Read Demonic and Deserted (Eternally Yours Book 4) Online

Authors: Tara West

Tags: #fantasy romance, #tara west, #eternally yours, #spicy, #paranormal romance, #chick lit, #divine and dateless, #sexy, #humor

Demonic and Deserted (Eternally Yours Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Demonic and Deserted (Eternally Yours Book 4)
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Why is her hand wet? Lord, I hope it’s water and not something else.

I pulled away when she tried to massage my sore shoulder. “If you want to soothe me, then tell your master to let us go.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Small creases marred her brow, though it didn’t take away from her beauty. “He takes commands from no one.” She looked me deeply in the eyes before reaching for a goblet on the table beside her. “Here. Drink this.” She held it out to me. “It will relax you.”

Something about her tone gave me pause. Yeah, I could sure use a drink, but did I really trust her enough to drink the Devil’s wine?

I had no idea what tempted me to take the drink from her. I swear, one imploring look, and I was under this woman’s trance. I frowned at the liquid swirling in my goblet, such a deep red it looked like blood. I grimaced. “What’s in it?”

“It’s just wine,” she said casually.

Yeah, that’s what Bill Cosby had said.  I handed back the offending cup. “Thanks, but I don’t trust the drinks in hell.”

She heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Very well.”

After taking the wine from me and setting it back on the table, I was suddenly reminded we were very much alone together. She scooted closer, too close, invading my personal space. If any other person besides Aedan had gotten this close to me, I would have probably backhanded her. She smelled like vanilla musk and something else, something tangy, almost like the scents of sweat and sperm after Aedan and I had spent all night making love. I hadn’t realized until that moment how much that smell turned me on, but as I focused on her lush, full lips, I so badly wanted a taste of her shimmery gloss.

When she smiled coyly at me, and then traced a finger down my arm, one word projected into my brain as a tantalizing shiver wracked my body: siren. Horny Hitler had said my valet would be a siren. And now I understood how tempting sirens could be. This woman didn’t just make me want to bat for the other team. She made me want to try out for the big leagues and buy stock in the franchise. 

I gasped when she crawled behind me and placed a hand on my back. “What are you doing?”

“Undressing you,” she said with a sultry giggle, her deft hands unbuttoning my dress and unsnapping my torpedo-tit bra.

I groaned a sigh of relief as my tits sprang free from their 1950s chamber of torture.  Her nimble fingers turned my skin to gooseflesh as she brushed my hair to one side and pulled the sleeves down my arms. I gasped in delight when the smooth tips of her fingers traced the swell of my breasts before pulling my bra off completely.

“Do you enjoy my touch?” Her lips were dangerously close to my neck, her cool breath tickling my skin.

Oh, heck yeah!
If it felt this good when she undressed me, I could only imagine the exquisite feel of her tongue swirling around that sensitive spot between my legs and those smooth fingers channeling into me. I closed my eyes and threw back my head with a groan as she massaged my bare breasts, her palms lightly caressing my nipples and nearly causing me to orgasm right then and there. My legs spread as I fell onto the plush rug with a sigh. I lifted my arms as she pulled the dress over my head. Her lithe body slid down next to mine, nipping my neck before she suckled one breast and then the other.

An image popped into my brain, a man with impossibly bright blue eyes smiling up at me before trailing kisses down my abdomen and then burying his face between my legs, lapping up my juices like a kitten drinking milk.

Aedan! My fiancé! How the hell had I forgotten about Aedan?!

I gasped and shot up, amazed to find I was laying spread-eagled on the floor, completely naked, and the siren, not Aedan, had her head buried in my crotch.

My body screamed in protest when I scooted back. “I like men,” I said with a shaky voice, though I had no idea how I’d summoned the sense to speak at all. “Actually, only one man. Just Aedan. I only like him.”

Thelix sat back, peeling her thin dress off her shoulders, revealing the prettiest tits I’d ever seen, round and soft, with perky nipples. “Of course you do.” She licked her lips, her hungry gaze tunneling on my very bare crotch. “I admire your loyalty.”

I shut my legs with a snap, scooting back even more until my bare ass slapped cool tiles. I tried my best to ignore the pulsating ache between my thighs. Though my memory was a bit fuzzy, I thought she’d licked me down there. Her chin and mouth were glistening with moisture. Oh, yeah, she’d licked me. Fuck. I was pretty sure that was cheating, even if I hadn’t let her finish the job. How and why did I let this happen?

