Delusional Love (2nd Edition) (7 page)

BOOK: Delusional Love (2nd Edition)
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got out of the car and walked into Stephanie’s building. She opened the door
and inwardly sighed,
‘he looks so damn
good; this is going to be harder than I expected.’


as she turned sideways to let him in.


yourself. You look absolutely beautiful.” That was an understatement. When she
opened the door he was blown away by her beauty and the scent she wore was
sending his heart rate into overdrive. He had been around beautiful women all
his life but there was something special about Stephanie. Looking into her
vulnerable and beautiful eyes, he felt an overwhelming need to hold her and
protect her from the world.


you ready to go?”


Just let me get the lights and lock up.”


2013 Mercedes-Benz SL65 was parked in front of the building. “Nice car.”


you. It’s sort of a hobby.”


and their toys.” She said just above a whisper.


smiled and she realized he heard her comment. The ride to the restaurant was
quiet. Ivan had classical music playing.


beautiful. Who is it?”


name is Mina. She is an Italian singer from my mom’s era. I grew up listening
to her. This song is called Non
, loosely
translated it means don't delude


Was all Stephanie could say, until Ivan spoke


how do you like working for Quinn Corporation considering the few,
, missteps we’ve had?”


Is that we are calling them?” She smiled. “To answer your questions, the work
is demanding but I am enjoying the challenges.”


completing a report that should have taken two days in five hours. Very
impressive, Ms. Young”


thank you.” She said doing a mock bow in her seat. There was silence again and
the music continued to permeate throughout the car. A short time later they
pulled in front of Napoli, one of the most exclusive restaurants in
Philadelphia. He turned to her before getting out.


hope you like Italian.”

smiled at him as the valet opened her door. The smile on her face took his
breath away. The restaurant was extremely crowded. The hostess walked up to
them as soon as they entered.


evening Mr. Quinn. Would you like your usual table?”


that will be fine Maria, thank you.”


this way.”


said looking at Stephanie with a faint smile that did not reach her eyes. The restaurant
was understated in its design, yet sleek and comfortable. Napoli was designed
with a multi-tiered terrace, hand-crafted serpentine bar in the lounge and a
cozy lounge setting in front of a roaring fire that added to the romantic
atmosphere. From the moment they stepped over the stone threshold. Stephanie
could tell a restaurant in Italy must have inspired Napoli.


can start you off with drinks. Would you like your usual, Mr. Quinn?”


He said as he stared at Stephanie. “And for you Madame.”


I’m not really sure. What do you suggest, Ivan?” “Bring us a bottle of Barolo
and Ms. Young will need a menu.”


good sir.” And with that she was gone.


is a beautiful restaurant and I assume you come here quite often.”


of my college buddies who is also my best friend owns this place. And yes, I do
come here often.”


thank you for bringing me here.”



do you really think we are going to get any work done here? The lights are so
dim and the setting is sort of romantic. Under different circumstances this
could be considered a date.” She said jokingly.


you want it to be?”
Ivan said in a
serious tone not taking his eyes off of her. Stephanie started to squirm in her
seat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.


that a joke, because I doubt I am your type?”


really and what’s my type?” He asked staring intently into her eyes. It was
hard for her to concentrate with his beautiful green eyes staring as if he
could look straight into her soul.


I don’t know, maybe a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed model type. Like the
one you are pictured beside of in those magazines featuring you as one of
Philadelphia’s most eligible bachelors.” She said sarcastically.
Ivan sat back in his chair still not turning
away from Stephanie.
After a few
uncomfortable moments of silence Ivan leaned forward.


