Read Delta Recon (SEAL Team Phantom Series, Book 2) Online

Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #SEALs, #Alpha, #action adventure, #Military

Delta Recon (SEAL Team Phantom Series, Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: Delta Recon (SEAL Team Phantom Series, Book 2)
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Here she was buck-ass naked, carrying on a conversation with two men and a wolf. She was definitely sick. Cora raised her hand to feel her head. The short speech made her breathless, like she’d just run a marathon.

Behind her, she heard something growl. Turning to see the gorgeous man wearing a scowl, she took an involuntary step away. She looked around, fearing a wild animal had somehow gotten inside her office.

“Thank you, Cora Welch, for saving my cub. I owe you a life debt.”

She swung her gaze back to the man holding the wolf. “Who are you? I’ve seen you in town, but I don’t think we’ve met.”

“I am Niall Malik. The man behind you is my brother, Zayn Malik.”

Cora’s tummy fluttered as she looked behind her at the man named Zayn. Lower down, between her thighs, her sex seemed to swell. A woman could come just from the stare of his blue eyed gaze.

“Well, it was very nice to meet you both, but I’m not feeling the, um...”

Cora stumbled forward. A steely arm wrapped around her from behind. Blonde hair lightly dusted the arm roped with muscles upon muscles. Tattoos covered every available inch of skin she could see.

“Easy,” Zayn murmured.

Cora blinked. Her stomach twisted; her pulse beat so loud she was sure even the man not holding her could hear it. Why did she feel like something monumental was about to happen?

“What the hell is wrong with me?”

Around her she saw white flashes. More men seemed to fill her once empty clinic. She wasn’t a fan of having people witness her in a towel, let alone if she was going to either hump the man holding her or pass out. Either option seemed possible.

She blinked her eyes a few times to clear her vision. The newcomers pushed and jostled or shoved for prime position to see what the action was, making it the last straw for Cora. The equipment, along with all the instruments, was expensive, and not something she wanted to have to replace.

“Everyone stop!” Cora yelled, stepping forward with her hand out, hoping they didn’t see the way it shook.

Zayn pulled her in closer to his body, eliminating the small space she’d attempted to put between them for her own peace of mind. Did the man not understand personal space?

Niall inclined his head. “You heard the lady. Everyone move out. The situation is in hand.”

“Zayn’s got something in hand.”

“Watch your tone, McDowell.” Niall warned.

McDowell was easily fifty pounds heavier than Niall, and it looked to be all muscle, but he seemed to shrink right before Cora’s eyes at Niall’s command. Cora studied all the men in front of her with a slow inspection. Faded denim hugged muscular legs, skin tight T-shirts or sleeveless flannel button down covered equally muscular torsos. Each man looked as if he stepped off the cover of some muscle magazine. She may be new to the Mystic River area, but she was pretty sure it was not normal for so many gorgeous men to be in one place, unless...
Oh please don’t be gay.

The extremely large erection digging into her back gave her hope that the man holding her wasn’t, but in this day and age one just never knew.

“Sorry, Alpha. We see you found your cub.” McDowell nodded towards Niall.

“Yes, let’s head back. I’m sure he’s tired from his long day.”

Cora pulled her attention from checking out the bevy of gorgeous men to see the look of love shining in Niall’s eyes as he looked down into the blue eyes of the wolf in his arms.

“Where did you say the trap was, Cora?” Zayn asked.

After she explained where it was located off the running trail, all the men in the room trained their eyes on her. “What are you looking at me like that for?”

“How did you get him back here?” Niall fired the question at her.

“I wrapped him in my jacket, picked him up, and carried him.” Her arms still felt like Jell-O from carrying him for over two miles.

“You carried an injured, sixty-five pound cub, over two miles?’ Zayn raised his brows.

Cora frowned. “Are you calling me a liar?” She spun out of his arms, nearly falling in her haste. She raised her hand when Zayn reached to touch her. “First of all, he weighs seventy-two pounds.” She pointed to the cub in question. “Second of all, I usually run over five miles every day, not to mention I do yoga and cross-fit. So yeah, carrying him was really hard, and I nearly fell several times. My arms hurt just holding them up right now, but I did it, and I would do it again. I am not a liar. You and whoever else who don’t believe me can go fuck yourself, and get the hell out of my clinic, because I’m tired, cranky, and I really need to lie down.”

“Everybody back the fuck up.” Zayn reached for her.

She took a deep breath. There were half a dozen men in the clinic, and she had no clue how they’d gotten in, or why they were all there. “Who are all of you, and why are you here? How did you get in?” The sound of distress from the cub stirred her overprotective instincts.

Forcing herself to turn her attention back to the man who seemed to be in charge, Cora smiled at the wide awake cub. “Did all that ruckus wake you up?”

Cora looked up into blue eyes very similar to the young wolf, but shook off the notion. “He may need some more pain meds. I had him on an IV drip, but
took it out. I can give you some in pill form that you can mix in with his food if you notice him having any discomfort.”

“Thank you, Cora. These are men from When a cub goes missing everyone drops what they’re doing to search. I’m sorry if we’ve scared you.” Niall inclined his head.

She flicked away his thank you with a wave of her hand, glad to see almost everyone had cleared out, like they’d been waiting for the order. Now, if she could just get rid of the last of her unwanted visitors, she could go to bed. Surely by the time she woke up in the morning, she’d feel much better. If not, she’d go to the doctor, even if she hated the thought of that.

“Do you have someone to take care of you?” Niall asked.

“I don’t need anyone taking care of me.”