And the damn siren was now completely naked. Her twat was bare and beautiful, as smooth as the rest of her. Who would have thought they had laser hair removal in Hell? She slowly walked away, crooking her finger at me as she stepped into a deep tub in the center of the room.

I sat as still as a statue, crossing my legs in an attempt to quell the ache there. Hadn’t Aedan and I just had sex in the elevator?  How could I be so horny?

She was still smiling at me as she picked up a big sponge and rubbed it across her nipples, making her breasts glisten with soap bubbles. Oh, sweet hell on fire, I so wanted to lick them.

And then she began to sing, a song so beautiful, my heart nearly broke from the sweet sound, the haunting melody beckoning me toward the water.

The tub was bigger than I’d first estimated, more like a small pool, and the view beyond it was spectacular, a rocky cliff face with waves from the endless ocean crashing below. My room looked more like a Roman palace, framed by tall marble columns and soft silk drapes.

“You have a pretty voice,” I said, barely aware of my actions as I slipped into the suds. The water was warm and soothing.

“Thank you.” She faced me and ran the sponge down my arms.

Mmmm. It felt so damn good, like a sensual massage only better. Way better. I leaned back against the cool tiles and spread my legs, and she cleaned between them, the sponge tickling my sensitive flesh and making my labia expand with each stroke like a flower opening to the sunlight. Damn, a sponge had never brought me so close to orgasm before. And then she was stroking me there, tickling and teasing moisture out of my slit while she nibbled on my earlobe. She was humming now, the song just as beautiful as before, and my orgasm was building, my pussy welcoming her touch as she inserted a finger deep inside me.

When her mouth found mine, I was done for. She tasted like vanilla and sex, and her lips were perfectly soft. I welcomed the invasion of her tongue as she speared my weeping flesh with her finger. I screamed when the orgasm took me. I shuddered and then contracted around her finger as she flicked my sweet swollen spot with her thumb. The orgasm seemed to last an eternity, one building on top of another, while she continued to coax more fluid from me with her blessedly long finger.

I was still throbbing when she pulled out and circled my sweet spot, coaxing yet another orgasm from me as I bucked my swollen button against her. I was barely aware that she was still humming as she trailed kisses down my neck. I slouched in the tub, feeling as boneless as a fileted fish while delightful twitches coursed through me like little jolts of electricity. Hot damn, this siren knew how to fuck!

Wait! What?

I screamed like a banshee as I flew out of the tub and grabbed a towel off a nearby chair.

Holy shit! I’d just cheated on my fiancé. Omigod omigod omigod!

I spun as she began toweling off beside me, amusement dancing in her beautiful eyes. “What’s the matter?” she asked with a pout. “Didn’t you enjoy your orgasms?”

“Yes,” I answered too eagerly, before I slapped a hand over my mouth. “N-no!” I spluttered. “I’m engaged.”

“Oh, my dear Ashley,” she said with a smile in her voice. “You’ve forgotten rule number one. No sin is off limits here.” She grabbed a strand of my hair, twirling it between her fingers.

I jerked away and stepped back, straightening my shoulders. “Please don’t touch me again.” My voice quavered, and it took all my willpower not to break down and cry. How had I let this happen?

“As you wish.” She sighed and frowned at my hair.

She strode over to a Grecian-style vanity with a tall oval mirror and a marble top. I couldn’t help but be in awe of her glistening nude backside. I hadn’t noticed before, but her wet skin from the waist down looked iridescent, almost as if her bottom half was covered in shiny scales, reminding me that she was indeed a siren and part mermaid if mythology was to be believed.

She picked up a brush from the table and crooked a finger. “Come. I must fix your hair for the party.”

“I don’t want to go to the party.” I pouted before averting my gaze. Her lithe body was too pretty, and I didn’t want to get caught staring at her perky tits.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, but you must. My master will be displeased if you don’t.”

I sank onto a long bench, burying my face in my hands. “I-I can’t face Aedan.”

“Of course you can,” she said, kneeling beside me and placing a hand on my knee. “Why, I bet he’s spilling his seed into his siren’s mouth as we speak.”

I sprang up and balled my fists. “What? He has a siren, too?”
What the hell!

The thought of Aedan’s dick in some other woman’s mouth filled my skull with white-hot rage. How dare he cheat on me, especially on our wedding day!

She flashed a sideways smile. “Don’t be jealous, darling. It is only pleasure.”

