Read Destined to Succeed Online

Authors: Lisa M. Harley

Tags: #Destined#2

Destined to Succeed (7 page)

BOOK: Destined to Succeed
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Suzy Q crossed her arms over her chest and was rubbin’ her hands up and down them like she was cold. She looked down at Branch and then right back up to me. I couldn’t tell if she was mad or scared, but either way we were gettin’ the hell outta there. I grabbed her by the arm and started to the door. "You're gonna have to find a ride. I'm takin' her home," I told Anna as I motioned to Suzy Q.

Anna grabbed my arm and whispered, "Don't worry, I won't have any problem findin' a ride. But you're missin' out, Cade.” She shot a pissed off look at Suzy Q and then looked back at me. “You need to let her take care of herself. She looked like she was enjoyin' herself."

I pulled away from her and headed out the door to my truck.
Enjoyin' herself? No fuckin' way.
He was hurtin’ her. There was no way she wanted him to do that to her.

“What the hell were you thinking? You know what I had planned for tonight, Cade. Why’d you hit him?” Suzy Q screamed at me when we got to my truck.

“He was fuckin’ jammin’ his tongue down your throat. Is that really what you wanted? You wanted him to do that to you?”

“I wanted to have sex, Cade. I wanted to lose my virginity tonight. I can’t stand thinking about it anymore. I just want to do it.” She still had her arms crossed over her chest.

I was lookin’ down and kickin’ my boots in the dirt. I knew what I wanted to say, but it came out completely wrong. “Why don’t you let me do it?”

“Excuse me?” She seemed pretty damned shocked.

“Um, we could...I mean, if you wanted to. I could…well, fuck you.”

“Wow...what a gentleman you are, Cade Walker. I think I’ll pass, but thanks for the kind offer.” She muttered under her breath, “

“You know what I mean, Suzy Q. We’ve known each other since third grade. We’re best friends. We like each other, so we could just do it and get it over with.”

“Once again, gentleman Cade graces me with his presence.” She turned and started to walk back toward the house.

I grabbed her by the arm and twisted her around to face me. “Where the fuck are you goin’? I just asked you to have sex with me, and you’re just gonna walk away?”

“You're obviously drunk, Cade. I’m going inside to check on Branch and see if we can finish what we started earlier.” She turned away from me to walk back into the house. I grabbed her and turned her back around to face me again. I pressed my lips onto hers. They felt amazin’. I had to have more, so I licked her bottom lip and slid my tongue into her mouth. Not like that bastard, Branch. I was gentle. I wanted her to see I was serious and we could do this, because I really, really wanted to do this.

She started walkin’ us backward until I was pressed up against my truck. She laced her arms around my neck and pressed into me as hard as she could. I was embarrassed because I was gettin' pretty excited and by the look on her face when she pulled away, she could feel that when she pressed against me. I kissed her again and started to slide my hand under her shirt. She grabbed my hand and stopped me.

“Cade, what are you doing? We can’t do this. This is weird." I didn't want her to stop this, to stop me. It felt so good. I knew it should've felt wrong, but it didn't. Nothin’ had ever felt so damn right.

I looked down into those eyes that reminded me of pools of whiskey. “I want you to be my first and I want to be yours. Please don’t make me stop.” I didn't know what she was gonna say. She looked scared, she was bitin’ her lip, but I could tell she was thinkin' about it.

Finally, she broke the silence between us. “Where can we go? I want my first time to be in a bed.” I couldn't help but grin. I grabbed her hand and helped her climb into my truck.

“We can go to my house. My parents are out of town for the weekend. I planned on takin’...uh, shit, never mind.”

“You planned on taking Anna there, huh? Well, I planned on screwing Branch at the party in his bedroom upstairs. I could go back and find him.” She tried to walk away from me.

Somethin’ inside me tore loose. I grabbed her face in my hands. “Like hell you could.” Then I kissed her hard. This kiss was different. I wasn't tryin’ to be gentle at all. My caveman took over and I had to have her. When I released her mouth, she rubbed her lips with her hands. “You okay?” I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. I didn't mean to hurt her.

“Yeah, I just...well, you kissed me really hard. It kinda hurt, but it felt good at the same time.” We were starin’ into each other’s eyes.

