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Authors: Clara Bayard

Deep Rocked (5 page)

BOOK: Deep Rocked
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But before I could muse anymore, Dex returned. He was still hard, maybe harder than before, and holding a few foil packets in his hand.

“How many of those do you have?” I asked.

He groaned upon noticing I was completely naked. “Not nearly enough.”

I laughed and then sighed as he pounced, coming to rest between my legs again.

“I will try to be gentle, but it will hurt a bit, I think.”

“I don’t care.”

“I do.” He was rolling the condom down over his length, mesmerizing me. “I never want to cause you pain.”


He looked down into my eyes and I saw doubt in his. Concern. It was sweet, but stupid. My lack of experience showed, I had no idea how to soothe him. But I did, I realized, know how to excite him, and maybe that would be enough.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted my lower body close to his throbbing shaft. “Fuck me.”

He swore under his breath and kissed me hard. Spreading me open with one hand he slid inside slowly, the way eased by my arousal.

“Oh my god,” I whispered as he entered, pushing gently, but relentlessly. He filled me, thrilled me, overwhelmed me. The pain was slight, barely noticeable when I looked into his eyes and saw the hunger, the affection, the care, and something else. Something like wonder.

“Becca,” he breathed, shutting his eyes and burying his face next to my head, pushing his lips into the fall of my hair.

Our coupling was sweet and intimate in a way I never thought possible. In all the times I’d thought about doing it, letting someone inside me fully, I couldn’t have imagined the connection between us. Dex knew exactly how to coax the most pleasure from my body, using his cock, his fingers, his lips to make it so good I could barely take it.

When he finally gripped my hips and began to thrust deep and hard, I came again, shuddering and whimpering. But he didn’t slow, or stop. Like before, he used the signs of my orgasm to force me to a new level. Where I was only vaguely aware of anything but the sensations consuming me. The twisting, churning ecstasy. The press of his weight over me. The feeling of his sweat-slicked skin under my fingers. The sound of his panting breaths.

And then I went off again, this time coming apart in a million pieces, exploding in a supernova of sexual bliss. I was dimly aware of him letting go, surging inside me once more and finding his own climax before we collapsed together in a quivering mass of exhaustion.

We lay there, still locked together, for a long time. Then Dex kissed my neck and rolled off of me, gripping my hand in his as if he needed to stay physically connected.

It was beautiful. Perfect. Nothing else in the world meant anything to me in that moment. I felt like I could fly. No, it felt like I was flying. Far above everything I’d ever known before. But with his hand in mine, it was wonderful.

“What happens next?” I asked, still breathless.

“Cuddling, I think it’s called.”

I smiled. “I meant after the cuddling.”

“Well,” he drawled. “If it goes well, we have another go. Maybe one after that, too.”

I smacked his arm lightly. “You know what I mean, Dex.”

“I do.” He drew a finger down the side of my face and over my chin. “I don’t know what comes next. But I know I need you. And I want you. Not just in bed. In my life, however it works. You saved me today, Becca. Kept me going. And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

It thrilled me to hear him repeating my own words, and now I felt the same, even stronger. It wasn’t love, not yet. But Dex lived deep inside my heart and I could see a future for us, a real one, for the first time. Sure, I could list a hundred reasons we wouldn’t work. But it didn’t matter. Nothing did except what I was feeling in my heart, and what I could see in his eyes.

With everything we’d gone through and shared, he wasn’t just the sexy bass player anymore. He was, in a strange way, mine. I knew him in a way no one else did, and that was powerful. Whatever came at us, I knew we could face it together.

“Did I say something wrong, love?”

“No. Of course not. Why?”

He lowered his mouth to my neck and kissed me there. “You were pulling a face.”

“I didn’t mean to. I was thinking happy thoughts.”

Dex reared up and threw a leg over me. “What a coincidence. I’ve for a happy thought, too.”

I giggled as he pressed against me. “That is not a thought.”

“No, but it is a plan.”

“Oh, really?” I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer. “What kind of plan.”

“I’ll show you instead of explaining. But brace yourself, it might take all night.”

His fingers skimmed over my waist and hips as he positioned his body between my thighs.

“All night sounds great,” I replied.

