Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (2 page)

BOOK: Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Sin frowned and turned around to walk backward. “Yes, they are losing ground. I’m afraid they are tiring.” He handed the small boy he was carrying on his shoulders to Lef and took off at a trot toward the back of the line.

“Stop,” Sin told the young women when he reached them. He was furious when he saw each woman had a small child on her shoulders. It was understood in his society that the women did all the hard work, but angered him greatly when he noticed the women were both tied to an arm of a large sled. Tied like animals.

The women came to an abrupt halt when Sin yelled at them. It was unusual for the young men to speak to the young women without their fathers present. Sin smiled to ease their worry. “Untie the carrier from your waists, and I will drag it so you can move faster.”

Em opened her mouth to protest, and Sin smiled and put his hand on her lips. They were trembling.

“Do not be afraid. I will watch over you, girl. You will be safe. I promise.”

“But my father told us we must drag the sled and carry my little sisters. He will be angry if we do not obey,” Ria said bravely.

Ria’s father was known to have a violent temper and had been warned to control his anger or he would be put out of the clan. Cia’s warning had only made Es angrier, but he no longer beat his family.

“He will not be angry,” Sin assured her. “I will speak to him myself.”

“We must go,” Em insisted as the ground rose and heaved under their feet. Ash landed on her hair and she sneezed. Her hands, wrapped around her little sister’s ankles, continued to tremble. “My father will also be very angry.”

Sin gave her his most winning smile. “No. He will not.” He put out a hand and began to loosen the antelope sinew strapping the carrier to her waist. Em put a gentle hand on his, and Sin’s cock rustled, threatening to grow and show itself. How could her touch excite him now? There was no time for fucking. Pot was going to explode soon. Very soon.

“I will help you,” Em said. Her gentle voice and soft hands caused his cock to rise and push its way out of his hunting pants. “Oh!” she gasped, spying his aroused penis.

Sin silently shoved his cock out of sight and continued to untangle the sinew holding the carrier. If he ignored the problem, it would go away.

Ria giggled, and Em hit her on the arm. “Silence,” she ordered her friend, who immediately began to laugh out loud.

Sin’s fingers refused to work. He couldn’t seem to get the sinew to give way. He was about to lean forward and bite it when it loosened, and one side of the carrier was loose. He easily untangled the second sinew, wondering as he did why the touch of Ria’s body under his fingers did nothing to him. In fact, his cock had drooped back where it belonged, snuggled against his balls.

It took a few moments to reattach the carrier to his lean waist, and with a sigh of relief, they were trotting to catch up with the rest of the dwellers. At the opening separating the valley from the next, the young women slipped through after helping Sin unstrap the carrier. Turning the carrier on its side, Sin dragged it through the narrow opening, and on the other side, reattached it to his waist.

Sin felt a lot better. They were away from the rumbling Pot. However, the earth continued to groan and heave, and ash drifted down on their heads. The whole group was beginning to look like a troop of elders. Sin feared they were still not safe in this valley. They would have to go much farther to avoid Pot’s wrath.

The valley they had entered was a grassy plain intermittently broken by a tree or two. It was nowhere near as pleasant as the valley they’d been inhabiting for the past few years. There was some evidence of previous dwellers, but to Sin’s eyes, the valley looked and felt empty. Sin had a feeling his sister and her mate had already been in this valley as they’d searched for a new cave for their group.

It was going to take days to cross this valley and get farther away from Pot’s fury. Sin didn’t think they had days. The way the ground moved under their feet, he thought they might only have one passing of Tec. They had to hurry.

When Sin was a child, Pot had exploded and sent debris and hot rocks spewing into the air, and boiling black rock had run down the side and filled a valley on the other side of where his group was dwelling. The clan had been very lucky. This time, they would not be so lucky, and Sin didn’t want to wait around to find out if they would live or die by Pot’s mighty hand.

To keep his mind off the death awaiting the group, Sin watched the movement of Em’s firm bottom as she walked in front of him. He knew what she looked like naked. He and Lef had spent much time hiding in the bushes and rocks watching as she and Ria bathed. Oh, yes, he was very familiar with her body.

* * * *

Late in the day, the troop stopped and built a fire. As they walked, the men had spread out from the group and hunted, so there was fresh meat for the evening meal. Roasted rabbit and tubers made a filling meal. Some of the younger children had scouted and found water, so they drank their fill, and in the dawn’s light, they would fill their water pouches for the day’s trek ahead.

After a day of trembling and groaning, the ground seemed to settle, and all was silent. Pot was still spewing hot ash but was not as noisy as he had been for the past few days.

Later, there was much talk around the fire by the elders of the group. Speculation was high. They felt the troop was making a mistake and should not go by the findings of two young men.

Sin jumped at the accusation. “I am not a child,” he protested. “I am a man. Soon, I will mate. I know what I saw, and I tell the truth. Pot is going to explode, and it will be soon. Pot may be sleeping tonight, but he will not sleep tomorrow.”

Lef nodded in agreement, and Cia, coming to his defense, said, “Sin is not a child. Remember, we have been through this before. Last time, we were lucky. We are only being smart by moving. I, for one, do not want to die.”

Two of the eldest of the troop spoke up in agreement. “We remember. You are right. We must get far away from Pot.”

While Cia and the elders spoke, Sin moved silently around the fire until he was sitting near Em. He took a deep breath and was rewarded by her scent. It was hard to believe that with the air full of ash and smoke, he could still find her scent. Flowers and sun.

He slipped down behind her and could tell by the set of her slender shoulders that she was fully conscious of his presence. Squatting a few inches from her, he waited for her to say something. Like all the other young women of the troop, Em saved her words and laughter to share with her girl friends.

Sin waited patiently for her to speak, and when what seemed like a full day had passed and still no words came from her mouth, Sin whispered, “Are you frightened?”

