Read Desire #1 Online

Authors: Carrie Cox

Desire #1 (3 page)

BOOK: Desire #1
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At just after two, Colin Easton was welcomed into the Great Hall by Carter.

He strode up to me with his hands outstretched. “Ah, Miss Taylor, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

I’m pretty sure Carter harrumphed. I raised an eyebrow, but let the moment pass.

“Please call me Kate,” I said and gestured towards the mural. “I suppose you are anxious to see my work.”

“Oh, yes.” He stepped past me and moved close to the mural.

The smile slid from his face. For a terrifying moment, I thought he was displeased. But when he turned, he had tears in his eyes.

“Miss Taylor … Kate, this is unbelievable, wonderful work. I do believe you can work miracles.” He beamed down at me, dimples appearing in his flushed cheeks. “What did Mr. Easton say?”

“I haven’t spoken to him,” I said. “I’m not sure if he’s seen it yet.”

Colin Easton’s forehead puckered in a frown. “Oh, but he must have.” He took my hand and leaned towards me conspiratorially. “Let’s go and speak to him now.”

“Now? Is he at home?”

Colin Easton nodded.

“Are you sure? I haven’t seen him, and I’ve been here most of the day. Wouldn’t he have to pass me in the Great Hall when he entered?”

He smiled at me indulgently. “He has a self-contained area of the house he likes to use. It has a separate entrance. He doesn’t often work from home. He usually travels to our Providence or Boston offices. Of course, the Easton Company has offices all over the world.”

He tucked my hand under his arm and guided me to the vast staircase.

“Are you sure he won’t mind being disturbed?” For some reason, my voice shook a little as I spoke.

“No. He’ll be delighted with the work you’ve done.”

I returned his smile. “Okay then,” I said and we walked up the winding staircase.

I hadn’t seen much of the house, apart from the Great Hall, the guest restroom and the kitchen, so I stared around me taking it all in. I was like a kid in a candy store with the art work. Portraits of generations of Eastons lined the wall of the upper staircase. The faces stared out at us, their eyes following me. I saw a young man who looked remarkably like Colin Easton. When I pointed it out, he grew quiet for a moment then nodded.

“Yes. My father. If you’re interested, perhaps I could show you our other family portraits. There’s a whole room full of them next to the library. Some are very old.”

“I’d like to see them,” I said. “Thank you.”

I didn’t ask any further questions, and as we climbed higher and walked along the first floor, I soaked up the surroundings. It was without a doubt old-world luxury. The glossy wood, the delicate hand-painted paper on the walls. It all spoke of money. Old money.

My feet sunk into the plush carpet, and I looked down at my scruffy shoes, wincing at how misplaced I look in such a house. I wore ballet pumps, as I did most days. They were comfortable, and a little smarter than sneakers.

Colin Easton paused by a large door, turned to smile at me and then knocked on the door with a flourish.

A moment later, the door was opened by a petite blonde woman, wearing an immaculate skirt suit. It fitted her slim frame perfectly and was clearly expensive. I clasped my hooded cardigan around my waist, feeling very conscious of my appearance.

The blonde woman blinked at me, curiosity obvious in her eyes.

“This,” Colin Easton said, “is the lovely Geraldine. Mr. Easton’s assistant.”

I smiled at her, and she nodded in response.

“And this lovely young lady,” Colin Easton said, putting his hands on my shoulders, “is Miss Katherine Taylor, the talented artist restoring the mural in the Great Hall.”

“Ah,” Geraldine said and stood back to let us through the doorway.

Inside, the décor was a complete contrast to the rest of the house. With its cool, contemporary furnishings, it looked thoroughly modern.

My surprise must have shown on my face, as Geraldine said, “Although Mr. Easton enjoys the period style in Cliff House, he prefers to work in more modern surroundings.”

Geraldine moved across to her chrome and glass desk, tapped a few keys on her computer, and then she sighed.

“You haven’t made an appointment, Colin. You know Mr. Easton likes you to make an appointment.”

I turned to Colin Easton, surprised. As a member of the Easton family, it seemed strange that he needed an appointment.

Colin Easton’s face blushed even redder than usual. “I am quite sure I don’t need to make an appointment to see my own cousin.”