“I didn’t mean to kiss ya like that. I know Branch hurt you tonight, but when you mentioned him, it did somethin’ to me. I want this night to be about us and our first time, not Branch and Anna. I wanna forget all about them tonight. I want it to just be about us, ‘kay?” I took her hand in mine. She nodded in agreement and I let go of her hand and shut the truck door. I walked around and jumped in. I couldn't stand for her to be so far away. “Why don’t you slide over a little closer, hon?”

She did what I asked and slid over to where our thighs were touchin’. We had ridden in this truck together a million times. We had been this close almost every time, because we were always with a bunch of friends. But this felt so different. We could hardly look at each other. When our eyes finally met, we could hardly look away. Which caused a slight problem because I was trying to drive.

“Better keep your eyes on the road, cowboy," she smiled as she placed her hand on my knee. I almost came in my Wranglers.

We drove past her house and she leaned away from me a little bit. "You okay?" I asked.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Cade? Are you sure we should do this?" She looked up at me and bit her lip. I stopped the truck near the drive to my house and pressed a light kiss to her lips.

"Yeah, I think this is a very good idea. We’ll solve both of our problems in one swoop - two birds, one stone - or somethin’ like that." I replied with a smile. Then I put the truck in gear and drove the rest of the way to my house. When we pulled up to the front of the house, I slid out of the truck and went around to open the door for her. She had already climbed out and was nervously runnin’ her hands down the front of her short green dress.

When we walked into the house, it was so dark. I turned on the lamp and we both stood there starin’ at each other. This was new territory for us. I wasn't sure what to do next. I mean…I knew what to do next, I just didn't know how to get to the fun stuff without it bein’ weird for her.

"Shouldn't we go up to your room?" she asked sheepishly.

I nodded and took her hand. We headed upstairs and as I opened the door to my bedroom, I felt her shake. I placed my hand on her cheek. "I won’t force you into this, Suzy Q." I didn’t want her to feel like she had to be with me just because I suggested it.

In reply, she grabbed me by the neck and pulled my face down to hers. "You’re not forcing me to do anything, Cade." And then she kissed me. She had the sweetest damn lips I’d ever tasted. None of that bubblegum crap, this was all Suzy Q.

I reached up and unclipped the dragonfly clip from hair. Her hair fell in curls all around her face. I reached in and tucked a long curl behind her ear. She shuddered. This was gonna be amazin'. I just knew it. I wasn't gonna worry about tomorrow. I was just gonna think about makin' her happy tonight. I could fuck up tomorrow, well, tomorrow.

We walked over to the bed. She started to pull her dress off. I couldn't catch my breath. I could see her little black lacy panties and then her matching bra. My cock jumped. I wasn't gonna be able to take much more of this. When she had her dress pulled off, she asked, "You gonna keep your clothes on, cowboy?"

I shook my head, threw my hat over in the corner, and pulled my boots off and left them by the door. I unbuttoned my shirt, slid it off, and tossed it on the floor. I pulled off my undershirt and unbuckled my belt. I heard her breath hitch as I started to unzip my jeans. I pulled them off and stood before her in my tightie-whities. She was tryin’ so hard not to look down, but I finally caught her gaze droppin’ and her face turned beet red. She looked up at me and took a deep breath.

"Do you have protection? I didn’t bring any. Bra..." She was looking at the bed now, not at me. I closed the space between us. I didn’t want her to be thinkin’ about him while we were doin’ this.

I placed a soft kiss on her bare shoulder and then ran my nose up her neck to her ear. I whispered, "Yes." I placed light kisses down her jaw before I reached her mouth. I looked down in those beautiful brown eyes and knew this was gonna be the best damn night of my life.

Was I seriously standing in Cade's bedroom in my underwear? How did this happen? Sure, this had been what I really wanted to be doing tonight, but I never dreamed it would actually happen. Branch had been such a creep. He was about to screw me up against the wall at the party, when Cade hit him.


He was always there to protect me. And now he was standing before me in his underwear. I could do this, right? Couldn’t I?

We had the talk about protection. He told me had some and I trusted him. This was gonna be great, so why couldn't I quit shaking? Was it because I wanted him so much or because I knew how bad this was gonna screw up our friendship? Either way, it didn’t matter. It was too late to worry about it. We were doing this. I was going to have sex with Cade Walker.