I numbly followed as she tugged my hand, leading me to the vanity. Why did I so blindly obey this woman, following her every command like a lemming? And what did she mean about it only being pleasure? Sure sex was pleasurable, but with Aedan, it was also about loving the man I’d chosen for all eternity. And I’d just carelessly thrown away that love for a few seconds in a hot tub with a demon. To be fair, she wasn’t an ordinary demon. She was a siren, and even though my sucky grade in ancient mythology had brought my GPA down by a whole percentage point, I vaguely remembered learning that sirens were known for their ability to tempt mortals. Well, she’d tempted me all right, but I resolved then and there, that would be the first and last time I ever strayed from Aedan, no matter how much her perky boobs made my mouth water.

She sat me at a marble bench, one bare breast coming dangerously close to my lips as she grabbed a spray bottle off the vanity.

“Hopefully, this will tame your hair,” she said.

My gaze snapped to my reflection in the mirror, and I screamed. My hair! I looked like a dandelion on steroids, just like the day I’d accidentally electrocuted myself via blow dryer. I spun around, eyeing her accusingly. “What happened to my hair?”

She ran her fingers through my frizzy curls. “I’m not sure. Was it like this when you died?”

I tried not to get distracted by the way her caress made my scalp tingle. “Um, yeah, but I fixed it with Nephilim healing water.” Deep conditioning treatment hadn’t done the trick. Amazing what death by electrocution could do to one’s follicles. I ran a hand over the angry red welt on my chest where the bolt had zapped my heart and stared down at my thighs, which did seem to be a bit flabbier. Well, damn. I looked exactly like the day I’d died.

“Unfortunately,” she said. “When mortals are sent to level thirteen, they do not shed their disfigurements. Just be thankful my master hasn’t turned you into an animal.”

I spun around and looked up at her. “So that goat-man and those bull things were made that way by the Devil?”

She solemnly nodded. “Yes. His scepter is very powerful.”

“That wand with the snake head?” I asked as she turned me around.

“Yes, and you’d do well to keep out of his crosshairs.” She frowned. “He’s easily angered.”

I swallowed a knot in my throat as I thought about Aedan’s temper. If he kept goading the Devil, he was sure to be turned into a toad-man or a monkey-boy. I cringed when I thought of what his reaction would be when I told him about my bath with the siren. He’d come unglued, most likely unleashing the brunt of his anger on our unholy host.

My siren valet did an amazing job transforming my mangled mop into a long fancy braid. Then she applied some rouge, eye liner, and shimmery lip gloss. I reluctantly cracked a smile when I saw my reflection in the mirror. She’d made me look beautiful, maybe too beautiful. After all, I didn’t want to tempt any humping monkeys, or worse, the Devil himself.

The bra she fastened on me had an overload of sparkly beads and shimmery tassels hanging off the nipples. Ugh. It was more hideous than my grandma’s torpedo-tit brassiere. The skirt hung low on my hips, held up by a silky sash. Two slits went up the sides, revealing shapely calves. I sure hoped my shirt was long enough to cover my naval, or Aedan was sure to have a fit, and I already had enough to be sorry for. 

She spun me around, her delicate hands caressing under my girls. “There. You look beautiful. Your breasts are like two ripe melons.”

Wait. This was it? I couldn’t go out in public with bedazzled tits. “I can’t wear this,” I practically screeched, my nipple tassels spinning like propellers as I brushed her hands off me. “It’s too revealing.”

I thought I saw a flash of red in her eyes as she tilted her chin. “Your innocence is so enchanting. I shall enjoy deflowering you each day.”

I cringed when she cupped my cheek, her lips pulling back in a wicked smile. There was no way I was letting that psycho siren seduce me again. At least, I hoped there wasn’t a way. I’d already capitulated once to her. I hoped I was strong enough to stop her next time. 

“You don’t understand.” I waved a hand at my reflection in the mirror. “If Aedan sees me in this, he’s going to freak.”

Aedan was pretty old-fashioned when it came to my choice in attire, which was why I still wore my grandma’s 1940s hand-me-down dresses. That, and the fact that I was trying to save up enough credits to move up from moldy level ten. Jeez. What I wouldn’t give to exchange my current living situation to be back in Purgatory. I didn’t care if the carpets smelled like week-old cat piss and the toilets had a perpetual pink ring around the bowl. It sure beat living in fear of having my soul burn for eternity in the belly of a fire dragon.

BOOK: Demonic and Deserted (Eternally Yours Book 4)
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