Read Desperate Seduction Online

Authors: Alyssa Brooks

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General, #Programming Languages, #Computers

Desperate Seduction (3 page)

BOOK: Desperate Seduction
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* * * * *

Blake couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t believe what had just happened.


Despite the orgasm he’d experienced, his cock ached, standing so tall and straight it was bigger than he’d ever seen it. His libido screamed and cursed him for sending her away and not taking her right then and there.

Why hadn’t he?

Patience, he reminded himself. One couldn’t rush life, or sex. Excellent relationships required staying power. Besides, he didn’t want Claire to jump in before she had the chance to really consider what she was getting into.

This was unimaginable. His sweet Claire had just knocked on his door, asked him to become the father of her child and then kissed his feet? She’d even taken his cock in her mouth like a sexually starved woman. Accepted him smacking her delectable ass—

hell, she’d even seemed turned on by it. Was he dreaming?


Desperate Seduction

His mind raced over what she’d asked him to do, her dilemma, his. Good grief, he’d just agreed to impregnate her if she could prove herself in the bedroom for three days.

Wide strides took him to his office and he sat at the desk. The leather chair stuck to his naked rear as he pulled a legal pad from the top drawer. He needed to make a whole new chart.


Alyssa Brooks

Chapter Two

Claire quivered, her loins tense with arousal as memories of yesterday flooded her mind. She fought the urge to slip her fingers south and play between her folds once again.

Tossing her mail on the table, she plopped down on the couch and scooted the shoebox she had under her opposite arm to her lap. Lifting the lid, she stared at the sexy black high heels she’d dashed off to buy during her lunch hour. Never before had she been compelled to do such a thing. But today, she felt like a different woman.

How had she ever made it through work? Talk about pure torture. The numbers had blurred. Her fingers had fumbled on the calculator, hitting the wrong buttons.

Nothing computed. For a mathematical whiz, it was insanity.

Until this week, she’d never realized how much having a family meant to her Sure, she’d always wanted children, a husband, even a dog. But, once she’d heard the doctor’s diagnoses, she’d never felt so driven.

Three times today she’d stopped working and visited a site she’d found yesterday with a fertility calendar. She’d entered the dates again and again, thrilled by their results. If she ovulated this month…
…then she would start in two days, just when Blake had promised to impregnate her…
she proved herself. So many “ifs”, yet Claire was confident. Since she’d confronted Blake yesterday, the awful urgency plaguing her had diminished. At least now she didn’t feel like a rubber band being stretched to the limit. She had hope and a distraction, in the form of Blake and his wicked ways.

Tonight, she’d prove herself to him any way she had to. Tomorrow, she’d buy a few ovulation kits. With luck, two days from now, she’d be working on pregnancy. It all sounded so easy. She knew it wasn’t, but it helped her to steady her shaky emotions when she looked at it that way.


Desperate Seduction

She yanked her hair free of the confining bun she wore every day at work, debating whether or not to call him. Maybe she should walk to his house and knock. Or, was this a test? Should she be good and wait for his beckoning?

Part of her was scared, her stomach knotted with thoughts of what he might do to her. Yet, the other part of her yearned for it, for the mysterious, naughty things he might ask of her, or, more intriguing, do to her.

Heavy footsteps on her front porch alerted her. The doorbell rang, followed by more heavy thumps. Then all went quiet. Her heart leapt. Was it Blake? She struggled to maintain some level of decorum as she crossed her living room. Would he want to come in? Glancing around, she realized for the first time how nerdy and plain her surroundings were. A brown plaid couch, a cream-colored carpet, shelves of
Star Trek
series DVDs and
Star Wars
movie memorabilia. Not a corner of her house possessed sex appeal. Neither did she.

Hell, she even had a
Star Wars
comforter on her bed, one she’d owned since she was twelve. How could they have sex on that? Much less do the things he’d mentioned.

She should do…something.

But she didn’t have time. Quickly she ruffled her hair, pressed her lips together, then swung open the door.

What the—? She found the porch empty, not a sign of him or anyone anywhere.

