Read Deceived - Part 1 New York Online

Authors: Eve Carter

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #erotic romance, #office romance, #new adult, #contemporary adult romance

Deceived - Part 1 New York (2 page)

BOOK: Deceived - Part 1 New York
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Hope he really loves his

Tick, tock, time was
running out. I nailed the elevator button with the point of my
elbow as my lunch hour screeched to an end. I bolted out of the
elevator door on the 26th floor of the Seagram building, where
Meyer and Meyer housed their lavish offices, my arms draped with a
Barney’s garment bag. A fashionable shoe bag hung from the crux of
my elbow, a cell phone rested in my one hand, while I sucked on an
ice cold Starbuck’s Frappuccino cupped in the other

Looking like a juggling
act for a three-ring-circus, I went crashing down the hall to my
office. No sooner had I rounded the corner when my new favorite
best friend, Elyse, just about knocked me over like a bowling pin.
My drink cup slammed up against my chest, almost ripping off the
lid. Images of coffee stains dribbled down the front of
dress jack knifed the word out of my mouth,


So sorry
honey. Are you okay? Did I spill your coffee on
you? What’s the big hurry anyway?” she

wouldn’t believe it, Elyse,” I said with a huff.

She followed me to my
desk, in her baby-step fashion, an awkward gate induced by heels
that were too high for office attire. Taking the coffee cup out of
my hand, she proceeded to unload my arms of each item, one by
one. Arms free of my shopping burden, I ushered her around
behind the desk away from prying ears and excitedly explained in a
low voice.

to this,” I breathed excitedly as I picked up the nearest
notebook and stood poised with a pen in my hand, so if anyone was
looking they would think we were discussing

Collins called me into his office this morning and told me to shut
the door and sit down. I had no idea what was up because he never
does that. Jeez, he’s so hot and
was sweating bullets just staring at his strong square jaw while
the words rolled out of his mouth. It was like one of those movie
scenes where the leading lady sees the mouth moving, but can’t hear
the words because she is so enamored by the guy.”

already,” Elyse said impatiently. “I get it. He’s a hunk. Yada,
yada, yada, just get to the point girl.”

I broke out of my false
business-conversation pose and put my props down on the desk, too
consumed with excitement to pretend I was calmly
working. Leaning into each other, Elyse and I sat down at the
same time in chairs behind my desk.

at four o’clock, there is a meeting with one of the company’s most
prestigious clients, Baroness Von Lamberg. Mr. Collins wants fresh
cutting edge ideas to present and asked me to attend.“ The words
spilled out of my mouth like water over a broken

No way!
That’s fantastic. Stepping up to the big league now,” she

I know,”
I nodded, “but get this, then he whips out his credit card and
waves it in my face saying he wants me to buy a birthday gift for
his niece.”

that’s not so weird. Lots of bosses ask their office girls to run
errands,” she affirmed.

I know,
but it was more in the way he asked and the tone in his

Oh, I’m
sure he has the hots for you Chloe,” Elyse smiled

it!” I objected. “He’s my boss. Maybe I’m just reading too much
into this thing. He could have any woman, hell, he could have a
whole harem of hot, sexy young women, with big tits and tight round
asses from here to eternity. I don’t stand a chance. I’m sure
this is just another one of my “delusions of

are you saying that you are schizo or something?” she

Ha ha.
No, this guy just drives me crazy. Elyse, the way he looked at me
across the desk today was so intense. All I wanted was to straddle
him over the desk and shove my tongue down his throat, until the
people a floor below could hear the desk thumping.” I rocked back
in laughter at the thought of the two of us going at it on his

When he
was checking me out, he did that guy thing where his eyes were
talking to my tits.”

And what
did your “tits” say back to him?” she said with a

I snorted a little

I don’t
know. I’m sure it’s all in my imagination anyway.”

listen to me, you are a hottie. Of course he’s interested. He'd
have to be dead from the waist down not to notice how beautiful you
are. Your sweetheart shaped face is every guy's dream. You have
long legs that always look amazing in heels, and the fact that you
have to shop in the double D drawer at Victoria’s Secret, makes you
the envy of every girl.”

I can
always count on you to build me up Elyse. Thanks
buttercup.” Elyse rolled her eyes and groaned at my stupid

I sighed and leaned my
elbow on my desk. A pile of paperwork shifted in response
to my motion and white copy paper fluttered to the floor like
the wings of a dove. The noise jerked my attention to the

I needed to prepare for the meeting and it was only a few
hours away, but first I had a more pressing matter at

Quickly I scooped up the
dress, intent on delivering the treasure to Patrick. I
hoped that, when he saw the dress for his niece, he would be
dazzled with my fashion acuity. I prickled with delight at the
thought of how his face would light up when I showed him the gown.
I carried it like a jewel on a pillow to his office.

He was on the phone when I
peeked my head in. I pushed the door open a little with my foot,
the garment bag draped over both my outstretched arms like I was
presenting him with a cake.

I could see that he was in
the middle of a call, but he waved me in from behind his desk and
hung up the phone.

Come in,
come in, Chloe,” he urged. He moved out from behind the desk to
meet me, gently taking the garment bag from my arms. “This is great
Chloe. I can’t wait to see the dress. I’m sure you have exquisite
taste.” He started to reach for the zipper but

Would you, would you- um -show me by trying it on?” he

I tilted my head a little
to one side and gave him a
“What the
look and instinctively took a step

He laid the bag out on the
length of his office couch and walked towards me with those
beautiful sexy eyes beaming straight into my soul.

