Diane [The Town of Pearl 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Diane [The Town of Pearl 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Please say yes. I’ll totally make it worth your while. I’ll have a car in Pearl to pick you up at the boutique by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.”

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

Diane heard her sister Melissa cheer and then start telling her husband Willie as well as Mark about her trip.

Diane listened to Elvira and then disconnected the call.

“I can’t believe you’re going to Dallas to help out in a huge, televised fashion show. They’ll have all those high-end lingerie you love so much, too. You’ll probably get samples of things for free. Hell, with your body, they’ll probably ask you to model them.” Melissa carried on as she took Johnny from Willie’s arms and danced the baby in a circle.

Both Willie and Mark had their arms crossed in front of their chests, but Mark looked angry.

“Dallas? Alone?” Mark asked.

She shyly looked away and started to place the last few dresses onto the hangers as Mark walked closer.

“I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’ve never been out of Pearl before,” she replied.

“Well, technically, aside from living in Oregon, you’ve only been out to Keanter, Croton, and Turbank with friends. Dallas is bigger,” Melissa stated.

“What is this all about? Who are you going with?” Willie asked.

“Yeah, I’d like to know a little more about this trip. Things are different out of Pearl, Diane,” Mark added in a rather fatherly tone. It aggravated her. When Willie asked, she knew it was because he and his brother took over a protective role since she was their woman’s sister, and she was single. It was how things worked in Pearl. But Mark? What was his interest? Maybe some new lingerie for his next sexual partner? She swallowed hard. Immediately she imagined herself being that woman, and wearing something unique, one of a kind from this Dallas show.
I’m such a moron

She felt like she was being interrogated, he was that authoritative. She knew that Mark helped out the government still, and worked a lot from the home he shared with his brothers, but he was big, he was assertive, and he was older.

“Diane, can you keep an eye on things up front while Willie, me, and Johnny go have lunch out back by the patio?”

“Sure, take your time.”

“Oh. And maybe call up Amanda and see if she could cover for you while you’re away. You’re leaving tomorrow morning, so tell her we’ll pay her for the full week.”

“Okay. I’ll call her.”

Melissa and Willie walked through the back room. Diane hung the last dress on the rack and then began to try and break down the box.

Mark walked closer to assist her, and when his arm brushed against her side, she nearly jumped out of the way. The attraction to the man was instant.

“I asked you a few questions, Diane. I’d like to know more about this trip you’re taking alone.” He was so close she could smell his cologne, and the manly appealing scent that was all Mark. He was six feet three, muscular like a football running back, with dark black crew cut hair, and bold brown eyes.

She turned to look up toward him, and even though she was five feet seven, she still had to look way up to lock gazes with him. She could tell by the way he stood there, he wasn’t happy.

“It’s not a big deal, Mark. I’ll be gone for five days. I’m staying at the Dallas Sheraton hotel in the city. I’ll be with Elvira Monte from Keanter. We’re helping with a fashion show, and then I’ll be heading back here by Sunday afternoon.”

She lifted the box and moved it to the side out of the way. Diane walked closer to the counter, when Mark touched her hand to stop her. She immediately pulled away and stared at him in shock.
Oh God, he’s so sexy. I can’t stand it. I need to get away from him.

“You’re a beautiful young woman. You need to take precautions, especially when you’re in unfamiliar surroundings.” He stared down at her intensely. She swallowed hard. Was he being a disciplinarian to her again?

“Listen, I appreciate your neighborly concern and all, but I’ll be fine, and I’ll keep aware of my surroundings.”

She quickly placed some distance between them by moving around the counter toward the box of new designer jewelry that Millie had made. The shop couldn’t keep these items on the shelf either.


* * * *


Mark felt his heart racing. Just being this close to Diane made him feel this way. Knowing that she was leaving for five days to travel to Dallas on her own just made him feel concerned and jealous. He liked having her here in Pearl. Hell, with everything going on with Brenda missing, the old case being reevaluated, and having to travel out to Wyoming, he was on edge. For some strange reason he felt concerned about Diane’s trip.

“Can I help you find something today?” she asked him, interrupting his thoughts and also trying to change the subject. Diane was good at that.

He needed to play this cool and remain calm. He couldn’t panic thinking about the possibility that she may meet some other guy or guys and that he, Drake, and Lucas would lose their opportunity to let her know how they felt about her. She was so damn quiet, gentle, and sweet, while he and his brothers were hard, recalcitrant, and downright unbearable. Their need to be in charge, controlling everything and everyone around them, even made them mean sometimes. Their personalities alone would scare Diane away. Their ideas, their fantasies about what they’d like to do to her in their bedroom would shock the poor, young woman.

He pretended to look around the store at some of the items. It was the same thing every week. He would ask her what she liked out of three items he chose, and she would tell him and he’d buy it. He had a closet filled with lingerie. Lingerie he envisioned Diane wearing and no one else. Hadn’t she realized that he always picked the same size, her size every time? Hadn’t she noticed the way he watched her, when she described the pieces he chose? Today had to be different. Today he needed to send her off to her trip to Dallas with him and his brothers on her mind.

Just then the cuckoo clock began to chime.

She turned toward it and smiled. She watched and waited for the small bird to come out the front door on the clock and make its sound. He wondered if she even knew that his brothers Drake and Lucas signed the inside of the clock they hand made for her. Inside it said,
Ours until the end of time.

“You like that clock, huh?” he asked, absorbing the way her long brown hair was pulled back into some fancy braid.

“Oh God, I love that clock. I love most everything your brothers make. I wish they would consider letting me speak to some people in Croton about their work. I’m certain they could easily set up a storefront there or perhaps sell them on consignment in some of the upscale stores in Turbank, Croton, or even Keanter.”