Ashley is very beautiful, I don’t have a specific type and while we are on the
subject, we are friends nothing more, nothing less. What about you? Do you have
a certain type?”


type, uh yeah, that would be losers who leave broken hearts in their path.” She
said while raising her wine glass to him. “
trying to change my streak.” Stephanie thought about her most recent breakup
with Mark, a friend from college she reconnected with and started dating. They
dated for six months when Stephanie decided to give him her virginity because
he already had her heart. She recalled the painful moment, which sent a chill
through her.

want to talk about it?” Ivan asked clearly seeing the pain in her eyes.


he’s not worth my breath.”


dinner arrived and the conversation lightened as they talked about likes and
dislikes families and careers. Once they finished dinner the waitress asked if
they would like dessert. Stephanie declined stating she couldn’t eat another
thing. Just then a very handsome man walked over to the table and sat down.


this is my friend and the owner of this establishment, Marco Napoli. Marco,
this is Stephanie Young.”


is very nice to meet you Stephanie Young.
Such a beautiful
lady Ivan.
She must be special because I don’t ever remember you
bringing a date here before.” Stephanie could not hide her look of surprise.
She wanted to say that it was supposed to be a working dinner not a date, but
instead she said. “It’s nothing like that, I am Ivan’s assistant.” Marco looked
over at Ivan with a smirk.


think it’s a little more than that considering the way my dear friend can’t
take his eyes off of you.” Ivan gave Marco a quick glare to indicate that was


how long have you been Ivan’s assistant, Stephanie?” Marco said, amused at
Ivan’s reaction. She explained that this was her first week. She also discussed
her duties and working relationship with Ivan. The conversation continued
between them until Marco excused himself to speak with other patrons.


don’t forget about the barbeque on the fourth of July. Maybe you would like to
join us Stephanie.”


you, but my two best friends and I were going to throw some burgers on the


them along. The more the merrier.”


we will. Thanks for the invitation.” She said while looking at Ivan for his
approval. Ivan smiled.


you will make sure she gets the address?” Marco said without waiting for a
response. “It was very nice to meet you Stephanie, and please don’t be a
He said and walked away.

you like another glass of wine?”


better not. Two is usually my limit.”


then. I better get you home.”


left the restaurant and drove home, they engaged in small talk as soft music
played in the background. When they pulled up in front of her building she
turned toward him and thanked him for a wonderful evening. He got out and
opened the car door for her and walked with her to her building. They reached
the entrance of the building and she turned to him to say goodnight again.


walking you to your door.”


not necessary.”


insist. I want to make sure you get in your door safely.”


rode the elevator in silence, when they reached her door he took the key from
her hand and opened the door.


night Ivan. Thank you again.”


cupped her face with his hands and kissed her softly on her lips. “Good night
Stephanie. I will see you on Monday.” Stephanie closed the door leaned against
it for support and softly felt her lips as her heart slammed in her chest.

‘He is a dangerous man.’
She thought and
she was going to have to guard her heart closely working with him.





walked into his condo poured
a drink and
reflected on his dinner with Stephanie.
is it about her that is driving me crazy?’
he walked into his bedroom. “I
have to get her out of my head.” he said softly.


who out of your head?” Ashley said as she sat up in the bed wearing a white
lace bra and matching thong. Slightly startled, then angered, Ivan looked at


are you doing here and how did you get in?”


you remember? You have me on the list and the doorman let me in. I thought you
would be happy to see me. I haven’t seen you in over a week and I thought you
might be lonely.”


walked over to him and seductively took a sip of his drink. She put her index
finger in the drink and placed her finger in his mouth. He instinctively closed
his lips around it sucking the liquid off her finger. He loosened his tie as
she unbuttoned his shirt pulled it down his muscular arms and let if fall to
the floor. She started kissing him on his chest and then his stomach as she
continued downward. He moaned inwardly.
She dropped to her knees, unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants
allowing them to pool at his feet. He grabbed her hands before she could
release his

from his boxers and pulled her to her feet. He then
pulled up his pants,


need to talk, have a seat.”


she sat on the bed with her legs folded under her and listened to him intently
as he explained that their arrangement had run its course and they would not be
seeing each other again.


Danny drove her home, Ashley was livid.
he thinks I'm just going to walk away, he needs to think again.’
Her plan had to work because she was
going to keep him in her life.




the next few weeks it was extremely busy and Stephanie loved the distraction.
Ivan never mentioned the kiss. They worked together closely but it was strictly
a working relationship. There were two major acquisitions the company needed to
complete and that meant everyone
burning the
midnight oil. The fourth of July was fast approaching and Stephanie and her
friends decided to attend Marco’s barbeque. Ivan offered to take Stephanie, but
she decided to ride with her girlfriends.





