Destroy Me (Crystal Gulf Book 1) (34 page)

BOOK: Destroy Me (Crystal Gulf Book 1)
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I do what she tells me, rolling her sensitive hard nipple between my teeth. My dick can’t believe how much it wants this girl. It begs for her, trying with all its might to get her attention. Greedy and uncaring. To shut it up I slide her back and lower her body until she’s lying on the couch. Moving to rest on top of her, I resume my orders, nibbling gently on her flesh until she’s twisting beneath me. When I think she can’t take any more I start to kiss down her stomach. She smells like Harley, like clean skin and strawberries. I pause at her bellybutton and dip my tongue inside, grinning against her when she bucks. When I get to her shorts, and have effectively tortured her enough, I grab the waist, along with her panties, and peel them down her legs.

I don’t have it in me to tease her anymore. She doesn’t even know she’s really the one torturing me.

I drop down to the floor and kneel in front of the couch, guiding her legs so they can drape over my shoulders. “You have any idea how bad I want to taste you?”

“Mmm,” she moans, eyes bad. She’s my bad girl now. “Does my pussy taste good?”

“So fucking good.” I slide my middle finger over her swollen clit. She bucks hard, lifting her arms over her head to grip the back of the couch. I rub her clit gently, earning another one of those desperately satisfied moans.

“Then taste it already.”

“Don’t rush me, woman. If I have to make you cum twice then that’s how this will go.”

She laughs breathlessly. “Yes, Bach.”

I get an idea. “Good girl,” I tell her, increasing the speed of my fingers.


“Pick, Harley. Either I can rub you until you come or lick you until you come.”

“I want both.”

“Don’t be greedy. Or,” I tell her, watching her eyelids get even heavier. She’s close. I’m an evil bastard. “I can stop.”

“Don’t you dare stop!”

“Well then pick.”

She throws her head back, grinning a sexy ass grin. “I want both.”

“Good girl. Don’t ever settle with the choices I give you. Make me want what you want. I will always want what you want.” As I speak I slip my thumb just inside her opening, rubbing her in two places until her stomach looks like a tidal wave, her muscles contracting with each of her orgasms.

Watching her fall apart is better than every other woman in Crystal Gulf making me fall apart.

Harley doesn’t protest when I dip between her legs and start licking her. She watches me start round two. I pull her closer, taking her full round clit into my mouth. The taste of her, the feel of her, and the fucking warmth of her makes my hard cock throb in my jeans. Yet the fact that I can’t do anything about it makes it that much better. I never get teased. I want satisfaction, and I always get it. This time I want to satisfy her.

When she falls apart for the second time I have to pry my tongue away from her. She can barely keep her legs around my shoulders. As much as I want stay between her legs tasting that sweet fucking pussy of hers, I get up and go turn the bath water on. When I come back she hasn’t moved.

Without asking, I lean over and pick her up. She leans her head against my shoulder as I carry her to the tub. When we get to the bathroom she drops out of my arms to the floor and quickly sinks below the warm soapy water. I close the toilet seat and ease down on top of it, hypnotized by the heavy-lidded look she’s giving me.

“Aren’t you going to get in?” she wonders, sounding sleepy.

“What bet did you make with Justine?” If I get in I’ll want to get in more than the tub. It’s safer here, on the toilet, with my old friend.

“If I had fun I’d have to buy the alcohol for her party tonight. If I didn’t have a good time she had to tell Jona she’s in love with him.”

“No.” I laugh, crossing my legs over my knee. “You’re kidding? She loves him too?”

“He loves her?” She laughs right along with me. “I feel bad for them.”


“Because they’re too busy trying to hurt the other person to see it.”

“I was right there with him,” I remind her, just to remind her once again she can do so much better without actually saying it. I’m a selfish asshole. She knows it. If I keep saying it she might listen. If she leaves everything I’ve ever wanted goes with her. From now on my goal is to give her every reason to stay so she can’t see the reasons to leave.