Then a glimmer caught her eye. Looking at her feet, she noticed the silver package on the welcome rug. Worn, with a ladybug print, the mat had no business holding such a pretty package.

She searched the street of her suburban neighborhood, her eyes seeing nothing but several neighborhood kids riding bikes. Her gaze focused on Blake’s house and she swore she saw a curtain move, but couldn’t be sure.

Her insides trembled as she bent to pick up the package. She shook it and it gave a metallic jingle. Too big to be jewelry, the box perplexed her.


Alyssa Brooks

Glancing one last time at Blake’s window, she stepped inside, shutting the door.

She slowly peeled the silver wrapper off, prolonging the anticipation. Her stomach tickled at the thrill of discovering what might be hidden inside.

She opened the gift box, revealing two small silver clamps on a chain, an oval shaped weight at its center.

What was it?

A small, folded piece of crisp white paper lay under it. Pulling it out, she opened it.

Put these on and then come over. Blake.

Put them on? Where?

She checked again. Unlike any piece of jewelry she’d ever seen, these were meant to clip on, but certainly not to her ears. What were they? Where did they go?

Good grief, she was naïve. At this rate, she’d be lucky to make it over to his house before the morning.

Holding the clamps in front of her, she measured the distance between them. They looked like…no…

Could these be meant for her nipples?

* * * * *

Blake let the curtain fall into place as she disappeared into her house with his gift.

So it had begun.

A slight smile spread across his face. He was pleased at his decision. He’d argued with himself all night, erasing and fixing the list. Going over it a dozen times, at least. In the end, he’d put an end to the dilemma and did what his gut told him was right. If Claire was truly submissive, then he’d wasted years hunting for the right woman. She’d been in front of him all along, the perfect match for him. His attraction to Claire was strong and when released, it wouldn’t take much for his affection for her to blend with it. Even now he teetered on the edge of love, knowing she was over there, holding 22

Desperate Seduction

nipple clamps as she wondered what to do with them. He could picture the confusion on her sweet face, a little shocked, probably interested and definitely unsure.

But would she come?

Damn, he hoped so. If not, their friendship was probably ruined. Who could return to normality after this? Sure. He could just imagine them in front of the tube, watching
Babylon 5
reruns, dying of embarrassment in silence. Not bloody likely.

Going to his front door, he swung it open and laid the next package on his welcome mat. He would lead her to him slowly, initiating her over several days. If she kept returning, on the third day he wouldn’t let her go. Claire would be his and he’d give her his child.

* * * * *

Once she applied the clamps to her breasts, pleasure stung her nipples. The buds hardened into little pebbles. She could hardly bear it as she walked, no sauntered, to Blake’s. Her cunt dripped with desire, wet and pulsing to be touched.

She shifted in her skirt, tugging it down as it rode up. She hadn’t too many choices in what to wear. So, she decided to blend sexy with her prim and proper look. The short, pleated skirt she’d dug out of her closet was from her college days. When it had fit. Now, it hardly buttoned. It rode her thighs far too high. The new three-inch heels she wore didn’t help matters and she hadn’t even worn tights.

She’d let the buttons of her snug white blouse hang open at the top and had even gone braless for once. She’d left her hair loose, in messy waves around her shoulders.

Claire was pretty sure she looked hot in a smart, sassy sort of way and Blake would like it. At least, she hoped.

She reached his door, raising her hand to knock. Then she saw it. At her feet, another silver package awaited her. This one was a little larger.

Excitement fluttered through her, her loins lighting with anticipation. She clenched her pussy muscles against the rush of tingles. What could it be?


Alyssa Brooks

She picked it up, hurrying to tear away the wrapper. Inside the gift box, a note lay over a black leather paddle. She lifted it, revealing holes in the shape of a heart, clearly meant to increase the sting of each blow.

She held in a gasp, squeezing her legs together at the rush of eagerness. A vision of Blake, in nothing but cowboy boots and his black Stetson, pulling her over his knees, flooded her mind. Both her mouth and her pussy watered.

Fumbling open the note, she read.
You made it this far, but are you ready for your
punishment? Come upstairs, naughty girl. Your master waits for you.

