing his large
glorious cock. I’d watched porn before and had seen a few cocks. I’d even given
a few hand jobs over the years but nothing prepared me for the sight in front
of me. His cock was huge and I was wondering how it was going to fit!

“Ink, this is your last chance babe.” Diesel said stroking
himself. “Take me please Ethan.” With those spoken words Diesel ripped off my
panties, throwing the remains on the floor. He spread my legs wide and inserted
two fingers inside me, taking me by surprise but making me moan with pleasure.
He moved them rhythmically and I could feel myself getting wet. Diesel pulled
his fingers out slowly and I felt like I was completely empty missing his touch
already. He positioned his cock at my entrance and slowly pushed inside me. I
screamed at the pain that ripped between my legs as Diesel took my virginity.

My heart rate increased and I held onto his biceps digging
my nails into his firm skin. He let me acclimatise to his length then started
to pound into me with a steady rhythm. “Is this what you wanted babe? Did you
want the rest of the guys to hear you being fucked, losing your virginity to

I couldn’t speak I was totally consumed by him. I wrapped my
legs around his waist and lay down on the desk. This allowed him to go deeper
which stung but felt so satisfying. My ribs were starting to hurt but I didn’t
care, I was totally consumed. I could feel my orgasm building, this was so

Looking into his eyes as he fucked me, I could see an array
of emotions. He continued to quicken his pace and I could feel myself building
towards an orgasm. “I’m gonna come Ethan.” I screamed, holding him tighter with
my legs. “That’s it Ink, call me by my real name when you come on my cock.”
That’s when I exploded, seeing tiny white spots all around as he continued to
fuck me. He grunted and started to slow his pace as he emptied his seed inside
me. We were both breathless, full of lust and desire holding each other whilst
we came down from such a high. I was totally consumed by what had just taken
place and was slowly falling in love with this wonderful man.


I slowly pulled out not wanting to hurt her. I quickly
pulled up my jeans and grabbed my t-shirt taking it into the small bathroom to
clean myself up. I looked in the mirror above the sink, shaking my head at my
What have you done, you stupid fuck!
I’d let my heart rule
my head again.

After composing myself, I entered my office to find Ink struggling
to put her clothes back on. Shit! I’d been too rough with her. “Come here babe,
I’ll help you.” Ink turned round to look at me. I couldn’t make out what her
expression meant but I ignored it and helped her put her top on as I could see
that she was in pain by the grimace on her face.

“We need to talk Ink.” She stopped what she was doing, “What
about?” She asked resting her hands on her hips taking her natural defensive
stance. “Maybe the most incredible fuck of my life! We start with that and see
where we go.” She started to chuckle and the tension started to leave my body.
I took her hand gently and strolled to the corner of the room sitting on the comfortable
arm chair. I pulled Ink onto my lap and she leant into my chest. I slowly stroked
her hair, making sure all of it was out of her face. She had such beautiful
hair, in fact she was just beautiful.

“Are you okay Ink?” She sat up turning around to look at me.
“I’m more than okay. Thank you.” She kissed me on the lips. What started as a
quick peck, turned into a full on kiss. She moved so that she was straddling my
lap and her soft hands caressed my face as she kissed me deeper. I could feel
myself getting aroused and had to pull away as I was ready to take her again. I
held her arms still, “We can’t do this again so soon Ink. You don’t realise it
now babe but you are going to be sore.” I pulled her up off of my lap. “Come
and have lunch with us, if there’s anything left.” Harlow bit her lip pondering
on what I’d just asked. “Are you sure they won’t mind?” God this woman was
cute. “Of course they won’t mind. You’ve made them lunch and have just given them
the best entertainment they’ve had in years.” I said with humour in my voice.
She blushed as I draped my arm around her, directing her out of the office.

We entered the garage to cheers and laughter from the rest
of the guy’s. I could see that Ink was getting embarrassed so I pulled her
closer, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. “We’ve saved you some lunch.
We thought you would need it after all that exertion!” Jimmy said as all of my
Brothers started laughing.

We sat at the picnic benches outside in the courtyard and I
pulled Ink onto my lap. There was the usual banter but it was good natured and
not malicious. At this moment in time I was the happiest I’d ever been.

After an hour had past Duke clapped his hands together. “Right,
as lovely as this all is, it’s time to get back to work.” Duke walked over to
Ink and placed a chaste kiss on the top of her head. “Thank you for a lovely
lunch. Jimmy take this woman home, she must be exhausted from all the excitement
this afternoon.” He gave her a wink and casually walked back into the garage.

I picked Ink up and carried her over to Jimmy’s bike,
placing her on the back. “Thank you for the surprise this afternoon.” I kissed
her again and was starting to realise how deep I’d fallen for her.

“Make sure you have a hot bath when you get home because
you’re gonna be sore.” Jimmy got onto the bike and I helped Ink to secure her
helmet. “See you tonight babe.” Harlow waved good bye as Jimmy pulled out of
the yard. I watched until they were out of sight.

“Come on Romeo, get back to work.” Duke shouted to the
amusement of the other guy’s. I walked back to the garage, shaking my head with
a huge smile on my face and a warm feeling inside.


We arrived at my apartment and Jimmy helped me off the bike
again. “Thank you Jimmy, I appreciate all of your help over the past few weeks.
I know you didn’t sign up to look after my arse.” We both laughed walking into
my apartment. “I do whatever the club asks me to do, to prove that I’m worthy
of wearing their colours.” He said this with such sincerity.

“You’re more than worthy of wearing their colours. What’s your
story Jimmy? How did you end up at the club so young?” I asked genuinely
interested. Jimmy put his hands into his jean pockets, “I had a shit upbringing.
Dad used to hit Mum on a regular basis. I couldn’t protect her and to be honest
she didn’t want to be saved. She still thought that she could change him.”
Jimmy shrugged his shoulders. “I left home, living on the streets committing
petty crimes to survive. One time inside I met Skinner. He use to talk about
the club all the time and told me to look him up on my release. The rest is
history.” He was so blasé about it all.

“Do you still see your parents?” I asked, hopeful that
things had turned out okay. “Nah, they haven’t changed. He still hits her so
it’s best to stay away.” He looked like he didn’t want to talk about it anymore
so I changed the subject. “I know we didn’t get off on the right foot but I now
consider you a close friend.” I hugged him but I grimaced because of the pain.
“Are you okay?” He asked looking at me with concern. “I’m fine, I just over did
it a little today.” We both burst out laughing.

“I’m gonna grab a bath and chill this afternoon, so you can
go Jimmy. Thank you again for today.” Jimmy kissed me quickly on the cheek,
“I’m gonna hang around. Diesel’s instructions I’m afraid. I’ll be outside if
you need me.” He left closing the door behind him, leaving me to contemplate
this afternoons antics.

BOOK: Diesel (Aces MC Series Book 1)
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