“I’m afraid I can’t leave you here alone, Cora. Either you come home with us, or Zayn stays with you. We owe you a life debt.”

“That’s...that’s crazy. I just saved your pet. Now you have him and everything is fine. I just have a bit of a cold. It’s fine.”

Niall shook his head, and Zayn’s scowl deepened. “Seriously, I’m fine,” she repeated.

“You coming with us, or is he staying here?”

He was an immovable obstacle. What do you do with an immovable obstacle? You go around him. Cora was glad her wits were still functioning, even though she knew her fever had to be even higher than the last time she took it.

“How about if I take some meds and call you in the morning?” See, she could be reasonable. She nodded.

“Did you grab her bag?”

With a quick glance, Cora gawked at the sight of Zayn holding her overnight bag with more than just a change of clothing. “Yes,” Zayn growled.

“Good. Grab the girl.”

What were the chances she could make it down the hall to her apartment with the steel door before either man could catch her? And if she did make it, could she get the alarm set and the police called before she passed out?

All these questions became a moot point when the man in front of her turned on his bare feet, which she just noticed, and walked out the front door, while Zayn murmured next to her ear, “You wouldn’t make it two feet before I caught you.”

“What?” Her voice came out in a breathless squeak she blamed on fright.

“You have very expressive eyes, and they were saying very clearly that you were about to do a runner. Rest assured, nobody, and I mean nobody in our...home would ever hurt you. We only want to see to your safety and wellbeing.”

The last bit of strength Cora possessed left her all at once. Fortunately for her, Zayn just happened to be there to stop her from kissing the floor. Still, common sense told her she should let someone know where she was, just in case they planned to murder her—or something.

“I need to let my assistant know where I am in case of an emergency.”

“It’s Saturday. Aren’t you closed on Sundays?”

Her challenge almost faded on her lips, not because she’d lost her senses, but because he’d bent his head so close to hers she could feel his breath on her lips. For a moment she almost forgot how to breathe. Holy buckets, the man was potent.

“I said in case of an emergency.”

“Fine. Who do you need to call?”

Cora swallowed. Surely if they were going to kill her, they wouldn’t allow her to let people know where she was going. Right?

With a grunt, Zayn waited while she left a voicemail for her assistant, letting her know she’d be staying with the Maliks and to call her cell if she needed her.

“Okay. You can put me down.”

“Not gonna happen. You’ll fall down, and then Niall will blame me.”

Cora gaped at his audacity. “You can’t carry me all the way back to your place.”

“One of the guys brought my truck. I only have to carry you out front,” he grunted.

She was too tired, and honestly too sick, to argue any further. Besides, his shoulder really felt good to lay her head on. “You smell really, really good.”

“You said that before.”

Cora closed her eyes against the flashes of white light.

Zayn pulled the door closed, engaging the locks. “Any problems on your way back, Kellen?”

“Coast was clear. Everything okay on your end, boss?” Kellen called from his place against the wall of the clinic.

At the sound of the newcomer’s voice, Cora turned her head into Zayn’s chest.

“Yes. Thank you for bringing my rig. Can you drive while I hold her? I don’t think she will let me go long enough to let me drive us home.”

She really wanted to lift her head and give him the finger, but at that very minute she couldn’t. The steady rocking from his walk was so soothing her body went lax. Instead of fighting sleep, she let it claim her. A sense of security wrapped around her in the tattooed arms of the big man that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

About Elle Boon

Elle Boon lives in Middle-Merica as she likes to say...with her husband, two kids, and a black lab who is more like a small pony. She’d never planned to be a writer, but when life threw her a curve, she swerved with it, since she’s athletically challenged. She’s known for saying “Bless Your Heart” and dropping lots of F-bombs, but she loves where this new journey has taken her.

She writes what she loves to read, and that is romance, whether it’s erotic or paranormal, as long as there is a happily ever after. Her biggest hope is that after readers have read one of her stories, they fall in love with her characters as much as she did. She loves creating new worlds and has more stories just waiting to be written. Elle believes in happily ever afters, and can guarantee you will always get one with her stories.

Connect with Elle online, she loves to hear from you:

Author’s Note


’m often asked by wonderful readers how they could help get the word out about the book they enjoyed. There are many ways to help out your favorite author, but one of the best is by leaving an honest review. Another great way is spread the word by recommending the books you love, because stories are meant to be shared. Thank you so very much for reading this book and supporting all authors. If you’d like to find out more about Elle’s books, visit her website, or follow her on FaceBook, Twitter and other social media sites.

Other Books By Elle Boon

Erotic Ménage

Ravens of War

Selena’s Men

Two For Tamara

Jaklyn’s Saviors

Kira’s Warriors

Shifters Romance

Mystic Wolves

Accidentally Wolf

His Perfect Wolf

Jett’s Wild Wolf

Bronx’s Wicked Wolf, Coming Soon

Paranormal Romance



Berserker’s Rage

A SmokeJumpers Christmas

Mind Bender, Coming Soon

MC Shifters Erotic

Iron Wolves MC

Lyric’s Accidental Mate

Xan’s Feisty Mate

Kellen’s Tempting Mate

Slater’s Enchanted Mate

Bodhi’s Synful Mate, Coming in 2016

Contemporary Romance

Miami Nights

Miami Inferno

Miami Blaze, Coming Soon

SEAL Team Phantom Series

Delta Salvation

Delta Recon

Delta Rogue, Coming Soon

BOOK: Delta Recon (SEAL Team Phantom Series, Book 2)
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