Her hands shook as she replaced the note. In the recesses of her mind, she questioned whether she could do this…if she should. But it was too late.

Her body owned the decision.

She grasped the handle of her new toy and closed the box. Glancing one last time over her shoulder, she scanned the neighborhood. If any neighbors were watching from their windows right now, what on earth would they think? All the more reason she should stop hesitating. The last thing she needed was to be caught dressed like this by some busybody. Letting herself in, she headed upstairs to his room.

She paused at the open bedroom door, drawing a deep breath, then stepped inside.

The gasp she’d held in so far escaped when she saw the contraption lying on the black comforter of his bed. Leather straps and chains formed a harness, one meant to restrain her from all movement.

Her insides fluttered and she became overwhelmed. Was she in too deep? She was going from no sex to super kinky in the blink of an eye. Was her virgin body really ready for this type of experience?

She glanced around his room. In all these years, she’d never been in here. She’d cooked in his kitchen, watched reruns in his living room, worked weekends in his den, even partied on his patio. But not once had she crossed the threshold into his private sanctuary. He’d always kept the door shut. Now she realized why.


Desperate Seduction

For all accounts, the bedroom was normal, though darkly decorated. His closet door hung open, revealing more leather and a variety of chains. But even if it had been shut, there was something about the air in this room. She sensed sexuality. Her body flooded with instant arousal.

Virgin or not, she was ready.

She meandered in, an excited flutter tickling her stomach. She was almost scared—

almost—but how she craved this.

Where was Blake?

“Blake?” She stepped across the threshold, walking to the bed. She knotted her fingers in the comforter as she sat.

He walked from the bathroom without a word. Wearing nothing but a pair of black silk boxers, he stood still as a statue. She was almost surprised. Somehow, she expected him to be dressed in something harder, like black leather, rather than in this sensual way. His stony blue eyes settled on her, a slight smile curving his lips. A rush of satisfaction warmed her heart. The way he was clad made it seem more as if they were about to make love, not do something super kinky.

She drank in the sight of him, the way tight muscles knotted his chest and stomach, his broad shoulders speaking of strength. Her eyes drifted to the dark trail leading from his navel, south to the rather large tent in his boxers.

He covered the distance between them, stopping before her. His hand cupped her jaw, lifting her to face him. With slow strokes he caressed her cheeks. Tingles coursed her spine, setting ablaze her already warm lower regions.

She locked her eyes with his. As if a magnet pulled them, something drew her to him. She stretched her spine, heightening herself to reach his lips as he leaned in. A kiss was unavoidable. Bound to happen.

He lowered his mouth to hers until his lips hovered so close she could sense their softness. His breath caressed her.


Alyssa Brooks

“You came.”

“Of course.”

“I’m glad.” Slowly he planted his lips to hers, the kiss sweet and quick. “I’m very glad.”

She trembled as she spoke, shaken by emotion. Filled with anticipation. “So am I.”

“And were you a good girl? Did you obey me and wear the jewelry I sent?” His eyes drifted to her chest. He released her chin, grasping her shoulders. He pulled her closer. His blue eyes studied her chest, inspecting her breasts through the fabric.

“Yes.” She hesitated then threw caution to the wind. What the heck, she figured. If she was going to do this, to play the role, she might as well do it to the tee. “Yes, sir. I was a good girl.”


What did that mean? That he’d wanted her to disobey him? She thought…

This game he wanted her to play was confusing. “What—” His hand slashed through the air, silencing her words. He pulled away from her, standing to his full height. He looked so large and formidable. In charge. Her insides shook.

“Show me,” he commanded.

Claire fingers shook as she reached for the first button. Undressing herself was a lot harder than having someone ravish and strip her. With each button she worked, she exposed herself to him in a very “bare to the soul” way.

Her blouse fell open and she shrugged it from her shoulders. His eyes appraised her. Slowly he sank to his knees, bringing his face to her breasts. Her nipples tingled in awareness, hot and tight from the clasps.

BOOK: Desperate Seduction
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