“So is Justine.”

She has a point. Harley was only trying to get my attention, to throw my lies in my face. She’d never actually sleep with someone else to hurt me the way Justine’s doing. I suddenly feel bad for Jona, too. “He doesn’t think he’s good enough for her, either.”

“She’s sexy as hell. I bet he doesn’t.” She washes her face off with some water, running her hands down it and over her puffy lips. “Maybe we should talk to them.”

“How can you say that?” I move to sit in the edge of the tub. “Jus and I were together. A lot,” I emphasize much to her irritation. “I’m just saying, how can you compliment her knowing what you know?”

“I complimented you when I first met you. Disliking someone doesn’t take away the good things about them.”

“No you didn’t. I remember the first time I met you. I came to see Dylan on the beach for his bonfire with his new douchebag friends. I shook your hand and you had the audacity to curl that cute ass top lip over your teeth at me like I wasn’t the sexiest son of a bitch you ever met.”

She cracks a wide sleepy smile. “I didn’t like you. I admit that. I thought you were a cocky bastard who was trying to keep Dylan down. But I still thought you were gorgeous. I may not have said it out loud, but that’s always been true.”

“What if I met you first? You still think I’d be watching you take a bath after giving you back to back orgasms?”

Her smile is as sad and dirty as mine. “Yes.”

“I don’t. I think you’d be dating some other douchebag. A real one this time, too, and not the fake kind like Dylan. You’d graduate and become the best damn social worker and change lives. You’d have a lot of kids and raise them in one place like you always wanted. You’d be comfortable and happy.”

She looks at the soapy water for a second. When she returns her gaze to mine I think they’re glossier than they were a second ago. “What about you?”

“I’m sure there’s an empty prison cell next to my dad out there for me.” I dip my hand into the water, moving it back and forth. “Or I’d probably end up knocking up someone eventually and have a couple illegitimate kids like my dad. I’d ditch out on them and sleep with women who didn’t love me. Drink too much, probably to my end. My future’s so bright, babe, it’s blinding.”

Harley pulls in a shaky breath. “Get in, please.”

I don’t deny her. I can’t. Denying her is denying me. I lift my shirt over my head and kick my jeans and boxers off. Then I slide down behind her, wrapping my arms around her wet body. We’re quiet for a while. She leans against my chest, tracing a soapy pattern on my bicep.

“I want your future to be bright. We can make it bright together. If you could do anything what would you do?”

I sigh in her hair. “I’ve never thought about it.”

“Well try. Unless you’re fine with being a stay at home daddy.” There’s a smile in her voice. “I can’t change lives
take care of the kids.”

I can’t even make love to her without getting tested and she’s already talking about kids? Does she not see how fast we’re heading for the wall right now? But there’s a part of me, a small incredibly pussy-ridden part, that warms at the idea of taking care of our children. “That’s a long time in the future.”

“Did I scare you?”

“No. I scare myself.”

“I was only trying to show you that your future doesn’t have to be that way. If we’re together I’ll do everything in my power to prevent that from happening. We can do it,” she promises, sounding so sure I almost believe her. “We can talk about something else. Dylan refused to talk about kids too. Whenever I brought it up he even got a little mean about it.”

“Dylan did? That’s weird. That was just the kind of talk I think he’d be in to.”

She smirks, bending her head back to look at me. “Bach?”

I feel myself fall into them, parts of me I didn’t even know existed want this woman. “What, babe?”

Her fingernails close around my dick. As she talks she squeezes into me. “If you ever,
, cheat on me again I will make it so this never works anymore, do you hear me? The next time you run I better be coming with you. I want to come with you. Don’t you get it, Bach? You don’t have to run on your own anymore. I can’t take it. I refuse to take it. We’re together now. You’re mine. I’ll be damned if I let you go again.”