“They enjoy making them, but they’ve been asked to sell them with some high-end stores even in Dallas and Houston but they refuse. Right now every piece they make has a part of them in it. They just can’t seem to give them up to just anyone. I think they like custom designing them, too. The custom orders that have been coming in are pretty great.”

“That’s fantastic.” She gently touched the clock before she came back around the counter.

“So, we just got these in on Monday, but after I go to Keanter and Dallas this week, I’m sure I’ll have some new items for you to look at, Mark.”

He pulled a pretty little red lace two-piece set from the rack of more risqué items and one in a pale cream color with tiny pearls at the center of the bodice. There was also a little pink bow. He could imagine Diane in both.

“What do you think about these two?” he asked her.

She swallowed hard and walked closer. She looked at them and then looked at him.

“I think they’re both lovely. Are they for the same person?” she asked.

He held her gaze and looked over the cleavage of her breasts. The blouse she wore today looked silky and soft. The bodice underneath it was damn sexy and he’d love to see her in only that.

“It’s for the same person,” he told her as he held her gaze. He saw the flash of something in her eyes. Was she curious, turned on, jealous?

“Well, they are both very nice, and very sexy. I suppose it will depend on your woman’s personality.”

He looked at the two items and then back at her. “Let me see.” He placed the cream-colored two-piece against Diane.

She widened her eyes and looked a bit like a deer caught in headlights. He hid his chuckle. She was so fucking sweet his tooth ached.

“Well, she’s shy, very sexy, yet sophisticated, and shows all her emotions right in her eyes. I can always tell when she’s nervous, worried, or even turned on.” He saw her blue eyes sparkle and her luscious lips part. How badly he’d love to kiss her right now. He pulled down the cream-colored one and laid the red one against her chest. He looked at her sideways.

“She also has a little wild side. She hides it well, but I know it’s there. It just takes some manipulating, and coaxing, but I know I can bring it out in her,” he said, speaking slowly as he imagined caressing her large breasts as she moaned and asked to be spanked again for being naughty.

“Oh,” she said softly, yet it came out almost like a moan. He couldn’t resist. Not with them alone like this and not with his dick so fucking hard he might come in his pants. He reached up and caressed her chin.

“You’re so sexy, and beautiful. I think you would look stunning in both of these. My brothers and I would love to see you in them.”

She closed her eyes, and then opened them, as if his words just registered. His heart was racing, yet he felt so strongly about his emotions, his attraction to Diane.

“What did you say?” she asked. He stepped closer and smoothed his hand along her cheek as he absorbed the deep cleavage of her breasts, the swell of each mound, and the tiny silver heart necklace that fell inches above the deep crevice.

Looking down into her eyes, her chest lifted up and down and he could practically hear her heart racing. He thought of all the suave things he could say, should say right now, but he failed. Her beauty, her innocence, and expression caused him to lose his voice. He lowered closer. Just a soft kiss to get his intentions across.

The back door slam closed and Melissa’s voice came fast and loud. “I’m back.”

Diane stepped away from Mark, and Mark smiled.

“Enjoy lunch with your men, Melissa?” he asked as he brought the two items toward the counter. He was so fucking disappointed he wanted to hit something, but he showed no emotion. He wanted Diane so badly it burned inside, and now he was getting ready to leave for a few days, too. He needed to let her know that he and his brothers were interested in getting to know her. It suddenly became necessary to get their intentions across now, not days or a week later.

Diane had already headed up to the register to ring him up. She looked so beautiful with her rosy cheeks. He winked at her.

“You’ll wrap these up for me, doll?” he asked.

“Of course.” Her voice was shaking. She was affected by him. She felt the attraction, it was a positive sign.

“You can head to lunch now, Diane, and I’ll take over.”

“I’m headed over to Francine’s to meet Lucas and Drake. Why don’t you join us?” he asked.

“Oh, no, that’s okay. I think I have to go pack and make some arrangements for while I’m away.”

“Oh, I called Amanda and she can cover for you so there’s no need to call her.”

“Oh, I was going to do that before.”

Melissa smiled as she looked from Mark to her sister. “I see why you forgot. Go ahead and go to lunch. Paul should be by in a little while,” Melissa said as she helped to finish up wrapping the lingerie. Diane accepted the credit card from Mark and then returned the card to him after she ran it through the register. When their fingers touched again, he smiled and winked at her.

Melissa was a huge help as she ushered Diane out the door along with Mark.

“Wait, I need my purse and money,” Diane said, and Melissa tossed her the tiny bag.

“You don’t need money, baby, it’s my treat.” He placed his arm around her waist and guided her out the door and across the street. He kept his hand at the center of her back as they continued to walk through town. This was one of his dreams. To walk with Diane, as a couple down Main Street letting everyone know that she belonged to the Santos brothers.

“I don’t know what you’re up to, Mark, but I suggest if this is some kind of joke that you stop right now. I’m not in the mood. I have a lot on my mind and things to do to get ready for Dallas,” she told him.

“Don’t talk about Dallas right now. Just relax and enjoy lunch. I’m not asking for anything more. Right this second,” he added, and the poor thing looked so flustered. Her cheeks were nearly red, she almost lost her footing on the walkway, but that gave him the opportunity to pull her close. He loved the scent of her perfume, the shampoo she used, and how her long brown hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. He wanted to undo the braid so he could see the locks flow around her. She was a knockout.

As soon as they made it to Francine’s and opened up the door, he noticed the smiles and of course his two brothers in the back corner of the restaurant, away from the people and the crowds.

Their eyes gave away their emotions, as he pressed his hand against Diane’s back and could feel her hesitate and then tighten up. She was scared of them. He prayed that his brothers didn’t bite her head off.

BOOK: Diane [The Town of Pearl 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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