And it was.

Chapter Five

The next morning I woke up to the sound of light snoring. I turned over and saw Dex, limbs splayed out, dead to the world. He was beautiful. Awake he was either draped over something artfully or in motion. But now, deep asleep, he was still in a way I’d never seen before. And snoring. It made me want to laugh and cover his face in kisses. Such a normal thing from an extraordinary man.

I got up quietly, careful not to disturb him and visited the bathroom. When I emerged, he’d rolled over onto his stomach. With his face hidden, I could just stare for a while without worrying he’d see me. The strong vee of his back rose and fell rhythmically, and his arms rested at his sides. Those arms had twisted and turned me last night. And the slim hips that disappeared under the blanket had been my handles when he took entered me. Just remembering sent heat through my whole body.

Feeling like a total letch, I shook my head and pulled on the pajamas I’d brought but hadn’t needed last night before leaving the bedroom. But as I walked down the hall and into the living room, Dex’s face on the walls followed me, keeping my mind in the gutter, and on the man sleeping behind me.

But in the light of day, as much as I wanted to hop back in and see what happened, I had things to do, responsibilities I couldn’t ignore. And in the back of my mind was the reality that we were going back to the tour later. This excursion had been sad and scary and exciting and wonderful, but it had real ramifications back in the real world.

Part of me wanted to scream to the heavens that Dex and I were together – in every sense of the word. Of course, I couldn’t do that. No one could know about us. At first that bummed me out, but then, after thinking about it more, it wasn’t so bad. There wasn’t a person on the planet who could really understand what was between us. Hell, I barely got it myself. So maybe it was fine that no one knew. Like the freckle on my leg, it would be our secret. Our private paradise.

I grinned at that idea as I cleaned up. Clothes littered the floor, dropped in our passionate haste. The memory made things low in my body ache with desire again.

I fought the urge to dive back into bed and checked my phone instead. There were a dozen emails, but nothing pressing. Ryan had called sometime over night, but hadn’t left a message, so I sent him a quick text. Glancing at the time I groaned and made a “to do” list in my head. Clean, confirm flight time, call cab for a ride, get Dex some time to see his dad again, if he wanted. It was a lot to accomplish. Private paradise was going to have to wait. I finished cleaning up and went back into the bedroom to wake Dex.

Climbing onto the bed next to him, I felt strangely shy. What if he woke up and wasn’t as insanely happy as I was? It turned out I had nothing to worry about. I called his name softly and he rolled over to face me, cracking one eye open.


“Yes. We need to get going soon.”

“Mm.” He shifted on the bed and the blanket slipped below his hips, displaying his impressive member.

I tried to look away, but couldn’t. Blushing, I recalled how he’d felt inside me, and a wave of heat rushed through me, taking my breath away.

Dex, ever observant, noticed. He chuckled, voice husky with sleep, and grabbed me. I fell on top of him and he wrapped his legs around mine, trapping me close. “How about a good morning kiss?”

I planted a quick, close-lipped kiss on the corner of his mouth. “There. Now get up. We have things to do today.”

“Yes. Very important things,” he murmured. But based on the way his hips rose against me, and his hands cupped my ass, his list of things was not the same as mine.

“Uh-uh. We’re in a hurry, Dex.”

“Then you best hurry up and get your clothes off, hadn’t you?”

I giggled. “We don’t have time.”

He nuzzled my neck and snuck a hand up my shirt to cup my breast. “Make time.”

With a sigh, I gave in. It wasn’t much of a sacrifice.


Somewhat miraculously, a few hours later we were waiting in line to board a plane to meet up with the rest of the band in Glasgow. It had been a mad rush. After our morning delight, Dex insisted on joining me in the shower. He claimed it would save time and water, but considering how long we spent in there, exploring each other’s bodies before any actual cleaning up occurred, it probably took longer than if we’d gone separately. But again, I couldn’t really complain. Dex had taken the time to wash my hair for me and I laughed as I remembered his careful attention. Now my hair was back in its usual low bun, but when I closed my eyes I could still remember the feeling of his hands raking gently through the long blond strands.