I put my hands on the edge of the tub, trying to escape her hand. It tightens around my dick like a vice grip, teetering on the edge of actual pain. “Is it weird that this is turning me on?”

“Not for you. Did you hear what I said?” She impales me with her nails.

“I did.”

“Do you understand?”

I kiss her mouth softly. “I understand.”

I understand.

Trust me, Harley, I understand.








I let Bach’s penis go.

He sags back against the tiled wall in relief. I should have ripped it off. Instead I let him keep it. I plan on using it later.

Right now, however, last night is still clinging to me. My head is pounding, the pleasant effects of Bach’s tongue waning fast. I grab the bottle of soap out of the cubby and start to squeeze some into my hand, but Bach stops me.

“I’ll wash you,” he says, his words soft against my skin.

He takes his time, slowly lathering every part of my body. He spends a long time on my breasts, even though they’re probably the cleanest parts on my body. When he gets between my legs I feel him part me with his fingers and spend just as much time down there as he did on my tits. He works me up into another mind-blowing frenzy which he makes up for by kissing my neck, my shoulder, any part of me he can get his mouth on as he cleans me. If I knew all I had to do was throw his running in his face to get this I would have done it a long time ago.

When I’m as clean as I’ll ever be he hops out to get me a towel. Folded safely inside the cotton material I return to the living room. I put his clothes back on and then wrap my wet hair in the towel. He comes out wearing a fresh pair of black jeans and a black shirt. His dark hair is in disarray and his dick is bulging in his crotch. I don’t think he knows I can see it. I only feel slightly bad for not giving him some release. I draw the line when it comes to double teaming girls with your loser friend. With Bach this is disappointingly part of the game. It’s not a part of mine, but then again, nothing he does is.

“Did you really have a threesome with Jona and Brittney?” I run my fingers through my damp hair, using the curtain it creates to hide my disgusted expression. “What was going through your head?”


“And after with just Brittney?”

“Especially you.”

“You should go get tested right now.” I throw my towel at him. “Or I’m never touching you again.”

“Liar. You’d be begging me for it by tonight.” He grabs himself and humps the air. As per usual, Bach is always classy. “But I wouldn’t give it to you. I, unlike you, have an uncanny since of self-control.”

I roll my eyes. “Can we at least go get something to eat? You interrupted me. Now my toast is too dry to eat and my coffee’s cold.”

“Why don’t we order in? I don’t want to leave my house right now for anything. There are too many distractions out there.” He looks at the door and then back at me as if someone’s going to barge in and take me.

Or I’ll wake up and suddenly have an epiphany about him and put my mini skirt back on. What Bach doesn’t understand is that I’ve been here from the beginning. If I can put up with all of that why would I run now? Why would I risk his storm and then run once the sun shines? Recalling last night makes me cringe a little. Okay, so maybe he has a slight reason to be nervous. New Harley can’t stop thinking of the rage, the emotion on Bach’s face. I proved her wrong and she hates me for it. Her stint was short-lived. He shed his lies last night right in front of me. Whatever I did from now on would revolve around keeping them away. Not because he would lie to me, but because Bach lied to himself.

He tosses his phone to me. “Pick a place and I’ll order.”

The app on his phone has every restaurant that delivers in Crystal Gulf. I peek at him as he starts to pick up the garbage on the kitchen floor. Then I close the app and open his contacts instead. The amount of female names unnerves me.
I don’t even know that many people!
They’re in alphabetical order. I scroll down, amazed as the list unbelievably continues all the way to the Z’s.

“What kind of name is Zar Zar?” I can’t help myself. “Is that Jar Jar Bink’s cousin?”

He pauses in the middle of pulling a crusty kitchen towel from under the fridge and smirks at me. “Are you snooping?”

“Zar Zar,” I insist. “And Hand Job Hera? Oh, and Big Tits Bethany?”

BOOK: Destroy Me (Crystal Gulf Book 1)
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