Em shook her head and answered quietly. “Not yet.”

The ground shifted and grumbled under their feet, and Em gasped as she fell back, landing on Sin.

“Oh. I am sorry, Sin.” She jumped up and brushed off the back of her short skin skirt. “Now, I am beginning to be afraid. Pot is so unhappy.”

Sin, who had spent the entire day thinking about Em’s naked body, took advantage of her fear to wrap a firm arm around her and pull her close. “Don’t be afraid. I will protect you the best I can.”

At first Em’s body was tight with obvious terror, but as the earth settled, she took advantage of his firm embrace and leaned against his chest. Together, they sank down to cuddle near the fire as many couples were doing. The night was dark and the noises strange. Nothing was as it had been in their familiar valley. Here, not only was Pot causing fear, but the night noises were louder and more terrifying.

The children gathered as much dry wood as they could find and piled it on the edge of the campsite. One of the men, Ket, added several pieces of the wood to the fire, and the flames leapt flickering bright and hot. Women gathered up the young children and settled them for the night while the men continued to discuss the following day’s walk. Directions were argued and discarded.

Sin sat at the edge of the group, holding Em close to his chest. He couldn’t get enough of the scent and feel of her slim body. She fit against him as if she was made just for him and his enjoyment. He watched and listened, hoping to learn what the final decision would be for tomorrow’s travel.

The fire began to fade. The women, who had finally gotten the children to sleep, returned to find their mates. Nursing babies were fed one last time, and the troop began to split off into pairs. Bearskins were strewn about close to the fire for warmth and pleasure.

Em was limp against Sin’s chest. She seemed to be dozing. Good. She had worked very hard all day and walked a long way. Tomorrow would be as long and hard.

Sin remained silent, watching Ket stirring the fire, adding small branches and banking it so there would be warmth much of the night. Ket had been chosen to be the night guard, and he would check the fire many times as was his duty. His friend Rio stopped to tell Ket he would join him later so he would not be alone.

Sin still felt the sting of rebuff. He and Lef had offered to do night watch, but the elders had ignored them. The young men thought it was because they had offended the elders when they had stepped in and said it was time to move.

The elders did not like to be questioned, but Sin knew with all his being that he was right and if they didn’t keep moving they would all soon be dead. And, it would not be an easy death. They would be cooked alive.

* * * *

Em rested against Sin’s large, muscular body. She had dreamed about this day since she had started bleeding in her ninth summer. She knew he watched her bathe. She and Ria went out of their way to make sure Sin and Lef were aware each time they went to the bathing pools.

Right now, Em wished she could bathe. It had been a hot, dirty day, and her hair was full of ash. Her body had slicked with sweat as they had walked through the valley. It had been a long, hard, fast trek; and she’d been exhausted by the time they had stopped under a grove of trees for the night.

The troop had been lucky to find the grove. The rest of this valley was mostly grass and rock.

The earth shook, and Em moved even closer to Sin. He wrapped his hard arms around her shoulders and buried his nose in her hair. “Don’t,” she whispered.

“Why?” he laughed lightly. “You smell like flowers.”

“You lie. I smell like smoke and dirt.” She pushed her hands against his chest, trying to put some space between their bodies.

“No,” he protested, pulling her back against his chest. “I only smell flowers and woman.”

She was too tired to argue, and Sin began humming a song. It was a song Lia had made up about love and laughter. Soon, her head was too heavy to hold up, and she rested, warm and safe, in Sin’s arms.

* * * *

Em woke with a start when Sin’s hand brushed across her breast, and her nipple peaked. Her belly rolled, and her cunt became wet.

“Sin? What are you doing? It feels very strange.”

His soft laugh ticked her ear. “No man has touched you like this before have they little one?”

She shook her head.

“Good. I will be the one to make you happy. We will fuck. I will be careful and please you much.”

Em nodded. The strange feelings had been with her since he touched her arms earlier when he removed the carrier she had been dragging behind her.

She had seen his cock poke its way out of his hunting pants, and she had almost put her hand on him. She and Ria had talked many times about the feel of a man’s cock inside their bodies. Tonight, she was going to find out.

Sin’s cock pushed against her hip. Feeling daring, Em slipped her hand between their bodies and touched the tip of his cock. Sin jolted, and his fingers tightened on her teat.

“Oh,” Em sighed.

“Did I injure you?” Sin asked, pulling his hand away from her breast.

“No. Do it some more,” she pleaded in a whisper. “I like it. It is nice.” She moved her finger back and forth over the tip of his cock, and it became slick and wet. Did the slickness mean he was excited?

Sin’s hips moved, and his cock grew under her fingers. “Am I hurting you?” Em asked, keeping her voice barely audible. More and more of the couples around the fire were locked in sexual embraces. Groans filled the air, and it was no longer Pot causing the disturbance.

Em and Sin were not innocent. Nudity and sexual activities were out in the open when living in a cave. Both had seen it all and more. It was not unusual for children to play at fucking, but it was frowned upon until women and men were in their eighteenth summers. This was the summer for Em and Sin to explore their sexuality.

Em let her finger wander down the length of Sin’s large cock, and she was rewarded when the organ leapt and grew under her searching. Curious as to his width and breadth, she wrapped her hand around his cock. He was very big. Would he fit inside her? In truth, Em couldn’t wait to find out.

“Will you fuck me?” she whispered, nuzzling her nose against his broad chest.

His hand cupped her breast, and with thumb and forefinger, he gently pinched her nipple. “What of your father?”

Em searched around the fire and found her father, Row, mounting Mar, his second mate. Em’s mother had died when she was born, and Row had taken Mar to be his mate when Em was in her fourth summer.

BOOK: Denis, Cherie - Sin [Caveman Love 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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