Devon:The Beta's Double Trouble (8 page)

BOOK: Devon:The Beta's Double Trouble
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They had only scratched the surface of getting to know one another, but he had never felt like this before. This level of connection that he had seen with his parents growing up was what he dreamed of. Growling, he let Devon know he was ready to take Casey for the first time. He had never had sex with a virgin before, and wanted to go slow. A man his size could make it really painful but considering he was the smaller of the two men, he supposed it was the way it was supposed to be. He looked at Devon’s cock hungrily and could not wait for the time that he was able to claim his male mate also.

Devon leaned back and nodded, then lay on his side palming Casey’s breast and teasing her nipples. Sid leaned over and kissed her, letting her taste her honey still on his lips. She ate his lips seeming to love the taste of them combined.

Slowly, he lowered his cock until it was at her virgin opening and Casey tensed a little. She was writhing with pleasure from the attention Devon was giving her nipples, and Sid was giving her mouth. But she also knew what was coming and braced herself, and she felt him slide into her for the first time. Slowly, inching his thick, long shaft into her tight opening.

“Fuck!” Sid growled pulling away from her mouth. “You are so tight. I don’t know if I will make it in your hot little pussy.”

Casey unconsciously tightened her vaginal muscles around his shaft as it was entering her. It felt so good and she cried out telling both of the men how she was feeling.

Devon pinched her nipple and then leaned over and kissed her. Sid smiled down at his mates, then leaned in, and joined the kiss making it a three way. Devon gasped in surprise the first time all their tongues touched for the first time. He was in heaven.

Sid felt the barrier he would have to breach in order to take his mate, and pushed gently until it broke and allowed him to slide home.

Casey gasped at the sharp pain, and then relaxed when she felt the maidenhead break, and she knew she had finally done it. She was a mated woman now and had her own family, who gave a shit about the rest of it?

“Move damn it!"” She cried and bucked up against Sid, who had been waiting until she felt more comfortable. Devon leaned back and laughed at his feisty mate. Sid grinned, then complied, and slowly withdrew before slamming his cock back into her. She arched off the bed and cried out “Yes!”

Sid grabbed his mate’s hips and began pounding into her, holding up her back so his cock slid against her clit with every stroke. He could feel the passion and need building in her, and knew she was close to coming again.

Sid leaned over and ran his tongue over her neck, finding the pulsing point he wanted, to claim his mate. Casey opened her neck in a sign of submission and said, “Do it.” Sid mumbled into her neck before biting her. “Come with me.” Then he sank his extended fangs into her throat, coming the instant her sweet blood exploded on his tongue. Shit, she tasted like a fine red wine, and he was going to become an addict.

Casey screamed, as another orgasm flowed over her and smiled with satisfaction. She felt Sid slide out of her, and frowned at the missing feeling of fullness, but then felt another body cover her, and she smiled again. Devon.

Devon knew there was no way he would last long. Watching his two mates had been torture.

Granted, it had made his cock harder than he ever remembered it, but he wanted his first time to be sweet, and he was feeling anything but sweet.

“Fuck me.” He said when he felt both of his mates’ juices combined in Casey’s hot pussy. It was amazing the sizzle he felt when their come covered his cock and lubricated him for her.

Slowly, he sank into her and then began kissing Casey. He heard Sid groan and looked up in enough time for the man to smash his lips down on his. Their tongues intertwined and battled as he began pumping his hips in and out of Casey.

“Shoot that is hot.” She said looking at the men kiss.

They broke apart and looked down at her. “Really?” Sid said looking a little worried.

“Oh yeah.” She said.

“Well, this is about you for now.” Devon said looking back at his mate. “Lay back and enjoy.” Casey smiled and then gasped when she felt Sid move his hand between them and brush his finger against her clit. The men worked together to bring her back up to the edge of a climax.

Then she turned her head to the other side that had not been marked and Devon growled, before leaning down and finding the place he wanted to bite.

“Do it.” She said desperately feeling the orgasm building and wanted the release so bad.