Face to face, he gently
took hold of my arms in his strong hands, halting my escape with a
firm grip. I could feel the heat from his body radiating into my
personal perimeter and then straight into my inner being, where the
mixture of the smell of his cologne and charm melted my

I knew that I shouldn’t
have these forbidden feelings, but my mind was swimming through a
haze of emotions and desire. My breathing picked up, and I felt a
warm tingling feeling pulsate through my body from head to
toe. I was almost sure that under his fingers, he must have
felt the buzzing of my sentient pleasure. He was my boss. But I
didn’t care. In this moment in time we were the only two people in
the universe.

He held me at arm’s length
and I felt the slightest pull of his fingertips on my arms, as if
to suggest that he wanted to pull me into an embrace, but he
faltered in the silence that engulfed us. We stood there, locked
into each other’s gaze, frozen in time. I burned with passion for
him, longing for his lips to find mine in a reverie of wet, hot

His expression was hungry
and lustful but I didn’t want to put him in a compromising
position. In today's business place no one wants to face
the possibility of getting slapped with a sexual harassment
lawsuit. I wanted to melt into his arms but instead I desperately
tried to take control of my emotions and change the direction of
where things were going; the pace of my breathing causing my speech
to falter a little.

Mr. Collins, I, ah... well... I suppose I could. Do you want me to
take it down to the restroom and try it?” I was turning into a pile
of melted butter under his riveting stare.

The buzzer suddenly
squawked on his intercom breaking his gaze. He turned reluctantly
to answer the intercom, “Not now Clare,” he said impatiently and
turned back to me.

No, not
the ladies room.“ He looked around the room and took a few steps
toward the back office.

How about in here? Yea, here. Come back here to my file room.
I was going to keep the dress here anyway until her

He picked up the garment
bag and led the way back to his little annex where he kept his
confidential files. I could see the warm yellow light of a lawyer’s
lamp sitting on a small mahogany writing desk, softly shining out
of the room, balancing out the harsh fluorescent lights of the
hallway. It was a small room with no windows; the walls were lined
with bookshelves, file cabinets and a coat rack where he hung his
stylish overcoat, stood just inside the door.

here?” I asked with some trepidation. I scanned the room as we
walked inside but decided it would do. It was better than trying to
put on a $3000 designer dress in the stall of the ladies’

Just give me a minute.”

He delicately hung the
dress in the garment bag on the coat rack, and carefully smoothed
out the bottom of the bag so it wouldn’t crumple. I loved the
way he paid attention to details of the things he cared

you go beautiful,“ he winked. “Knock yourself out. I’ll be right
outside the door.”

Once the door closed, I
kicked off my high heels and shoved them to the side of one of the
file cabinets. In one fell swoop my work clothes dropped to the
floor with a soft swoosh. I carefully unzipped the garment bag
painfully aware of the time constraints. The conference was fast
approaching, but my ardent desire to please Patrick, pushed aside
any thoughts of the four o’clock meeting and I quickly slipped on
the long flowing gown. I gingerly opened the door a crack. I didn’t
know whether to walk out to show him or wait for him to come in,
but decided to just let the door swing open and stood there at the

I said with a gesture like I was the magician's assistant who had
just reappeared after a vanishing act.

Patrick had been waiting
just outside the door texting on his cell phone. When he heard the
door open he spun around to look. He sucked in a short breath and
said, “Wow, Chloe. You’re so beautiful. You look stunning in
that dress.”

Pleased with his reaction,
I turned around in a little circle so he could get a 360 degree

sorry, I couldn’t quite reach to finish zipping up the back. Could
you help me get the zipper?” I asked as I pulled my long hair to
one side and exposed my back to him. I waited in that pose holding
my hair aside and my neck elongated. I anticipated the pressure of
his hand on the zipper but instead I felt the steam of his breath
on the back of my neck. I inhaled the toxic ardor of his cologne
and with his hand he smoothed my hair aside to expose even more of
the back of my neck. I made no effort to retreat. I closed my eyes
and drank in the erotic surge of energy that was transferred from
his body to mine, only nanoseconds away from me. Currents of desire
pulsed through my nervous system and rocked the stability of my
very soul. His presence unleashed in me an impulsive fire that I
had never felt before. I wanted to fall into his arms and give
myself to him with liberated passion.

His warm soft lips touched
the surface of my neck and he slowly and seductively began kissing
my bare skin, sending a crescendo of sensual nerve signals to flood
my brain. The combination of his fervent kisses on my neck and his
hard body pressing up against my back, made an amalgam like soup of
my thoughts. A tornado of sexual feelings turned into a mind
boggling dizziness that left me weak in the knees. All logic and
reason flew out the window and I longed to give in to his hypnotic
force. My pulse quickened in an instant and the force of the air
pulling at my lung, compelled me to open my mouth as if to pant for
more of his energy.

Breathlessly, he whispered
my name, licking on the lobe of my ear, running his tongue around
its edges, and gently teasing the lobe between his teeth. With one
last long gentle suck he released it and he spoke in a broken
whisper, “Chloe, I,” his words strangled by his

I released a slight moan
as he cupped my face in his hand to turn my lips towards his. The
heat of the moment melted the words in my throat into a whimpering
surrender and his lips crushed down on mine in a fiery cascade of
hot, wet kisses that were met with complete abandon. He pulled me
in hard to his chest, ravaging my mouth with his tongue, one arm
encircling my body while the other hand pushed and squeezed at my
breast. The dress had fallen off one shoulder, and his grasping
hand had worked the fabric down to expose the creamy upper crest of
my heaving breast.

BOOK: Deceived - Part 1 New York
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