JULY 4th


lived in
, a suburb of Philadelphia. The
ladies arrived around three o’clock in the afternoon. When they entered the
house the party was already in full swing. Stephanie looked around for a
familiar face when Marco approached and welcomed her and her friends to his
home. He pointed out where the food and drinks were as he walked them to the
back of the house, introducing them to other guests. The trio made their way to
the bar. They were instantly aware that they were the center of attention. As
they walked towards the bar, men eyed them with lustful looks and the women
looked at them with envy. The three ladies were brown beauties and they stood
out. Tara smiled and whispered to her friends that the song ‘Men All Pause’ by
was playing in her head. They all laughed.


would say that Ty.” Stephanie said.


they reached the bar, Marco told them to help themselves to whatever they
wanted and to enjoy themselves. Marco turned to Stephanie and said.


is somewhere in the house and I will let him know that you arrived.” Stephanie
just smiled. The ladies got drinks and stood at the bar momentarily until they
spotted a free table. As they were approaching the table, Adam and Lawrence
walked up behind them.


word traveled through the party that three beautiful women have arrived and we
had to see what the buzz was about. All I have to say is: Damn, you ladies look
beautiful.” Lawrence joked. Tara punched him in his arm. “Thanks, I think.”


are just trying to rescue you ladies because these men look like they are on
the prowl and the women look like they are going to pounce.” Adam said.


all laughed as Isabella Napoli, Marco’s wife approached. She was a brunette
with long flowing hair, a voluptuous figure and model-like features. She
introduced herself and welcomed them to her home; she then focused her
attention on Stephanie.


I understand that you work for our Ivan. How is that working out?”


they spoke, Lawrence wrapped his hand around Tara’s waist and whispered
something in her ear and then they excused themselves. Adam asked Brianna if
she was interested in a game of pool and she accepted.


that we are alone, allow me to give you a tour of our home. That should give us
a chance to talk.” Isabella said with a genuine smile. She hooked her arm into
Stephanie’s and led her towards the house.
Stephanie loved her beautiful Italian accent. She could tell that
Isabella was a genuine person and she liked her immediately.


I hear that you and Ivan are dating?” Stephanie looked away not wanting to give
her eye contact or she would know how much she really cared for Ivan.


we are colleagues.”
Stephanie said.


think thou protest too much.” She said with a smile. “From what Marco said, he
could not keep his eyes off of you at the restaurant and we have never seen
Ivan with an actual date other than the usual gold diggers and he has never
brought them to the restaurant. I just wanted to meet the woman who has
apparently captured Ivan’s attention and heart, I can see why. You are an
extremely beautiful woman and you definitely have a warm personality.”
Stephanie smiled shyly and thanked her for the compliment but denied Ivan had
feelings for her. “Please dear, the fact that you are here is proof that he has
feelings for you.”


don’t understand. Your husband invited me not Ivan.”


you see dear, the mere fact that you were even at our restaurant means that
Ivan cares about you. Trust me, it’s a big deal.”


don’t understand.”


you like wine?”
Isabella inquired.


Stephanie said.


let’s have a drink and we can talk in private.”


and Isabella talked for about 30 minutes before Ivan walked in with Marco.


better get your lady before my wife tells all your secrets and starts planning
a Christmas wedding.” He whispered while laughing. Ivan quickly moved to
Stephanie’s side.


Stephanie turned to see Ivan standing right behind her. She could feel the heat
rising in her body. It was crazy how he affected her just by standing close.


yourself.” Stephanie responded.


I borrow her Bella? I’m sure you have given her more information that she can
handle in a day.” Ivan said.


“On the
contrary, we were just getting to know each other.” She smiled warmly at


I would like to speak with her if you don’t mind.”


at all Ivan. Stephanie I hope we get to continue our conversation. It was
lovely meeting you.” She leaned into Ivan and said. “She’s a keeper, don’t
screw it up.” She kissed his cheek said ciao to both of them and then walked


you eaten?”