Geraldine gave a tight smile. “Mr. Easton is very busy, Colin. He –”

Colin held up a hand. “You forget yourself, Geraldine. I am also a member of the Easton family. Perhaps in the future you could refer to me as Mr. Easton. First-name terms may have led you to forget my family connection.”

Geraldine blanched and pursed her lips in a tight little line.

After a moment, she said, “Very well, Mr. Easton. I’ll see if Mr. Easton can see you now.”

She picked up a telephone handset and spoke into it in a low voice.

After replacing the handset, she turned to us and said, “Very well. He will see you in a moment.” She gestured to the seating area. “Please make yourselves comfortable while you wait.”

Colin and I sat on plush leather armchairs while we waited.

When Geraldine was otherwise occupied, tapping away on her keyboard, Colin turned to me. “Honestly, Geraldine is getting more above her station by the day. I’m pretty sure she’s set her sights on Benjamin.”


“Yes. Mr. Benjamin Easton – my cousin. The gall of the woman, trying to deny me access to my own cousin. Me, the direct descendant of Albert Easton.”

Colin shook his head in disgust.

I imagined Mr. Benjamin Easton would be considerably older than Geraldine. I couldn’t understand the attraction to wealthy older men myself, but for some women I supposed money and power were a heady aphrodisiac.

“I hope Benjamin sets her straight soon. Silly woman.” Colin huffed and pulled at his trousers so the creases running along each leg were straight. “Can you believe it? Talking to me like that?”

I shook my head and mumbled in agreement. I wished I hadn’t come.

Every now and then, Geraldine glanced over and narrowed her eyes at us in disapproval. I tried to ignore her.

Benjamin Easton kept us waiting for nearly twenty minutes before the phone buzzed on Geraldine’s desk and she stood up and said, “He will see you now.”

Colin stood up and haughtily jerked his head. He walked past Geraldine, ignoring her, and I fell into step behind him.

When we entered Benjamin Easton’s office, he had his back to us, and even though he must have heard our entrance, he didn’t turn around. I felt a flicker of annoyance on Colin’s behalf. Good manners didn’t cost anything. No one was

As he ignored us, I studied his back. Even though he was sitting down, I could tell he was a tall man. His back was ram-rod straight, but it was his dark hair that surprised me most. I’d expected his hair to be streaked with grey and fair like Colin’s.

I bit my lower lip. There was something about his hair…

Before my mind had a chance to piece together fragments of the jigsaw, he turned around.

I gasped and stumbled backwards. Luckily, Colin Easton caught my arm before I fell on my backside for the second time today.

“Are you all right, Miss Taylor?” he asked as he pulled up a chair so I could sit down.

I slumped down into the chair and looked up into Colin’s concerned face. Then I peeked behind him to see if my eyes had been playing tricks on me.

But my eyes had not deceived me. There he was, larger than life, dressed in an expensive, dark grey, well-cut suit and a pristine white shirt: My gardener, from this morning.

Chapter 4

He looked very different. Perhaps even hotter in the suit. And he radiated power. How could I have mistaken him for the gardener? Still, I supposed at least I knew his name now. Benjamin Easton. It suited him. It also explained why Carter, the butler, called him sir. How could I have missed it?

Still frowning, Colin said, “May I introduce Miss Katherine Taylor, the talented artist who has been restoring our mural.”

Benjamin Easton smiled, his eyes focused on me.

“Katherine.” He pronounced each syllable of my name: Kath-er-ine. As he spoke, I felt the stirring of desire. How could simply saying my name be so hot?

I should have answered, but my brain wouldn’t function properly. Was he going to fire me? He definitely wouldn’t be recommending me to any of his rich friends. I swallowed and sat up a little straighter in my chair.

Poor Colin Easton seemed to be at a loss.

Benjamin Easton’s eyes remained fixed on me, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away.

Colin cleared his throat. “Ah, she has worked miracles. Really a first-class job. Have you seen the mural, Benjamin?”

Benjamin steepled his fingers beneath his chin and grinned at me. It was a grin filled with wicked intentions. My heart beat sped up. Perhaps he wasn’t going to fire me. Perhaps he had other plans. I felt a warmth tingling between my legs.
Oh no, no

That shouldn’t turn me on. I should have been annoyed he’d tricked me into almost having sex with him in the estate gardens. As I remembered the scene this morning, an image of Benjamin, shirtless above me filled my mind. My face flushed.