“Mine.” Devon said and sank his teeth into her neck.

“Yes!” Casey yelled and fell over the edge and was amazed for the second time how complete she felt.

Devon lay over her spent, and then he sighed heavily when he felt Sid run his hands over his back.

Pushing himself up, he looked at both of his mates and smiled. “Wow.” He said and laughed when they both just nodded. He rolled over to his side, pulled Casey in next to him, then reached, and drug Sid to them, and they cuddled together in the afterglow.

“Well shit, I knew it was going to be good, but you two almost fucking killed me.” She said and chuckled at her brazenness. She had no clue how to behave after having her world completely shattered and rebuilt all in one moment.

They laid in silence, feeling the bond between them grow and savoring in the feeling of wholeness, they were all feeling.

Chapter 5

Devon came awake first. He felt the peace that his mates were both feeling, and he smiled.

They had woken one other time and each taken Casey. She had grown more and more active in their lovemaking after the first time, and Devon grinned at the thought of her riding Sid the last time. She had been a wild woman and both of them had loved watching her take what she wanted.

He sighed thinking that his Alpha was going to be knocking on the door soon. He had asked for the night, and dawn was only a few moments away. It was a shame; they could not be locked in the room for the next week, getting to know one another. He hated that they had to cause Casey's pain again so soon after, they bonded, but it could not be helped. Her brother, for better or worse was going to be a part of their lives. Devon was not sure at this point, how good it was going to be for Casey. The parents were another story. They had deliberately deceived Casey for her whole life. Devon knew she was a loving and caring person. That had been evident when she tried to bust in and see Reggie last night before her world exploded. He also knew that when she was hurt, it would take a long time for her to forgive.

Slowly, he rolled over and looked at the pair that had quickly become such a big part of his life.

All of his worries and stress about finding his mate seemed so silly now. He knew that he would never hurt them or do anything that would cause them a moment of pain. Devon was going to cherish each of them.

“I can feel you.” Sid whispered and looked over Casey’s shoulder and smiled at him. “I can feel your contentment and your acceptance.”

Devon smiled and leaned over and gently kissed the other man. It was becoming easier and easier to think about them claiming one another. It seemed natural, they were a family.

“One day soon, I am going to take that sweet invitation your eyes are giving me.” Devon said, and then continued. “Unfortunately it will not be today. We have to get Casey ready. Quin and Jaden will be here soon with their mate Cami. We are going to have to figure this whole thing out.”

Sid rolled back over and groaned. “Okay, who wants the shower first?” Devon laughed and then said. “Why don’t you go first, and I will get breakfast ordered. We can let Casey sleep until we are done.”

“Nope.” They heard Casey say from under the pillow her face was currently buried in. “I am up.”

“Sorry, baby.” Devon said and leaned in and kissed her shoulder. Sid did the same on the other side, and she shivered. My Gods, she had a lifetime of these men loving her. It was almost too much to hope for.

“Not your fault.” She grumbled and then smiled mischievously. She wondered how much persuasion it would take for them to join her in the bathroom.

“Why don’t I run you a nice warm bath, and let you soak for a while before everyone gets here?” Sid said and stood up. He had a great body. Casey laughed to herself thinking she wished she had brought a camera. Next to each other, they were amazing. Everyone would be jealous.

Casey groaned when she moved, and then laughed. “Holy shit, this really sucks. I can feel every muscle I used; I need to get into better shape if we are going to keep this up.” Plus, she was not a virgin anymore, who cared how much she hurt?

Devon stood up and laughed, then spanked her on the ass. “Just wait until we take you together.

You will not be able to sit for a week.”

Casey looked up at him surprised and then blushed and looked down. The things they did to her last night had been amazing, she did not think they could get any better.

“Oh they can.” Sid grinned and went into the bathroom. Casey thought for a minute about what they were talking about and then grinned when she thought of all of the things she wanted to learn from them. One of them was a blow job.

Devon walked naked to the phone and picked it up. She looked over his strong muscular form hungrily. They were both absolutely the most gorgeous thing she had ever seen. How did she get so lucky, she thought, and then pulled herself up from the bed groaning again, when her body protested.