After dressing and locking the apartment behind us, we walked over to the hospital with our bags. Dex handed the keys over to the member of his family in the waiting room. I’d been hoping to get to see Karen again, but was told she’d left to go to work. We snuck into his father’s room even though visiting hours hadn’t started yet, but he was sleeping. Up close I could see the family resemblance. Allen and Dex shared the same strong chin and medium complexion, though the man in the bed was pale.

I offered to leave Dex alone in there, but he grabbed my hand and held it tightly as he stood over his father. The room was silent except for machines beeping.

“Rest well, old man. I wish you the best,” Dex said evenly. He swallowed a few times and looked over at me with watery eyes. “I’m not coming back here again.”

I nodded and squeezed his hand. “Let’s go home.”

We caught a cab outside and were at the airport quickly. A surprisingly short security line and short walk to the gate in the small airport meant we were only a few minutes late for our flight.

But as we stood with the other passengers, Dex’s arm slung over my shoulder, a woman in an airline uniform motioned for us to leave the line and go talk to her.

Dex lifted our bags over his shoulder, shrugged and headed over.

She smiled brightly and held out her hand for him to shake. “Dex Winters?”

He nodded.

“I thought that was you. We’re honored to have you travelling with us. If you’d like, we can offer you priority boarding.” She leaned in and lowered her voice. “No need for
to wait in the queue.”

“Sure, okay.” Dex looked over at me. “That would be lovely of you.”

The woman barely glanced at me. “Of course. Your assistant is welcome to board with you.”

He opened his mouth to correct her, but I elbowed him lightly in the side. “Thanks so much,” I said, plastering a fake smile on.

She nodded and led us towards the plane. Some people in the line grumbled, others stared.

Once we were in our seats, I leaned over to ask Dex about that. “Do you ever get used to that?”

“Fuck no,” he said. “It’s embarrassing. Especially when I’m on my own. With the other guys, we’re a spectacle, yeah? I hate seeming like some snooty arse trying to get special treatment. But it’s worse if you argue.”

“I can see that.”

“Didn’t your dad get this?”

“Not so much. At least not when I was around. They never made it that big so people recognized him on the street or anything. But that was before YouTube and gossip blogs.”

“Don’t remind me.” He groaned. “Used to be they only cared about Joe, but lately we’re all ‘news’ or some shit.”

I smiled and patted his hand, very aware of the people filing past us to find their seats. “Poor Dex. The plight of the rock star.”

“Shut up.”

I giggled.

“You’re nuts today, Becca.”

“Happy. I’m happy today.”

Dex grinned. “You’re glowing. And sexy. I might have my way with you right here. What’s it? Mile high club?”

“Don’t you dare!”

He arched an eyebrow and moved his hand to my knee.

“Stop it. I mean it.”

Dex ignored me and worked his other hand behind my back and lower.

“Quit it.”

“Or what?”

I glared at him, but there was no fire behind it. I loved that he was so playful, and apparently couldn’t keep his hands off of me. “Or I’ll never kiss you again.”

He pulled his hands away, but bent his head to right next to my ear. “Idle threat, love. You’re already wondering when we’ll be alone next. When my lips will be on you again.”

My throat went dry, and he was right. I was hooked on him, and couldn’t wait for my next fix. “Maybe. But please try to behave. It’s a short flight.”

“Fine, fine.” He smiled and sat back in his seat. We chatted about nothing in particular while we waited for the plane to take off, and the flight itself was uneventful.

By the time we landed the arrangements I’d made before we left Bristol were in order and we were whisked away to the hotel in a hired car. I stopped at the front desk to pick up keys and led Dex upstairs.

I unlocked my room, the smallest one on the end of the row I’d reserved for everyone. The second the door opened Dex shoved me inside and his hands were everywhere.

Letting everything fall on the ground I kissed him, driving my tongue into his mouth. Tasting him was like breathing again after being underwater. “You can’t stay in here long.”

“Don’t care.” He crowded me against the wall and grabbed my butt, pulling me into him. “I want you. I need you.”

I moaned into his mouth and pushed my hands up the back of his t-shirt, reveling in the feeling of his bare skin. Our hands roamed freely and the tight schedule flew from my mind. That is, until my phone rang.

BOOK: Deep Rocked
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