I was about to look for Bri and Ty.”


saw them on the patio with Adam and Lawrence and they appear to have started
without you.”


I guess it’s just you and me then.” Stephanie said with a smile. Ivan placed
his hand on her lower back as he led her to the patio. She felt warm all over
from his touch. They got something to eat and found a private table.


how much dirt did Bella dish about me?” Ivan said.

she had nothing but good things to say about you.” Ivan raised an eyebrow.


if you say so. How’s your food?” He asked while looking into her eyes.


very good.” She said then paused, “Why are looking at me like that?”


what?” Ivan said not breaking eye contact. Stephanie looked down at her plate,
then back into his eyes.


you are looking right through me.”


smiled but didn’t answer. As they finished their meal, Brianna, Tara, Adam and
Lawrence joined them. “So, are you ladies going to stay for the fireworks,
Marco puts on a nice display?” Adam asked.


I guess we can stay for the fireworks but then we have to go. I have work
tomorrow and my boss is a hard ass about lateness.” Stephanie said smiled shyly
and glanced at Ivan and he actually laughed out loud. After the fireworks,
Stephanie, Brianna and Tara said their goodbyes and Stephanie promised to stay
in touch with Isabella.




month into her position, Stephanie along with everyone, was working feverously
to complete the final process of the acquisitions. She sat in the conference
room with Ivan, Betty, Adam, and Lawrence as they made the final edits to the
reports and reviewed the contracts. Finally, they were at a good point to break
for the night. Betty reminded everyone about the upcoming formal that the
entire office attends every year.


you be attending Stephanie? Mr. Quinn always sends a generous contribution and
they send more tickets then we have employees.”


didn’t know I would be invited. I’m not a permanent employee.”


course you are invited and you can bring a guest.”


said not seeing the glaring look Ivan gave him when he said bring a guest.


I will think about it.”


was the first to leave followed by Adam and Lawrence who were heading out for
drinks to celebrate the completion of the project. Ivan and Stephanie declined
the invitation.


cleared the paper work in the conference room and headed to Ivan’s office to
give him the final portion she just completed. She knocked on the door. “Come.”
Ivan said as he always did when she knocked. She walked into the office and he
was at his desk reviewing paper work. He looked up and smiled.


in and have a seat. I need you to review some additional reports if you don’t
mind staying a little later.”


fine. I can stay.”


already took the liberty of ordering Chinese.” Ivan said as he motioned her to
sit on the sofa instead of the chair.

made herself comfortable on the sofa while looking over some paper work.
Another hour into working, the food was delivered. Stephanie grabbed a
container of Kung
chicken, removed her shoes and
sat back on the sofa with her feet under her, making sure that her skirt was
tucked underneath her. Ivan watched as she positioned herself comfortably on
the sofa.

‘God she is so beautiful.’
Just watching her caused his manhood to
pulsate. He grabbed a container of food and sat by her on the sofa.


is this position something you think you might want to do permanently?”


this job can be intense but I do like the work and I am really learning a lot
about the real estate market. So yes, this is something I can see myself doing long


Ivan said. There was silence. Stephanie was the first to speak. “Can I ask you
a something not relating to work?”


listening.” He said while staring directly into her eyes.


did you kiss me a few weeks ago?” He continued to stare into her eyes a few
more seconds before he answered.


have the most amazing lips. They looked so inviting that I could not resist.
After doing so I realized that it was inappropriate and I assure you that it
will not happen again unless it is initiated by you.” He said confidently.


really and how do you know I would ever initiate such behavior.”


don’t, but I will not make that mistake again. I am not an impulsive person.
Everything I do is thought out thoroughly. So that kiss will not happen again
unless it is something that we both agree on.” Ivan said.


good enough.”


Is there a boyfriend I will have to worry about?” He said smiling.


No boyfriend.”


I do remember that not being a topic you wanted to entertain when we went to
dinner. Have
past boyfriends been that horrible?”

BOOK: Delusional Love (2nd Edition)
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