“Oh, baby, come here and let's get you into the tub.” Sid said from the doorway to the bathroom.

He was also naked and she looked at him with the same hungry expression. Maybe they could have a little water sports fun before the big show.

“No, not his morning baby, we need to give you a chance to heal.” Sid said and smiled down at her then kissed her nose.

Casey frowned and looked first at Sid then at Devon, who came into the room behind them.

“What if I want to? On the other hand, what if there was something else I want to try? And quit reading my thoughts, damn mating bond.” She said and then grinned at them.

“I would love nothing more than to have a nice leisurely bath with you and explore all the things that we want to do. But I really think you should take some time and have a moment to yourself.

And, I love how I can hear you thoughts, yours, and Sid’s, it’s kinda sexy.” Devon said softly.

Casey nodded and then bent her head. How embarrassing, less than twenty four hours mated, and they did not want her anymore. Well, that sucked, she thought and then turned to the bath.

“Oh no you don’t.” Sid said and turned her before she was able to get in. “You do not understand. Yes, we want you. We would like nothing more than to bend you over the counter and fuck you silly. But baby, you have a long day ahead, and we want you to be able to have a few minutes and allow all of this to sink in.”

Casey smiled up at him and nodded. Satisfied that they did still want her and understanding what they were saying. She refused to think about what she was going to have to face up to in the next few hours. All the pain and stress melted away when she sank into the warm water and leaned back and thought about her two men. She was finally happy, finally complete, and she would be damned if she would taint the memory of last night with any of the ugly lies that had been told to her.

Casey grinned when she thought about how the men were dancing around their attraction. She had been a virgin last night, but she was not blind. She could see the men looking at each other and measuring up each other up. She may not be experienced, but she could see what was in front of her. Why would the Gods have given her two mates? They would have made sure that they were all mates together it only made sense.

Casey let the warm water relax her, and she thought about the future. She hoped they were going to leave here soon. She had no desire to stay here, and be anywhere near this Pack, or her parents. Casey thought about all the snobby girls who made fun of her and the men who teased her. She wished they could see her now. With her two handsome mates, of course, all the years of insecurities were still weighing on her mind. She wondered if they thought she was too fat, or if they hoped they had been mated with a tall beautiful wolf.

“No.” she heard both yell in the other room, and she laughed. It felt good to know that they thought she was desirable. For so long she felt like something was missing from her life, with these two men everything clicked.

Casey sighed when she heard a soft knock on the outer door and then Devon asking who it was.

It was the food and she was starving, boy, they had a work out last night. Maybe if they continued at the same pace, she would lose those pounds she wanted to.

“Not if I have anything to say about it, I think I will feed you, so I make sure you are getting what you need to keep you exactly the same way. I personally hate those skinny chicks. They have nothing to grab on to when you want a wild ride.” Sid said and came up behind her with a warm towel and wrapped it around her.

“I agree, baby. Your body is perfect for us. Now, I do not want to hear anything more about this shit. I ordered you a few clothes and incidentals. They are on the bed, give us a few minutes to get showered, and we will meet in the living area for breakfast.” Devon said and kissed her sweetly. Then Sid kissed her, and they began getting undressed for their shower. She knew it was now or never so, she sank to her knees in front of them and looked up at them.

“What are you doing, baby?” Sid said and caressed her cheek with one of his hands gently. She almost lost her nerve, but she smiled up at him.

“I want to see if the books are right.” She said innocently.

“What books?” Devon said frowning at her but turning to start the water in the shower.

“Well let’s just see.” Casey said and grasped first Sid by his hips and placed him in front of her where she wanted and then reached for Devon and made him come and stand beside Sid. When they were where she wanted them, she grasped both of their cocks in her fists and almost laughed when she realized she could not close her fingers around either one of them. Holy hell, these monsters had fit inside of her? She was actually impressed with herself.

BOOK: Devon:The Beta's Double Trouble
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