“Yes,” Benjamin said, his voice deep and impossibly sexy. “Katherine is

My cheeks grew hotter at his innuendo. I shot a sideways glance at Colin. Did he realise what had happened between us?

“Perhaps I could have a private conversation with Miss Taylor, Colin,” he said, keeping his gaze fixed on me all the time.

My mind whirled with the possibilities.

He wanted us to be alone? Did that mean he was going to finish what he started this morning?

I felt a stab of raw lust. If my brain had been functioning properly, I would have made an excuse and left before things got more complicated. But I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to feel those strong hands on me again.

“Oh. Well, all right, I suppose, but I did want to talk to you about cleaning the pottery collection.”

“Later, Colin,” Benjamin snapped, finally turning to face his cousin. “We can talk about it another time.”

Colin sniffed and nodded, clearly put out. “Fine. I’ll make an appointment, shall I?” He turned to me. “Goodbye, Miss Taylor.” He gave a stuffy little bow and stalked out of the room.

As Colin slammed the door, I turned back to Benjamin, my eyes wide. I must have looked like a startled rabbit. His dark, dangerous eyes studied me for a moment. Then he stood up.

My heart raced as he moved towards me.

I made a funny squeaking sound as I stood up quickly and held out my arms to ward him off. “No, hang on a minute,” I said, trying desperately to stay in control. “I think you owe me an explanation.”

He stopped advancing towards me and leaned back on his desk, raising an eyebrow. “I owe you an explanation?”

I faltered a little, trying to gain confidence. “Yes. You led me to believe you were a gardener.”

A bemused smile flickered over his lips. “I don’t believe I actually said I was the gardener.”

“But you didn’t tell me you were my boss!” I folded my arms across my chest. “And you … you let me … you made me …”

“I didn’t
you do anything, Katherine.”

There it was again. The musical way he said my name had me melting with desire. He was right, of course. He hadn’t forced me to do anything. I had been a very willing participant.

I nodded, conceding his point. “Okay, but you still should have told me you were my boss.”

He tilted his head to the side, studying me.

“And why were you working in the garden?” I asked

“I like to spend half an hour or so in the garden before my working day starts. I like gardening. I’m very good with my hands.”

I looked down at his hands as he spoke, imagining just
good he could be with those hands and fingers.

“Come here,” he said softly.

I shook my head. “I don’t think this is a very good idea.”

“You liked me well enough when you thought I was a gardener. I’m up for a bit of role-playing if it makes it easier.”

My mouth dropped open. “I don’t mean that. It will complicate things. You’re my boss. I don’t think it’s appropriate.”

“That’s a shame.” He pushed off from the desk and went back round to his seat. He sat down and started shuffling through his papers.

I stood there rooted to the spot.

After a moment, he looked up at me. “Is there something else you’d like to talk about?”

“Are we done?” I asked. I couldn’t believe it. He was letting me go just like that. My body was crying out with frustration.

His eyes travelled the length of my body then back up slowly. “I’d hoped we could continue where we left off this morning, but if you’re not interested…”

Oh hell. “It’s not that I’m not interested. I…”

He stayed silent for a moment then used a finger to beckon me towards him. I moved slowly, feeling breathless with desire.

When I was less than a foot away, he stood and reached out, pulling me towards him, pressing my body hard against his. I could feel every muscle in his torso. He held me so tightly I could only take shallow breaths, which left me light-headed.

I could feel his hardness through his trousers, pushing against me. The hot, wetness between my legs tingled with anticipation. I wriggled against him, moaning as his hardness rubbed against me.

He covered my mouth with his, exploring with his tongue. He tasted warm and delicious. His hands slid under my shirt, lightly caressing the lace of my bra, turning my nipples into hard nubs that he rubbed between his fingers.

I moaned softly against his mouth.

“God, you are so fucking hot,” he said as his lips began to trail my neck, nibbling and kissing as he went.

I rubbed myself against him provocatively, hoping to speed him up. I wanted him to touch me. I needed to feel his fingers between my legs.

BOOK: Desire #1
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