He tasted like peppermint and beer. I had to giggle. What a gross combination, but on him it was amazing. I wanted to taste more. I loved the feel of his tongue in my mouth. I grabbed it and sucked on it. He let out the sexiest moan.

He pushed me down onto the bed and put all of his weight on me. I could feel him and how excited he was.

He raised up. "Sorry, hon. I just can't get close enough. I want inside you so damn bad. More than I've ever wanted anything my whole damn life."

"Um, your uh, little cowboy is so
, Cade. Is it gonna hurt?" I was a little scared after I felt him up against me.

"My what?” he asked with a smirk.

“You know what I’m talking about. Your uh…little cowboy.” I was trying to motion with my eyes toward below his waist.

“Hon, ain’t nothin’ little about my, uh, cowboy,” he said with a smirk on his face. “I kinda like that name. Think I’ll call him that from now on. Suzy Q, I don't know if it’ll hurt, but if it does we can stop. I’d never hurt ya." Those damn green eyes were always my downfall.

"I trust you, Cade." And I really did. I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. He was going to do everything he could to make this perfect.

We started kissing again and he reached around to unclasp my bra. My breasts have never been huge, but they were big enough. He seemed pretty happy with them. "Uh, can I...uh, touch them?" he asked with this "I just got the best Christmas present ever" look on his face.

I nodded and he started squeezing my left breast. It felt incredible. I didn't think anything could feel any better until I felt his mouth on my right breast. He was licking all around my nipple. I could feel this intense pressure in my lower body. I couldn't help it. I arched my back and pushed my breast further into his mouth. He groaned as he ground his hips into mine. "Oh, ahhh…Cade." I screamed as I knew I had my first orgasm. It was nothing like what I had seen in movies and on TV. This was almost embarrassing. When I finally opened my eyes, Cade was staring down at me.

"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he said with that shit eatin' grin of his. "I need to make you do that again. Soon."

"Isn't it your turn?" I asked, realizing I wasn't embarrassed anymore. Once I understood it made him happy to do that to me, I was ecstatic.

"Maybe we could have a two-for-one. What do ya think?" he whispered in my ear as he started to lick a trail from my ear to my mouth. When he made it to my mouth, he sucked on my bottom lip before he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed his hair and pulled him down closer to me. I needed him closer. I needed him inside me, but I wasn’t sure if I could just ask for it.

I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass and pulled him down harder against me. The friction between us was about to make me come again. I needed his underwear off. I grabbed both sides and started to push them down his hips.

“I got it, hon.” He sat up and took them off. His cowboy sprang to life and I gulped when I saw it. That thing was supposed to go inside me?

He grabbed the condom off the nightstand and turned around to put it on. When he had it in place, he sat up and stared at my black lacy panties. “You smell so fuckin’ good...I’ve had dreams about what pussy would taste like. Can I have a taste, Suz?”

His dirty mouth was really turning me on. I nodded my head and he kissed my inner thigh. He ran his nose up and down my panties, and then he tugged them down my hips and threw them to the floor with his underwear. I felt something warm and wet on my stomach. Cade was licking around my belly button. He looked up at me and licked a trail from my belly button to my clitoris.

I had just read a story in
about the clitoris. I had no idea I would be experiencing oral sex so soon, or I would’ve paid more attention to the article. However, I didn’t really think it mattered if I’d read it or not - Cade was doing a hell of a job. I could feel my entire body tense up again. When the throbbing subsided and I could open my eyes. Cade was leaning over me and staring at me again. “Most beautiful fuckin’ thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Now it’s really your turn.” I finally just said it. “I need to feel you inside me, Cade. I wanna know what that feels like, please. Please, now.” I was begging...I needed him more than I needed my next breath.

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied with that sexy-ass Walker smirk.

He crawled up over me until our lips were touching. He gave me a soft kiss and then he ran his nose along my jaw. “Do you have any idea how much I want you right now, Suz? Any idea at all?” he groaned as he placed light kisses along my neck. I tilted my head back to give him better access. He made his way to my ear. He licked my earlobe and blew on the wetness. I shuddered and I could feel him laugh against my ear. “Do you want me to fuck you now, Suzy Q?”

BOOK: Destined to Succeed
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